Exemple #1
def test_spy():

    # 'spy' performs an operation on the data streaming through the
    # pipeline, without changing what is seen downstream. An obvious
    # use of this would be to insert a 'spy(print)' at some point in
    # the pipeline to observe the data flow through that point.

    the_source = list(range(50, 60))

    result = []
    the_sink = df.sink(result.append)
    spied = []
    the_spy = df.spy(spied.append)

    df.push(source=the_source, pipe=df.pipe(the_spy, the_sink))

    assert spied == result == the_source
Exemple #2
def test_filter():

    # 'filter' can be used to eliminate data

    def the_predicate(n):
        return n % 2

    odd = df.filter(the_predicate)

    the_source = list(range(20, 30))

    result = []
    the_sink = df.sink(result.append)

    df.push(source=the_source, pipe=df.pipe(odd, the_sink))

    assert result == list(filter(the_predicate, the_source))
Exemple #3
def test_push_futures_single():
    the_source = list(range(100))
    count = df.count()

    result = df.push(source=the_source,

    assert result == len(the_source)
Exemple #4
def test_simplest_pipeline():

    # The simplest possible pipeline has one source directly connected
    # to one sink.

    # We avoid using a lazy source so that we can compare the result
    # with the input
    the_source = list(range(20))

    # In this example the sink will simply collect the data it
    # receives, into a list.
    result = []
    the_sink = df.sink(result.append)

    # Use 'push' to feed the source into the pipe.
    df.push(source=the_source, pipe=the_sink)

    assert result == the_source
Exemple #5
def test_slice_close_all(close_all):
    the_source = list(range(20))
    n_elements = 5
    slice = df.slice(n_elements, close_all=close_all)

    result_branch = []
    sink_branch = df.sink(result_branch.append)
    result_main = []
    sink_main = df.sink(result_main.append)

            pipe=df.pipe(df.branch(slice, sink_branch), sink_main))

    if close_all:
        assert result_branch == the_source[:n_elements]
        assert result_main == the_source[:n_elements]
        assert result_branch == the_source[:n_elements]
        assert result_main == the_source
Exemple #6
def test_map():

    # The pipelines start to become interesting when the data are
    # transformed in some way. 'map' transforms every item passing
    # through the pipe by applying the supplied operation.

    def the_operation(n):
        return n * n

    square = df.map(the_operation)

    the_source = list(range(1, 11))

    result = []
    the_sink = df.sink(result.append)

    df.push(source=the_source, pipe=square(the_sink))

    assert result == list(map(the_operation, the_source))
Exemple #7
def test_fork_implicit_pipes():

    # Arguments can be pipes or tuples.
    # Tuples get implicitly converted into pipes

    the_source = list(range(10, 20))
    add_1 = df.map(lambda x: 1 + x)

    implicit_pipe_collector = []
    implicit_pipe_sink = df.sink(implicit_pipe_collector.append)
    explicit_pipe_collector = []
    explicit_pipe_sink = df.sink(explicit_pipe_collector.append)

            pipe=df.fork((add_1, implicit_pipe_sink),
                         df.pipe(add_1, explicit_pipe_sink)))

    assert implicit_pipe_collector == explicit_pipe_collector == [
        1 + x for x in the_source
Exemple #8
def test_push_futures_tuple():
    the_source = list(range(100))
    count_all = df.count()
    count_odd = df.count()

    result = df.push(source=the_source,
                         df.pipe(df.filter(lambda n: n % 2), count_odd.sink)),
                     result=(count_odd.future, count_all.future))

    all_count = len(the_source)
    odd_count = all_count // 2
    assert result == (odd_count, all_count)
Exemple #9
def test_pipe():

    # The basic syntax requires any element of a pipeline to be passed
    # as argument to the one that precedes it. This looks strange to
    # the human reader, especially when using parametrized
    # components. 'pipe' allows construction of pipes from a sequence
    # of components.

    # Using 'pipe', 'test_map' could have been written like this:

    def the_operation(n):
        return n * n

    square = df.map(the_operation)

    the_source = list(range(1, 11))

    result = []
    the_sink = df.sink(result.append)

    df.push(source=the_source, pipe=df.pipe(square, the_sink))

    assert result == list(map(the_operation, the_source))
Exemple #10
def test_branch():

    # 'branch', like 'spy', allows you to insert operations on a copy
    # of the stream at any point in a network. In contrast to 'spy'
    # (which accepts a single plain operation), 'branch' accepts an
    # arbitrary number of pipeline components, which it combines into
    # a pipeline. It provides a more convenient way of constructing
    # some graphs that would otherwise be constructed with 'fork'.

