def get_web(): """ Get the refresh time from the DB. return : int from DB """ web_only = False web_app = False"start get_Web") iRv = config_functions.check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_WEB """) if iRv > 0: web_only_read = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany(DBNAME, """ SELECT web_only FROM CFG_WEB """) web_app_read = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany(DBNAME, """ SELECT web_app FROM CFG_WEB """) if web_only_read[0][0] == 1: web_only = True if web_app_read[0][0] == 1: web_app = True web = web_only, web_app return web
def run(self): """ Cycle function to update the Overlay every minute """ global start_threading while 1: refresh_rate = config_functions.get_refresh() sleep(refresh_rate) try: name = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT name FROM CFG_FACEIT_NAME """) if name: if start_threading == 1: refreshSymbol = config_functions.get_refresh_sign()"Get stats and refresh them") winLoss = config_functions.get_win_loss() if winLoss[0][0] == "1": mode = 0 else: mode = 1 if refreshSymbol in "True": core.configure_item("##reload_same_line", show=True) core.configure_item("##reload_image", show=True) self.iElo, self.acEloToday, self.iRank, \ self.acResult, self.acScore, self.acKd, \ self.acMap, self.iStreak, self.iMatches, \ self.iMatchesWon, self.acEloDiff, self.iKills, \ self.iDeath, self.iWin, self.iLoss = faceit_api.get_faceit_data_from_api(mode) core.set_value("elotoday##", f"{self.acEloToday}") core.set_value("streak##", f"{self.iStreak}") core.set_value("map##", f"\t{self.acMap}:") core.set_value("result##", f"{self.acResult}") core.set_value("elo##", f"{self.iElo}") core.set_value("rank##", f"{self.iRank}") core.set_value("score##", f"{self.acScore}") core.set_value("matches##", f"{self.iMatches}") core.set_value("matcheswon##", f"{self.iMatchesWon}") core.set_value("elodiffmap##", f"{self.acEloDiff}") core.set_value("kill##", f"{self.iKills}") core.set_value("death##", f"{self.iDeath}") core.set_value("kd##", f"{self.acKd}") core.set_value("Win/LossperDay##", f"{self.iWin} / {self.iLoss}") core.set_value("Win/LossperWeek##", f"{self.iWin} / {self.iLoss}") if core.does_item_exist("##reload_same_line"): core.configure_item("##reload_same_line", show=False) core.configure_item("##reload_image", show=False) except:
def get_faceit_name_from_db(): """ Get faceit name from database and return the name """"start get_faceit_name_from_db") name = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT name FROM CFG_FACEIT_NAME """) if name: name = functions.listToStringWithoutBracketsAndAT(name[0]) return name
def get_elo_goal_from_db(): """ Get the Elo Goal from database and return the Value """"start get_elo_goal_from_db") acEloGoal = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT TARGET FROM CFG_FACEIT_TARGET_ELO """) if acEloGoal: acEloGoal = functions.listToStringWithoutBracketsAndAT(acEloGoal[0]) else: return "" return acEloGoal
def get_win_loss(): """ Get the refresh time from the DB. return : int from DB """"start get_win_loss") iRv = check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_WIN_LOSS """) if iRv > 0: win_loss = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_WIN_LOSS """) return win_loss return False, False
def get_web_parameters(): """ Get the refresh time from the DB. return : int from DB """"start get_win_loss") iRv = config_functions.check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM WEB_PARAMETERS """) if iRv > 0: web_parameters = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany(DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM WEB_PARAMETERS """) return web_parameters else: web_parameters = [[64, "", ""]] return web_parameters
def get_refresh(): """ Get the refresh time from the DB. return : int from DB """"start get_refresh") iRv = check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_REFRESH """) if iRv > 0: refresh = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_REFRESH """) return functions.ConvertToInt(refresh[0]) else: refresh = 60 return refresh
