Exemple #1
def get_movie(movie):
    query = "SELECT * FROM movies WHERE movie_id = (?) OR movie_name = (?) OR release_date = (?) OR rating = " \
                "(?) OR genre = (?)"

    params = (movie.movie_id, movie.movie_name, movie.release_date,
              movie.rating, movie.genre)
    get_database(query, params)
Exemple #2
def get_random_lastname_upperclass ():
    Returns a random previously unused upperclass last name.
    Names get constructed out of a variety of syllables.

    **Examples**:: Adderley, Hartlethorpe, Islington, Thistleby, Windermere.
    first  = db.get_database(DB_LAST_UPPER1).random_pop()
    second = db.get_database(DB_LAST_UPPER2).random_pop()
    third  = db.get_database(DB_LAST_UPPER3).random()
    fourth = db.get_database(DB_LAST_UPPER4).random_pop()
    if not (first and second and third and fourth):
        return get_random_lastname_middleclass()

    return "%s%s%s%s" % (first, second, third, fourth)
Exemple #3
def get_room_from_database (try_strict, type = "utility"):
    Pulls a random room matching some kind of criterion from the database.
    If none can be found, try again without the additional requirements.
    :``try_strict``: If true, apply a function to check for some requirement.
                     If the results is None, print a message and return
                     False. If false, just get a random room. *Required*.
    dbr = db.get_database("rooms")
    if try_strict:
        if type == "utility":
            new_room = dbr.random_pop(check_for_utility)
        elif type == "passage":
            new_room = dbr.random_pop(check_is_passage)
        elif type == "no_windows":
            new_room = dbr.random_pop(check_no_windows)
            new_room = dbr.random_pop(alphabetic_check)

        if new_room == None:
            print "None found -> relax the requirements:",
            return False
        new_room = dbr.random_pop()

    print new_room.name
    return try_strict
Exemple #4
def db_get_entry (db_name):
    Helper method returning a random database entry for a given database.

    :``db_name``: The database's name. *Required*
    return db.get_database(db_name).random()
Exemple #5
def get_random_lastname_combo ():
    Returns a random previously unused last name built up of
    adjective + noun, or noun + noun.

    **Examples**:: Blackstone, Goodfellow, Gladwell, Longbourne.
    first = db.get_database(DB_LAST_COMBO1).random_pop()
    if not first:
        return get_random_lastname_simple()

    second = db.get_database(DB_LAST_COMBO2).random_pop()
    if not second:
        return get_random_lastname_simple()

    if second[0] == 'w' and first.endswith('w'):
        second = second[1:]
    return "%s%s" % (first, second)
Exemple #6
def get_random_lastname_irish ():
    Returns a random previously unused last name beginning with "O'".

    **Examples**:: O'Connor, O'Halloran, O'Neill.
    name = db.get_database(DB_LAST_GAELIC1).random_pop()
    if not name:
        return get_random_lastname_simple()
    return "O'%s" % name
Exemple #7
def get_random_lastname_scottish ():
    Returns a random previously unused last name beginning with "Mc" or "Mac".

    **Examples**:: MacCormack, McDonald, MacLeod.
    name = db.get_database(DB_LAST_GAELIC2).random_pop()
    if not name:
        return get_random_lastname_simple()
    return "%s%s" % (random.choice(('Mc', 'Mac')), name)
Exemple #8
def get_random_lastname_upperclass ():
    Returns a random previously unused upperclass last name.
    Names get constructed out of a variety of syllables.

    **Examples**:: Adderley, Hartlethorpe, Islington, Thistleby, Windermere.
    first = db.get_database(DB_LAST_UPPER1).random_pop()
    if not first:
        return get_random_lastname_middleclass()

    if not one_chance_in(4):
        second = random.choice(('er', 'le', 'lings'))
        third  = db.get_database(DB_LAST_UPPER2).random_pop()
        if not third:
            return get_random_lastname_middleclass()
        return "%s%s%s" % (first, second, third)

    second = random.choice(('lington', 'erly', 'erley'))
    return "%s%s" % (first, second)
Exemple #9
def get_random_lastname_nameson ():
    Returns a random previously unused last name ending in "s" or "son".

    **Examples**:: Adams, Jackson, Stevenson, Williams.
    name = db.get_database(DB_LAST_NAMESON).random_pop()
    if not name:
        return get_random_lastname_simple()
    if name.endswith('s'):
        if coinflip():
            return name
            return "%son" % name
    return "%sson" % name
Exemple #10
def db_random_pop_default (db_name, value = None):
    Removes a random element from the database and returns it.
    If such an element does not exist, returns another value instead.

    :``db_value``: Database name.
    :``value``: Default return value. *Default None*
    name = db.get_database(db_name).random_pop()
    if not name:
        if not value:
            return get_random_lastname_simple ()
            return value
    return name
Exemple #11
def get_rooms (num = 10):
    Pull a random list of room names from the database.

    :``num``: The number of suspects. *Default 10*.
    # Note: Instead of pulling up random room names from the database,
    #       this should eventually draw on the manor's room list.
    rooms = []
    dbr   = db.get_database("rooms")
    for i in xrange(num):
        new_room = dbr.random_pop()
        if (new_room):
            new_room = "the %s" % new_room.name
            new_room = "nowhere"

    return rooms
Exemple #12
    def pick_room (self):
        Pick a room type from the database that matches the requirements.
        If no applicable room can be found, loosen the requirements one after another.
        dbr = db.get_database("rooms")

        new_room = dbr.random_pop(self.check_room)
        if new_room == None:
            # Loosen restrictions in order of importance.
            if self.windows != None:
                if self.debug:
                    print "loosen windows restriction"
                self.windows = None
            elif self.size != None:
                if self.debug:
                    print "loosen size restriction"
                self.size = None
            elif self.passage:
                if self.debug:
                    print "loosen passage restriction"
                self.passage = False
            # Section checks override all other checks.
            elif self.utility != None:
                if self.debug:
                    print "loosen utility restriction"
                self.utility = None
                if self.debug:
                    print "get random room"
                return dbr.random_pop()

            return self.pick_room()

        if self.debug:
            print "found room: %s" % new_room
        return new_room
Exemple #13
def get_box_office():
    query = "SELECT * FROM box_office"
Exemple #14
def get_movie_genre():
    query = "SELECT * FROM movies_genre"
Exemple #15
def get_genre(genre):
    query = "SELECT * FROM genres WHERE genre_id = (?) OR name = (?)"
    params = (genre.genre_id, genre.name)
    get_database(query, params)
Exemple #16
def get_director(director):
    query = "SELECT * FROM directors WHERE director_id = (?) OR name = (?)"
    params = (director.director_id, director.name)
    get_database(query, params)
Exemple #17
def get_actor_movie():
    query = "SELECT * FROM actor_movie"
Exemple #18
def get_actor(actor):
    query = "SELECT * FROM actors WHERE actor_id = (?) OR actor_name = (?)"
    params = (actor.actor_id, actor.actor_name)
    get_database(query, params)
def get_box_office():
    query = "SELECT * FROM box_offices WHERE box_office_id = (?) OR box_office_gross = (?)"
    params = (box_office.box_office_id, box_office.box_office_gross)
    get_database(query, params)
Exemple #20
def get_studio(studio):
    query = "SELECT * FROM studios WHERE studio_id = (?) OR studio_name = (?)"
    params = (studio.studio_id, studio.studio_name)
    get_database(query, params)
Exemple #21
def get_director_movie_table():
    query = "SELECT * FROM directors_movies"