def inspect_mp(df, preprocessing=None, seed=1): if preprocessing is None: print("Assembling preprocessing pipeline...") def preprocessing(dsv): for function in inspect.pipeline: dsv = function(dsv) return dsv print("Splitting dataset...") groups = split_to_groups(df) dsvs = [] for group, group_name in zip(groups, group_names): print("Preprocessing group %s..." % group_name) columns = list(group.columns) columns.pop(columns.index('client_id')) dsv = group[columns].to_numpy() dsv = preprocessing(dsv) dsvs.append(dsv) print("Projecting...") pool = mp.Pool(6) projections =, seed=seed), dsvs) pool.close() print("Plotting...") fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3) for projection, group_name, ax in zip(projections, group_names, axs.flatten()): ax.scatter(*projection) ax.set_title(group_name) cache = [] for projection, dsv in zip(projections, dsvs): cache.append((__signature__project(dsv, seed, 30), projection)) save_data(dict(cache), "projection_cache")
def pop_up_help(): h, w = 100, 100 # manual = curses.newpad(h, w) manual = curses.newpad(h, w) manual.addstr(1,2,'{:30}'.format("Linux-Sheets User Manual") + "press 'b' to go back") manual.addstr(3,2,"Navigation:") manual.addstr(4,2,'{:30}'.format("Basic Movement") + "arrow keys") manual.addstr(5,2,'{:30}'.format("Quick scroll(up)") + key_mappings.QUICK_UP) manual.addstr(6,2,'{:30}'.format("Quick scroll(down)") + key_mappings.QUICK_DOWN) manual.addstr(7,2,'{:30}'.format("Quick scroll(left)") + key_mappings.QUICK_LEFT) manual.addstr(8,2,'{:30}'.format("Quick scroll(right)") + key_mappings.QUICK_RIGHT) manual.addstr(10,2,"Features:") manual.addstr(11,2,'{:30}'.format("Insert data") + key_mappings.INSERT) manual.addstr(12,2,'{:30}'.format("Delete cell") + key_mappings.DELETE_CELL) manual.addstr(13,2,'{:30}'.format("Insert row") + key_mappings.INSERT_ROW) manual.addstr(14,2,'{:30}'.format("Insert column") + key_mappings.INSERT_COL) manual.addstr(15,2,'{:30}'.format("Delete row") + key_mappings.DELETE_ROW) manual.addstr(16,2,'{:30}'.format("Delete column") + key_mappings.DELETE_COL) manual.addstr(17,2,'{:30}'.format("Copy") + key_mappings.COPY) manual.addstr(18,2,'{:30}'.format("Paste") + key_mappings.PASTE) manual.addstr(19,2,'{:30}'.format("Undo") + key_mappings.UNDO) manual.addstr(20,2,'{:30}'.format("Redo") + key_mappings.REDO) manual.addstr(21,2,'{:30}'.format("Search") + key_mappings.SEARCH) manual.addstr(22,2,'{:30}'.format("Visual mode") + key_mappings.VISUAL_MODE) manual.addstr(23,2,'{:30}'.format("Help") + key_mappings.HELP) manual.addstr(25,2,"Commands that start with ':'") manual.addstr(26,2,'{:30}'.format("Go to") + "type: 'row, column'") manual.addstr(27,2,'{:30}'.format("Quit") + key_mappings.QUIT) manual.addstr(28,2,'{:30}'.format("Save and quit") + key_mappings.SAVE_AND_QUIT) manual.refresh(0, 0, 0, 0, settings.h - 1, settings.w - 1) exit_menu = False manual_y = 0 manual_x = 0 while True: key = settings.stdscr.getch() if key == ord(':'): from Clark_Sheets import write_to_bottom command = write_to_bottom(':') if command == key_mappings.SAVE_AND_QUIT: settings.user_exited = True save_data() break elif command == key_mappings.QUIT: settings.user_exited = True break elif key == ord('b'): #escape key settings.stdscr.clear() break elif key == curses.KEY_RESIZE: from Clark_Sheets import handle_resize handle_resize(key) manual.refresh(0, 0, 0, 0, settings.h - 1, settings.w - 1)
def handle_colon_commands(command): # handle all big commands with ':' if command == key_mappings.SAVE_AND_QUIT: settings.user_exited = True save_data() elif command == key_mappings.QUIT: settings.user_exited = True elif ',' in command: y, x = str_to_coordinates(command) if y != -1 and x != -1: go_to(y, x)
