def main(argv): ''' The buddy check compares observations to other nearby observations. If the observation differs substantially from the neighbour-average, the observation will be rejected. ''' print '###################' print 'Running buddy_check' print '###################' inputfile = 'configuration.txt' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:", ["ifile=", "year1=", "year2="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'Usage -i <configuration_file> '+\ '--year1 <start year> --year2 <end year>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-x", "--year1"): try: year1 = int(arg) except: sys.exit("Failed: year1 not an integer") elif opt in ("-y", "--year2"): try: year2 = int(arg) except: sys.exit("Failed: year2 not an integer") print 'Input file is ', inputfile print 'Running from ', year1, ' to ', year2 print '' config = qc.get_config(inputfile) sst_climatology_file = config['SST_climatology'] nmat_climatology_file = config['MAT_climatology'] icoads_dir = config['ICOADS_dir'] sst_stdev_climatology_file = config['Old_SST_stdev_climatology'] data_base_host = config['data_base_host'] data_base_name = config['data_base_name'] print 'Data base host =', data_base_host print 'Data base name =', data_base_name print 'SST climatology =', sst_climatology_file print 'NMAT climatology =', nmat_climatology_file print 'ICOADS directory =', icoads_dir print '' #read in the pentad climatology of standard deviations climatology = Dataset(sst_stdev_climatology_file) sst_pentad_stdev = climatology.variables['sst'][:] connection = MySQLdb.connect(host=data_base_host, user='******', db=data_base_name) cursor = connection.cursor() #read cursor2 = connection.cursor() #write for years, months in qc.year_month_gen(year1, 1, year2, 12): #want to get a month either side of the #target month, which may be in different years last_year, last_month = qc.last_month_was(years, months) next_year, next_month = qc.next_month_is(years, months) print years, months first_year = min([last_year, years, next_year]) final_year = max([last_year, years, next_year]) if first_year < 1850: first_year = 1850 if final_year > 2014: final_year = 2014 #first and last julian days are +- approximately one month month_lengths = qc.month_lengths(years) jul1 = qc.jul_day(years, months, 1)-25 jul2 = qc.jul_day(years, months, month_lengths[months-1])+25 for check_variable in ['SST','MAT']: reps = [] for yyy in range(first_year, final_year+1): qcfilter = db.Quality_Control_Filter() qcfilter.jul1 = jul1 qcfilter.jul2 = jul2 qcfilter.set_multiple_qc_flags_to_pass(['bad_position', 'bad_date', 'blacklist']) if check_variable == 'SST': qcfilter.set_multiple_qc_flags_to_pass(['no_sst', 'sst_below_freezing', 'no_sst_normal', 'sst_climatology_fail']) elif check_variable == 'MAT': qcfilter.set_multiple_qc_flags_to_pass(['no_mat', 'no_mat_normal', 'mat_climatology_fail']) else: print "no such type ", check_variable assert False sql_request = db.build_sql_query(yyy, qcfilter) cursor.execute(sql_request) numrows = cursor.rowcount for i in range(numrows): rows = cursor.fetchone() rep = qc.MarineReport.report_from_array(rows) reps.append(rep) print len(reps)," observations read in" #Do the buddy check if check_variable == 'SST': qcs = qc_buddy_check.mds_buddy_check(reps, sst_pentad_stdev, 'SST') elif check_variable == 'MAT': qcs = qc_buddy_check.mds_buddy_check(reps, sst_pentad_stdev, 'MAT') else: print "no such type ", check_variable assert False #put updated QC flags into data base for rep in reps: if rep.month == months: if check_variable == 'SST': result = db.update_db_qc_single_flag(rep, rep.sst_buddy_fail, 'sst_qc', 'sst_buddy_fail', years, cursor2) elif check_variable == 'MAT': result = db.update_db_qc_single_flag(rep, rep.mat_buddy_fail, 'mat_qc', 'mat_buddy_fail', years, cursor2) else: print "no such type ", check_variable assert False print "Of "+str(len(qcs))+" observations "+\ str(np.sum(qcs))+" failed "+check_variable+\ " buddy check" connection.commit() #Each month #db.report_qc_counts(cursor, years, months) connection.close() print "All Done :)"
def test_year_and_month_built(self): self.filter.year = 2012 self.filter.month = 3 result = db.build_sql_query(2012,self.filter) self.assertNotEqual('year=2012', result),None) self.assertNotEqual('month=3', result),None)
def test_setting_no_sst_has_no_sst_in_output(self): for name in self.allnames: self.filter.set_qc_flag(name, 0) result = db.build_sql_query(2012,self.filter) self.assertNotEqual(, result),None)
def test_empty_filter_does_not_match_specific_qc_name(self): result = db.build_sql_query(2012,self.filter) for name in self.allnames: self.assertEqual(, result),None)
