class ProjectHouseholdCharacteristic: def __init__(self, pid, charname, datatype="" ): = pid self.charname = charname self.database = Database() #if characteristic is new add it to database if ( datatype != "" ): self.addCharacteristic( charname, datatype ) def addCharacteristic(self, charname, datatype): # get the target table tbl = '''p%iHouseholdCharacteristics''' % ( # determine the data type if datatype == "1": vartype = "ENUM('Yes','No')" elif datatype == "2": vartype = "BIGINT" elif datatype == "3": vartype = "VARCHAR(250)" elif datatype == "4": vartype = "DOUBLE" # check if characteristic already exists query = '''SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s ''' % (tbl) rows = self.database.execSelectQuery(query) exists = False for row in rows: if ( row[0] == charname ): exists = True # add or (if characteristic exists) modify characteristic if ( exists ): queryAlter = '''ALTER TABLE `%s` CHANGE COLUMN `%s` %s ''' % (tbl, charname, vartype) else: queryAlter = '''ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD COLUMN `%s` %s ''' % (tbl, charname, vartype) self.database.execDefinitionQuery( queryAlter ) self.database.close() def getName(self): return self.charname
class Project(IncomeSourceManager): def __init__(self, pid=0, projectname="", startdate="", enddate="", description="", currency=""): self.database = Database() if ( pid != 0 ): if ( not self.getProjectDetails( pid ) ): return None else: self.addProject(projectname, startdate, enddate, description, currency) def getProjectDetails(self, pid): query = "SELECT pid, projectname, startdate, enddate, description, currency FROM projects WHERE pid=%i " % (pid) rows = self.database.execSelectQuery( query ) self.database.close() num = len(rows) if (num != 0): exists = True for row in rows: = row[0] self.projectname = row[1] self.startdate = row[2] self.enddate = row[3] self.description = row[4] self.currency = row[5] else: exists = False self.database.close() return exists def addProject(self, projectname, startdate, enddate, description, currency): # create INSERT INTO query query = '''INSERT INTO projects(projectname,startdate,enddate,description,currency) VALUES('%s','%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')''' % (projectname, startdate, enddate, description, currency) # execute query and commit changes self.database.execUpdateQuery( query ) # get the ID of the newly inserted project query = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()" rows = self.database.execSelectQuery( query ) for row in rows: projectid = row[0] # create project specific tables (e.g. householdcharacteristics & personalcharacteristics) HouseholdCharacteristicsTableName = '''p%iHouseholdCharacteristics''' % (projectid) PersonalCharactericticsTableName = '''p%iPersonalCharacteristics''' % (projectid) CropsTableName = '''p%iCrops''' % (projectid) EmploymentTableName = '''p%iEmploymentTypes''' % (projectid) LivestockTableName = '''p%iLivestock''' % (projectid) WildFoosTableName = '''p%iWildFoods''' % (projectid) queryCreate = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `openihmdb`.`%s` ( `hhid` INT(11) NOT NULL , `pid` INT(11) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`hhid`, `pid`) , INDEX `fk_p%i_householdcharacteristics_households` (`hhid` ASC, `pid` ASC) , CONSTRAINT `fk_p%i_householdcharacteristics_households` FOREIGN KEY (`hhid` , `pid` ) REFERENCES `openihmdb`.`households` (`hhid` , `pid` ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = latin1;''' % (HouseholdCharacteristicsTableName, projectid, projectid) self.database.execDefinitionQuery( queryCreate ) queryCreate = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `openihmdb`.`%s` ( `personid` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , `hhid` INT(11) NOT NULL , `pid` INT(11) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`personid`, `hhid`, `pid`) , INDEX `fk_p%i_personalcharacteristics_householdmembers` (`personid` ASC, `hhid` ASC, `pid` ASC) , CONSTRAINT `fk_p%i_personalcharacteristics_householdmembers` FOREIGN KEY (`personid` , `hhid` , `pid` ) REFERENCES `openihmdb`.`householdmembers` (`personid` , `hhid` , `pid` ) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = latin1;''' % (PersonalCharactericticsTableName, projectid, projectid) self.database.execDefinitionQuery( queryCreate ) queryCreate = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `openihmdb`.`%s` ( `foodtype` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , `energyvalueperunit` INT(11) NOT NULL , `measuringunit` VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (`foodtype`) , INDEX (`foodtype` ASC) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = latin1;''' % (CropsTableName) self.database.execDefinitionQuery( queryCreate ) queryCreate = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `openihmdb`.