def enter_name(self): # Error handling for repeat values, empty input and not an email if self.email_input.get() in self.recipients.values(): tk.messagebox.showinfo("Repetition!", "Email already entered!", icon="warning") elif self.email_input.get() == "" or self.name_input.get() == "": tk.messagebox.showinfo("Empty!", "Please insert a value!", icon="warning") elif not self.email_input.get().__contains__("@"): tk.messagebox.showinfo("Value Error!", "Email does not contain an @!!", icon="info") # Add to the dictionary else: # Input the values into the cache database self.database = DatabaseTables() enter_value = (self.name_input.get().capitalize(), self.email_input.get()) self.database.insert_data(enter_value) self.database.close_db() # Save the values in current memory self.recipients[self.name_input.get().capitalize()] = self.email_input.get() self.names_display.config(state="normal") output_value = self.name_input.get().capitalize() + " : " + self.email_input.get() self.names_display.insert("end", output_value + "\n" + "-" * round(len(output_value) * 1.5) + "\n") self.names_display.config(state="disabled") # Reset to defaults self.name_input.set("") self.email_input.set("")
def submit_sender_acc(self): result = tk.messagebox.askquestion( "Are you sure?", "Are you happy with the email sender details of " + self.email_input.get(), icon='warning') if result == 'yes': # Makes sure the email address is a valid one if self.email_input.get().__contains__(""): database = DatabaseTables() database.clear_sender_info() # Enters data into database with encryption sender_details = (self.email_input.get(), encrypt_pass(self.password_input.get())) database.create_sender(sender_details) database.close_db() tk.messagebox.showinfo("Success!", "Sender email entered successfully!", icon="info") self.root.destroy() # Open the email list gui EmailList() else: tk.messagebox.showinfo("Enter a valid address!", "That isn't a gmail account!") return else: return
def send_emails(self): result = tk.messagebox.askquestion("Send emails", "Are you ready to spread christmas joy to the recipients?", icon='warning') if result == 'yes': # Remove all from the database self.database = DatabaseTables() self.database.clear_db() self.database.close_db() # Send the emails to the end users send = Logic(**self.recipients) send.email_sender() tk.messagebox.showinfo("Success!", "Emails have successfully been sent!\nMerry christmas!", icon="info") self.root.destroy() else: return
def remove_all(self): result = tk.messagebox.askquestion("Start Again!?", "Are You Sure you want to remove all entered " "recipients?", icon='warning') if result == 'yes': # Remove all from the database self.database = DatabaseTables() self.database.clear_db() self.database.close_db() # Remove all from current memory self.recipients.clear() self.names_display.config(state="normal") self.names_display.delete("1.0", "end") self.names_display.config(state="disabled") else: return # Reset to default
def remove_last(self): try: # Remove the most recent entry from the database self.database = DatabaseTables() self.database.remove_row(list(self.recipients.keys())[-1]) self.database.close_db() # Remove the most recent entry from memory and repopulate the text area self.names_display.config(state="normal") self.names_display.delete("1.0", "end") self.recipients.pop(list(self.recipients.keys())[-1]) for key in self.recipients: self.names_display.insert("end", key + " : " + self.recipients.get(key) + "\n") self.names_display.config(state="disabled") # Error handling for no available deletion except IndexError: tk.messagebox.showinfo("No Value Error!", "There are no values in the recipient list!", icon="warning")
def email_sender(self): # Create a secure connection to the server database = DatabaseTables() sender_email = next(iter(database.get_sender_info())) password = decrypt_pass(next(iter( database.get_sender_info().values()))) database.close_db() # Create a secure SSL context server = smtplib.SMTP('', 25) server.connect('', 587) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login(sender_email, password) # Try to log in to server and send email try: for index, name in enumerate(self.details): message = MIMEMultipart('related') message['Subject'] = "HO HO HO It's Santa!" message_alt = MIMEMultipart('alternative') base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) message.attach(message_alt) image = open(base_dir + "\\santa.jpg", "rb") santa_clause = MIMEImage( image.close() santa_clause.add_header("Content-ID", "<santa>") present_receiver = self.shuffle()[index] message_text = MIMEText( "<h1>It's Christmas time {}!</h1><br><p>It's time to celebrate christmas " "and i'm your secret santa! Don't tell anyone, but you have <h1>{}</h1> as " "your gift receiver, good luck and have a <b>Merry Christmas!</b><br>" "<img src='cid:santa'>!".format(name, present_receiver), 'html') message_alt.attach(message_text) message['From'] = sender_email message['To'] = self.details[name] message.attach(santa_clause) server.sendmail(sender_email, self.details[name], message.as_string()) except Exception as e: # Print any error messages to stdout print(e) finally: server.quit()
