def identity(ctx, name): """ Identity function: Returns datapoints where the value equals the timestamp of the datapoint. Useful when you have another series where the value is a timestamp, and you want to compare it to the time of the datapoint, to render an age Example:: &target=identity("The.time.series") This would create a series named "The.time.series" that contains points where x(t) == t. """ step = 60 start = int(epoch(ctx["startTime"])) end = int(epoch(ctx["endTime"])) return [ TimeSeries( "identity(%s)" % name, epoch(ctx["startTime"]), epoch(ctx["endTime"]), [(t, t) for t in range(start, end, step)] ) ]
def nPercentile(ctx, series_list, n): """Returns n-percent of each series in the series_list.""" assert n, "The requested percent is required to be greater than 0" results = [] for s in series_list: pv = get_percentile(s, n)[0] if pv is not None: name = "nPercentile(%s, %g)" % (, n) ps = TimeSeries( name, s.start, s.end, [(pv, t) for _, t in s] ) ps.pathExpression = name results += [ps] return results
def randomWalkFunction(ctx, name): """ Short Alias: randomWalk() Returns a random walk starting at 0. This is great for testing when there is no real data in whisper. Example:: &target=randomWalk("The.time.series") This would create a series named "The.time.series" that contains points where x(t) == x(t-1)+random()-0.5, and x(0) == 0. """ step = 60 delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=step) when = ctx["startTime"] values = [] current = 0 while when < ctx["endTime"]: t = epoch(when) values += [(current, t)] current += random.random() - 0.5 when += delta return [ TimeSeries( "randomWalk(%s)" % name, epoch(ctx["startTime"]), epoch(ctx["endTime"]), values ) ]
def sinFunction(ctx, name, amplitude=1): """ Short Alias: sin() Just returns the sine of the current time. The optional amplitude parameter changes the amplitude of the wave. Example:: &target=sin("The.time.series", 2) This would create a series named "The.time.series" that contains sin(x)*2. """ step = 60 delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=step) when = ctx["startTime"] values = [] while when < ctx["endTime"]: t = epoch(when) values += [(math.sin(t) * amplitude, t)] when += delta return [ TimeSeries( "sin(%s)" % name, epoch(ctx["startTime"]), epoch(ctx["endTime"]), values ) ]
def multiplySeries(ctx, *series_lists): """ Takes two or more series and multiplies their points. A constant may not be used. To multiply by a constant, use the scale() function. Example:: &target=multiplySeries(Series.dividends,Series.divisors) """ def mul(*factors): if None in factors: return None product = 1 for factor in factors: product *= float(factor) return product if is_empty(series_lists): return [] if len(series_lists) == 1: return series_lists name, series_lists = normalize("multiplySeries", series_lists) return [TimeSeries.fit_map(name, series_lists, mul, safe=True)]
def minSeries(ctx, *series_lists): """ Takes one metric or a wildcard series_list. For each datapoint from each metric passed in, pick the minimum value and graph it. Example:: &target=minSeries(Server* """ if is_empty(series_lists): return [] name, series_lists = normalize("minSeries", series_lists) return [TimeSeries.fit_map(name, series_lists, min, safe=True)]
def countSeries(ctx, *series_lists): """ Draws a horizontal line representing the number of nodes found in the series_list. Example:: &target=countSeries(carbon.agents.*.*) """ def count(a): return int(len(a)) if is_empty(series_lists): return [] name, series_lists = normalize("countSeries", series_lists) return [TimeSeries.fit_map(name, series_lists, count, safe=True)]
def get_forecast(symbol, outlook_len=SEQUENCE_LEN): """ :param symbol: :param outlook_len: :return: """ outlook = list() if symbol in DAILY.keys(): _seed = DAILY[symbol].get_seed(SEQUENCE_LEN) seed = numpy.array([_seed]) if len(seed.shape) == 3 and seed.shape[1] == SEQUENCE_LEN: while len(outlook) < outlook_len: _forecast = _model_.predict(seed, verbose=0) outlook += [_forecast[0][0].tolist()] seed = numpy.array([(_seed + outlook)[-SEQUENCE_LEN:]]) return TimeSeries.from_forecast(symbol, outlook)
def diffSeries(ctx, *series_lists): """ Can take two or more metrics. Subtracts parameters 2 through n from parameter 1. Example:: &target=diffSeries(, service.connections.failed) """ def diff(values): return sum( [values[0] if values[0] is not None else 0] + [-v for v in values[1:] if v is not None] ) if is_empty(series_lists): return [] name, series_lists = normalize("diffSeries", series_lists) return [TimeSeries.fit_map(name, series_lists, diff)]