def main(argv): ''' The new track check program. First the program gets a list of all unique IDs in the month that is to be track checked. It then reads in three months of data at a time: the month you want to track check, a month before and a month after. For each unique ID, the track check is run. Track check comprises as set of related tests This program checks positional data for individual ships and buoys for internal consistency; checking reported positions against positions calculated using reported speeds and directions. The obs are sorted by call-sign then date. Obs can only be checked if they have a valid call-sign that is unique to one ship or buoy, so obs with no call-sign or with the generic call-signs 'SHIP' or 'PLAT' are passed unchecked. The call-sign '0102' was apparently shared by several ships, so obs with this call-sign are also passed unchecked. ''' print '###################' print 'Running New Track Check' print '###################' inputfile = 'configuration.txt' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:", ["ifile=", "year1=", "year2="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'Usage -i <configuration_file>'+\ ' --year1 <start year> --year2 <end year>' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print ' -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): inputfile = arg elif opt in ("-x", "--year1"): try: year1 = int(arg) except: sys.exit("Failed: year1 not an integer") elif opt in ("-y", "--year2"): try: year2 = int(arg) except: sys.exit("Failed: year2 not an integer") print 'Input file is ', inputfile print 'Running from ', year1, ' to ', year2 print '' config = qc.get_config(inputfile) data_base_host = config['data_base_host'] data_base_name = config['data_base_name'] print 'Data base host =', data_base_host print 'Data base name =', data_base_name print '' connection = MySQLdb.connect(host=data_base_host, user='******', db=data_base_name) #need two cursors, one for reading and one for making QC changes cursor = connection.cursor() cursor2 = connection.cursor() t00 = time.time() for years, months in qc.year_month_gen(year1, 1, year2, 12): #want to get a month either side of the target month, #which may be in different years last_year, last_month = qc.last_month_was(years, months) next_year, next_month = qc.next_month_is(years, months) print years, months t0 = time.time() first_year = min([last_year, years, next_year]) final_year = max([last_year, years, next_year]) if first_year < 1850: first_year = 1850 if final_year > 1990: final_year = 1990 #first and last julian days are +- approximately one month month_lengths = qc.month_lengths(years) jul1 = qc.jul_day(years, months, 1)-10 jul2 = qc.jul_day(years, months, month_lengths[months-1])+10 '''Get all unique IDs for this month and fill a dictionary with all the distinct ids that we want to QC as keys and an empty Voyage for each key''' allids = db.get_unique_ids(cursor, years, months) reps = {} for idrows in allids: thisid = idrows[0] reps[thisid] = qc.Voyage() t1 = time.time() print "got all IDs ",t1-t0 #extract all data for this month and a month either side for yyy in range(first_year, final_year+1): ''' Build filter for extracting data from data base and then extract. In this case, we want observations between jul1 and jul2 which pass the base QC checks. ''' qcfilter = db.Quality_Control_Filter() qcfilter.jul1 = jul1 qcfilter.jul2 = jul2 qcfilter.set_multiple_qc_flags_to_pass(['bad_position', 'bad_date', 'blacklist']) sql_request = db.build_sql_query(yyy, qcfilter) cursor.execute(sql_request) numrows = cursor.rowcount #put each ob into the dictionary if there is a key for it for i in range(numrows): rows = cursor.fetchone() rep = qc.ExtendedMarineReport.report_from_array(rows) if in reps: reps[].add_report(rep) t2 = time.time() print "read all obs from DB",t2-t1 #loop over all the distinct callsigns, extract the obs #where the callsign matches and track check them for idrows in allids: thisid = idrows[0] matches = reps[thisid] matches.sort() #run improved track check with spherical geometry etc. mqcs = qc_new_track_check.mds_full_track_check(matches) matches.find_repeated_values() for rep in matches.reps: if rep.month == months: result = db.update_db_qc_single_flag(rep,rep.bad_track, 'extra_qc', 'bayesian_track_check', years,cursor2) result = db.update_db_qc_single_flag(rep,rep.repeated_value, 'extra_qc', 'repeated_value', years,cursor2) split_matches = qc.split_generic_callsign(matches) for split in split_matches: qcs = qc_new_track_check.mds_full_track_check(split) #update QC in the data base but only for the target month for i, rep in enumerate(split.reps): if rep.month == months: result = db.update_db_qc_single_flag(rep, qcs[i], 'extra_qc', 'new_track_check', years, cursor2) result = db.update_db_qc_single_flag(rep, rep.fewsome_check, 'base_qc', 'fewsome_check', years, cursor2) connection.commit() t3 = time.time() print "done ",t3-t2 #db.report_qc_counts(cursor, years, months) connection.close() print "All Done :)"