def __init__(self): self.config = TCNNConfig() self.words, self.word_to_id = read_vocab(vocab_dir) self.config.vocab_size = len(self.words) self.config.pre_training = pd.read_csv(word_vector_dir, header=None, index_col=None).values self.model = TextCNN(self.config) session_conf = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True, log_device_placement=False) self.session = tf.Session(config=session_conf) # saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess=self.session, save_path=save_path) # 读取保存的模型
def predict(sentences): config = RNNConfig() config.pre_trianing = get_training_word2vec_vectors(vector_word_npz) model = TextRNN(config) save_dir = './checkpoints/textrnn' save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, 'best_validation') _, word_to_id = read_vocab(vocab_filename) input_x = process_file(sentences, word_to_id, max_length=config.seq_length) labels = { 0: '娱乐', 1: '游戏', 2: '音乐', 3: '星座运势', 4: '体育', 5: '食物', 6: '时尚', 7: '社会万象', 8: '汽车', 9: '农业', 10: '母婴育儿', 11: '科技', 12: '军事', 13: '教育', 14: '健康养生', 15: '国际视野', 16: '搞笑', 17: '动漫', 18: '宠物', 19: '财经', 20: '历史', 21: '家居', 22: '房产' } feed_dict = { model.input_x: input_x, model.keep_prob: 1, model.sequence_lengths: get_sequence_length(input_x) } session = tf.Session() saver = tf.train.Saver() saver.restore(sess=session, save_path=save_path) y_prob =, feed_dict=feed_dict) y_prob = y_prob.tolist() cat = [] for prob in y_prob: top2 = list(map(prob.index, heapq.nlargest(1, prob))) cat.append(labels[top2[0]]) tf.reset_default_graph() return cat
import os import sys import time import tensorflow as tf import data_helper as DH import math """ 提供对模型的预测 """ # Parameters # ================================================== #DH.Get_Save_CategoryFromOriginData() categories, cat_to_id = DH.Get_Categories() id_to_cat = DH.Get_Id_To_Cat() words, word_to_id = DH.read_vocab(DH.TextConfig.vocab_filename) vocab_size = len(words) num_classes = len(categories) pad_seq_len = DH.TextConfig.seq_length logger = DH.logger_fn( 'tflog', 'logs/predict-{0}.log'.format( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S", time.localtime(time.time())))) # Data Parameters tf.flags.DEFINE_string("predict_data_file", DH.TextConfig.predict_File, "Data source for the test data") tf.flags.DEFINE_string("checkpoint_dir", "./runs/checkpoints",
metrics.classification_report(y_test_cls, y_pred_cls, target_names=categories)) # 混淆矩阵 print("Confusion Matrix...") cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_test_cls, y_pred_cls) print(cm) time_dif = get_time_dif(start_time) print("Time usage:", time_dif) if __name__ == '__main__': config = RNNConfig() # 获取配置参数 if not os.path.exists(vocab_dir): # 如果不存在词汇表,重建 build_vocab(train_dir, vocab_dir, config.vocab_size) categories, cat_to_id = read_category() words, word_to_id = read_vocab(vocab_dir) config.vocab_size = len(words) # print(word_to_id) # print(words) if not os.path.exists(vector_word_npz): export_word2vec_vectors(word_to_id, words_embeding, vector_word_npz) config.pre_trianing = get_training_word2vec_vectors(vector_word_npz) model = TextRNN(config) option = '' if option == 'train': train() else: test()
for r, l in zip(res, labels): if r == l[1]: correct += 1 num += 1 return correct / num # =====================数据预处理===================== # 加载数据,返回数据集和标签 print("Loading data...") sents, labels = data_helper.load_data('./data/train.txt') test_sents, test_labels = data_helper.load_data('./data/test.txt') max_len = 1024 vocab = data_helper.read_vocab() data = data_helper.sent2idx(sents, vocab, max_len) test_data = data_helper.sent2idx(test_sents, vocab, max_len) epoch = 100 with tf.Graph().as_default(): session_conf = tf.ConfigProto() sess = tf.Session(config=session_conf) with sess.as_default(): cnn = TextCNN(vocab_size=len(vocab), seq_len=max_len, embedding_size=256, num_classes=2, filter_sizes=[3, 4, 5], num_filters=256)