def get_refresh_sign(): """ Get the refresh sign from the DB. return : int from DB """"start get_refresh_sign") iRv = check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_REFRESH """) if iRv > 0: refresh = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_REFRESH_SIGN """) return functions.listToStringWithoutBracketsAndAT(refresh) else: refresh = True return refresh
def add_last_game(acMap, acResult, acScore, acKd, acEloDiff, iKills, iDeath): """ Check all Checkboxes and add the active to the Overlay """ nI = -1 list_matches = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_STATS_MATCH """) core.add_button("\t\t LAST GAME\t\t ", callback=switch_back_to_menu) for i in list_matches[0]: nI = nI + 1 if i == str(1) and nI == 0:"Add Map, result, score") core.add_text("map##", default_value=f"\t{acMap}: ") core.add_same_line(xoffset=115) if i == str(1) and nI == 1: core.add_same_line(xoffset=115) core.add_text("result##", default_value=f"{acResult}") if i == str(1) and nI == 2: core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("score##", default_value=f"{acScore}") if i == str(1) and nI == 3:"Add K/D") core.add_text("\tK/D") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("kd##", default_value=f"{acKd}") if i == str(1) and nI == 4:"Add Elo Diff") core.add_text("\tElo Diff") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("elodiffmap##", default_value=f"{acEloDiff}") if i == str(1) and nI == 5:"Add Kills") core.add_text("\tKills:") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("kill##", default_value=f"{iKills}") if i == str(1) and nI == 6:"Add Deaths") core.add_text("\tDeaths:") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("death##", default_value=f"{iDeath}")
def get_scale(): """ Get the scale from the DB. return : Float from DB Default Float 1.00 """"start get_scale") iRv = check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_SCALE """) if iRv > 0: scale = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_SCALE """) scale = functions.ConvertToFloat(scale[0]) return scale else: scale = 1.00 return scale
def get_color(): """ Get the colors from the DB. If no color entry exists return the default values return : List with saved colors List with default colors """"start get_color") iRv = check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_COLORS """) if iRv > 0: colors = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_COLORS """) else: colors = (66, 150, 250, 255, 'Header'), \ (255, 255, 255, 255, 'Text'), \ (15, 135, 250, 255, 'ButtonActive'), \ (15, 15, 15, 255, 'Background'), \ (255, 255, 255, 255, 'Outline') return colors
def check_for_layout(): """ Check which Checkboxes are active and set the height of the overlay """"start check_for_layout") iCountFaceit = 0 iCountMatch = 0 heigh = 0 list_faceit = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_STATS_FACEIT """) list_matches = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_STATS_MATCH """) acEloGoal = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadCount( DBNAME, """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_FACEIT_TARGET_ELO""" ) WinLoss = get_win_loss() if WinLoss[0][0] == "1": iCountFaceit = iCountFaceit + 1 if WinLoss[0][1] == "1": iCountFaceit = iCountFaceit + 1 for i in list_faceit[0]: if i == str(1): iCountFaceit = iCountFaceit + 1 if acEloGoal: iCountFaceit = iCountFaceit + 1 nI = 0 for i in list_matches[0]: if i == str(1): if nI > 1: iCountMatch = iCountMatch + 1 nI = nI + 1 iCount = iCountFaceit + iCountMatch print(iCount) if iCount == 14: heigh = 345 if iCount == 13: heigh = 330 if iCount == 12: heigh = 305 if iCount == 11: heigh = 285 if iCount == 10: heigh = 265 if iCount == 9: heigh = 250 if iCount == 8: heigh = 230 if iCount == 7: heigh = 210 if iCount == 6: heigh = 195 if iCount == 5: heigh = 170 if iCount == 4: heigh = 155 if iCount == 3: heigh = 150 if iCount == 2: heigh = 130 if iCount == 1: heigh = 120 return heigh, iCountMatch, iCountFaceit
