Exemple #1
def contentById(param):
	id = param['id']
	x = Videos()
	obj = {}
	obj2 = {}
	hash = param['hash']
	publc = str(param['publc'])

	# create a hash
	m = md5.new(id + publc + _private_key())

	# check if this hash is equal to the one transmitted
	if m.hexdigest() == hash:
		# get the user's playlists
		# if username is blank, data will be false
		pl = Playlists()
		playlists = pl.getPlaylists(param)

		data = x.allPublicById(id)
		if data:
			obj = {
				'detail': 1, # this is a detail page
				'id': data[0][0],
				'category':	data[0][1],
				'tags':	data[0][2],
				'data':	data[0][3],
				'video_id': data[0][4],
				'playlists': playlists
				#'date_added'	:	data[0][4]
			recommend = x.recommendedByTags(id, obj['tags'], obj['category'])
			i = 0
			if recommend:
				for item in recommend:
					obj2[i] = {
						'id' : item[0],
						'uniq': item[1],
						'data' : item[7]
					i = i + 1
				obj2 = False
			obj['recommend'] = obj2
			obj = {
				'message': 'no record found'
		obj = {
			'message': 'authentication failure'
	return obj