def averageSeries(ctx, *series_lists): """ Short Alias: avg() Takes one metric or a wildcard series_list. Draws the average value of all metrics passed at each time. Example:: &target=averageSeries(company.server.*.threads.busy) """ def avg(p): if p: return sum(p) / len(p) else: return None if is_empty(series_lists): return [] name, series_lists = normalize("averageSeries", series_lists) return [TimeSeries.fit_map(name, series_lists, avg, safe=True)]
def sumSeries(ctx, *series_lists): """ Short form: sum() This will add metrics together and return the sum at each datapoint. (See integral for a sum over time) Example:: &target=sum(company.server.application*.requestsHandled) This would show the sum of all requests handled per minute (provided requestsHandled are collected once a minute). If metrics with different retention rates are combined, the coarsest metric is graphed, and the sum of the other metrics is averaged for the metrics with finer retention rates. """ if is_empty(series_lists): return [] name, series_lists = normalize("sumSeries", series_lists) return [TimeSeries.fit_map(name, series_lists, sum, safe=True)]
def rangeOfSeries(ctx, *series_lists): """ Takes a wildcard series_list. Distills down a set of inputs into the range of the series Example:: &target=rangeOfSeries(Server* """ def rng(a): min_a = min(a) max_a = max(a) if min_a is None or max_a is None: return None else: return max_a - min_a if is_empty(series_lists): return [] name, series_lists = normalize("rangeOfSeries", series_lists) return [TimeSeries.fit_map(name, series_lists, rng, safe=True)]
def percentileOfSeries(ctx, series_lists, n, interpolate=False): """ percentileOfSeries returns a single series which is composed of the n-percentile values taken across a wildcard series at each point. Unless `interpolate` is set to True, percentile values are actual values contained in one of the supplied series. """ if n <= 0: raise ValueError( 'The requested percent is required to be greater than 0') if not series_lists: return [] _, series_lists = normalize("percentileOfSeries", series_lists) name = "percentileOfSeries(%s,%g)" % (series_lists[0].pathExpression, n) return [ TimeSeries.fit_map( name, series_lists, lambda x: get_percentile(x, n, interpolate), safe=True ) ]
def stddevSeries(ctx, *series_lists): """ Takes one metric or a wildcard series_list. Draws the standard deviation of all metrics passed at each time. Example:: &target=stddevSeries(company.server.*.threads.busy) """ def stddev(a): sm = sum(a) ln = len(a) avg = sm / ln s = 0 for v in a: s += (v - avg) ** 2 return math.sqrt(s / ln) if is_empty(series_lists): return [] name, series_lists = normalize("stddevSeries", series_lists) return [TimeSeries.fit_map(name, series_lists, stddev, safe=True)]
def derivative(ctx, series_list): """ This is the opposite of the integral function. This is useful for taking a running total metric and calculating the delta between subsequent data points. This function does not normalize for periods of time, as a true derivative would. Instead see the perSecond() function to calculate a rate of change over time. Example:: &target=derivative(company.server.application01.ifconfig.TXPackets) Each time you run ifconfig, the RX and TXPackets are higher (assuming there is network traffic.) By applying the derivative function, you can get an idea of the packets per minute sent or received, even though you're only recording the total. """ results = [] for series in series_list: new_values = [] prev = None for val, t in series: if None in (prev, val): new_values += [(None, t)] prev = val continue new_values += [(val - prev, t)] prev = val name = "derivative(%s)" % results += [ TimeSeries("derivative(%s)" %, series.start, series.end, new_values) ] return results
def nonNegativeDerivative(ctx, series_list, max_value=None): """ Same as the derivative function above, but ignores datapoints that trend down. Useful for counters that increase for a long time, then wrap or reset. (Such as if a network interface is destroyed and recreated by unloading and re-loading a kernel module, common with USB / WiFi cards. Example:: &target=nonNegativederivative( company.server.application01.ifconfig.TXPackets) """ results = [] for series in series_list: new_values = [] prev = None for val, t in series: if None in (prev, val): new_values.append(None) prev = val continue diff = val - prev if diff >= 0: new_values.append(diff) elif max_value is not None and max_value >= val: new_values.append((max_value - prev) + val + 1) else: new_values.append(None) prev = val results += [ TimeSeries("nonNegativeDerivative(%s)" %, series.start, series.end, new_values) ] return results