def startup(): """ Get all data from the Database. If no Database entry exists, set everything on default. """"Get startup values") acEloGoal = config_functions.get_elo_goal_from_db() iRv = config_functions.check_if_dbfile_exists() FACEIT_List = [] MATCH_List = [] nameFACEIT = "" if iRv > 0: iRv = config_functions.check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_REFRESH """) if iRv <= 0: sqlite3db.TExecSql( DBNAME, """ INSERT INTO CFG_REFRESH VALUES (?) """, 60) iRv = config_functions.check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_REFRESH_SIGN """) if iRv <= 0: sqlite3db.TExecSql( DBNAME, """ INSERT INTO CFG_REFRESH_SIGN VALUES (?) """, "True") iRv = config_functions.check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_WEB """) if iRv <= 0: ins = 'False', 'False' sqlite3db.TExecSql( DBNAME, """ INSERT INTO CFG_WEB VALUES (?,?) """, ins) iRv = config_functions.check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_WIN_LOSS """) if iRv <= 0: Initial_Load = (False, False) sqlite3db.TExecSql( DBNAME, """ INSERT INTO CFG_WIN_LOSS VALUES (?, ?) """, Initial_Load) iRv = config_functions.check_if_config_entry_exists(""" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CFG_STATS_FACEIT """) if iRv > 0: list_faceit = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_STATS_FACEIT """) list_matches = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_STATS_MATCH """) nameFACEIT = config_functions.get_faceit_name_from_db() for i in list_faceit[0]: if i == str(0): FACEIT_List.append(False) else: FACEIT_List.append(True) for i in list_matches[0]: if i == str(0): MATCH_List.append(False) else: MATCH_List.append(True) return FACEIT_List, MATCH_List, nameFACEIT, acEloGoal else: for x in range(0, 6): FACEIT_List.append(True) for x in range(0, 7): MATCH_List.append(True) return FACEIT_List, MATCH_List, nameFACEIT, acEloGoal else: for x in range(0, 6): FACEIT_List.append(True) for x in range(0, 7): MATCH_List.append(True) return FACEIT_List, MATCH_List, nameFACEIT, acEloGoal
def add_faceit(iElo, iRank, acEloToday, iStreak, iMatches, iMatchesWon, iWin, iLoss): """ Check all Checkboxes and add the active to the Overlay """ nI = -1 skipacEloGoal = 0 list_faceit = sqlite3db.TExecSqlReadMany( DBNAME, """ SELECT * FROM CFG_STATS_FACEIT """) acEloGoal = config_functions.get_elo_goal_from_db() winLoss = config_functions.get_win_loss()"Building Faceit stats") core.add_button("\t\tFACEIT STATS\t\t", callback=switch_back_to_menu) core.add_same_line(name="##reload_same_line", show=False) core.add_image("##reload_image", value="resources/ref.png", width=16, height=16, show=False) for i in list_faceit[0]: nI = nI + 1 if i == str(1) and nI == 0:"Add Current Elo") core.add_text("\tCurrent Elo") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("elo##", default_value=f"{iElo}") if acEloGoal and skipacEloGoal == 0: core.add_text("\tElo Goal") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("eloGoal##", default_value=f"{acEloGoal}") skipacEloGoal = 1 if i == str(1) and nI == 1:"Add Rank") core.add_text("\tRank") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("rank##", default_value=f"{iRank}") if i == str(1) and nI == 2:"Add Elo Today") core.add_text("\tElo Today") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("elotoday##", default_value=f"{acEloToday}") if i == str(1) and nI == 3:"Add Win Streak") core.add_text("\tWin Streak") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("streak##", default_value=f"{iStreak}") if i == str(1) and nI == 4:"Add Tot. Matches") core.add_text("\tTot. Matches") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("matches##", default_value=f"{iMatches}") if i == str(1) and nI == 5:"Add Matches Won") core.add_text("\tMatches Won") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("matcheswon##", default_value=f"{iMatchesWon}") if int(winLoss[0][0]) == 1: core.add_text("\tWin/Loss per Day") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("Win/LossperDay##", default_value=f"{iWin} / {iLoss}") if int(winLoss[0][1]) == 1: core.add_text("\tWin/Loss per Week") core.add_same_line(xoffset=130) core.add_text("Win/LossperWeek##", default_value=f"{iWin} / {iLoss}")