Exemple #1
    def load_img_with_targets(self, index):
        """Load images and targets for the training and validation phase"""
        sample_id = int(self.sample_id_list[index])
        img_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, '{:06d}.png'.format(sample_id))
        lidarData = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
        calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)
        labels, has_labels = self.get_label(sample_id)
        if has_labels:
            labels[:, 1:] = transformation.camera_to_lidar_box(
                labels[:, 1:], calib.V2C, calib.R0, calib.P2)

        if self.lidar_aug:
            lidarData, labels[:, 1:] = self.lidar_aug(lidarData, labels[:, 1:])

        lidarData, labels = get_filtered_lidar(lidarData, cnf.boundary, labels)

        bev_map = makeBEVMap(lidarData, cnf.boundary)
        bev_map = torch.from_numpy(bev_map)

        hflipped = False
        if np.random.random() < self.hflip_prob:
            hflipped = True
            # C, H, W
            bev_map = torch.flip(bev_map, [-1])

        targets = self.build_targets(labels, hflipped)

        metadatas = {'img_path': img_path, 'hflipped': hflipped}

        return metadatas, bev_map, targets
Exemple #2
def complex_yolo(pointcloud):
    pointcloud = get_filtered_lidar(pointcloud, cnf.boundary)
    bev_maps = makeBEVMap(pointcloud, cnf.boundary)
    bev_maps = torch.from_numpy(bev_maps)
    bev_maps = torch.unsqueeze(bev_maps, 0)

    input_bev_maps = bev_maps.to(configs.device, non_blocking=True).float()
    t1 = time_synchronized()
    outputs = model(input_bev_maps)
    outputs['hm_cen'] = _sigmoid(outputs['hm_cen'])
    outputs['cen_offset'] = _sigmoid(outputs['cen_offset'])
    # detections size (batch_size, K, 10)
    detections = decode(outputs['hm_cen'], outputs['cen_offset'], outputs['direction'], outputs['z_coor'],outputs['dim'], K=configs.K)
    detections = detections.cpu().detach().numpy().astype(np.float32)
    detections = post_processing(detections, configs.num_classes, configs.down_ratio, configs.peak_thresh)
    t2 = time_synchronized()
    detections = detections[0]  # only first batch
    # Draw prediction in the image
    bev_map = (bev_maps.squeeze().permute(1, 2, 0).numpy() * 255).astype(np.uint8)    
    bev_map = cv2.resize(bev_map, (cnf.BEV_WIDTH, cnf.BEV_HEIGHT))
    bev_map = draw_predictions(bev_map, detections.copy(), configs.num_classes)
    bev_map = cv2.rotate(bev_map, cv2.ROTATE_180)

    cv2.imshow("BEV", bev_map)
    print('\tDone testing in time: {:.1f}ms, speed {:.2f}FPS'.format((t2 - t1) * 1000,1 / (t2 - t1)))
    def load_img_with_targets(self, index):
        """Load images and targets for the training and validation phase"""
        sample_id = int(self.sample_id_list[index])
        img_path = os.path.join(self.image_dir, '{:06d}.png'.format(sample_id))
        lidarData = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
        calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)
        labels, has_labels = self.get_label(sample_id)
        if has_labels:
            labels[:, 1:] = transformation.camera_to_lidar_box(
                labels[:, 1:], calib.V2C, calib.R0, calib.P2)

        if self.lidar_aug:
            lidarData, labels[:, 1:] = self.lidar_aug(lidarData, labels[:, 1:])

        lidarData, labels = get_filtered_lidar(lidarData, cnf.boundary, labels)

        res = self.voxel_generator.generate(lidarData, 20000)

        hflipped = False

        #if self.is_val:
        #   targets = self.build_val_targets(labels, hflipped)
        targets = self.build_targets(labels, hflipped)

        metadatas = {
            'img_path': img_path,
            'hflipped': hflipped,
            'voxels': res["voxels"],
            'num_points': res["num_points_per_voxel"],
            'coors': res["coordinates"]

        return metadatas, targets
    def load_img_with_targets(self, index):
        """Load images and targets for the training and validation phase"""
        sample_id = int(self.sample_id_list[index])
        lidarData = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
        calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)
        labels, has_labels = self.get_label(sample_id)
        gt_boxes3d = self.get_gt_boxes3d_cam2velo(labels, has_labels, calib)

        if self.lidar_aug:
            lidarData, gt_boxes3d = self.lidar_aug(lidarData, gt_boxes3d)

        lidarData, gt_boxes3d, cls_ids = get_filtered_lidar(
            lidarData, gt_boxes3d, labels[:, 0])

        gt_hwlxyzr = box3d_corners_to_center(gt_boxes3d)
        targets = self.build_targets(cls_ids, gt_hwlxyzr, gt_boxes3d)
        # targets = None
        voxels_features, voxels_coors, num_points_per_voxel = self.voxel_generator.generate(

        voxels_features = torch.from_numpy(voxels_features)
        voxels_coors = torch.from_numpy(voxels_coors)
        num_points_per_voxel = torch.from_numpy(num_points_per_voxel)

