def test(epoch, iter, log_file_semantic_val, log_file_scan_val, val_file, log_file_2d_val): test_loss_semantic = [] # To store semantic loss at each iteration test_loss_scan = [] # To store scan loss at each iteration test_loss_2d = [] model.eval() model2d_fixed.eval() model2d_trainable.eval() if opt.use_proxy_loss: model2d_classifier.eval() start = time.time() # h5py has too much data. 10000 samples are too much to use. Divide by 10 and pick 1000 at a time print('Validating on %s' % val_file) for h5py_index in range(10): volumes, labels, frames, world_to_grids = data_util.load_hdf5_data( val_file, num_classes, h5py_index) frames = frames[:, :2 + num_images] volumes = volumes.permute(0, 1, 4, 3, 2) labels = labels.permute(0, 1, 4, 3, 2) labels = labels[:, 0, :, grid_centerX, grid_centerY] # center columns as targets # Filter out the scenes not available available_frames_index = data_util.get_available_frames_id( opt.data_path_2d, frames) if len(available_frames_index) < batch_size: continue volumes = volumes[available_frames_index] labels = labels[available_frames_index] frames = frames[available_frames_index] world_to_grids = world_to_grids[available_frames_index] num_samples = volumes.shape[0] # shuffle indices = torch.randperm(num_samples).long().split(batch_size) # remove last mini-batch so that all the batches have equal size indices = indices[:-1] with torch.no_grad(): if CUDA_AVAILABLE: mask_semantic = torch.cuda.LongTensor(batch_size * column_height) depth_images = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) color_images = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 3, input_image_dims[1], input_image_dims[0]) camera_poses = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 4, 4) label_images = torch.cuda.LongTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) else: mask_semantic = torch.LongTensor(batch_size * column_height) depth_images = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) color_images = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 3, input_image_dims[1], input_image_dims[0]) camera_poses = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 4, 4) label_images = torch.LongTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) for t, v in enumerate(indices): # print(t, v) if CUDA_AVAILABLE: targets_semantic = labels[v].cuda() else: targets_semantic = labels[v] # Ignore Invalid targets for semantic mask_semantic = targets_semantic.view(-1).data.clone() for k in range(num_classes): if criterion_weights_semantic[k] == 0: mask_semantic[mask_semantic.eq(k)] = 0 mask_indices_semantic = mask_semantic.nonzero().squeeze() if len(mask_indices_semantic.shape) == 0: continue # Ignore Invalid targets for scan # Create mask from current volume where 1 represents voxel is known-free or known-occupied. # 0 input should target 0, 1 should 1 and 2(from before voxel discarding) should 2. if opt.train_scan_completion: mask_scan = targets_semantic.view(-1).data.clone() mask_scan[:] = 1 # Ignore Unknown Voxels from before. mask_scan[targets_semantic.view(-1).eq(opt.num_classes - 1)] = 0 mask_scan_indices = mask_scan.nonzero().squeeze() if len(mask_scan_indices.shape) == 0: continue # ToDo: What if you generate targets_scan from volumetric grid? # ToDo: You should get the same result but confirm. targets_scan = targets_semantic.view(-1).data.clone() targets_scan[, 1) *, num_classes - 1)] = 1 targets_scan[torch.eq(targets_scan, num_classes - 1)] = 2 # Label 41 with class 2 transforms = world_to_grids[v].unsqueeze(1) transforms = transforms.expand(batch_size, num_images, 4, 4).contiguous().view(-1, 4, 4) if CUDA_AVAILABLE: transforms = transforms.cuda() # get 2d data is_load_success = data_util.load_frames_multi( opt.data_path_2d, frames[v], depth_images, color_images, camera_poses, color_mean, color_std) if