Exemple #1
def dot(a1, a2):
    "Returns the dot product of two scalars/vectors of two array of scalars/vectors."
    if a1 is dsa.NoneArray or a2 is dsa.NoneArray:
        return dsa.NoneArray

    if a1.shape[1] != a2.shape[1]:
        raise RuntimeError, 'Dot product only works with vectors of same dimension.'\
                            'Input shapes ' + a1.shape + ' and ' + a2.shape
    m = a1 * a2
    va = dsa.VTKArray(numpy.add.reduce(m, 1))
    if a1.DataSet == a2.DataSet: va.DataSet = a1.DataSet
    return va
Exemple #2
def _global_per_block(impl, array, axis=None, controller=None):
    if axis > 0:
        return impl.op()(array, axis=axis, controller=controller)

        dataset = array.DataSet
    except AttributeError:
        dataset = None

    t = type(array)
    if t == dsa.VTKArray or t == numpy.ndarray:
        from vtk.vtkCommonDataModel import vtkMultiBlockDataSet
        array = dsa.VTKCompositeDataArray([array])
        ds = vtkMultiBlockDataSet()
        ds.SetBlock(0, dataset.VTKObject)
        dataset = ds

    results = _apply_func2(impl.op2(), array, (axis,))

    if controller is None and vtkMultiProcessController is not None:
        controller = vtkMultiProcessController.GetGlobalController()
    if controller and controller.IsA("vtkMPIController"):
        from mpi4py import MPI
        comm = vtkMPI4PyCommunicator.ConvertToPython(controller.GetCommunicator())

        # First determine the number of components to use
        # for reduction
        res = dsa.NoneArray
        for res in results:
            if res is not dsa.NoneArray:

        max_dims, size = _reduce_dims(res, comm)

        # All NoneArrays
        if size == 0:
            return dsa.NoneArray;

        # Next determine the max id to use for reduction
        # operations

        # Get all ids from dataset, including empty ones.
        ids = []
        lmax_id = numpy.int32(0)
        if dataset is not None:
            it = dataset.NewIterator()
            while not it.IsDoneWithTraversal():
                _id = it.GetCurrentFlatIndex()
                lmax_id = numpy.max((lmax_id, _id)).astype(numpy.int32)
                if it.GetCurrentDataObject() is not None:
        max_id = numpy.array(0, dtype=numpy.int32)
        mpitype = _lookup_mpi_type(numpy.int32)
        comm.Allreduce([lmax_id, mpitype], [max_id, mpitype], MPI.MAX)

        has_ids = numpy.zeros(max_id+1, dtype=numpy.int32)
        for _id in ids:
            has_ids[_id] = 1
        id_count = numpy.array(has_ids)
        comm.Allreduce([has_ids, mpitype], [id_count, mpitype], MPI.SUM)

        if numpy.all(id_count <= 1):
            return dsa.VTKCompositeDataArray(results, dataset=dataset)

        # Now that we know which blocks are shared by more than
        # 1 rank. The ones that have a count of 2 or more.
        reduce_ids = []
        for _id in xrange(len(id_count)):
            if id_count[_id] > 1:

        to_reduce = len(reduce_ids)
        # If not block is shared, short circuit. No need to
        # communicate any more.
        if to_reduce == 0:
            return dsa.VTKCompositeDataArray(results, dataset=dataset)

        # Create the local array that will be used for
        # reduction. Set it to a value that won't effect
        # the reduction.
        lresults = numpy.empty(size*to_reduce)

        # Just get non-empty ids. Doing this again in case
        # the traversal above results in a different order.
        # We need the same order since we'll use izip below.
        if dataset is not None:
            it = dataset.NewIterator()
            ids = []
            while not it.IsDoneWithTraversal():

        # Fill the local array with available values.
        for _id, _res in itertools.izip(ids, results):
            success = True
                loc = reduce_ids.index(_id)
            except ValueError:
                success = False
            if success:
                if _res is not dsa.NoneArray:
                    lresults[loc*size:(loc+1)*size] = _res.flatten()

        # Now do the MPI reduction.
        rresults = numpy.array(lresults)
        mpitype = _lookup_mpi_type(numpy.double)
        comm.Allreduce([lresults, mpitype], [rresults, mpitype], impl.mpi_op())

        if array is dsa.NoneArray:
            return dsa.NoneArray

        # Fill in the reduced values.
        for i in xrange(to_reduce):
            _id = reduce_ids[i]
            success = True
                loc = ids.index(_id)
            except ValueError:
                success = False
            if success:
                if size == 1:
                    results[loc] = dsa.VTKArray(rresults[i])
                    results[loc] = rresults[i*size:(i+1)*size].reshape(max_dims)

    return dsa.VTKCompositeDataArray(results, dataset=dataset)