        voxels_features = self.simplified_voxel(voxels_features,

        # return lidarData, gt_boxes3d, cls_ids, voxels_features, voxels_coors, targets
        return voxels_features, voxels_coors, targets
 def preprocesiing(self, pointcloud):
     pointcloud = get_filtered_lidar(pointcloud, cnf.boundary)
     bev = makeBEVMap(pointcloud, cnf.boundary)
     bev = torch.from_numpy(bev)
     bev = torch.unsqueeze(bev, 0)
     bev = bev.to(self.configs.device, non_blocking=True).float()
     return bev
def on_scan(scan):
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    rospy.loginfo("Got scan")
    gen = []
    for p in pc2.read_points(scan, field_names = ("x", "y", "z", "intensity"), skip_nans=True):
        gen.append(np.array([p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]/100.0]))
    gen_numpy = np.array(gen, dtype=np.float32)

    front_lidar = get_filtered_lidar(gen_numpy, cnf.boundary)
    bev_map = makeBEVMap(front_lidar, cnf.boundary)
    bev_map = torch.from_numpy(bev_map)

    with torch.no_grad():
        detections, bev_map, fps = do_detect(configs, model, bev_map, is_front=True)
    objects_msg = DetectedObjectArray()
    objects_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    objects_msg.header.frame_id = scan.header.frame_id
    flag = False
    for j in range(configs.num_classes):
        class_name = ID_TO_CLASS_NAME[j]

        if len(detections[j]) > 0:
            flag = True
            for det in detections[j]:
                _score, _x, _y, _z, _h, _w, _l, _yaw = det
                yaw = -_yaw
                x = _y / cnf.BEV_HEIGHT * cnf.bound_size_x + cnf.boundary['minX']
                y = _x / cnf.BEV_WIDTH * cnf.bound_size_y + cnf.boundary['minY']
                z = _z + cnf.boundary['minZ']
                w = _w / cnf.BEV_WIDTH * cnf.bound_size_y
                l = _l / cnf.BEV_HEIGHT * cnf.bound_size_x
                obj = DetectedObject()
                obj.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
                obj.header.frame_id = scan.header.frame_id

                obj.score = 0.9
                obj.pose_reliable = True
                obj.space_frame = scan.header.frame_id
                obj.label = class_name
                obj.score = _score
                obj.pose.position.x = x
                obj.pose.position.y = y
                obj.pose.position.z = z
                [qx, qy, qz, qw] = euler_to_quaternion(yaw, 0, 0)
                obj.pose.orientation.x = qx
                obj.pose.orientation.y = qy
                obj.pose.orientation.z = qz
                obj.pose.orientation.w = qw
                obj.dimensions.x = l
                obj.dimensions.y = w
                obj.dimensions.z = _h
    if flag is True:
    stop = timeit.default_timer()
    print('Time: ', stop - start)
    def load_bevmap_front_vs_back(self, index):
        """Load only image for the testing phase"""
        sample_id = int(self.sample_id_list[index])
        img_path, img_rgb = self.get_image(sample_id)
        lidarData = self.get_lidar(sample_id)

        front_lidar = get_filtered_lidar(lidarData, cnf.boundary)
        front_bevmap = makeBEVMap(front_lidar, cnf.boundary)
        front_bevmap = torch.from_numpy(front_bevmap)

        back_lidar = get_filtered_lidar(lidarData, cnf.boundary_back)
        back_bevmap = makeBEVMap(back_lidar, cnf.boundary_back)
        back_bevmap = torch.from_numpy(back_bevmap)

        metadatas = {
            'img_path': img_path,

        return metadatas, front_bevmap, back_bevmap, img_rgb
Exemple #8
    def load_img_only(self, index):
        """Load only image for the testing phase"""
        sample_id = int(self.sample_id_list[index])
        img_path, img_rgb = self.get_image(sample_id)
        lidarData = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
        lidarData = get_filtered_lidar(lidarData, cnf.boundary)
        bev_map = makeBEVMap(lidarData, cnf.boundary)
        bev_map = torch.from_numpy(bev_map)

        metadatas = {
            'img_path': img_path,

        return metadatas, bev_map, img_rgb
    def draw_img_with_label(self, index):
        sample_id = int(self.sample_id_list[index])
        lidarData = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
        calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)
        labels, has_labels = self.get_label(sample_id)
        gt_boxes3d = self.get_gt_boxes3d_cam2velo(labels, has_labels, calib)

        if self.lidar_aug:
            lidarData, gt_boxes3d = self.lidar_aug(lidarData, gt_boxes3d)

        lidarData, gt_boxes3d, cls_ids = get_filtered_lidar(
            lidarData, gt_boxes3d, labels[:, 0])

        return lidarData, gt_boxes3d, cls_ids
    def load_img_only(self, index):
        """Load only image for the testing phase"""
        sample_id = int(self.sample_id_list[index])
        img_path, img_rgb = self.get_image(sample_id)
        lidarData = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
        lidarData = get_filtered_lidar(lidarData, cnf.boundary)
        res = self.voxel_generator.generate(lidarData, 20000)
        metadatas = {
            'img_path': img_path,
            'voxels': res["voxels"],
            'num_points': res["num_points_per_voxel"],
            'coors': res["coordinates"],
            'img_rgb': img_rgb