not is_load_success: continue # 3d Input volume = volumes[v] # Get indices of voxels to be removed if training scan completion random_center_voxel_indices = torch.Tensor() # Empty Tensor if opt.train_scan_completion: # ToDo: For all sample in each batch, same random voxels are removed. # ToDo: Voxel already unknown also gets removed. random_center_voxel_indices = projection.get_random_center_voxels_index( opt.voxel_removal_fraction) # Mark the 3D voxels as Unknown and volume[:, :, random_center_voxel_indices, projection.volume_dims[0] // 2, projection.volume_dims[1] // 2] = 0 # Compute projection mapping and mark center voxels as Unknown if training for scan completion proj_mapping = [ projection.compute_projection(d, c, t, random_center_voxel_indices) for d, c, t in zip(depth_images, camera_poses, transforms) ] if None in proj_mapping: print('No mapping in proj_mapping') continue proj_mapping = list(zip(*proj_mapping)) proj_ind_3d = torch.stack(proj_mapping[0]) proj_ind_2d = torch.stack(proj_mapping[1]) if opt.use_proxy_loss: data_util.load_label_frames(opt.data_path_2d, frames[v], label_images, num_classes) mask2d = label_images.view(-1).clone() for k in range(num_classes): if criterion_weights_semantic[k] == 0: mask2d[mask2d.eq(k)] = 0 mask2d = mask2d.nonzero().squeeze() if len(mask2d.shape) == 0: continue # nothing to optimize for here # 2d imageft_fixed = model2d_fixed(color_images) imageft = model2d_trainable(imageft_fixed) if opt.use_proxy_loss: ft2d = model2d_classifier(imageft) ft2d = ft2d.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() # 2d/3d if CUDA_AVAILABLE: input3d = volume.cuda() else: input3d = volume # Forward Pass Only output_semantic, output_scan = model(input3d, imageft, proj_ind_3d, proj_ind_2d, grid_dims) # Compute Scan and semantic Loss loss_semantic = criterion_semantic( output_semantic.view(-1, num_classes), targets_semantic.view(-1)) test_loss_semantic.append(loss_semantic.item()) if opt.train_scan_completion: loss_scan = criterion_scan( output_scan.view(-1, _NUM_OCCUPANCY_STATES), targets_scan.view(-1)) test_loss_scan.append(loss_scan.item()) if opt.use_proxy_loss: loss2d = criterion2d(ft2d.view(-1, num_classes), label_images.view(-1)) test_loss_2d.append(loss2d.item()) # Confusion y = y = y.view(-1, num_classes)[:, :-1] _, predictions = y.max(1) predictions = predictions.view(-1) k = label_images.view(-1) confusion2d_val.add( torch.index_select(predictions, 0, mask2d), torch.index_select(k, 0, mask2d)) # Confusion for Semantic y = y = y.view(y.nelement() // y.size(2), num_classes)[:, :-1] _, predictions = y.max(1) predictions = predictions.view(-1) k = confusion_val.add( torch.index_select(predictions, 0, mask_indices_semantic), torch.index_select(k, 0, mask_indices_semantic)) # Confusion for Scan completion if opt.train_scan_completion: y = # Discard semantic prediction of Unknown Voxels in target_scan y = y.view(y.nelement() // y.size(2), _NUM_OCCUPANCY_STATES)[:, :-1] _, predictions_scan = y.max(1) predictions_scan = predictions_scan.view(-1) k = confusion_scan_val.add( torch.index_select(predictions_scan, 0, mask_scan_indices), torch.index_select(k, 0, mask_scan_indices)) end = time.time() took = end - start evaluate_confusion(confusion_val, test_loss_semantic, epoch, iter, took, 'ValidationSemantic', log_file_semantic_val, num_classes) if opt.train_scan_completion: evaluate_confusion(confusion_scan_val, test_loss_scan, epoch, iter, took, 'ValidationScan', log_file_scan_val, _NUM_OCCUPANCY_STATES) if opt.use_proxy_loss: evaluate_confusion(confusion2d_val, test_loss_2d, epoch, iter, took, 'Validation2d', log_file_2d_val, num_classes) return test_loss_semantic, test_loss_scan, test_loss_2d
