def extract_from_map(self, gps_pos, attitude, shape, scale=1): """ Return an image from the map for a given position and attitude and with a given shape """ data_temp = RadarData( 0, np.ones((int(np.ceil(shape[0] / scale)), int(np.ceil(shape[1] / scale)))), gps_pos, attitude, self.precision) img1, cov_img1, new_origin = self.build_partial_map(data_temp) P_start = self.attitude.apply(new_origin - gps_pos)[0:2] / self.precision R = rotation_proj(self.attitude, attitude).inv().as_dcm()[:2, :2] M2 = np.concatenate((R,[[P_start[0]], [P_start[1]]]))), axis=1) M2 = scale * np.eye(2).dot(M2) img2 = cv2.warpAffine(img1, M2, (shape[1], shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderValue=0) cov_img2 = cv2.warpAffine(cov_img1, M2, (shape[1], shape[0]), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderValue=0) return img2, cov_img2
def add(self, new_data, fusion=True): """ Add a new radar data on the map fusion: if false, add raw data to the map """ if self.last_data is None: # use position/attitude custom initialisation if not (self.position is None): new_data = RadarData(, new_data.img, self.position, new_data.attitude) if not (self.attitude is None): new_data = RadarData(, new_data.img, new_data.gps_pos, self.attitude) if self.mapping: self.mapdata.add_data(new_data) else: self.mapdata = deepcopy(new_data) self.last_data = deepcopy(new_data) self.position = deepcopy(self.mapdata.gps_pos) self.attitude = deepcopy(self.mapdata.attitude) else: if fusion: self.predict(new_data) self.update(new_data) self.position = self.process_position(new_data) self.attitude = self.process_attitude(new_data) else: self.position = new_data.gps_pos self.attitude = new_data.attitude self.last_data = RadarData(, new_data.img, self.position, self.attitude) if self.mapping: self.mapdata.add_data(self.last_data) return deepcopy(self.position), deepcopy(self.attitude)
def localize(self, new_data, gps_guess=False): """ Find the position of a image thanks to the map """ if gps_guess: mapping_img, _ = self.mapdata.extract_from_map( new_data.gps_pos, new_data.attitude, np.shape(new_data.img)) gps_pos, attitude = projection(self.mapdata.gps_pos, self.mapdata.attitude, new_data.gps_pos, new_data.attitude) mapping_data = RadarData(None, mapping_img, gps_pos, attitude) else: mapping_img, _ = self.mapdata.extract_from_map( self.position, self.attitude, np.shape(new_data.img)) mapping_data = RadarData(None, mapping_img, self.position, self.attitude) self.position, self.attitude = new_data.image_position_from( mapping_data) self.last_data = RadarData(, new_data.img, self.position, self.attitude) if self.mapping: self.mapdata.add_data(self.last_data) return deepcopy(self.position), deepcopy(self.attitude)
def load_heatmaps(self, t_ini=0, t_final=np.inf): """ Function load radar data magnitude from HDF5 between t_ini and t_final""" hdf5 = h5py.File(self.src,'r+') cv2_transformations = SqliteDict('cv2_transformations.db', autocommit=True) cv2_transformations['use_dataset'] = self.src cv2_transformations.close() try: aperture = hdf5['radar']['broad01']['aperture2D'] except: raise Exception("The images should be in radar/broad01/aperture2D directory") if not(('preprocessed' in aperture.attrs) and aperture.attrs['preprocessed']): hdf5.close() raise Exception("The dataset should be preprocessed before with Preprocessor") try: times = list(aperture.keys()) # Importing radar images from dataset t0 = float(times[0]) times = [times[i] for i in range(len(times)) if float(times[i])-t0>=t_ini and float(times[i])-t0<=t_final] prev_perc = -1 for i, t in enumerate(times): if np.floor(i/(len(times)-1)*10) != prev_perc: print("Loading data: "+str(np.floor(i/(len(times)-1)*10)*10)+"%") prev_perc = np.floor(i/(len(times)-1)*10) heatmap = aperture[t][...]; if not np.sum(heatmap) == 0: gps_pos = np.array(list(aperture[t].attrs['POSITION'][0])) att = np.array(list(aperture[t].attrs['ATTITUDE'][0])) self.heatmaps[float(t)-t0] = RadarData(float(t), np.array(Image.fromarray(heatmap, 'L')), gps_pos, rot.from_quat(att)) self.tracklog_translation = -aperture.attrs['tracklog_translation'] # Importing groundtruth GPS information if available aperture_gt = hdf5['radar']['broad01'] groundtruth = ("groundtruth" in aperture_gt) if groundtruth: print("Loading groundtruth") aperture_gt = hdf5['radar']['broad01']['groundtruth'] self.groundtruth = dict() times_gt = list(aperture_gt.keys()) times_gt = [times_gt[i] for i in range(len(times_gt)) if (t_ini <= float(times_gt[i])-t0 < t_final) or (i+1<len(times_gt) and t_ini <= float(times_gt[i+1])-t0 < t_final) or (i-1>=0 and t_ini <= float(times_gt[i-1])-t0 < t_final)] gt_att, gt_pos, gt_time = [], [], [] for i, t in enumerate(times_gt): gt_att.append(rot.from_quat(np.array(list(aperture_gt[t].attrs['ATTITUDE'][0])))) gt_pos.append(np.array(list(aperture_gt[t].attrs['POSITION'][0]))) gt_time.append(float(t)-t0) gt_pos = rbd_translate(gt_pos, gt_att, self.tracklog_translation - (-aperture_gt.attrs['tracklog_translation'])) # Interpolating groundtruth positions to make them match with radar images positions if times_gt[0]> times[0] or times_gt[-1]<times[-1]: for t in times: if times_gt[0] > t or times_gt[-1] < t: self.heatmaps.pop(float(t)-t0) times = list(self.heatmaps.keys()) slerp = Slerp(gt_time, rot.from_quat([r.as_quat() for r in gt_att])) gt_att = [rot.from_quat(q) for q in slerp(times).as_quat()] gt_pos = np.array([np.interp(times, gt_time, np.array(gt_pos)[:,i]) for i in range(0,3)]).T for i in range(len(times)): self.groundtruth[times[i]] = {'POSITION': gt_pos[i], 'ATTITUDE': gt_att[i]} else: print("No groundtruth data found") hdf5.close() print("Data loaded") except: hdf5.close() raise Exception("A problem occured when importing data")