    # Some pipeline components
    c1 = []
    C1 = df.sink(c1.append)
    c2 = []
    C2 = df.sink(c2.append)
    e1 = []
    E1 = df.sink(e1.append)
    e2 = []
    E2 = df.sink(e2.append)

    A = df.map(lambda n: n + 1)
    B = df.map(lambda n: n * 2)
    D = df.map(lambda n: n * 3)

    # Two eqivalent networks, one constructed with 'fork' the other
    # with 'branch'.
    graph1 = df.pipe(A, df.fork(df.pipe(B, C1), df.pipe(D, E1)))

    graph2 = df.pipe(A, df.branch(B, C2), D, E2)

    # Feed the same data into the two networks.
    the_source = list(range(10, 50, 4))
    df.push(source=the_source, pipe=graph1)
    df.push(source=the_source, pipe=graph2)

    # Confirm that both networks produce the same results.
    assert c1 == c2
    assert e1 == e2
Exemple #11
def test_push_futures_mapping():
    count_all = df.count()
    count_odd = df.count()

    the_source = list(range(100))

    result = df.push(source=the_source,
                         df.pipe(df.filter(lambda n: n % 2), count_odd.sink)),
                     result=dict(odd=count_odd.future, all=count_all.future))

    all_count = len(the_source)
    assert result.odd == all_count // 2
    assert result.all == all_count
Exemple #12
def test_stop_when():

    # 'stop_when' can be used to stop all branches of the network
    # immediately.

    countfuture, count = df.count()

    limit, step = 10, 2

    import itertools

    result = df.push(source=itertools.count(start=0, step=step),
                     pipe=df.fork(df.stop_when(lambda n: n == limit), count),
                     result=(countfuture, ))

    assert result == (limit // step, )
Exemple #13
def test_stateful_stop_when():
    def n_items_seen(n):
        yield  # Will stop here on construction
        for _ in range(n):
            yield False
        yield True

    countfuture, count = df.count()

    import itertools
    limit, step = 10, 2

    result = df.push(source=itertools.count(start=0, step=step),
                     pipe=df.fork(df.stop_when(n_items_seen(limit)), count),
                     result=(countfuture, ))

    assert result == (limit, )
Exemple #14
def test_spy_count():

    # count is a component that can be needed in the middle
    # of a pipeline. However, because it is a sink it needs
    # to be plugged into a spy. Thus, the component spy_count
    # provides a comfortable interface to access the future
    # and spy objects in a single line.

    the_source = list(range(20))

    count = df.count()
    spy_count = df.spy_count()

    result = df.push(source=the_source,
                     pipe=df.pipe(spy_count.spy, count.sink),

    assert result.from_count == result.from_spy_count == len(the_source)
Exemple #15
def test_push_futures():

    # 'push' provides a higher-level interface to using such futures:
    # it optionally accepts a tuple of futures, and returns a tuple of
    # their results

    count_all = df.count()
    count_odd = df.count()

    the_source = list(range(100))

    result = df.push(source=the_source,
                         df.pipe(df.filter(lambda n: n % 2), count_odd.sink)),
                     result=(count_odd.future, count_all.future))

    all_count = len(the_source)
    odd_count = all_count // 2
    assert result == (odd_count, all_count)
Exemple #16
def test_count_filter():

    # count_filter provides a future/filter pair.
    # This is a simple interface to keep track of
    # how many entries satisfy the predicate and
    # how many are filtered out.

    the_source = list(range(21))
    predicate = lambda n: n % 2

    odd = df.count_filter(predicate)
    filtered = []
    the_sink = df.sink(filtered.append)

    result = df.push(source=the_source,
                     pipe=df.pipe(odd.filter, the_sink),

    expected_result = list(filter(predicate, the_source))

    assert filtered == expected_result
    assert result.n_passed == len(expected_result)
    assert result.n_failed == len(the_source) - len(expected_result)
Exemple #17
def test_pipes_must_end_in_a_sink():
    the_source = range(10)
    sinkless_pipe = df.map(abs)

    with raises(df.IncompletePipe):
        df.push(source=the_source, pipe=sinkless_pipe)