def test(epoch, iter, log_file, val_file, log_file_2d): test_loss = [] test_loss_2d = [] model.eval() model2d_fixed.eval() model2d_trainable.eval() if opt.use_proxy_loss: model2d_classifier.eval() start = time.time() volumes, labels, frames, world_to_grids = data_util.load_hdf5_data(val_file, num_classes) frames = frames[:, :2+num_images] volumes = volumes.permute(0, 1, 4, 3, 2) labels = labels.permute(0, 1, 4, 3, 2) labels = labels[:, 0, :, grid_centerX, grid_centerY] # center columns as targets num_samples = volumes.shape[0] # shuffle indices = torch.randperm(num_samples).long().split(batch_size) # remove last mini-batch so that all the batches have equal size indices = indices[:-1] with torch.no_grad(): mask = torch.cuda.LongTensor(batch_size*column_height) depth_images = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) color_images = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 3, input_image_dims[1], input_image_dims[0]) camera_poses = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 4, 4) label_images = torch.cuda.LongTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) for t,v in enumerate(indices): targets = labels[v].cuda() # valid targets mask = targets.view(-1).data.clone() for k in range(num_classes): if criterion_weights[k] == 0: mask[mask.eq(k)] = 0 maskindices = mask.nonzero().squeeze() if len(maskindices.shape) == 0: continue transforms = world_to_grids[v].unsqueeze(1) transforms = transforms.expand(batch_size, num_images, 4, 4).contiguous().view(-1, 4, 4).cuda() # get 2d data data_util.load_frames_multi(opt.data_path_2d, frames[v], depth_images, color_images, camera_poses, color_mean, color_std) if opt.use_proxy_loss: data_util.load_label_frames(opt.data_path_2d, frames[v], label_images, num_classes) mask2d = label_images.view(-1).clone() for k in range(num_classes): if criterion_weights[k] == 0: mask2d[mask2d.eq(k)] = 0 mask2d = mask2d.nonzero().squeeze() if (len(mask2d.shape) == 0): continue # nothing to optimize for here # compute projection mapping proj_mapping = [projection.compute_projection(d, c, t) for d, c, t in zip(depth_images, camera_poses, transforms)] if None in proj_mapping: #invalid sample #print '(invalid sample)' continue proj_mapping = zip(*proj_mapping) proj_ind_3d = torch.stack(proj_mapping[0]) proj_ind_2d = torch.stack(proj_mapping[1]) # 2d imageft_fixed = model2d_fixed(color_images) imageft = model2d_trainable(imageft_fixed) if opt.use_proxy_loss: ft2d = model2d_classifier(imageft) ft2d = ft2d.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() # 2d/3d input3d = volumes[v].cuda() output = model(input3d, imageft, proj_ind_3d, proj_ind_2d, grid_dims) loss = criterion(output.view(-1, num_classes), targets.view(-1)) test_loss.append(loss.item()) if opt.use_proxy_loss: loss2d = criterion2d(ft2d.view(-1, num_classes), label_images.view(-1)) test_loss_2d.append(loss2d.item()) # confusion y = y = y.view(-1, num_classes)[:, :-1] _, predictions = y.max(1) predictions = predictions.view(-1) k = label_images.view(-1) confusion2d_val.add(torch.index_select(predictions, 0, mask2d), torch.index_select(k, 0, mask2d)) # confusion y = y = y.view(y.nelement()/y.size(2), num_classes)[:, :-1] _, predictions = y.max(1) predictions = predictions.view(-1) k = confusion_val.add(torch.index_select(predictions, 0, maskindices), torch.index_select(k, 0, maskindices)) end = time.time() took = end - start evaluate_confusion(confusion_val, test_loss, epoch, iter, took, 'Test', log_file) if opt.use_proxy_loss: evaluate_confusion(confusion2d_val, test_loss_2d, epoch, iter, took, 'Test2d', log_file_2d) return test_loss, test_loss_2d