def main(): data = d.get_data() d.save_data(data) decrypted = c.decrypt(data['cifrado'], data['numero_casas']) hashed = hashlib.sha1(decrypted.encode()) data['decifrado'] = decrypted data['resumo_criptografico'] = hashed.hexdigest() d.save_data(data) d.post_file()
def data_comparing_test(): ballId = p.loadURDF("sphere2red.urdf", [0.5, 0, 0], globalScaling=0.1, useFixedBase=True) joints = [0]*7 pos = [0]*3 orn = [0]*4 target_pos = [0] * 3 target_orn = [0] * 4 for i in range(10000): joints, target_pos, target_orn = generate_pos(kukaId, joints, target_pos, target_orn, i) p.setJointMotorControlArray(kukaId, range(numjoints), p.POSITION_CONTROL, targetPositions=joints, targetVelocities=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) # print_joint_states(kukaId) for _ in range(1000): p.stepSimulation() # vykradeno z # pos, orn, _, _, _, _ = p.getLinkState(kukaId, numjoints - 1) # view_matrix, camera_vector = calc_view_matrix(pos, orn) # img = p.getCameraImage(192, 128, view_matrix, projection_matrix) # img, pos, camera_vector = img_wrapper(kukaId) pos, orn = my_getLinkState(kukaId) view_matrix, camvec = calc_view_matrix(pos, orn) p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(ballId, pos + 0.2 * camvec, p.getQuaternionFromEuler((0, 0, 0))) img = my_getCameraImage(view_matrix, projection_matrix) # img, pos, camera_vector = img_wrapper(kukaId) print() print(f"------------- iteration {i} over") print(f"positions are {joints}") save_data(kukaId, 42) print(target_pos) print(target_orn) print(f"--- camera position comparison for iteration = {i}") for j in range(len(pos)): diff = target_pos[j] - pos[j] print(f"pos[{j}]: target: {target_pos[j]:.4} real: {pos[j]:.4} difference: {diff:.4f}") for j in range(len(orn)): diff = target_orn[j] - orn[j] print(f"orn[{j}]: target: {target_orn[j]:.4} real: {orn[j]:.4} difference: {diff:.4}") print(f"--- Joints comparison for iteration = {i}") compare_joints(kukaId, 'data42') print() time.sleep(1)
def create_dataset(): img = p.loadURDF("img.urdf", [x_img, y_img, z_img], globalScaling=1, useFixedBase=True) textureId = p.loadTexture("pls.png") #nefunguje mi (Míra) p.changeVisualShape(img, -1, textureUniqueId=textureId) # joints = p.calculateInverseKinematics(kukaId, 6, [x_img, y_img, z_img + arm_distance], # p.getQuaternionFromEuler([np.pi, 0, 0]), maxNumIterations=100) # joints = np.array([0, 0.5, 0, -1.5, 0, 1.15, -math.pi/2]) # move(joints) joints = np.array([0, 0.5, 0, -1.5, 0, 1.15, -math.pi / 2]) move(joints) # img_data, pos1, camera_vector = img_wrapper(kukaId) # time.sleep(10) # d.save_data(kukaId, num=999999, img_data=img_data) # return X, Y, Z = gnr.generate_position(x_img, x_width, y_img, y_width, z_img + arm_distance, z_width, sample_size) oriantations = gnr.generate_camera_angles(sigma=angles_width, sample_size=sample_size) for k in range(sample_size): pos = (X[k], Y[k], Z[k]) orn = oriantations[k] joints = p.calculateInverseKinematics(kukaId, 6, pos, orn, maxNumIterations=100) move(joints) # view_matrix, camvec = calc_view_matrix(pos, orn) img_data, pos1, camera_vector = img_wrapper(kukaId) d.save_data(kukaId, num=k, img_data=img_data)
def create_dataset(): length_img = 0.15 width_img = 0.10 x_img = 0.58 y_img = 0 z_img = 0.25 # 20cm: domain = 0.1 mean = 0 step = 0.01 iter_num = (int)(domain * 2 / step) img = p.loadURDF("img.urdf", [x_img, y_img, z_img], globalScaling=1, useFixedBase=True) # random_texture(img) joints = np.array([0, 0.5, 0, -1.5, 0, 1.15, -math.pi / 2]) move(joints) for i in range(3): print("----------Interation", i) pos, orn = my_getLinkState(kukaId) pos = np.array(pos) orn = np.array(orn) print(orn) if i == 0: pos[0] = pos[0] + 0.015 pos[2] = pos[2] - 0.03 if i < 2: joints = p.calculateInverseKinematics(kukaId, 6, pos, orn, maxNumIterations=100) # add_const(joints) view_matrix, camvec = calc_view_matrix(pos, orn) # img = my_getCameraImage(view_matrix, projection_matrix) img, pos, camera_vector = img_wrapper(kukaId) move(joints) time.sleep(1) # d.save_data(kukaId, i) if i >= 2: # X,Y,Z = py_bivariate_normal_pdf(0.15, 0, .01)#30cm X, Y, Z = py_bivariate_normal_pdf(domain, mean, step) for k in range(iter_num + 2): pos, orn = my_getLinkState(kukaId) pos = np.array(pos) vys = pos[2] - z_img ax = abs(pos[1] - y_img) x = calc_angle(ax, vys) for j in range(iter_num + 2): pos, orn = my_getLinkState(kukaId) pos = np.array(pos) pos[0] = X[k][j] + x_img pos[1] = Y[k][j] + y_img pos[2] = Z[k][j] + z_img + 0.07 - 0.5921 #-0.4968752 # orn = [0.70710607, -0.70709531, -0.0029381, 0.00293214] vys = pos[2] - z_img az = abs(pos[0] - x_img) ax = abs(pos[1] - y_img) z = calc_angle(az, vys) if j == 0: euler = p.getEulerFromQuaternion(orn) euler = np.array(euler) if k == 0: euler0 = euler[0] euler1 = euler[1] x = calc_angle(ax, 0.07) euler[0] = euler0 + z if k <= iter_num / 2: euler[1] = euler1 + x else: euler[1] = euler1 - x orn = p.getQuaternionFromEuler(euler) if j > 0: euler = p.getEulerFromQuaternion(orn) euler = np.array(euler) if j <= iter_num / 2: euler[0] = euler0 + z else: euler[0] = euler0 - z orn = p.getQuaternionFromEuler(euler) joints = p.calculateInverseKinematics(kukaId, 6, pos, orn, maxNumIterations=100) # add_const(joints) move(joints) view_matrix, camvec = calc_view_matrix(pos, orn) # img = my_getCameraImage(view_matrix, projection_matrix) img, pos1, camera_vector = img_wrapper(kukaId) # time.sleep(3) d.save_data(kukaId, k)
def main(stdscr): settings.stdscr = stdscr settings.c_manager = command_manager() settings.file_name = sys.argv[1] # set the format that the program will use (either normal CSV with commas or my own with coordinates) # settings.format = "my_format" settings.format = "CSV" read_data() # check if file exceeds max boundaries if settings.grid_h_cap < len( settings.contents) or settings.grid_w_cap < len( settings.contents[0] * settings.cell_w): sys.exit("The file you tried to open was too large") # determine if we are opening the program or just executing commands and then closing # If there are more than 2 arguments, the user is sending in commands to be done on the file if len(sys.argv) > 2: # set bool to true so when calling big commands, we can pass in commands and it will know to parse them settings.passed_commands = True testing = sys.argv[2] is "testing" if testing: # start iterating at the 4th argument and go through all system arguments for arg in sys.argv[3:]: big_commands(arg) save_data(sys.argv[-1]) else: # start iterating at the 3rd argument and go through all system arguments for arg in sys.argv[2:]: big_commands(arg) save_data(sys.argv[1]) # Otherwise, open the program normally with the specified file else: # set bool to true so when calling big commands, it parses user inputted command when program is running settings.passed_commands = False # create color schemes for the top and bottom margins curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) # get dimensions settings.h, settings.w = settings.stdscr.getmaxyx() settings.grid_h, settings.grid_w = get_dimensions() # initial drawing of grid create_without_grid_lines() # we might need to resize initial grid if settings.grid_total_h < len(settings.contents): check_grid_resize( len(settings.contents) - settings.grid_total_h, 0) if settings.grid_total_w < len(settings.contents[0] * settings.cell_w): check_grid_resize( 0, len(settings.contents[0]) * settings.cell_w - settings.grid_total_w) refresh_grid() # main loop while settings.user_exited == False: # read in user input key = settings.stdscr.getch() handle_visual_mode(key) handle_basic_navigation(key) handle_resize(key) if not settings.visual_mode: handle_help_menu(key) handle_inserting(key) handle_commands(key) handle_big_commands(key) handle_grid_update(key)