# Run the function from database import DatabaseTables from GUI.email_list import EmailList from GUI.email_sender import Sender if __name__ == "__main__": database = DatabaseTables() database.create_name_list_table() database.create_sender_table() if database.get_sender_info(): main_function = EmailList() database.close_db() else: main_function = Sender() database.close_db()
def reset_email(self): self.root.destroy() database = DatabaseTables() database.clear_sender_info() database.close_db()
def __init__(self): # Define frame and root variables self.root = tk.Tk() self.font = Font(family="helvetica", size=9, weight="bold") self.root.title("Secret Santa Designator") self.root.resizable(False, False) self.root.geometry("+750+250") self.frame = tk.Frame(master=self.root).grid() # Define a database to save user progress and populate the dictionary with existing data self.database = DatabaseTables() self.recipients = self.database.select_data() # Create Output area for names to be checked self.names_display = tk.Text(self.frame, font=self.font, width=50, height=25) self.names_display.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) # Display the data to the user if there is anything in the database self.names_display.config(state="normal") for key in self.recipients: output_value = key + " : " + self.recipients[key] self.names_display.insert("end", output_value + "\n" + "-" * round(len(output_value) * 1.5) + "\n") self.database.close_db() self.names_display.config(state="disabled") # Create entry areas and prompts self.name_label = tk.Label(self.frame, font=self.font, text="Enter First Name of Recipient").grid(row=1, column=0) self.email_label = tk.Label(self.frame, font=self.font, text="Enter Email of Recipient").grid(row=1, column=1) self.name_input = tk.StringVar() = ttk.Entry(self.frame, width=30, textvariable=self.name_input), column=0) self.email_input = tk.StringVar() = ttk.Entry(self.frame, width=30, textvariable=self.email_input), column=1) # Add a key listener for email/ name entry"<Return>", lambda event: self.enter_name())"<Return>", lambda event: self.enter_name()) # Set default focus # Submit a name button self.submit = tk.Button(self.frame, pady=10, font=self.font, text="Submit a recipient", bg="#FFF", command=self.enter_name).grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W" + "E") # Edit last name entered self.send = tk.Button(self.frame, pady=10, font=self.font, text="Send to addresses", bg="#600", fg="#FFF", command=self.send_emails).grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W" + "E") # Send the emails self.remove = tk.Button(self.frame, pady=10, font=self.font, text="Remove last entry", bg="#006", fg="#FFF", command=self.remove_last).grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W" + "E") # Reset the names button self.reset = tk.Button(self.frame, pady=10, font=self.font, text="Reset entered names", bg="#060", fg="#FFF", command=self.remove_all).grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W" + "E") self.reconfigure_email = tk.Button(self.frame, pady=10, font=self.font, text="Reset Email Sender", bg="#000", fg="#FFF", command=self.reset_email).grid(row=7, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W" + "E") self.root.mainloop() self.root.quit()
class EmailList: def __init__(self): # Define frame and root variables self.root = tk.Tk() self.font = Font(family="helvetica", size=9, weight="bold") self.root.title("Secret Santa Designator") self.root.resizable(False, False) self.root.geometry("+750+250") self.frame = tk.Frame(master=self.root).grid() # Define a database to save user progress and populate the dictionary with existing data self.database = DatabaseTables() self.recipients = self.database.select_data() # Create Output area for names to be checked self.names_display = tk.Text(self.frame, font=self.font, width=50, height=25) self.names_display.