debug_t_dates =          [1226901600,]
debug_expiration_dates = [1232172000,]
debug_symbols = ['FAS']

# if getting data, clear the existing data first or view_smiles
# will report errors (multiple hits for unique data)
if not DEBUG is True:
    sqlite3tools.delete_sqlite_table(conn, TABLENAME)

if DEBUG is True and debug_symbols is not None:
    symbols = debug_symbols
for symbol in symbols:
    params = dict()
    params['symbol'] = symbol
    sql = SQL.get_t_dates % params
    t_dates = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)('t_date')
    if DEBUG is True and debug_t_dates is not None:
        t_dates = debug_t_dates
    for t_date in t_dates:
        print symbol + ":",
        print str(epoch2datetime(int(t_date)).date()).rjust(11),
        params['t_date'] = t_date
        sql = SQL.get_spot_closing_price % params
        stock_price_data = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)('price_close_ini')
        if not len(stock_price_data) == 1:
            msg = "More than once spot closing price for %s on %s. Bad dog." % (symbol, t_date)
            print len(stock_price_data)
            raise Exception, msg
            spot_closing_price = stock_price_data[0]
from datetimetools import * 
import SQL_view_smiles as SQL
import scipy
import datetime
from matplotlib import pyplot

conn = sqlite3.connect("Levered_Financial_ETF_Option_and_Stock_DB.sqlite3")

symbols = ['FAS','FAZ','SKF','UYG']
symbols = ['FAS',]

for symbol in symbols:
    params = dict()
    params['symbol'] = symbol
    sql = SQL.get_t_dates % params
    t_dates = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)
    for t_date in t_dates('t_date'):
        params['t_date'] = t_date
        sql = SQL.get_expiration_dates % params
        expiration_dates = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)
        for expiration_date in expiration_dates('expiration_date'):
            # Lets get some data
            params['expiration_date'] = expiration_date
            time_to_expiration = (float(expiration_date) - float(t_date)) / seconds_per_year
            sql = SQL.get_implied_forward % params
            implied_forward = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)('implied_forward')[0]
            sql = SQL.get_strike_and_cvol_and_pvol_and_call_delta % params
            sql = SQL.get_fit_smile % params
            fit_params = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)

            if not fit_params.numrows() == 1:
    xmax = 500
    ymin = .2
    ymax = 3.5
    pyplot.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])
    alpha_days = np.arange(0, 500, 2)

lb = [.3, .2, 1]
ub = [5, 3, 10]

if DEBUG is True and debug_symbols is not None:
    symbols = debug_symbols
for symbol in symbols:
    params = dict()
    params['symbol'] = symbol
    sql = SQL.get_t_dates % params
    t_dates = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)('t_date')
    if DEBUG is True and debug_t_dates is not None:
        t_dates = debug_t_dates
    for t_date in t_dates:
        params['t_date'] = t_date
        sql = SQL.get_expiration_dates_and_vols % params
        data = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)
        if data.numrows() < 4:
        print t_date
        expiration_dates = np.array([int(i) for i in data('expiration_date')])
        days = (expiration_dates - int(t_date)) / seconds_per_day
        times_to_expiration = days / 365.

        vol = data('vol')
pair = ('FAS','FAZ')
fit_parameter = 'vol'
start_date =, 1, 2)
end_date =, 11, 12)
symbol1 = pair[0]
symbol2 = pair[1]

params = dict()
params['symbol1'] = symbol1
params['symbol2'] = symbol2
params['fit_parameter'] = fit_parameter
params['start_date'] = int(datetime2epoch(start_date))
params['end_date'] = int(datetime2epoch(end_date))
sql = SQL.get_fit_coeff % params
print sql
fit_coeff = execute_query_DF(conn, sql)
coeff1 = fit_coeff('coeff1')
coeff2 = fit_coeff('coeff2')
price1 = fit_coeff('price_close1')
price2 = fit_coeff('price_close2')
t_dates = fit_coeff('t_date')
price_close_ini1 = fit_coeff('price_close_ini1')
price_close_ini2 = fit_coeff('price_close_ini2')

# Linear fit

linear_fit = scipy.polyfit(coeff1, coeff2, deg=1)
xmin = min(coeff1)
xmax = max(coeff1)
fit_x = np.arange(xmin, xmax, (xmax - xmin) / 50.)
fit_y = scipy.polyval(linear_fit, fit_x)