def main(argv=None): print('Hello! This is PointNet-Segmentation and Surface-Matching Program') opt = parser.parse_args() num_points = pretrained_model = opt.ptn num_classes = 3 ''' Load PointNet Model (model for point-wise classification) ''' classifier = PointNetPointWise(num_points=num_points, num_classes=num_classes) classifier.load_state_dict(torch.load(pretrained_model)) classifier.eval() ''' Setup camera ''' fps = 30 # w = 1280 #640 # h = 960 #480 # fps = 30 # # config crop area [h1:h2, w1:w2] # h1 = 240 #140 # h2 = 720 #340 # w1 = 320 #200 # w2 = 960 #440 # w, h, h1, h2, w1, w2 = (np.array([640, 480, 140, 340, 200, 440])).astype(int) w, h, h1, h2, w1, w2 = (np.array([640, 480, 140, 340, 200, 440])).astype(int) rgb_stream, depth_stream = setup_camera(w=w, h=h, fps=fps) from config import CAMERA_CONFIG ''' Record ''' done = False while not done: key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 ## Read keystrokes if key == 27: # terminate print("\tESC key detected!") done = True elif chr(key) == 's': # screen capture # print("\ts key detected. Saving image {}".format(s)) ''' Get data ''' # rgb = rgb[h1:h2, w1:w2, :] # dmap = dmap[h1:h2, w1:w2] # pc_scene = rgbd2pc(rgb=rgb, depth=dmap, center_x=(w1+w2)/2, center_y=(h1+h2)/2, focal_length=889) # pc_scene = sample_data(point_cloud=pc_scene, num_points=num_points) # rgbd2pc(rgb, depth=dmap, center_x=325.5, center_y=255.5, focal_length=572, scale=2000) xyzrgbrc = rgbd2xyzrgbrc(rgb=rgb, depth=dmap, scale=1000) xyzrgbrc = xyzrgbrc[h1:h2, w1:w2, :] # crop the interested area pc_scene = xyzrgb2pc(xyzrgb=xyzrgbrc) # ply = generate_ply(pc_scene) # with open('./tmp/abc' + '.ply', 'w') as output: # output.write(ply) pc_scene = sample_data(point_cloud=pc_scene, num_points=num_points) # pc_scene = (np.array(pc_scene)[:, :3]).astype(np.float32) ''' Predict and Segment objects ''' pred_labels = predict_segmentation(classifier=classifier, input_points=pc_scene) visualize(x=pc_scene[:, 0], y=pc_scene[:, 1], z=pc_scene[:, 2], label=pred_labels, point_radius=0.0008) # visualize predicted results pipe_points, wrench_points = visualize_segmented_objects( scene_points=pc_scene, labels=pred_labels) # visualize segmented objects ''' Surface-Matching ''' # Convert numpy array to point cloud type pc_model = load_ply(path='./models/1.ply', num_points=-1) # pc_scene = wrench_points visualize(x=pc_model[:, 0], y=pc_model[:, 1], z=pc_model[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pc_model)), point_radius=0.0008) visualize(x=pipe_points[:, 0], y=pipe_points[:, 1], z=pipe_points[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pipe_points)), point_radius=0.0008) result_icp = match_surface(model_points=pc_model, object_points=pipe_points) # Transformation(Rotation angles) print('Theta x, Theta y, Theta z:(in Degree) ') print( rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(result_icp.transformation[:3, :3]) / np.pi * 180) rgb, dmap = display_stream(rgb_stream=rgb_stream, depth_stream=depth_stream, h=h, w=w, crop=((w1, h1), (w2, h2))) # end while ## Release resources cv2.destroyAllWindows() rgb_stream.stop() depth_stream.stop() openni2.unload() print("Terminated")
