Exemple #1
def copy_mol_props(source: Chem.rdchem.Mol, destination: Chem.rdchem.Mol):
    """Copy properties from one source molecule to another destination

        source: a molecule to copy from.
        destination: a molecule to copy to.

    props = source.GetPropsAsDict()
    dm.set_mol_props(destination, props)
Exemple #2
def test_sdf_props_and_conformer_preserved(tmp_path):

    sdf_path = tmp_path / "test.sdf"

    # Generate an SDF file
    props = dict(test_int=588, test_str="hello")
    smiles = "CC1(C2C(C3C(C(=O)C(=C(C3(C(=O)C2=C(C4=C1C=CC=C4O)O)O)O)C(=O)N)N(C)C)O)O"

    mol = dm.to_mol(smiles)
    mol = dm.set_mol_props(mol, props)
    mol = dm.conformers.generate(mol, n_confs=1)
    pos = mol.GetConformer().GetPositions()
    dm.to_sdf(mol, sdf_path)

    # Read sdf file
    mols = dm.read_sdf(sdf_path)
    mol = mols[0]

    # Check properties
    assert mol.GetPropsAsDict() == props

    # Check conformer
    conf = mol.GetConformer()
    assert mol.GetNumConformers() == 1
    assert conf.Is3D()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(conf.GetPositions(), pos, decimal=4)
Exemple #3
def test_copy_mol_props():
    source = dm.to_mol("CCC")
    destination = dm.to_mol("CC")

    props = {}
    props["bool"] = True
    props["number"] = 55
    props["float"] = 5.555
    props["string"] = "hello"
    props["something_else"] = type(int)

    dm.set_mol_props(source, props)

    dm.copy_mol_props(source, destination)

    assert destination.GetPropsAsDict() == source.GetPropsAsDict()
Exemple #4
def test_set_mol_props():
    mol = dm.to_mol("CCC")

    props = {}
    props["number"] = 55
    props["float"] = 5.555
    props["string"] = "hello"
    props["something_else"] = type(int)

    dm.set_mol_props(mol, props)

    mol_props = mol.GetPropsAsDict()
    assert mol_props["number"] == props["number"]
    assert mol_props["float"] == props["float"]
    assert mol_props["string"] == props["string"]
    assert mol_props["something_else"] == str(props["something_else"])
Exemple #5
    def _row_to_mol(row):

        props = row.to_dict()

        if mol_column is not None:
            mol = props[mol_column]

            if conserve_smiles:
                smiles = props[smiles_column]
                # If a SMILES column is used to create the molecule then it is removed from the
                # properties.
                smiles = props.pop(smiles_column)

            mol = dm.to_mol(smiles)

        if mol is None:
            return None

        dm.set_mol_props(mol, props)
        return mol
Exemple #6
def test_sanitize_mol_keep_props_and_conformers():
    # Generate a mol with props and a conformer
    props = dict(test_int=588, test_str="hello")
    smiles = "CCC[N+](=O)[O-]"

    mol = dm.to_mol(smiles)
    mol = dm.set_mol_props(mol, props)
    mol = dm.conformers.generate(mol, n_confs=1)
    pos = mol.GetConformer().GetPositions()

    # Sanitize
    sane_mol = dm.sanitize_mol(mol)

    # Check properties
    assert sane_mol.GetPropsAsDict() == props

    # Check conformer
    conf = sane_mol.GetConformer()
    assert sane_mol.GetNumConformers() == 1
    assert conf.Is3D()
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(conf.GetPositions(), pos, decimal=4)
Exemple #7
def sanitize_mol(
    mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol,
    charge_neutral: bool = False,
    sanifix: bool = True,
    verbose: bool = True,
    add_hs: bool = False,
) -> Optional[Chem.rdchem.Mol]:
    """An augmented version of RDKit `sanitize=True`. It uses a
    mol-SMILES-mol conversion to catch potential aromaticity errors
    and try to fix aromatic nitrogen (using the popular sanifix4 script).
    Optionally, it can neutralize the charge of the molecule.

    Note #1: Only the first conformer (if present) will be preserved and
    a warning will be displayed if more than one conformer is detected.

    Note #2: The molecule's properties will be preserved but the atom's
    properties will be lost.

        mol: a molecule.
        charge_neutral: whether charge neutralization should be applied.
        sanifix: whether to run the sanifix from James Davidson
            (sanifix4.py) that try to adjust aromatic nitrogens.
        verbose: Whether displaying a warning about multiple conformers.
        add_hs: Add hydrogens to the returned molecule. Useful when the input
            molecule already contains hydrogens.

        mol: a molecule.
    if mol is None:
        return mol

    # Extract properties.
    original_mol = copy_mol(mol)
    properties = original_mol.GetPropsAsDict()

    if charge_neutral:
        mol = to_neutral(mol)

    if sanifix:
        mol = _sanifix4.sanifix(mol)

    if mol is not None:

        # Detect multiple conformers
        if verbose and mol.GetNumConformers() > 1:
                f"The molecule contains multiple conformers. Only the first one will be preserved."

        # Try catch to avoid occasional aromaticity errors
            # `cxsmiles` is used here to preserve the first conformer.
            mol = to_mol(dm.to_smiles(mol, cxsmiles=True), sanitize=True, add_hs=add_hs)  # type: ignore
        except Exception:
            mol = None

    if mol is not None:
        # Insert back properties.
        mol = dm.set_mol_props(mol, properties)

    return mol