Exemple #1
def insert_docs(buf, iter, obj, bold_tag):
    """Insert documentation about obj into a gtk.TextBuffer

    @param buf: the buffer to insert the documentation into
    @param iter: the location to insert the documentation
    @param obj: the object to get documentation about
    @param bold_tag: the tag to use for bold text, such as headings

    # If the routine is an instance, we get help on the type instead
    if is_data_object(obj):
        obj = type(obj)
    name = getattr(obj, '__name__', None)
    document = pydoc.text.document(obj, name)

    # pydoc.text.document represents boldface with overstrikes, we need to
    # reverse engineer this and find the spans of bold text
    pos = 0
    while True:
        m = BOLD_RE.search(document, pos)
        if m is None:
            # Strip the trailing newline; this isn't very justifiable in general terms,
            # but matches what we need in Reinteract
            if document.endswith("\n"):
                buf.insert(iter, document[pos:-1])
                buf.insert(iter, document[pos:])

        buf.insert(iter, document[pos:m.start()])
        insert_with_tag(buf, iter, STRIP_BOLD_RE.sub(lambda m: m.group(1), m.group()), bold_tag)
        pos = m.end()
 def callback(text, bold):
     if bold:
         insert_with_tag(buf, iter, text, bold_tag)
         buf.insert(iter, text)