def train(epoch, iter, log_file_semantic, log_file_scan, train_file, log_file_2d): train_loss_semantic = [] # To store semantic loss at each iteration train_loss_scan = [] # To store scan loss at each iteration train_loss_2d = [] model.train() start = time.time() model2d_trainable.train() if opt.use_proxy_loss: model2d_classifier.train() # h5py has too much data. 10000 samples are too much to use. Divide by 10 and pick 1000 at a time print('Training on %s' % train_file) for h5py_index in range(10): volumes, labels, frames, world_to_grids = data_util.load_hdf5_data( train_file, num_classes, h5py_index) frames = frames[:, :2 + num_images] volumes = volumes.permute(0, 1, 4, 3, 2) labels = labels.permute(0, 1, 4, 3, 2) labels = labels[:, 0, :, grid_centerX, grid_centerY] # center columns as targets # Filter out the scenes not available available_frames_index = data_util.get_available_frames_id( opt.data_path_2d, frames) if len(available_frames_index) < batch_size: continue volumes = volumes[available_frames_index] labels = labels[available_frames_index] frames = frames[available_frames_index] world_to_grids = world_to_grids[available_frames_index] num_samples = volumes.shape[0] # shuffle indices = torch.randperm(num_samples).long().split(batch_size) # remove last mini-batch so that all the batches have equal size indices = indices[:-1] if CUDA_AVAILABLE: mask = torch.cuda.LongTensor(batch_size * column_height) depth_images = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) color_images = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 3, input_image_dims[1], input_image_dims[0]) camera_poses = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 4, 4) label_images = torch.cuda.LongTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) else: mask = torch.LongTensor(batch_size * column_height) depth_images = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) color_images = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 3, input_image_dims[1], input_image_dims[0]) camera_poses = torch.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 4, 4) label_images = torch.LongTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) for t, v in enumerate(indices): iter_start = time.time() # print(t, v) if CUDA_AVAILABLE: targets_semantic = torch.autograd.Variable(labels[v].cuda()) else: targets_semantic = torch.autograd.Variable(labels[v]) # Ignore Invalid targets for semantic mask_semantic = targets_semantic.view(-1).data.clone() for k in range(num_classes): if criterion_weights_semantic[k] == 0: mask_semantic[mask_semantic.eq(k)] = 0 mask_semantic_indices = mask_semantic.nonzero().squeeze( ) # Used in confusion matrix if len(mask_semantic_indices.shape) == 0: continue # Ignore Invalid targets for scan # occ[0] = np.less_equal(np.abs(sdfs), 1) # occupied space - 1, empty space - 0 # occ[1] = np.greater_equal(sdfs, -1) # known space = 1, unknown space - 0 # Known-Free Space : 1, 0(2). - Target = 0 # Known-Occupied Space : 1, 1 (3) - Target = 1 # Unknown Space: 0, 0 - (0) - Target = 2 # Create mask from current volume where 1 represents voxel is known-free or known-occupied. # ToDo: Ask tutor: What if I don't use a mask? # 0 input should target 0, 1 should 1 and 2(from before voxel discarding) should 2. if opt.train_scan_completion: mask_scan = targets_semantic.view(-1).data.clone() mask_scan[:] = 1 # Ignore Unknown Voxels from before. mask_scan[targets_semantic.view(-1).eq(opt.num_classes - 1)] = 0 mask_scan_indices = mask_scan.nonzero().squeeze() if len(mask_scan_indices.shape) == 0: continue # ToDo: What if you generate targets_scan from volumetric grid? # ToDo: You should get the same result but confirm. targets_scan = targets_semantic.view(-1).data.clone() targets_scan[, 1) *, num_classes - 1)] = 1 targets_scan[torch.eq(targets_scan, num_classes - 1)] = 2 # Label 41 with class 2 transforms = world_to_grids[v].unsqueeze(1) transforms = transforms.expand(batch_size, num_images, 4, 4).contiguous().view(-1, 4, 4) if CUDA_AVAILABLE: transforms = transforms.cuda() # Load the data # print("loading