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2) # Display the data to the user if there is anything in the database self.names_display.config(state="normal") for key in self.recipients: output_value = key + " : " + self.recipients[key] self.names_display.insert("end", output_value + "\n" + "-" * round(len(output_value) * 1.5) + "\n") self.database.close_db() self.names_display.config(state="disabled") # Create entry areas and prompts self.name_label = tk.Label(self.frame, font=self.font, text="Enter First Name of Recipient").grid(row=1, column=0) self.email_label = tk.Label(self.frame, font=self.font, text="Enter Email of Recipient").grid(row=1, column=1) self.name_input = tk.StringVar() = ttk.Entry(self.frame, width=30, textvariable=self.name_input), column=0) self.email_input = tk.StringVar() = ttk.Entry(self.frame, width=30, textvariable=self.email_input), column=1) # Add a key listener for email/ name entry"<Return>", lambda event: self.enter_name())"<Return>", lambda event: self.enter_name()) # Set default focus # Submit a name button self.submit = tk.Button(self.frame, pady=10, font=self.font, text="Submit a recipient", bg="#FFF", command=self.enter_name).grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W" + "E") # Edit last name entered self.send = tk.Button(self.frame, pady=10, font=self.font, text="Send to addresses", bg="#600", fg="#FFF", command=self.send_emails).grid(row=4, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W" + "E") # Send the emails self.remove = tk.Button(self.frame, pady=10, font=self.font, text="Remove last entry", bg="#006", fg="#FFF", command=self.remove_last).grid(row=5, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W" + "E") # Reset the names button self.reset = tk.Button(self.frame, pady=10, font=self.font, text="Reset entered names", bg="#060", fg="#FFF", command=self.remove_all).grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W" + "E") self.reconfigure_email = tk.Button(self.frame, pady=10, font=self.font, text="Reset Email Sender", bg="#000", fg="#FFF", command=self.reset_email).grid(row=7, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky="W" + "E") self.root.mainloop() self.root.quit() # Enter the details for each person def enter_name(self): # Error handling for repeat values, empty input and not an email if self.email_input.get() in self.recipients.values(): tk.messagebox.showinfo("Repetition!", "Email already entered!", icon="warning") elif self.email_input.get() == "" or self.name_input.get() == "": tk.messagebox.showinfo("Empty!", "Please insert a value!", icon="warning") elif not self.email_input.get().__contains__("@"): tk.messagebox.showinfo("Value Error!", "Email does not contain an @!!", icon="info") # Add to the dictionary else: # Input the values into the cache database self.database = DatabaseTables() enter_value = (self.name_input.get().capitalize(), self.email_input.get()) self.database.insert_data(enter_value) self.database.close_db() # Save the values in current memory self.recipients[self.name_input.get().capitalize()] = self.email_input.get() self.names_display.config(state="normal") output_value = self.name_input.get().capitalize() + " : " + self.email_input.get() self.names_display.insert("end", output_value + "\n" + "-" * round(len(output_value) * 1.5) + "\n") self.names_display.config(state="disabled") # Reset to defaults self.name_input.set("") self.email_input.set("") # Removes the last entered value from the dictionary def remove_last(self): try: # Remove the most recent entry from the database self.database = DatabaseTables() self.database.remove_row(list(self.recipients.keys())[-1]) self.database.close_db() # Remove the most recent entry from memory and repopulate the text area self.names_display.config(state="normal") self.names_display.delete("1.0", "end") self.recipients.pop(list(self.recipients.keys())[-1]) for key in self.recipients: self.names_display.insert("end", key + " : " + self.recipients.get(key) + "\n") self.names_display.config(state="disabled") # Error handling for no available deletion except IndexError: tk.messagebox.showinfo("No Value Error!", "There are no values in the recipient list!", icon="warning") # Removes all of the recipients from the list def remove_all(self): result = tk.messagebox.askquestion("Start Again!?", "Are You Sure you want to remove all entered " "recipients?", icon='warning') if result == 'yes': # Remove all from the database self.database = DatabaseTables() self.database.clear_db() self.database.close_db() # Remove all from current memory self.recipients.clear() self.names_display.config(state="normal") self.names_display.delete("1.0", "end") self.names_display.config(state="disabled") else: return # Reset to default # Send all of the emails def send_emails(self): result = tk.messagebox.askquestion("Send emails", "Are you ready to spread christmas joy to the recipients?", icon='warning') if result == 'yes': # Remove all from the database self.database = DatabaseTables() self.database.clear_db() self.database.close_db() # Send the emails to the end users send = Logic(**self.recipients) send.email_sender() tk.messagebox.showinfo("Success!", "Emails have successfully been sent!\nMerry christmas!", icon="info") self.root.destroy() else: return