def abstract_load_keras_model(folder, dataset, num_layer, activation, hidden_neurons, mode=None): """ Parse parameters to path in a friendly way :param folder: 'fastlin' or 'recurjac' :param dataset: 'cifar' or 'mnist' :param num_layer: positive integer :param activation: 'relu' or 'leaky' or 'tanh' :param hidden_neurons: positive integer :param mode: None or 'best' or 'adv_retrain' or 'distill' :return: the pytorch model """ assert folder in ['fastlin', 'recurjac'] assert dataset in ['cifar', 'mnist'] assert type(num_layer) == int and num_layer > 0 assert activation in ['relu', 'leaky', 'tanh'] assert type(hidden_neurons) == int and hidden_neurons > 0 assert mode is None or mode in ['best', 'adv_retrain', 'distill'] path_str = f'models_weights/models_{folder}/{dataset}_{num_layer}layer_{activation}_{hidden_neurons}' input_shape = {'cifar': 'cifar10', 'mnist': 'mnist'}[dataset] input_shape = datasets.get_input_shape(input_shape) if mode is not None: path_str += f'_{mode}' return load_keras_model(input_shape, path_str)
def __init__(self, dataset, model): super(CNNCertBase, self).__init__(dataset, model) self.num_classes = get_num_classes(dataset) input_shape = get_input_shape(dataset) new_input_shape = (input_shape[1], input_shape[2], input_shape[0]) self.k_model = sequential_torch2keras(model_transform(self.model, input_shape), dataset) global graph global sess with sess.as_default(): with graph.as_default(): # Save the transformed Keras model to a temporary place so that the tool can read from file # The tool can only init model from file... sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-5, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True) self.k_model.compile(loss=fn, optimizer=sgd, metrics=['accuracy'])'tmp/') self.new_model = nl.CNNModel('tmp/', new_input_shape) self.weights = self.new_model.weights self.biases = self.new_model.biases # print(self.new_model.summary()) try: check_consistency(self.model, self.k_model, input_shape) except Exception: raise Exception("Somehow the transformed model behaves differently from the original model.") self.LP = False self.LPFULL = False self.method = "ours" self.dual = False
def __init__(self, dataset, model): super(PGDAdaptor, self).__init__(dataset, model) self.config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.5)) self.config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True self.graph = tf.Graph() self.sess = tf.Session(graph=self.graph, config=self.config) input_shape = get_input_shape(dataset) with self.sess.graph.as_default(): with self.sess.as_default(): self.tf_model = convert_pytorch_model_to_tf(self.model) self.ch_model = CallableModelWrapper(self.tf_model, output_layer='logits') self.x_op = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=( None, input_shape[0], input_shape[1], input_shape[2], )) self.attk = ProjectedGradientDescent(self.ch_model, sess=self.sess) self.adv_preds_ops = dict()
def __init__(self, dataset, model): super(CNNCertBase, self).__init__(dataset, model) self.num_classes = get_num_classes(dataset) self.activation = list() for layer in self.model: if isinstance(layer, nn.ReLU): self.activation.append('ada') elif isinstance(layer, nn.Sigmoid): self.activation.append('sigmoid') elif isinstance(layer, nn.Tanh): self.activation.append('tanh') # actually there is another activation called arctan, # but there is no corresponding one in pytorch so we ignore it self.activation = list(set(self.activation)) assert len(self.activation) == 1 self.activation = self.activation[0] input_shape = get_input_shape(dataset) new_input_shape = (input_shape[1], input_shape[2], input_shape[0]) self.k_model = sequential_torch2keras(self.model, dataset) global graph global sess with sess.as_default(): with graph.as_default(): print(self.k_model.summary()) try: assert check_consistency(self.model, self.k_model, input_shape) == True except: raise Exception("Somehow the transformed model behaves differently from the original model.") self.new_model = Model(self.k_model, new_input_shape) # Set correct linear_bounds function self.linear_bounds = None if self.activation == 'relu': self.linear_bounds = relu_linear_bounds elif self.activation == 'ada': self.linear_bounds = ada_linear_bounds elif self.activation == 'sigmoid': self.linear_bounds = sigmoid_linear_bounds elif self.activation == 'tanh': self.linear_bounds = tanh_linear_bounds elif self.activation == 'arctan': self.linear_bounds = atan_linear_bounds