`%s` ( `incomesource` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , `energyvalueperunit` INT(11) NOT NULL , `measuringunit` VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (`incomesource`) , INDEX (`incomesource` ASC) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = latin1;''' % (LivestockTableName) self.database.execDefinitionQuery( queryCreate ) queryCreate = '''CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `openihmdb`.`%s` ( `incomesource` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL , `energyvalueperunit` INT(11) NOT NULL , `measuringunit` VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY (`incomesource`) , INDEX (`incomesource` ASC) ) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = latin1;''' % (WildFoosTableName) self.database.execDefinitionQuery( queryCreate ) self.database.close() # set project attributes to saved values = projectid self.projectname = projectname self.startdate = startdate self.enddate = enddate self.description = description self.currency = currency def getProjectID(self): return def getProjectName(self): return self.projectname def getStartDate(self): return self.startdate def getEndDate(self): return self.enddate def getDescription(self): return self.description def getCurrency(self): return self.currency def setData(self, projectname, startdate, enddate, description, currency): # create UPDATE query to update project query = '''UPDATE projects SET projectname='%s', startdate = '%s',enddate = '%s',description = '%s',currency = '%s' WHERE pid=%i''' % (projectname, startdate, enddate, description, currency, # execute query self.database.execUpdateQuery( query ) self.database.close() # set project attributes to saved values self.projectname = projectname self.startdate = startdate self.enddate = enddate self.description = description self.currency = currency #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Project Household Characteristics #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def addHouseholdCharacteristic(self, char, datatype): char = ProjectHouseholdCharacteristic(, char, datatype ) def removeHouseholdCharacteristic(self, char): #get target table tbl = '''p%iHouseholdCharacteristics''' % ( #delete the characteristic field queryAlter = '''ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP `%s` ''' % (tbl, char) self.database.execDefinitionQuery(queryAlter) self.database.close() def getHouseholdCharacteristics(self): #get target table tbl = '''p%iHouseholdCharacteristics''' % ( query = '''SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s ''' % (tbl) rows = self.database.execSelectQuery(query) self.database.close() chars = [] for row in rows: if (("hhid" != row[0]) and ("pid" != row[0])): char = ProjectHouseholdCharacteristic(, row[0] ) chars.append( char ) return chars #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Project Person Characteristics #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def addPersonCharacteristic(self, char, datatype): char = ProjectPersonCharacteristic(, char, datatype ) def removePersonCharacteristic(self, char): #get target table tbl = '''p%iPersonalCharacteristics''' % ( #delete the characteristic field queryAlter = '''ALTER TABLE `%s` DROP `%s` ''' % (tbl, char) self.database.execDefinitionQuery(queryAlter) self.database.close() def getPersonCharacteristics(self): #get target table tbl = '''p%iPersonalCharacteristics''' % ( query = '''SHOW COLUMNS FROM %s ''' % (tbl) rows = self.database.execSelectQuery(query) self.database.close() chars = [] for row in rows: if (("hhid" != row[0]) and ("personid" != row[0]) and ("pid" != row[0])): char = ProjectPersonCharacteristic(, row[0] ) chars.append( char ) return chars #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Project Households #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def getHousehold(self, hhid): household = Household(, hhid ) return household def addHousehold(self, hhid, householdname, dateofcollection): household = Household(, hhid, householdname, dateofcollection ) def editHousehold(self, hhid, newhhid, householdname, dateofcollection): household = Household(, hhid ) household.setData( householdname, dateofcollection, newhhid ) def delHousehold(self, hhid): query = "DELETE FROM households WHERE pid=%s AND hhid=%s " % (, hhid ) self.database.execUpdateQuery( query ) self.database.close() def getHouseholds(self): query = '''SELECT hhid FROM households WHERE pid=%s ''' % ( rows = self.database.execSelectQuery(query) self.database.close() households = [] for row in rows: household = Household(, row[0] ) households.append( household ) return households