Exemple #1
def get_cfg():
    cfg = get_main_config()
    cfg.batch_size = 100
    cfg.nframes = 3
    cfg.frame_size = 350
    cfg.N = cfg.nframes
    cfg.dynamic.frame_size = cfg.frame_size
    cfg.dynamic.frames = cfg.nframes
    cfg.gpuid = 0
    cfg.random_seed = 0
    cfg.bss_str = '0m_2f_200t_d'
    cfg.bss_batch_size = 100
    cfg.npatches = 6
    cfg.patchsize = 3
    cfg.nblocks = 3
    cfg.nh_size = cfg.nblocks  # old name
    cfg.explore_package = "lpas"  # -- pick package to explore --
    cfg.explore_dir = Path(
        ROOT_PATH) / f"./output/explore/{cfg.explore_package}/"
    if not cfg.explore_dir.exists(): cfg.explore_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
    cfg.bss_dir = cfg.explore_dir / "./bss/"
    if not cfg.bss_dir.exists(): cfg.bss_dir.mkdir(parents=True)
    cfg.drop_last = {'tr': True, 'val': True, 'te': True}

    # -- set noise params --
    nconfig = get_noise_config(cfg, "g-75p0")
    cfg.noise_type = nconfig.ntype
    cfg.noise_params = nconfig

    return cfg
Exemple #2
def setup_exp_cfg(base_cfg,exp):

    # -- create a copy --
    cfg = copy.deepcopy(base_cfg)

    # -- random seed --
    cfg.random_seed = exp.random_seed

    # -- number of frames --
    cfg.nframes = int(exp.nframes)

    # -- bootstrapping name --
    cfg.score_fxn_name = exp.bsname

    # -- batchsize --
    cfg.batch_size = int(exp.batch_size)

    # -- combinatoric search info --
    cfg.nblocks = int(exp.nblocks)
    cfg.patchsize = int(exp.patchsize)

    # -- set noise params --
    nconfig = get_noise_config(cfg,exp.noise_type)
    cfg.noise_type = nconfig.ntype
    cfg.noise_params = nconfig
    # -- dynamics function --
    cfg.dynamic_info.ppf = exp.ppf
    cfg.dynamic_info.total_pixels = cfg.dynamic_info.ppf*(cfg.nframes-1)
    cfg.dynamic_info.nframes = exp.nframes

    return cfg
Exemple #3
def init_exp(cfg,exp):

    # -- set patchsize -- 
    cfg.patchsize = int(exp.patchsize)
    # -- set patchsize -- 
    cfg.nframes = int(exp.nframes)
    cfg.N = cfg.nframes

    # -- set number of blocks (old: neighborhood size) -- 
    cfg.nblocks = int(exp.nblocks)
    cfg.nh_size = cfg.nblocks # old name

    # -- get noise function --
    nconfig = get_noise_config(cfg,exp.noise_type)
    noise_xform = get_noise_transform(nconfig,use_to_tensor=False)
    # -- get dynamics function --
    cfg.dynamic.ppf = exp.ppf
    cfg.dynamic.bool = True
    cfg.dynamic.random_eraser = False
    cfg.dynamic.frame_size = cfg.frame_size
    cfg.dynamic.total_pixels = cfg.dynamic.ppf*(cfg.nframes-1)
    cfg.dynamic.frames = exp.nframes

    def nonoise(image): return image
    dynamic_info = cfg.dynamic
    dynamic_raw_xform = get_dynamic_transform(dynamic_info,nonoise)
    dynamic_xform = dynamic_wrapper(dynamic_raw_xform)

    # -- get score function --
    score_function = get_score_function(exp.score_function)

    return noise_xform,dynamic_xform,score_function
Exemple #4
def setup_exp_cfg(base_cfg, exp):

    # -- create a copy --
    cfg = copy.deepcopy(base_cfg)

    # -- random seed --
    cfg.random_seed = exp.random_seed

    # -- set frame size
    cfg.frame_size = frame_size_from_str(exp.frame_size)
    cfg.dynamic_info.frame_size = cfg.frame_size