the data") is_load_success = data_util.load_frames_multi( opt.data_path_2d, frames[v], depth_images, color_images, camera_poses, color_mean, color_std) if not is_load_success: continue # 3d Input volume = volumes[v] # Get indices of voxels to be removed if training scan completion random_center_voxel_indices = torch.Tensor() # Empty Tensor if opt.train_scan_completion: # ToDo: For all sample in each batch, same random voxels are removed. # ToDo: Voxel already unknown also gets removed. random_center_voxel_indices = projection.get_random_center_voxels_index( opt.voxel_removal_fraction) # Mark the 3D voxels as Unknown and volume[:, :, random_center_voxel_indices, projection.volume_dims[0] // 2, projection.volume_dims[1] // 2] = 0 # Compute projection mapping and mark center voxels as Unknown if training for scan completion proj_mapping = [ projection.compute_projection(d, c, t, random_center_voxel_indices) for d, c, t in zip(depth_images, camera_poses, transforms) ] if None in proj_mapping: # Invalid sample print('No mapping in proj_mapping') continue proj_mapping = list(zip(*proj_mapping)) proj_ind_3d = torch.stack(proj_mapping[0]) proj_ind_2d = torch.stack(proj_mapping[1]) if opt.use_proxy_loss: data_util.load_label_frames(opt.data_path_2d, frames[v], label_images, num_classes) mask2d = label_images.view(-1).clone() for k in range(num_classes): if criterion_weights_semantic[k] == 0: mask2d[mask2d.eq(k)] = 0 mask2d = mask2d.nonzero().squeeze() if len(mask2d.shape) == 0: continue # nothing to optimize for here # 2d imageft_fixed = model2d_fixed( torch.autograd.Variable(color_images)) imageft = model2d_trainable(imageft_fixed) if opt.use_proxy_loss: ft2d = model2d_classifier(imageft) ft2d = ft2d.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() # 2d/3d input3d = torch.autograd.Variable(volume) if CUDA_AVAILABLE: input3d = input3d.cuda() # Forward Pass output_semantic, output_scan = model( input3d, imageft, torch.autograd.Variable(proj_ind_3d), torch.autograd.Variable(proj_ind_2d), grid_dims) # Display Once GPU memory usage - Be Sure of GPU usage. Collab is a bit unpredictable check_gpu_memory_usage_once() # Compute Scan and semantic Loss loss_semantic = criterion_semantic( output_semantic.view(-1, num_classes), targets_semantic.view(-1)) train_loss_semantic.append(loss_semantic.item()) if opt.train_scan_completion: loss_scan = criterion_scan( output_scan.view(-1, _NUM_OCCUPANCY_STATES), targets_scan.view(-1)) train_loss_scan.append(loss_scan.item()) loss = loss_scan + loss_semantic else: loss = loss_semantic # Backpropagate total loss. # ToDo: Note using same optimizer for both branches. Is there a need for different optimizers? optimizer.zero_grad() optimizer2d.zero_grad() if opt.use_proxy_loss: loss.backward(retain_graph=True) else: loss.backward() optimizer.step() # optimizer2d.step is probably required even when use_proxy_loss is False, since backprojection layer is # differentiable, allowing us to backpropagate the gradients to 2d model from model(3D). optimizer2d.step() # ToDo: Check if proxy loss is required. If optimizer2d is injecting gradients, proxy loss may be needed. if opt.use_proxy_loss: loss2d = criterion2d( ft2d.view(-1, num_classes), torch.autograd.Variable(label_images.view(-1))) train_loss_2d.append(loss2d.item()) optimizer2d.zero_grad() optimizer2dc.zero_grad() loss2d.backward() optimizer2dc.step() optimizer2d.step() # confusion y = y = y.view(-1, num_classes)[:, :-1] _, predictions = y.max(1) predictions = predictions.view(-1) k = label_images.view(-1) confusion2d.add(torch.index_select(predictions, 0, mask2d), torch.index_select(k, 0, mask2d)) # Confusion for Semantic y = # Discard semantic prediction of class num_classes-1[Unknown Voxel] y = y.view(y.nelement() // y.size(2), num_classes)[:, :-1] _, predictions = y.max(1) predictions = predictions.view(-1) k = confusion.add( torch.index_select(predictions, 0, mask_semantic_indices), torch.index_select(k, 0, mask_semantic_indices)) # Confusion for Scan completion if opt.train_scan_completion: y = # Discard semantic prediction of Unknown Voxels in target_scan y = y.view(y.nelement() // y.size(2), _NUM_OCCUPANCY_STATES)[:, :-1] _, predictions_scan = y.max(1) predictions_scan = predictions_scan.view(-1) k = confusion_scan.add( torch.index_select(predictions_scan, 0, mask_scan_indices), torch.index_select(k, 0, mask_scan_indices)) # Log loss for current iteration and print every 20th turn. msg1 = _SPLITTER.join( [str(f) for f in [epoch, iter, loss_semantic.item()]]) log_file_semantic.write(msg1 + '\n') if opt.train_scan_completion: msg2 = _SPLITTER.join( [str(f) for f in [epoch, iter, loss_scan.item()]]) log_file_scan.write(msg2 + '\n') # InFrequent logging stops chrome from crash[Colab] and also less strain on jupyter. if iter % (64 // batch_size) == 0: print("Semantic: %s, %0.6f" % (msg1, time.time() - iter_start)) if opt.train_scan_completion: print("Scan : %s" % msg2) iter += 1 if iter % ( 10000 // batch_size ) == 0: # Save more frequently, since its Google Collaboratory. # Save 3d model if not opt.train_scan_completion: model.state_dict(), os.path.join( opt.output, 'model-semantic-epoch%s-iter%s-Sem%s.pth' % (epoch, iter, str(loss_semantic.item())))) else: model.state_dict(), os.path.join( opt.output, 'model-semantic_and_scan-epoch%s-iter%s-sem%s-scan%s.pth' % (epoch, iter, str( loss_semantic.item()), str(loss_scan.item())))) # Save 2d model # Important ToDo: Do we need to retrain on model2d_trainable model2d_trainable.state_dict(), os.path.join(opt.output, 'model2d-iter%s-epoch%s.pth' % (iter, epoch))) if opt.use_proxy_loss: model2d_classifier.state_dict(), os.path.join( opt.output, 'model2dc-iter%s-epoch%s.pth' % (iter, epoch))) if iter == 1:, os.path.join(opt.output, 'model2dfixed.pth')) if iter % 100 == 0: evaluate_confusion(confusion, train_loss_semantic, epoch, iter, -1, 'TrainSemantic', log_file_semantic, num_classes) if opt.train_scan_completion: evaluate_confusion(confusion_scan, train_loss_scan, epoch, iter, -1, 'TrainScan', log_file_scan, _NUM_OCCUPANCY_STATES) if opt.use_proxy_loss: evaluate_confusion(confusion2d, train_loss_2d, epoch, iter, -1, 'Train2d', log_file_2d, num_classes) end = time.time() took = end - start evaluate_confusion(confusion, train_loss_semantic, epoch, iter, took, 'TrainSemantic', log_file_semantic, num_classes) if opt.train_scan_completion: evaluate_confusion(confusion_scan, train_loss_scan, epoch, iter, took, 'TrainScan', log_file_scan, _NUM_OCCUPANCY_STATES) if opt.use_proxy_loss: evaluate_confusion(confusion2d, train_loss_2d, epoch, iter, took, 'Train2d', log_file_2d, num_classes) return train_loss_semantic, train_loss_scan, iter, train_loss_2d
def train(epoch, iter, log_file, train_file, log_file_2d): train_loss = [] train_loss_2d = [] model.train() start = time.time() model2d_trainable.train() if opt.use_proxy_loss: model2d_classifier.train() volumes, labels, frames, world_to_grids = data_util.load_hdf5_data(train_file, num_classes) frames = frames[:, :2+num_images] volumes = volumes.permute(0, 1, 4, 3, 2) labels = labels.permute(0, 1, 4, 3, 2) labels = labels[:, 0, :, grid_centerX, grid_centerY] # center columns as targets num_samples = volumes.shape[0] # shuffle indices = torch.randperm(num_samples).long().split(batch_size) # remove last mini-batch so that all the batches have equal size indices = indices[:-1] mask = torch.cuda.LongTensor(batch_size*column_height) depth_images = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) color_images = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 3, input_image_dims[1], input_image_dims[0]) camera_poses = torch.cuda.FloatTensor(batch_size * num_images, 4, 4) label_images = torch.cuda.LongTensor(batch_size * num_images, proj_image_dims[1], proj_image_dims[0]) for t,v in enumerate(indices): targets = torch.autograd.Variable(labels[v].cuda()) # valid targets mask = targets.view(-1).data.clone() for k in range(num_classes): if criterion_weights[k] == 0: mask[mask.eq(k)] = 0 maskindices = mask.nonzero().squeeze() if len(maskindices.shape) == 0: continue transforms = world_to_grids[v].unsqueeze(1) transforms = transforms.expand(batch_size, num_images, 4, 4).contiguous().view(-1, 4, 4).cuda() data_util.load_frames_multi(opt.data_path_2d, frames[v], depth_images, color_images, camera_poses, color_mean, color_std) # compute projection mapping proj_mapping = [projection.compute_projection(d, c, t) for d, c, t in zip(depth_images, camera_poses, transforms)] for d, c, t in zip(depth_images, camera_poses, transforms): test = projection.compute_projection(d, c, t) if None in proj_mapping: #invalid sample #print '(invalid sample)' continue proj_mapping = list(zip(*proj_mapping)) proj_ind_3d = torch.stack(proj_mapping[0]) proj_ind_2d = torch.stack(proj_mapping[1]) if opt.use_proxy_loss: data_util.load_label_frames(opt.data_path_2d, frames[v], label_images, num_classes) mask2d = label_images.view(-1).clone() for k in range(num_classes): if criterion_weights[k] == 0: mask2d[mask2d.eq(k)] = 0 mask2d = mask2d.nonzero().squeeze() if (len(mask2d.shape) == 0): continue # nothing to optimize for here # 2d imageft_fixed = model2d_fixed(torch.autograd.Variable(color_images)) imageft = model2d_trainable(imageft_fixed) if opt.use_proxy_loss: ft2d = model2d_classifier(imageft) ft2d = ft2d.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).contiguous() # 2d/3d input3d = torch.autograd.Variable(volumes[v].cuda()) output = model(input3d, imageft, torch.autograd.Variable(proj_ind_3d), torch.autograd.Variable(proj_ind_2d), grid_dims) loss = criterion(output.view(-1, num_classes), targets.view(-1)) train_loss.append(loss.item()) optimizer.zero_grad() optimizer2d.zero_grad() loss.backward(retain_graph=True) optimizer.step() optimizer2d.step() if opt.use_proxy_loss: loss2d = criterion2d(ft2d.view(-1, num_classes), torch.autograd.Variable(label_images.view(-1))) train_loss_2d.append(loss2d.item()) optimizer2d.zero_grad() optimizer2dc.zero_grad() loss2d.backward() optimizer2dc.step() optimizer2d.step() # confusion y = y = y.view(-1, num_classes)[:, :-1] _, predictions = y.max(1) predictions = predictions.view(-1) k = label_images.view(-1) confusion2d.add(torch.index_select(predictions, 0, mask2d), torch.index_select(k, 0, mask2d)) # confusion y = y = y.view(y.nelement()/y.size(2), num_classes)[:, :-1] _, predictions = y.max(1) predictions = predictions.view(-1) k = confusion.add(torch.index_select(predictions, 0, maskindices), torch.index_select(k, 0, maskindices)) log_file.write(_SPLITTER.join([str(f) for f in [epoch, iter, loss.item()]]) + '\n') iter += 1 if iter % 10000 == 0:, os.path.join(opt.output, 'model-iter%s-epoch%s.pth' % (iter, epoch))), os.path.join(opt.output, 'model2d-iter%s-epoch%s.pth' % (iter, epoch))) if opt.use_proxy_loss:, os.path.join(opt.output, 'model2dc-iter%s-epoch%s.pth' % (iter, epoch))) if iter == 1:, os.path.join(opt.output, 'model2dfixed.pth')) if iter % 100 == 0: evaluate_confusion(confusion, train_loss, epoch, iter, -1, 'Train', log_file) if opt.use_proxy_loss: evaluate_confusion(confusion2d, train_loss_2d, epoch, iter, -1, 'Train2d', log_file_2d) end = time.time() took = end - start evaluate_confusion(confusion, train_loss, epoch, iter, took, 'Train', log_file) if opt.use_proxy_loss: evaluate_confusion(confusion2d, train_loss_2d, epoch, iter, took, 'Train2d', log_file_2d) return train_loss, iter, train_loss_2d