def main(argv=None): print('Hello! This is PointNet-Segmentation and Surface-Matching Program') opt = parser.parse_args() num_points = pretrained_model = opt.ptn num_classes = 3 ''' Load PointNet Model (model for point-wise classification) ''' classifier = PointNetPointWise(num_points=num_points, num_classes=num_classes) classifier.load_state_dict(torch.load(pretrained_model)) classifier.eval() ''' Setup camera ''' fps = 30 w, h, h1, h2, w1, w2 = (np.array([640, 480, 150, 330, 210, 430])).astype(int) rgb_stream, depth_stream = setup_camera(w=w, h=h, fps=fps) # Load model pc_model = load_ply(path='./models/model13_1.ply', num_points=-1) ''' Record ''' done = False while not done: key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 ## Read keystrokes if key == 27: # terminate print("\tESC key detected!") done = True elif chr(key) == 's': # screen capture ''' Get data ''' # sTime = time.time() # xyzrgbrc1 = rgbd2xyzrgbrc(rgb=rgb, depth=dmap, scale=1000) # xyzrgbrc1 = xyzrgbrc1[h1:h2, w1:w2, :] # crop the interested area # print(time.time() - sTime) sTime = time.time() xyzrgbrc2 = rgbd2xyzrgbrc(rgb=rgb[h1:h2, w1:w2, :], depth=dmap[h1:h2, w1:w2], scale=1000) print(time.time() - sTime) pc_scene = xyzrgb2pc(xyzrgb=xyzrgbrc) pc_scene = sample_data(point_cloud=pc_scene, num_points=num_points) ''' Predict and Segment objects ''' pred_labels = predict_segmentation(classifier=classifier, input_points=pc_scene) visualize(x=pc_scene[:, 0], y=pc_scene[:, 1], z=pc_scene[:, 2], label=pred_labels, point_radius=0.0008) # visualize predicted results pipe_points, wrench_points = visualize_segmented_objects( scene_points=pc_scene, labels=pred_labels) # visualize segmented objects ''' Surface-Matching ''' # pc_scene = wrench_points visualize(x=pc_model[:, 0], y=pc_model[:, 1], z=pc_model[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pc_model)), point_radius=0.0008) visualize(x=pipe_points[:, 0], y=pipe_points[:, 1], z=pipe_points[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pipe_points)), point_radius=0.0008) result_icp = match_surface(model_points=pc_model, object_points=pipe_points) # Transformation(Rotation angles) print('Theta x, Theta y, Theta z:(in Degree) ') print( rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(result_icp.transformation[:3, :3]) / np.pi * 180) rgb, dmap = display_stream(rgb_stream=rgb_stream, depth_stream=depth_stream, h=h, w=w, crop=((w1, h1), (w2, h2))) # end while ## Release resources cv2.destroyAllWindows() rgb_stream.stop() depth_stream.stop() openni2.unload() print("Terminated")
def main(argv=None): print('Hello! This is PointNet-Segmentation and Surface-Matching Program') opt = parser.parse_args() num_points = pretrained_model = opt.ptn num_classes = 4 ''' Load PointNet Model (model for point-wise classification) ''' classifier = PointNet(num_points=num_points, num_classes=num_classes) classifier.load_weights(filepath='./tmp/model.acc.53.hdf5') ''' Setup camera ''' fps = 30 w, h, h1, h2, w1, w2 = (np.array([640, 480, 150, 330, 210, 430])).astype(int) rgb_stream, depth_stream = setup_camera(w=w, h=h, fps=fps) # Load model pc_models = [] centroid_models = [] files = os.listdir('./models/pipe/pc/') for i, file in enumerate(files): pc = load_ply(path='./models/pipe/pc/' + file, num_points=-1) centroid = np.mean(pc, axis=0) pc_models.append(pc) centroid_models.append(centroid) ''' Record ''' done = False while not done: key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 ## Read keystrokes if key == 27: # terminate print("\tESC key detected!") done = True elif chr(key) == 's': # screen capture ''' Get data ''' # sTime = time.time() # xyzrgbrc1 = rgbd2xyzrgbrc(rgb=rgb, depth=dmap, scale=1000) # xyzrgbrc1 = xyzrgbrc1[h1:h2, w1:w2, :] # crop the interested area # print(time.time() - sTime) sTime = time.time() xyzrgbrc = rgbd2xyzrgbrc(rgb=rgb[h1:h2, w1:w2, :], depth=dmap[h1:h2, w1:w2], scale=1000) print('Converting time from rgb-d to xyz: ', time.time() - sTime) sTime = time.time() pc_scene = xyzrgb2pc(xyzrgb=xyzrgbrc) print('Converting time from xyz to point cloud: ', time.time() - sTime) pipe = [] for i in range(2): pc_scene = sample_data(point_cloud=pc_scene, num_points=num_points) ''' Predict and Segment objects ''' pred_labels = predict_segmentation(classifier=classifier, input_points=pc_scene) # visualize(x=pc_scene[:, 0], y=pc_scene[:, 1], z=pc_scene[:, 2], label=pred_labels, # point_radius=0.0008) # visualize predicted results pipe_points, wrench_points = visualize_segmented_objects(scene_points=pc_scene, labels=pred_labels) # visualize segmented objects if pipe_points != []: pipe.append(pipe_points) pipe = np.concatenate((pipe[0], pipe[1]), axis=0) visualize(x=pipe[:, 0], y=pipe[:, 1], z=pipe[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pipe)), point_radius=0.0008) if len(pipe) < 100: continue result = [] for i in range(len(centroid_models)): print('Attempt fitting model: ', i) pc_model = pc_models[i] centroid_model = centroid_models[i] ''' Surface-Matching ''' # pc_scene = wrench_points # visualize(x=pc_model[:, 0], y=pc_model[:, 1], z=pc_model[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pc_model)), point_radius=0.0008) # visualize(x=pipe[:, 0], y=pipe[:, 1], z=pipe[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pipe)), point_radius=0.0008) result_icp, result_ransac = match_surface(model_points=pc_model, object_points=pipe) if (result==[]) or (> result[0].fitness): result = [result_ransac, result_icp, centroid_model, i] if result == []: continue # Transformation(Rotation angles) print('Best fitness: ') print(result[0].fitness, result[3]) print('Theta x, Theta y, Theta z:(in Degree) ') print(rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(result[1].transformation[:3, :3]) / np.pi * 180) print('Translation:(in Meters) ') print(result[1].transformation[:3, 3], result[2]) source = PointCloud() source.points = Vector3dVector(pc_models[result[3]]) target = PointCloud() target.points = Vector3dVector(pipe) draw_registration_result(source, target, result[1].transformation) trans_vector = centroid_models[result[3]] - centroid_models[10] + result[1].transformation[:3, 3] grasp_pose = np.array([171.14, 271.31, -16]) + trans_vector rgb, dmap = display_stream(rgb_stream=rgb_stream, depth_stream=depth_stream, h=h, w=w, crop=((w1, h1), (w2, h2))) # end while ## Release resources cv2.destroyAllWindows() rgb_stream.stop() depth_stream.stop() openni2.unload() print("Terminated")
def main(argv=None): print('Hello! This is PointNet-Segmentation and Surface-Matching Program') opt = parser.parse_args() num_points = pretrained_model = opt.ptn num_classes = 4 ''' Load PointNet Model (model for point-wise classification) ''' classifier = PointNet(num_points=num_points, num_classes=num_classes) classifier.load_weights(filepath='./tmp/model.acc.53.hdf5') ''' Setup camera ''' fps = 30 w, h, h1, h2, w1, w2 = (np.array([640, 480, 150, 330, 210, 430])).astype(int) rgb_stream, depth_stream = setup_camera(w=w, h=h, fps=fps) from threefinger_command_sender_v0200 import ROBOTIQ, ThreeFingerModes from robot_command_sender_v0200 import TX60 tx60 = TX60() tx60.enable() tx60.move_point(x=-400, y=40, z=60, rx=-180, ry=0, rz=0) tx60.move_dimension(z=20) robotiq = ROBOTIQ() robotiq.enable() robotiq.set_mode(1) # Load model pc_models = [] centroid_models = [] grasping_poses = [] files = os.listdir('./models/pipe/pc/') for i, file in enumerate(files): filename, ext = os.path.splitext(file) pc_model = load_ply(path='./models/pipe/pc/' + file, num_points=-1) centroid, grasping_pose = np.load('./models/pipe/info/' + filename + '.npy') pc_models.append(pc_model) centroid_models.append(centroid) grasping_poses.append(grasping_pose) ''' Record ''' done = False while not done: key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 255 ## Read keystrokes if key == 27: # terminate print("\tESC key detected!") done = True elif chr(key) == 's': # screen capture ''' Get data ''' # sTime = time.time() # xyzrgbrc1 = rgbd2xyzrgbrc(rgb=rgb, depth=dmap, scale=1000) # xyzrgbrc1 = xyzrgbrc1[h1:h2, w1:w2, :] # crop the interested area # print(time.time() - sTime) sTime = time.time() xyzrgbrc = rgbd2xyzrgbrc(rgb=rgb[h1:h2, w1:w2, :], depth=dmap[h1:h2, w1:w2], depthStream=depth_stream, scale=1000) # xyzrgbrc = rgbd2xyzrgbrc(rgb=rgb, depth=dmap, depthStream=depth_stream, scale=1000) print('Converting time from rgb-d to xyz: ', time.time() - sTime) sTime = time.time() pc_scene = xyzrgb2pc(xyzrgb=xyzrgbrc) print('Converting time from xyz to point cloud: ', time.time() - sTime) pipe = [] for i in range(2): pc_scene = sample_data(point_cloud=pc_scene, num_points=num_points) ''' Predict and Segment objects ''' pred_labels = predict_segmentation(classifier=classifier, input_points=pc_scene) # visualize(x=pc_scene[:, 0], y=pc_scene[:, 1], z=pc_scene[:, 2], label=pred_labels, # point_radius=0.0008) # visualize predicted results pipe_points, wrench_points = visualize_segmented_objects( scene_points=pc_scene, labels=pred_labels) # visualize segmented objects if pipe_points != []: pipe.append(pipe_points) pipe = np.concatenate((pipe[0], pipe[1]), axis=0) visualize(x=pipe[:, 0], y=pipe[:, 1], z=pipe[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pipe)), point_radius=0.0008) if len(pipe) < 100: continue result = [] # for i in range(len(centroid_models)): for i in range(1): i = 10 print('Attempt fitting model: ', i) pc_model = pc_models[i] centroid_model = centroid_models[i] ''' Surface-Matching ''' # pc_scene = wrench_points # visualize(x=pc_model[:, 0], y=pc_model[:, 1], z=pc_model[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pc_model)), point_radius=0.0008) # visualize(x=pipe[:, 0], y=pipe[:, 1], z=pipe[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pipe)), point_radius=0.0008) result_icp, result_ransac = match_surface( model_points=pc_model, object_points=pipe) # if (result==[]) or ( > result[0].fitness): if (result == []) or (length_vector( result_icp.transformation[:3, 3]) < result[4]): result = [ result_ransac, result_icp, centroid_model, i, length_vector(result_icp.transformation[:3, 3]) ] if result == []: continue # Transformation(Rotation angles) print('Best fitness: ') print(result[0].fitness) print('Theta x, Theta y, Theta z:(in Degree) ') print( rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(result[1].transformation[:3, :3]) / np.pi * 180) print('Best fitted model: ', result[3], ' Model centroid: ', result[2] * 1000) print('Translation:(in miliMeters) ', result[1].transformation[:3, 3] * 1000) source = PointCloud() source.points = Vector3dVector(pc_models[result[3]]) target = PointCloud() target.points = Vector3dVector(pipe) # draw_registration_result(source, target, result[1].transformation) translation = result[1].transformation[:2, 3] * 1000 translation = translation[::-1] grasping_pose = grasping_poses[result[3]][0, :2] + translation if grasping_pose[0] > 370: continue if grasping_pose[1] > 370: continue # grasping_pose = grasping_poses[result[3]][0, :3].astype(np.float64) rotate_angle = rotationMatrixToEulerAngles( result[1].transformation[:3, :3]) / np.pi * 180 tx60.enable() tx60.move_dimension(z=60) tx60.move_dimension(rz=rotate_angle[2]) tx60.move_point(x=grasping_pose[0], y=grasping_pose[1], z=60, rx=-180, ry=0, rz=rotate_angle[2]) tx60.move_dimension(z=-20) robotiq.move(200) tx60.move_dimension(z=60) tx60.move_point(x=-400, y=40, z=60, rx=-180, ry=0, rz=0) tx60.move_dimension(z=10) robotiq.move(40) tx60.disable() rgb, dmap = display_stream(rgb_stream=rgb_stream, depth_stream=depth_stream, h=h, w=w, crop=((w1, h1), (w2, h2))) # end while ## Release resources robotiq.disable() tx60.disable() cv2.destroyAllWindows() rgb_stream.stop() depth_stream.stop() openni2.unload() print("Terminated")
def main(argv=None): print('Hello! This is PointNet-Segmentation and Surface-Matching Program') opt = parser.parse_args() num_points = pretrained_model = opt.ptn idx = opt.idx root = 'E:/PROJECTS/NTUT/PointNet/pointnet1_pytorch/DATA/Shapenet/shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0' num_classes = 3 ''' Load PointNet Model (model for point-wise classification) ''' classifier = PointNetPointWise(num_points=num_points, num_classes=num_classes) classifier.load_state_dict(torch.load(pretrained_model)) classifier.eval() ''' Load data ''' # data_tes = PartDataset(root=root, num_points=num_points, categories=['tools'], training=True, balanced=True, # shuffle=True, seed=0, offset=0) # # points, labels = data_tes[idx] # Load data points and ground truth labels # visualize(x=points[:, 0], y=points[:, 1], z=points[:, 2], label=labels, point_radius=0.0008) # visualize ground truth pc_scene = load_ply(path='./models/model5/PC/pipe/1001.ply', num_points=4096) pc_scene = pc_scene.astype(np.float32) ''' Predict and Segment objects ''' pred_labels = predict_segmentation(classifier=classifier, input_points=pc_scene) visualize(x=pc_scene[:, 0], y=pc_scene[:, 1], z=pc_scene[:, 2], label=pred_labels, point_radius=0.0008) # visualize predicted results pipe_points, wrench_points = visualize_segmented_objects( scene_points=pc_scene, labels=pred_labels) ''' Surface-Matching ''' # Convert numpy array to point cloud type pc_model = load_ply(path='./models/model5/PC/pipe/1002.ply', num_points=-1) # pc_scene = wrench_points visualize(x=pc_model[:, 0], y=pc_model[:, 1], z=pc_model[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pc_model)), point_radius=0.0008) visualize(x=pipe_points[:, 0], y=pipe_points[:, 1], z=pipe_points[:, 2], label=np.ones(len(pipe_points)), point_radius=0.0008) # result_icp = match_surface(source_points=pc_model, target_points=pipe_points); print(result_icp.transformation[:3, 3]) result_icp = match_surface(source_points=pc_model, target_points=pc_scene) print(result_icp.transformation[:3, 3]) # Transformation(Rotation angles) print('Theta x, Theta y, Theta z:(in Degree) ') print( rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(result_icp.transformation[:3, :3]) / np.pi * 180)