class RenderApplication(ExtApplication): """ Graphite-compatible render """ title = "Render" DEFAULT_GRAPH_WIDTH = 330 DEFAULT_GRAPH_HEIGTH = 250 # Empty space around the borders of chart X_PADDING = 10 Y_PADDING = 10 # @view(url="^$", method=["GET"], access="launch", validate={ "graphType": StringParameter( default="line", choices=GraphTypes.keys() ), "pieMode": StringParameter( default="average", # @todo: Specify all modes choices=["average"] ), "cacheTimeout": IntParameter( min_value=0, default=config.getint("pm_render", "cache_duration") ), "target": ListOfParameter( element=StringParameter(), convert=True, default=[] ), "localOnly": StringParameter(default="0"), "tz": StringParameter(default=TIME_ZONE), "pickle": StringParameter(required=False), "rawData": StringParameter(required=False), "jsonp": StringParameter(required=False), "format": StringParameter(required=False), "noCache": StringParameter(required=False), "maxDataPoints": IntParameter(required=False) }, api=True) def api_render(self, request, graphType=None, pieMode=None, cacheTimeout=None, target=None, localOnly=None, tz=None, pickle=None, rawData=None, jsonp=None, noCache=None, format=None, maxDataPoints=None, **kwargs): # Get timezone info try: tz = pytz.timezone(tz) except pytz.UnknownTimeZoneError: tz = pytz.timezone(TIME_ZONE) # Get format if pickle is not None: format = "pickle" elif rawData is not None: format = "raw" # Get time range try: t0 = parseATTime(kwargs.get("from", "-1d")) t1 = parseATTime(kwargs.get("until", "now")) except Exception, why: return self.response_bad_request( "Cannot parse time: %s" % why ) if t0 == t1: return self.response_bad_request("Empty time range") # Collect parameters request_opts = { "graphType": graphType, "graphClass": GraphTypes[graphType], "pieMode": pieMode, "targets": target or [], "localOnly": localOnly == "1", "tzinfo": tz, "format": format, "noCache": noCache is not None, "startTime": min(t0, t1), "endTime": max(t0, t1), "cacheTimeout": cacheTimeout } if format: request_opts["format"] = format if jsonp is not None: request_opts["jsonp"] = jsonp # Fill possible graph options graph_opts = { "width": self.DEFAULT_GRAPH_WIDTH, "height": self.DEFAULT_GRAPH_HEIGTH, } if format == "svg": graph_opts["outputFormat"] = "svg" for opt in request_opts["graphClass"].customizable: if opt in kwargs: v = kwargs[opt] if opt not in ("fgcolor", "bgcolor", "fontColor"): try: graph_opts[opt] = int(v) continue except ValueError: pass try: graph_opts[opt] = float(v) continue except ValueError: pass if v.lower() in ("true", "false"): graph_opts[opt] = v.lower() == "true" continue if not v or v.lower() == "default": continue graph_opts[opt] = v use_cache = not request_opts["noCache"] cache_timeout = request_opts["cacheTimeout"] ctx = { "startTime": request_opts["startTime"], "endTime": request_opts["endTime"], "localOnly": request_opts["localOnly"], "maxDataPoints": maxDataPoints, "data": [] } data = ctx["data"] # Try to use cached response if use_cache: request_key = hashRequest(request) cached_response = cache.get(request_key) if cached_response: return cached_response else: request_opts["requestKey"] = request_key # Cache miss, prepare requested data if graphType == "pie": for t in request_opts["targets"]: if ":" in t: try: name, value = t.split(":", 1) data += [(name, float(value))] except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid target: '%s'" % t) else: for series in evaluateTarget(ctx, t): f = PieFunctions(request_opts["pieMode"]) data += [(, f(ctx, series) or 0)] elif graphType == "line": if use_cache: # Store cached data data_key = hashData(request_opts["targets"], request_opts["startTime"], request_opts["endTime"]) cached_data = cache.get(data_key) else: cached_data = None if cached_data is None: for t in request_opts["targets"]: if not t.strip(): continue data.extend(evaluateTarget(ctx, t)) if use_cache: cache.set( data_key, [d.get_info() for d in data], cache_timeout ) else: # Convert cached data to Time Series data = [TimeSeries(**a) for a in cached_data] # Return data in requested format h = getattr(self, "get_%s_response" % request_opts["format"], None) if h: r = h(data, request_opts) else: graph_opts["data"] = data r = self.render_graph(request_opts, graph_opts) r["Pragma"] = "no-cache" r["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache" return r