    # -- fix dataset --
    cfg.dataset.name = exp.dataset

    # -- number of frames --
    cfg.image_xform = exp.image_xform

    # -- number of frames --
    cfg.nframes = int(exp.nframes)

    # -- batchsize --
    cfg.batch_size = int(exp.batch_size)

    # -- neural network --
    cfg.nn_arch = exp.nn_arch

    # -- sim method --
    cfg.align_method = exp.align_method

    # -- sim method --
    cfg.sim_method = exp.sim_method

    # -- combinatoric search info --
    cfg.nblocks = int(exp.nblocks)
    cfg.patchsize = int(exp.patchsize)

    # -- set noise params --
    nconfig = get_noise_config(cfg, exp.noise_type)
    cfg.noise_type = nconfig.ntype
    cfg.noise_params = nconfig

    # -- dynamics function --
    cfg.dynamic_info.ppf = exp.ppf
    cfg.dynamic_info.total_pixels = cfg.dynamic_info.ppf * (cfg.nframes - 1)
    cfg.dynamic_info.nframes = exp.nframes

    return cfg
Exemple #5
def setup_exp_cfg(base_cfg, exp):

    # -- create a copy --
    cfg = copy.deepcopy(base_cfg)

    # -- random seed --
    cfg.random_seed = exp.random_seed

    # -- set frame size
    cfg.frame_size = frame_size_from_str(exp.frame_size)
    cfg.dynamic_info.frame_size = cfg.frame_size

    # -- fix dataset --
    cfg.dataset.name = exp.dataset

    # -- number of frames --
    cfg.image_xform = exp.image_xform

    # -- number of frames --
    cfg.nframes = int(exp.nframes)

    # -- bootstrapping name --
    cfg.bp_type = exp.bp_type

    # -- batchsize --
    cfg.batch_size = int(exp.batch_size)

    # -- combinatoric search info --
    cfg.nblocks = int(exp.nblocks)
    cfg.patchsize = int(exp.patchsize)

    # -- set noise params --
    nconfig = get_noise_config(cfg, exp.noise_type)
    cfg.noise_type = nconfig.ntype
    cfg.noise_params = nconfig

    # -- dynamics --
    cfg.dynamic_info.ppf = exp.ppf
    cfg.dynamic_info.total_pixels = cfg.dynamic_info.ppf * (cfg.nframes - 1)
    cfg.dynamic_info.nframes = exp.nframes

    # -- some weirdness --
    cfg.train_split = "all"  # allow all data to be used instead of just train.

    return cfg
Exemple #6
def config_setup(base_cfg,exp):

    # -- create a copy --
    cfg = copy.deepcopy(base_cfg)

    # -- random seed --
    cfg.random_seed = exp.random_seed

    # -- bss --
    cfg.bss_str = exp.bss_str

    # -- batchsize --
    cfg.batch_size = int(exp.batch_size)

    # -- set patchsize -- 
    cfg.patchsize = int(exp.patchsize)

    # -- num of patches --
    cfg.npatches = int(exp.npatches)
    # -- set frames -- 
    cfg.nframes = int(exp.nframes)
    cfg.N = cfg.nframes

    # -- set number of blocks (old: neighborhood size) -- 
    cfg.nblocks = int(exp.nblocks)
    cfg.nh_size = cfg.nblocks # old name

    # -- set noise params --
    nconfig = get_noise_config(cfg,exp.noise_type)
    cfg.noise_type = nconfig.ntype
    cfg.noise_params = nconfig
    # -- dynamics function --
    cfg.frame_size = 196
    cfg.dynamic.ppf = exp.ppf
    cfg.dynamic.bool = True
    cfg.dynamic.random_eraser = False
    cfg.dynamic.frame_size = cfg.frame_size
    cfg.dynamic.total_pixels = cfg.dynamic.ppf*(cfg.nframes-1)
    cfg.dynamic.frames = exp.nframes

    return cfg
Exemple #7
def update_noise_cfg(cfg, noise_type):
    nconfig = get_noise_config(cfg, noise_type)
    set_noise(cfg, nconfig[nconfig.ntype])
    # cfg.noise_type = nconfig.ntype
    # cfg.noise_params = nconfig
    return cfg