def order_type(LM, LT, MCoeff, esp):
    """ input : List of machines, List of tasks, Array of coefficients, Double for the coefficient*LB wanted
        output : List of mahines
        order type depending on Mcoeff
        then allocate tasks with the LB criteria
        very good if not all types are compatible: because all coeffs on a machine will be 1 while they could be less if mixed

    LM = data_structure.create_LM(len(LM))
    LB = borne_inf(LT, LM, MCoeff)
    #LT = sorted(LT, key = itemgetter('size'), reverse=True)

    # allocate task in the right order
    machine = 0
    for Type in ordered_types:
        for task in LT:
            # append tasks of this one type
            if task['type'] == Type:
                if ((data_structure.cost_M_gen(LM[machine], MCoeff)) >
                        esp * LB):

                    # trier les taches de la machine par ordre décroissant
                    LM[machine]['LTM'] = sorted(LM[machine]['LTM'],
                    machine += 1

                    if (machine == len(LM)):

                        #print ("pas de machine libre")

                        return 0


    # cas ou il reste des machines libres
    for machine in range(len(LM)):

        if not LM[machine]["LTM"]:  # this machine is empty

            # try to fit tasks from the most charged machine(s) on the empty machine
            most_charged = data_structure.max_ind_cost_LM_gen(LM, MCoeff)

            coutMax = data_structure.cost_M_gen(LM[most_charged[0]], MCoeff)

            for heavy_machine in most_charged:

                last_task = LM[heavy_machine]['LTM'][-1]
                # add last task to empty machine
                if data_structure.cost_M_gen(LM[machine], MCoeff) >= coutMax:
                # remove last task from heavy machine

    return LM
def lpt_typed_difference(LM,LT,MCoeff, group=False, k = 0):
    """input : list of machines * list of tasks * Matrix Coefficient tasks
        output : a new list of machines after using algorithm

        This algorithm works like lpt in the first place
        but it is not looking for the machine with the minimal cost to add a task
        rather it looks for the machine that will be the least affected after adding a task
        this one looks the minimal differences between the old and the new one

        Although from time to times coupled with PTAS the cost_max is reduced, don't ask me why

    #a new list sorted in a decreasing tasks' size
    LT_sorted = sorted(LT,key=itemgetter('size'),reverse=True)
    LM_lpt_typed = copy.deepcopy(LM)

    #operating in all tasks
    for i in range(0,len(LT)):
        #if there's an index i in LM and  the machine is empty, add the task in the machine
        if ((i<len(LM)) and len(LM_lpt_typed[i]['LTM'])==0):

        #we will put the task in the machine that will cost the least after adding it
            """will put the task in the machine where : new_cost_machine - old_cost_machine , is minimal
                looking machine by machine, faster but not the best
            #C_before is a list contains all machine's cost before adding the current task
            for k in range(len(LM_lpt_typed)):

            #C_after_diff is list that will contain the difference of a machine's cost after and before adding the task

            #operating in all machines
            for j in range(len(LM_lpt_typed)):
                #operating in a copy so we don't affect what we want to return : LM_lpt_typed
            #adding the task in the machine that will cost the least afterwards

    return LM_lpt_typed
def lpt_typed(LM, LT, MCoeff, group=False, k = 0):
    """input : list of machines * list of tasks * Matrix Coefficient tasks
        output : a new list of machines after using algorithm

        This algorithm works like lpt in the first place
        but it is not looking for the machine with the minimal cost to add a task
        rather it looks for the machine that will be the least affected after adding a task

    # a new list sorted in a decreasing tasks' size
    LT_sorted = sorted(LT, key=itemgetter('size'), reverse=True)
    LM_lpt_typed = copy.deepcopy(LM)

    # operating in all tasks
    for i in range(0, len(LT)):
        # if there's an index i in LM and  the machine is empty, add the task in the machine
        if ((i < len(LM)) and len(LM_lpt_typed[i]['LTM']) == 0):
        # we will put the task in the machine that will cost the least after adding it
            # C_tmp is a list that will contain all machine's cost after adding the current task
            C_tmp = []
            # C_old is a list containing all machine's cost before adding the current task
            C_old = []
            for k in range(len(LM_lpt_typed)):
                LM_lpt_typed_copy = copy.deepcopy(LM_lpt_typed)
                C_old.append(data_structure.cost_M_gen(LM_lpt_typed_copy[k], MCoeff))
            # operating in all machines
            for j in range(len(LM_lpt_typed)):
                # operating in a copy so we don't affect what we want to return : LM_lpt_typed
                LM_lpt_typed_copy = copy.deepcopy(LM_lpt_typed)
                # putting the task in the temporary LM
                # calculating the final cost of LM after adding the task
                C_tmp.append(final_cost_inlist(C_old, data_structure.cost_M_gen(LM_lpt_typed_copy[j], MCoeff), j))
            # adding the task in the machine that will cost the least afterwards

    return LM_lpt_typed
Exemple #4
def greedy_cluster_wo_lpt_typed(LM, LT, MCoeff, esp):
    """ input : List of machines, List of tasks, Array of coefficients, Double for the coefficient*LB wanted
        output : new List of mahines
        builds clusters of tasks depending on their types. Then allocates those tasks with the LB criteria

    LB = greedy_cluster_tools.borne_inf(LT, LM)
    LC = []

    # create list of types
    All_types = []
    for task in LT:
        if (task['type'] not in All_types):

    # getting type clustered
    LC = greedy_cluster_tools.rec_clusterize(LC, All_types, MCoeff)

    # create clusters of tasks LT_clusterized based on clusters of types LC
    LT_clusterized = [[] for cluster in range(len(LC))]
    for cluster in range(len(LC)):
        for task in LT:
            if task['type'] in LC[cluster]:

    # allocate clusterized tasks LT_clusterized in machines LM so as not to surpass LB
    # here we'll operate first in the cluster : cluster, then in the tasks in that cluster : task, --> two loops
    # all of that operating in parallel with a machine : num_machine, it is not embodied by a loop
    num_machine = 0
    machine_done = False

    LM_greedy = copy.deepcopy(LM)
    LT_clust_copy = copy.deepcopy(LT_clusterized)

    # operating in clusters containing tasks, looping in a copy to avoid weird bugs
    for cluster in LT_clust_copy:
        # if we are still operating in an existing machine
        if num_machine < len(LM_greedy):
            # if the cluster is not empty
            if len(cluster):
                #sort decreasingly by tasks' size the cluster
                cluster = sorted(cluster, key=itemgetter('size'), reverse=True)

            cluster_copy = copy.deepcopy(cluster)
            # operating task in that cluster, looping in a copy to avoid weird bugs, but operating directly in results : LM_greedy
            for task in cluster_copy:
                # if we are still operating in an existing machine
                if num_machine < len(LM_greedy):
                    # add temporarily the task in the num_machine

                    # if the num_machine have now a cost > esp*LB
                    if (data_structure.cost_M_gen(LM_greedy[num_machine],
                                                  MCoeff) > esp * LB):
                        # we remove the added task and num_machine is done
                        del LM_greedy[num_machine]['LTM'][-1]
                        machine_done = True

                    if machine_done:
                        num_machine += 1
                        # add the task in the next existing machine
                        if num_machine < len(LM_greedy):
                            machine_done = False

                        # case bad_esp :
                        # no available machine to ensure < esp*LB , so we add the task in the first machine
                        # note that this esp is not a good one, therefore we make sure that the cost will be high
                            machine_done = False

                # case bad_esp
        # case bad_esp
            cluster_copy = copy.deepcopy(cluster)
            for task in cluster_copy:

    return LM_greedy