Exemple #1
    #### DEBUG MODE: Show dataset list and STOP
    if debug_mode>=3:
        data_io.show_io(input_dir, output_dir)
        print('\n****** Sample code version ' + str(version) + ' ******\n\n' + '========== DATASETS ==========\n')
        datanames = [] # Do not proceed with learning and testing

    # ==================== @RESULT SUBMISSION (KEEP THIS) =====================
    # Always keep this code to enable result submission of pre-calculated results
    # deposited in the res/ subdirectory.
    if len(datanames)>0:
        vprint( verbose,  "************************************************************************")
        vprint( verbose,  "****** Attempting to copy files (from res/) for RESULT submission ******")
        vprint( verbose,  "************************************************************************")
        OK = data_io.copy_results(datanames, res_dir, output_dir, verbose) # DO NOT REMOVE!
        if OK: 
            vprint( verbose,  "[+] Success")
            datanames = [] # Do not proceed with learning and testing
            vprint( verbose, "======== Some missing results on current datasets!")
            vprint( verbose, "======== Proceeding to train/test:\n")
    # =================== End @RESULT SUBMISSION (KEEP THIS) ==================

    # ================ @CODE SUBMISSION (SUBTITUTE YOUR CODE) ================= 
    overall_time_budget = 0
    for basename in datanames: # Loop over datasets
        vprint( verbose,  "************************************************")
        vprint( verbose,  "******** Processing dataset " + basename.capitalize() + " ********")
        vprint( verbose,  "************************************************")
Exemple #2
    #### DEBUG MODE: Show dataset list and STOP
    if debug_mode>=3:
        data_io.show_io(input_dir, output_dir)
        print('\n****** Sample code version ' + str(version) + ' ******\n\n' + '========== DATASETS ==========\n')        	
        datanames = [] # Do not proceed with learning and testing
    # ==================== @RESULT SUBMISSION (KEEP THIS) =====================
    # Always keep this code to enable result submission of pre-calculated results
    # deposited in the res/ subdirectory.
    if len(datanames)>0:
        vprint( verbose,  "************************************************************************")
        vprint( verbose,  "****** Attempting to copy files (from res/) for RESULT submission ******")
        vprint( verbose,  "************************************************************************")
        datanames = data_io.copy_results(datanames, res_dir, output_dir, verbose) # DO NOT REMOVE!
        if not datanames: 
            vprint( verbose,  "[+] Results copied to output directory, no model trained/tested")
            vprint( verbose, "======== Some missing results on current datasets!")
            vprint( verbose, "======== Proceeding to train/test:\n")
    # =================== End @RESULT SUBMISSION (KEEP THIS) ==================

    # ================ @CODE SUBMISSION  ================= 
    overall_time_budget = 0
    time_left_over = 0
    for basename in datanames: # Loop over datasets
        vprint( verbose,  "************************************************")
        vprint( verbose,  "******** Processing dataset " + basename.capitalize() + " ********")
        vprint( verbose,  "************************************************")
Exemple #3
    # Input / Output
    if len(argv) == 1:
        input_dir = os.path.join(CONFIG['root_dir'], '..', 'data')
        output_dir = CONFIG['default_output_dir']
        input_dir = argv[1]
        output_dir = os.path.abspath(argv[2])

    data_io.mvdir(output_dir, output_dir + '_' + the_date)

    datanames = data_io.inventory_data(input_dir)
    # datanames = ["madeline"]

    # Result submission : copy files from /res to output dir
    OK = data_io.copy_results(datanames, res_dir, output_dir, False)
    if OK:
        print "Result files copied output dir. Not running train code."
        execution_success = True
        execution_success = predict(datanames, input_dir)

    if execution_success and CONFIG["zipme"]:
        submission_filename = "../automl_{}_{}.zip".format(CONFIG['codename'], the_date)
        data_io.zipdir(submission_filename, ".")

    if CONFIG['running_on_codalab']:
        if execution_success: