Exemple #1
def draw_graph_pred(im, boxes, cls_score, rel_score, gt_to_pred, roidb, idx):
    Draw a predicted scene graph. To keep the graph interpretable, only draw
    the node and edge predictions that have correspounding ground truth
        im: image
        boxes: prediceted boxes
        cls_score: object classification scores
        rel_score: relation classification scores
        gt_to_pred: a mapping from ground truth box indices to predicted box indices
        idx: for saving
        roidb: roidb
    gt_relations = roidb['gt_relations']
    im = im[:, :, (2, 1, 0)].copy()
    cls_pred = np.argmax(cls_score, 1)
    rel_pred_mat = np.argmax(rel_score, 2)
    rel_pred = []
    all_rels = []
    for i in xrange(rel_pred_mat.shape[0]):
        for j in xrange(rel_pred_mat.shape[1]):
            # find graph predictions (nodes and edges) that have
            # correspounding ground truth annotations
            # ignore nodes that have no edge connections
            for rel in gt_relations:
                if rel[0] not in gt_to_pred or rel[1] not in gt_to_pred:
                # discard duplicate grounding
                if [i, j] in all_rels:
                if i == gt_to_pred[rel[0]] and j == gt_to_pred[rel[1]]:
                    rel_pred.append([i, j, rel_pred_mat[i, j], 1])
                    all_rels.append([i, j])

    rel_pred = np.array(rel_pred)
    if rel_pred.size == 0:

    # indices of predicted boxes
    pred_inds = rel_pred[:, :2].ravel()

    # draw graph predictions
    graph_dict = draw_scene_graph(cls_pred, pred_inds, rel_pred)
    viz_scene_graph(im, boxes, cls_pred, pred_inds, rel_pred, preprocess=False)

    out_boxes = []
    for box, cls in zip(boxes[pred_inds], cls_pred[pred_inds]):
        out_boxes.append(box[cls * 4:(cls + 1) * 4].tolist())

    graph_dict['boxes'] = out_boxes
    do_save = 'y'
    if do_save == 'y':
        scipy.misc.imsave('cherry/im_%i.png' % idx, im)
        fn = open('cherry/graph_%i.json' % idx, 'w+')
        json.dump(graph_dict, fn)
def draw_graph_pred(im, boxes, cls_score, rel_score, gt_to_pred, roidb, iter_num, save_dir, use_gt=False):
    Draw a predicted scene graph. To keep the graph interpretable, only draw
    the node and edge predictions that have corresponding ground truth
        im: image
        boxes: predicted boxes
        cls_score: object classification scores
        rel_score: relation classification scores
        gt_to_pred: a mapping from ground truth box indices to predicted box indices
        idx: for saving
        roidb: roidb
    gt_relations = roidb['gt_relations']
    im = im[:, :, (2, 1, 0)].copy()
    cls_pred = np.argmax(cls_score, 1)
    rel_pred_mat = np.argmax(rel_score, 2)
    rel_pred = []
    all_rels = []

    for i in xrange(rel_pred_mat.shape[0]):
        for j in xrange(rel_pred_mat.shape[1]):
            # find graph predictions (nodes and edges) that have
            # corresponding ground truth annotations
            # ignore nodes that have no edge connections
            for rel in gt_relations:
                if rel[0] not in gt_to_pred or rel[1] not in gt_to_pred:
                # discard duplicate grounding
                if [i, j] in all_rels:
                if i == gt_to_pred[rel[0]] and j == gt_to_pred[rel[1]]:
                    rel_pred.append([i, j, rel_pred_mat[i,j], 1])
                    all_rels.append([i, j])

    rel_pred = np.array(rel_pred)

    if use_gt:
        cls_pred = roidb['gt_classes']
        rel_pred = gt_relations

    if rel_pred.size == 0:

    # indices of predicted boxes
    pred_inds = rel_pred[:, :2].ravel()

    # draw graph predictions
    graph_dict = draw_scene_graph(cls_pred, pred_inds, rel_pred, iter_num, save_dir)
    viz_scene_graph(im, boxes, cls_pred, iter_num,  save_dir,  pred_inds, rel_pred, preprocess=False)

    # Obsolete: Uncomment this to get the scene graph predictions
Exemple #3
def draw_graph_pred_no_truth(im, boxes, cls_score, rel_score):
    Draw a predicted scene graph. To keep the graph interpretable, only draw
    the node and edge predictions that have correspounding ground truth
        im: image
        boxes: prediceted boxes
        cls_score: object classification scores
        rel_score: relation classification scores
        gt_to_pred: a mapping from ground truth box indices to predicted box indices
        idx: for saving
        roidb: roidb
    #gt_relations = roidb['gt_relations']
    im = im[:, :, (2, 1, 0)].copy()
    cls_pred = np.argmax(cls_score, 1)
    rel_pred_mat = np.argmax(rel_score, 2)
    rel_pred = []
    all_rels = []

    for i in xrange(rel_pred_mat.shape[0]):
        for j in xrange(rel_pred_mat.shape[1]):
            # discard duplicate grounding
            if [i, j] in all_rels:
            rel_pred.append([i, j, rel_pred_mat[i, j], 1])
            all_rels.append([i, j])

    rel_pred = np.array(rel_pred)
    if rel_pred.size == 0:

    # indices of predicted boxes
    pred_inds = rel_pred[:, :2].ravel()

    # draw graph predictions
    graph_dict = draw_scene_graph(cls_pred, pred_inds, rel_pred)
    viz_scene_graph(im, boxes, cls_pred, pred_inds, rel_pred, preprocess=False)
Exemple #4
def my_draw_graph_pred(im, boxes, cls_score, rel_score, gt_to_pred, roidb,
    Draw a predicted scene graph. To keep the graph interpretable, only draw
    the node and edge predictions that have correspounding ground truth
        im: image
        boxes: predicted boxes
        cls_score: object classification scores
        rel_score: relation classification scores
        gt_to_pred: a mapping from ground truth box indices to predicted box indices
        idx: for saving
        roidb: roidb
    gt_relations = roidb['gt_relations']
    im = im[:, :, (2, 1, 0)].copy()
    cls_pred = np.argmax(cls_score, 1)
    rel_pred_mat = np.argmax(rel_score, 2)
    rel_pred_scores = np.max(rel_score, 2)
    sorteds = np.argsort(-rel_pred_scores, axis=None)
    indexes = np.unravel_index(np.argsort(-rel_pred_scores, axis=None),
    rel_pred = []
    all_rels = []
    import cv2
    good_det = np.argsort(-np.max(cls_score, 1), axis=None)
    im2 = im  #.copy()[:, :, (2, 1, 0)].astype(np.uint8) #im #cv2.imread('/home/gay/ext_lib/scene-graph-TF-release/data/scannet/images/1.jpg')w
    for n in range(min(len(cls_pred), 10)):
        lidx = cls_pred[good_det[n]]
        b = boxes[good_det[n], :]
        cv2.rectangle(im2, (int(b[0]), int(b[1])), (int(b[2]), int(b[3])),
                      (255, 0, 0), 5)
        cv2.rectangle(im2, (int(b[4]), int(b[5])), (int(b[6]), int(b[7])),
                      (255, 0, 0), 5)
        cv2.rectangle(im2, (int(b[8]), int(b[9])), (int(b[10]), int(b[11])),
                      (255, 0, 0), 5)
        cv2.rectangle(im2, (int(b[12]), int(b[13])), (int(b[14]), int(b[15])),
                      (255, 0, 0), 5)
        cv2.rectangle(im2, (int(b[16]), int(b[17])), (int(b[18]), int(b[19])),
                      (255, 0, 0), 5)
        l = cls_pred[n]
        cv2.putText(im2, cfg.ind_to_class[lidx],
                    (int(b[0]) + 40, int(b[1]) + 40), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN,
                    1, (0, 0, 255), 2)
    cv2.imwrite('visual' + str(im_num) + '.png', im2)
    for n in range(min(len(indexes[0]), 7)):
        i = indexes[0][n]
        j = indexes[1][n]
        #if [i,j] in all_rels:
        #  continue
        rel_pred.append([i, j, rel_pred_mat[i, j], 1])
        all_rels.append([i, j])
    rel_pred = np.array(rel_pred)
    if rel_pred.size == 0:
    # indices of predicted boxes
    pred_inds = rel_pred[:, :2].ravel()
    # draw graph predictions
    #graph_dict = draw_scene_graph(cls_pred, pred_inds, rel_pred)
                    save_f='graph' + str(im_num) + '.png')