        return metadatas
Exemple #11
    def draw_img_with_label(self, index):
        sample_id = int(self.sample_id_list[index])
        img_path, img_rgb = self.get_image(sample_id)
        lidarData = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
        calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)
        labels, has_labels = self.get_label(sample_id)
        if has_labels:
            labels[:, 1:] = transformation.camera_to_lidar_box(labels[:, 1:], calib.V2C, calib.R0, calib.P2)

        if self.lidar_aug:
            lidarData, labels[:, 1:] = self.lidar_aug(lidarData, labels[:, 1:])

        lidarData, labels = get_filtered_lidar(lidarData, cnf.boundary, labels)
        bev_map = makeBEVMap(lidarData, cnf.boundary)

        return bev_map, labels, img_rgb, img_path
    def draw_img_with_label(self, index):
        sample_id = int(self.sample_id_list[index])
        img_path, img_rgb = self.get_image(sample_id)
        lidarData = self.get_lidar(sample_id)
        calib = self.get_calib(sample_id)
        labels, has_labels = self.get_label(sample_id)
        if has_labels:
            labels[:, 1:] = transformation.camera_to_lidar_box(
                labels[:, 1:], calib.V2C, calib.R0, calib.P2)

        if self.lidar_aug:
            lidarData, labels[:, 1:] = self.lidar_aug(lidarData, labels[:, 1:])

        lidarData, labels = get_filtered_lidar(lidarData, cnf.boundary, labels)
        res = self.voxel_generator.generate(lidarData, 20000)
        voxels = res["voxels"]
        num_points = res["num_points_per_voxel"]
        coors = res["coordinates"]

        return voxels, coors, num_points, labels, img_rgb, img_path
Exemple #13
    def callback(self, data):
        with torch.no_grad():
            gen = point_cloud2.read_points(data)
            cloudata = []
            for idx, p in enumerate(gen):
                data = np.array([p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]])
                data = data.reshape((1, 4))

            lidarData = np.concatenate([x for x in cloudata], axis=0)

            lidarData = get_filtered_lidar(lidarData, cnf.boundary)
            res = self.voxel_generator.generate(lidarData, 20000)

            coorinput = np.pad(res["coordinates"], ((0, 0), (1, 0)),
            voxelinput = res["voxels"]
            numinput = res["num_points_per_voxel"]

            dtype = torch.float32
            voxelinputr = torch.tensor(voxelinput,

            coorinputr = torch.tensor(coorinput,

            numinputr = torch.tensor(numinput,

            outputs = self.model(voxelinputr, coorinputr, numinputr)
            outputs = outputs._asdict()
            outputs['hm_cen'] = _sigmoid(outputs['hm_cen'])
            outputs['cen_offset'] = _sigmoid(outputs['cen_offset'])
            # detections size (batch_size, K, 10)
            detections = decode(outputs['hm_cen'],
            detections = detections.cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32)
            detections = post_processing(detections, configs.num_classes,

            detections = detections[0]

            bev_map = np.ones((432, 432, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
            bev_map = bev_map * 0.5

            bev_map = makeBEVMap(lidarData, cnf.boundary)
            bev_map = bev_map.transpose((1, 2, 0)) * 255

            #bev_map = (bev_maps.squeeze().permute(1, 2, 0).numpy() * 255).astype(np.uint8)
            bev_map = cv2.resize(bev_map, (cnf.BEV_WIDTH, cnf.BEV_HEIGHT))
            bev_map = draw_predictions(bev_map, detections.copy(),

            # Rotate the bev_map
            bev_map = cv2.rotate(bev_map, cv2.ROTATE_180)
            out_img = bev_map
            cv2.imshow('test-img', out_img)
Exemple #14
            t2 = time_synchronized()

            detections = detections[0]  # only first batch
            # Draw prediction in the image
            bev_map = np.ones((432, 432, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
            bev_map = bev_map * 0.5

            coors = coorinput

            img_path = metadatas['img_path'][0]
            from data_process.kitti_data_utils import get_filtered_lidar
            pointcloud = get_lidar(
                                 ".bin").replace("image_2", "velodyne"))
            lidardata = get_filtered_lidar(pointcloud, cnf.boundary)

            from data_process.kitti_bev_utils import makeBEVMap

            bev_map = makeBEVMap(lidardata, cnf.boundary)
            bev_map = bev_map.transpose((1, 2, 0)) * 255

            bev_map = cv2.resize(bev_map, (cnf.BEV_WIDTH, cnf.BEV_HEIGHT))
            bev_map = draw_predictions(bev_map, detections.copy(),

            # Rotate the bev_map
            bev_map = cv2.rotate(bev_map, cv2.ROTATE_180)

            img_rgb = metadatas['img_rgb'][0]
            img_rgb = cv2.resize(img_rgb, (img_rgb.shape[1], img_rgb.shape[0]))