def readData(self, worksheetName, dbName, tableName, cellRange='A1:A1', saveLoc=saveLoc, dbInput=True): sh = self.wb.sheets[worksheetName] data = pd.DataFrame(sh.range(cellRange).value) header = data.iloc[0] data = pd.DataFrame(data.values[1:], columns=header) data.replace('', np.nan, inplace=True) data = data.dropna(thresh=4) data['date'] = data['date'].apply( lambda x: dt.datetime.strftime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')) if dbInput == True: df.insertDBLite(saveLoc, dbName, tableName, data) else: return data
def upload(self): files = utils.findFiles(dbLoc) if self.dbName + '.db' in files: os.remove(dbLoc + self.dbName + '.db') wb = xw.Book(self.excelLoc + self.excelName) sht = wb.sheets(self.worksheetName) if self.totalUpdate == True: wb.macro('QntWS_RefresAll')() data = pd.DataFrame(sht.range(self.dataLoc).value) header = data.iloc[0] data = pd.DataFrame(data.values[1:], columns=header) data.replace('', np.nan, inplace=True) data = data.dropna(thresh=1) dateLists = list(data.columns) dateLists = [dateList for dateList in dateLists if 'date' in dateList] for dateList in dateLists: data[dateList] = data[dateList].apply(lambda x: x if pd.isna( x) else dt.datetime.strftime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')) df.insertDBLite(self.dbLoc, self.dbName, self.tableName, data) wb.close()
simul = simul.merge(base.shortProductRet, left_index = True, right_index = True) simul['코스피 200'] = (1+simul['코스피 200']).cumprod() simulPct = simul.pct_change() simulPct.iloc[0,0] = simul.iloc[0,0]-1 simulPct.iloc[0,1] = simul.iloc[0,1]-1 simulPct[descList[strategyNumber]] =simulPct['simulation'] - simulPct['코스피 200'] if result.empty: result = pd.DataFrame(simulPct[descList[strategyNumber]],columns=[descList[strategyNumber]]) else: result = result.merge(simulPct[descList[strategyNumber]], left_index = True, right_index = True) result = result.reset_index() df.insertDBLite(saveLoc,'descriptor_ret', 'descriptor_ret', result) #%% if __name__ == '__main__': # date setting baseDbs = dh.getAlldatabase(dbLoc) descDb = dh.getAlldatabase(saveLoc) trdDate = dh.getTradingDate() eom = utils.getEomTrdDate(trdDate) # short product base setting short = dh.getBenchmark(dbLoc)
descAdj.winsorization() descAdj.normalization() data = descAdj.normData reg = regression( ret, data, infoColumns=['date', 'code', 'name', 'mkt', 'tmv', 'industry']) reg.setDummies(dummyGroup='industry', dummyColumn=dummyList) reg.getSimpleRegressionLoop(dummyV=True) factorRet = reg.factorRet factorScore = reg.factorScore df.insertDBLite(saveLoc, 'descRet', 'descRet', factorRet) df.insertDBLite(saveLoc, 'descScore', 'descScore', factorScore) # print('---------' + eom[i] + '-----------') #%% pca if __name__ == '__main__': database1 = dh.getAlldatabase(saveLoc) tradingDate = dh.getTradingDate() eom = utils.getEomTrdDate(tradingDate) # starting = 72 # i = 72 starting = 72 ending = len(eom) descriptor = df.dbLite(saveLoc, 'descriptor') # dummyList = descriptor.getList('descriptor', 'industry') for i in range(starting, ending):
def upload(self, thresh=4): files = utils.findFiles(dbLoc) if self.dbName + '.db' in files: # 부분업데이트 db = df.dbLite(dbLoc, self.dbName) lastUpdatedDate = db.getList(self.tableName, 'date')[-1] updateStart = self.tradingDate.index[ self.tradingDate['date'] == lastUpdatedDate].tolist()[0] + 1 start = updateStart end = len(self.tradingDate) if start < end: wb = xw.Book(self.excelLoc + self.excelName) sht = wb.sheets(self.worksheetName) sht.cells(7, 2).value =[start] # if crss is false then update before looping if self.crss == False: if self.totalUpdate == True: wb.macro('QntWS_RefresAll')() for i in range(start, end): sht.cells(7, 2).value =[i] if (self.econ == True) and (i > 0): sht.cells(10, 2).value =[i - 1] if self.crss == True: wb.macro('QntWS_RefresAll')() data = pd.DataFrame(sht.range(self.dataLoc).value) header = data.iloc[0] data = pd.DataFrame(data.values[1:], columns=header) data.replace('', np.nan, inplace=True) data = data.dropna(thresh=thresh) data['date'] = data['date'].apply( lambda x: dt.datetime.strftime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')) df.insertDBLite(self.dbLoc, self.dbName, self.tableName, data) print('----------', self.dbName, str(i), len(self.tradingDate), '---------') wb.close() else: print(self.dbName, 'do not need to update') else: #전체 업데이트 wb = xw.Book(self.excelLoc + self.excelName) sht = wb.sheets(self.worksheetName) sht.cells(7, 2).value =[0] if (self.totalUpdate == True) and (self.crss == False): wb.macro('QntWS_RefreshAll')() for i in range(len(self.tradingDate)): sht.cells(7, 2).value =[i] if (self.econ == True) and (i > 0): sht.cells(10, 2).value =[i - 1] if self.crss == True: wb.macro('QntWS_RefreshAll')() data = pd.DataFrame(sht.range(self.dataLoc).value) header = data.iloc[0] data = pd.DataFrame(data.values[1:], columns=header) data.replace('', np.nan, inplace=True) data = data.dropna(thresh=thresh) data['date'] = data['date'].apply( lambda x: dt.datetime.strftime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')) df.insertDBLite(self.dbLoc, self.dbName, self.tableName, data) print('----------', self.dbName, str(i), len(self.tradingDate), '---------') # wb.macro('QntWS_RefreshAll')() wb.close()