def __init__(self, dataset, model): super(ERANBase, self).__init__(dataset, model) self.model.eval() # export the model to onnx file 'tmp/tmp.onnx' input_shape = get_input_shape(dataset) x = torch.randn(1, input_shape[0], input_shape[1], input_shape[2], requires_grad=True).cuda() torch_out = self.model(x) torch.onnx.export(self.model, x, 'tmp/tmp.onnx') # export_params=True, # opset_version=10, # do_constant_folding=True, # input_names=['input'], # output_names=['output'], # dynamic_axes={'input': {0: 'batch_size'}, 'output': {0: 'batch_size'}}) model_opt, check_ok = onnxsim.simplify('tmp/tmp.onnx', check_n=3, perform_optimization=True, skip_fuse_bn=True, input_shapes={ None: (1, input_shape[0], input_shape[1], input_shape[2]) }) assert check_ok, "Simplify ONNX model failed", 'tmp/tmp_simp.onnx') new_model, is_conv = read_onnx_net('tmp/tmp_simp.onnx') self.new_model, self.is_conv = new_model, is_conv self.config = {} self.eran = ERAN(self.new_model, is_onnx=True)
def __init__(self, dataset, model): self.model, self.activation, self.activation_param = torch2keras(dataset, model_transform(model, datasets.get_input_shape(dataset))) print(self.model.summary()) with sess.as_default(): with graph.as_default(): try: assert check_consistency(model, self.model, datasets.get_input_shape(dataset), 'channels_first') == True except: raise Exception("Somehow the transformed model behaves differently from the original model.") with sess.as_default(): with graph.as_default(): # extract weights self.U = list() for layer in self.model.layers: if isinstance(layer, keras.layers.Dense): self.U.append(layer) self.W = self.U[-1] self.U = self.U[:-1] layer_outputs = [] # save the output of intermediate layers for layer in self.model.layers: if isinstance(layer, keras.layers.Conv2D) or isinstance(layer, keras.layers.Dense): layer_outputs.append(K.function([self.model.layers[0].input], [layer.output])) # a tensor to get gradients self.gradients = [] for i in range(self.model.output.shape[1]): output_tensor = self.model.output[:, i] self.gradients.append(K.gradients(output_tensor, self.model.input)[0]) self.layer_outputs = layer_outputs self.model.summary()
def sequential_torch2keras(torch_model, dataset): """ Transform the sequential torch model on CUDA to Keras :param torch_model: the Torch model to transform :param dataset: the dataset, typically 'MNIST' or 'CIFAR10' :return: the transformed Keras model """ global graph global sess graph = tf.Graph() sess = tf.Session(graph=graph, config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.5))) with sess.as_default(): with graph.as_default(): ret = keras.Sequential() assert isinstance(torch_model, nn.Sequential) input_shape = get_input_shape(dataset) new_input_shape = (input_shape[1], input_shape[2], input_shape[0]) # before meeting the flatten layer, we transform each channel-first layer to the corresponding channel-last one # after meeting the flatten layer, we analyze the first layer and transform the weight matrix meet_flatten = False shape_before_flatten = None transposed = False first_layer = True for layer in torch_model: if first_layer: kwargs = {'input_shape': new_input_shape} first_layer = False else: kwargs = {} if isinstance(layer, nn.Conv2d): # we don't permit conv2d layer after flatten assert meet_flatten is False # by default, we assume zero-padding size is to allow the "same" padding configuration in keras.Conv2D # since cnn-cert only supports keras.Conv2D but not zero padding layers # print(' in', layer.in_channels) # print(' out', layer.out_channels) # print(' stride', layer.stride) # print(' padding', layer.padding) # print(' paddingmode', layer.padding_mode) # print(' kernelsize', layer.kernel_size) # print(' weight shape', layer.weight.size()) # if layer.bias is not None: # print(' bias shape', layer.bias.size()) new_layer = keras.layers.Conv2D(layer.out_channels, layer.kernel_size, layer.stride, 'valid' if layer.padding[0] == 0 else 'same', 'channels_last', use_bias=layer.bias is not None, **kwargs) ret.add(new_layer) # print(ret.output_shape) new_weights = [layer.weight.cpu().detach().numpy().transpose(2, 3, 1, 0)] if layer.bias is not None: new_weights.append(layer.bias.cpu().detach().numpy()) new_layer.set_weights(new_weights) # print(' new weight/bias len:', len(new_layer.get_weights())) # print(' new weight shape:', new_layer.get_weights()[0].shape) # print(' new bias shape:', new_layer.get_weights()[1].shape) elif isinstance(layer, nn.AvgPool2d): # we don't permit avgpool2d layer after flatten assert meet_flatten is False new_layer = keras.layers.AvgPool2D(layer.kernel_size, layer.stride, 'valid' if layer.padding[0] == 0 else 'same', data_format='channels_last', **kwargs) ret.add(new_layer) elif isinstance(layer, nn.MaxPool2d): # we don't permit maxpool2d layer after flatten assert meet_flatten is False new_layer = keras.layers.MaxPool2D(layer.kernel_size, layer.stride, 'valid' if layer.padding[0] == 0 else 'same', data_format='channels_last', **kwargs) ret.add(new_layer) elif isinstance(layer, nn.ReLU): ret.add(keras.layers.Activation('relu', **kwargs)) elif isinstance(layer, nn.Tanh): ret.add(keras.layers.Activation('tanh', **kwargs)) elif isinstance(layer, nn.Sigmoid): ret.add(keras.layers.Activation('sigmoid', **kwargs)) elif isinstance(layer, models.zoo.Flatten): meet_flatten = True transposed = False if 'input_shape' in kwargs: shape_before_flatten = new_input_shape else: shape_before_flatten = ret.output_shape[1:] ret.add(keras.layers.Flatten(data_format='channels_last', **kwargs)) elif isinstance(layer, nn.Linear) or isinstance(layer, FlattenConv2D): # print(' in dim', layer.in_features) # print(' out dim', layer.out_features) weights = [layer.weight.cpu().detach().numpy().T] if layer.bias is not None: weights.append(layer.bias.cpu().detach().numpy()) # print([x.shape for x in weights]) new_layer = keras.layers.Dense(layer.out_features, **kwargs) ret.add(new_layer) # print([x.shape for x in new_layer.get_weights()]) if meet_flatten and not transposed: # print('transposed here') h, w, c = shape_before_flatten mapping = [k * h * w + i * w + j for i in range(h) for j in range(w) for k in range(c)] # print(mapping) weights[0] = weights[0][mapping] # print([x.shape for x in weights]) transposed = True new_layer.set_weights(weights) elif isinstance(layer, nn.Dropout): rate = layer.p ret.add(keras.layers.Dropout(rate)) else: raise Exception(f'Unsupported layer type {layer.__class__.__name__}') return ret
if args.mode == 'transform': for now_dataset in args.dataset: print(f'Now on {now_dataset}', file=sys.stderr) for now_model in args.model: print(f' Now on {now_model}', file=sys.stderr) for now_w, now_w_fname, _ in weights[now_dataset]: print(f' Now on {now_w}', file=sys.stderr) m = load_model('exp', now_dataset, now_model) m, flag, others = try_load_weight( m, f'{now_dataset}_{now_model}_{now_w_fname}_best') assert flag t1 = time.time() print(f' Transforming...') newm = model_transform(m, get_input_shape(now_dataset)) print(f' Saving... {time.time() - t1:.3f} s') { 'state_dict': newm.state_dict(), 'acc': others['acc'], 'robacc': others['robacc'], 'epoch': others['epoch'], 'normalized': others['normalized'], 'dataset': others['normalized'] }, f'{SAVE_PATH}/transformed_{now_dataset}_{now_model}_{now_w_fname}_best.pth' ) print(f' Done {time.time() - t1:.3f} s') if args.mode == 'test': raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(self, dataset, model, timeout=30): super(FastMILPAdaptor, self).__init__(dataset, model) # cp.settings.SOLVE_TIME = timeout in_shape = get_input_shape(dataset) self.prepare_solver(in_shape)
def __init__(self, dataset, model): super(IBPAdaptor, self).__init__(dataset, model) in_shape = get_input_shape(dataset) self.bound = FastIntervalBound(self.model, in_shape, self.in_min, self.in_max)
def torch2keras(dataset, model): with sess.as_default(): with graph.as_default(): input_shape = datasets.get_input_shape(dataset) ans = keras.Sequential() n = 0 activation, activation_param = list(), None first_layer = True for layer in model: if first_layer: kwargs = {'input_shape': input_shape} first_layer = False else: kwargs = {} n += 1 if isinstance(layer, Flatten): ans.add(keras.layers.Flatten('channels_last', **kwargs)) elif isinstance(layer, nn.Linear) or isinstance(layer, FlattenConv2D): i, o = layer.in_features, layer.out_features l = keras.layers.Dense(o) ans.add(l) l.set_weights([layer.weight.t().cpu().detach().numpy(), layer.bias.cpu().detach().numpy()]) elif isinstance(layer, nn.ReLU): ans.add(keras.layers.Activation('relu', name=f'relu_{n}')) activation.append('relu') elif isinstance(layer, nn.Tanh): ans.add(keras.layers.Activation('tanh', name=f'tanh_{n}')) activation.append('tanh') elif isinstance(layer, nn.LeakyReLU): ans.add(keras.layers.LeakyReLU(alpha=layer.negative_slope, name=f'leaky_{n}')) activation.append('leaky') activation_param = layer.negative_slope elif isinstance(layer, nn.Dropout): # ignore dropout layer since we only use the model for evaluation here pass elif isinstance(layer, nn.Conv2d): new_layer = keras.layers.Conv2D(layer.out_channels, layer.kernel_size, layer.stride, 'valid' if layer.padding[0] == 0 else 'same', 'channels_first', use_bias=layer.bias is not None, **kwargs) ans.add(new_layer) # print(ret.output_shape) new_weights = [layer.weight.cpu().detach().numpy().transpose(2, 3, 1, 0)] if layer.bias is not None: new_weights.append(layer.bias.cpu().detach().numpy()) new_layer.set_weights(new_weights) else: raise NotImplementedError # only one type of activation is permitted activation = list(set(activation)) assert len(activation) == 1 activation = activation[0] return ans, activation, activation_param
m = model.load_model('exp', now_ds_name, now_model).cuda() d = torch.load( f'{SAVE_PATH}/{now_ds_name}_{now_model}_{now_weight_filename}_best.pth' ) # print('acc:', d['acc'], 'robacc:', d['robacc'], 'epoch:', d['epoch'], 'normalized:', d['normalized'], # 'dataset:', d['dataset'], file=sys.stderr) model_parameters = filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, m.parameters()) params = sum([ for p in model_parameters]) # print(params) neurons, numparams = param_summary( m, get_input_shape(now_ds_name)) # print(neurons, numparams) struc = struc_summary(m) # print(struc) del m robacc_s = f"${d['robacc'] * 100.:4.2f}\%$" if d[ 'robacc'] > 0. else "/" if i == 0: tab_body_1.append([ dataset_show_names[now_ds_name], model_show_names[now_model], nicenum(neurons), nicenum(numparams[0]), struc, sources[now_model]
def main(train_method, dataset, model_name, params): # prepare dataset and normalize settings normalize = None if params.get('normalized', False): if dataset == 'mnist': normalize = (_MNIST_MEAN, _MNIST_STDDEV) elif dataset == 'cifar10': normalize = (_CIFAR10_MEAN, _CIFAR10_STDDEV) elif dataset == 'imagenet': normalize = (_IMAGENET_MEAN, _IMAGENET_STDDEV) train_set = get_dataset(dataset, 'train', normalize) test_set = get_dataset(dataset, 'test', normalize) # read input shape (c, h, w) input_shape = get_input_shape(dataset) # read params batch_size = params['batch_size'] optimizer_name = params.get('optimizer', 'sgd') if optimizer_name == 'sgd': lr = params.get('learning_rate', 0.1) momentum = params.get('momentum', 0.1) weight_decay = params.get('weight_decay', 5e-4) elif optimizer_name == 'adam': lr = params.get('learning_rate', 0.1) else: raise NotImplementedError cur_lr = lr print('default learning rate =', cur_lr, file=stderr) start_epoch = 0 epochs = params.get('epochs', 0) eps = normed_eps = params['eps'] if train_method == 'adv': # Note: for adversarial training, in training phase, we use the manual implementation version for precision, # and use the clearhans implementation in test phase for precision eps_iter_coef = params['eps_iter_coef'] clip_min = params['clip_min'] clip_max = params['clip_max'] if normalize is not None: mean, std = normalize clip_min = (clip_min - max(mean)) / min(std) - 1e-6 clip_max = (clip_max - min(mean)) / min(std) + 1e-6 normed_eps = eps / min(std) nb_iter = params['nb_iter'] rand_init = params['rand_init'] adv_params = { 'eps': normed_eps, 'clip_min': clip_min, 'clip_max': clip_max, 'eps_iter': eps_iter_coef * eps, 'nb_iter': nb_iter, 'rand_init': rand_init } elif train_method == 'certadv': # Note: for certified adversarially trained models, we test its accuracy still using PGD attack eps_iter_coef = params['eps_iter_coef'] clip_min = params['clip_min'] clip_max = params['clip_max'] if normalize is not None: mean, std = normalize clip_min = (clip_min - max(mean)) / min(std) - 1e-6 clip_max = (clip_max - min(mean)) / min(std) + 1e-6 normed_eps = eps / min(std) nb_iter = params['nb_iter'] rand_init = params['rand_init'] adv_params = { 'eps': normed_eps, 'clip_min': clip_min, 'clip_max': clip_max, 'eps_iter': eps_iter_coef * eps, 'nb_iter': nb_iter, 'rand_init': rand_init } print(adv_params, file=stderr) # prepare loader train_loader =, batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True) test_loader =, batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True) # stats train_tot = len(train_set) test_tot = len(test_set) best_acc = 0.0 best_robacc = 0.0 # load model m = model.load_model('exp', dataset, model_name).cuda() print(m) if train_method == 'adv' and params['retrain']: # retrain from the best clean model clean_model_name = f'{dataset}_{model_name}_clean_0_best' new_m, stats = try_load_weight(m, clean_model_name) assert stats == True, "Could not load pretrained clean model." if isinstance(new_m[0], NormalizeLayer): # squeeze the normalize layer out new_m = new_m[1] m = new_m elif train_method == 'certadv': configdir = params['configpath'] ds_mapping = {'cifar10': 'cifar', 'mnist': 'mnist'} ds_multiplier = {'cifar10': 255., 'mnist': 10.} configfilename = f'exp_{ds_mapping[dataset]}{int(round(eps * ds_multiplier[dataset]))}.json' with open(os.path.join(configdir, configfilename), 'r') as f: real_config = json.load(f) epochs = real_config['training_params']['epochs'] start_epoch = epochs - 1 model_path = os.path.join( os.path.join(real_config['path_prefix'], real_config['models_path']), f'{model_name}_best.pth') d = torch.load(model_path) print(f'certadv load from {model_path}', file=stderr) m.load_state_dict(d['state_dict']) # open file handler save_name = f'{ds}_{model_name}_{now_method}_{eps}' mode = 'a' if os.path.exists(f'{SAVE_PATH}/{save_name}_train.log') or os.path.exists( f'{SAVE_PATH}/{save_name}_test.log'): choice = getpass.getpass( f'Log exists. Do you want to rewrite it? (Y/others) ') if choice == 'Y': mode = 'w' print('Rewrite log', file=stderr) else: mode = 'a' train_log = open(f'{SAVE_PATH}/{save_name}_train.log', mode) test_log = open(f'{SAVE_PATH}/{save_name}_test.log', mode) # special treatment for model G - layerwise training if model_name == 'G' and train_method == 'adv': new_last_layer = nn.Linear(1024, 10) # start for epoch in range(start_epoch, epochs): if epoch % LR_REDUCE == 0 and epoch > 0: # learning rate reduced to LR_REDUCE_RATE every LR_REDUCE epochs cur_lr *= LR_REDUCE_RATE print(f' reduce learning rate to {cur_lr}', file=stderr) # special treatment for model G - layerwise training if model_name == 'G' and train_method == 'adv': new_m = list() tmp_cnt = 0 for l in m: new_m.append(l) if isinstance(l, nn.Linear) and l.out_features == 1024: tmp_cnt += 1 if tmp_cnt > epoch / 5: if l.out_features == 1024: new_m.append(nn.ReLU()) new_m.append(new_last_layer) break new_m = nn.Sequential(*new_m).cuda() m, new_m = new_m, m print(m, file=stderr) cur_lr = lr print(f' learning rate restored to {cur_lr}', file=stderr) # init optimizer if optimizer_name == 'adam': opt = optim.Adam(m.parameters(), lr=cur_lr) elif optimizer_name == 'sgd': opt = optim.SGD(m.parameters(), lr=cur_lr, momentum=momentum, weight_decay=weight_decay) else: raise Exception("Fail to create the optimizer") cur_idx = 0 cur_acc = 0.0 cur_robacc = 0.0 batch_tot = 0 batch_acc_tot = 0 batch_robacc_tot = 0 clean_ce = 0.0 adv_ce = 0.0 # now eps now_eps = normed_eps * min((epoch + 1) / EPS_WARMUP_EPOCHS, 1.0) # =========== Training =========== print(f'Epoch {epoch}: training', file=stderr) if train_method != 'clean': print(f' Training eps={now_eps:.3f}', file=stderr) m.train() for i, (X, y) in enumerate(train_loader): if DEBUG and i > 10: break start_t = time.time() X_clean, y_clean = X.cuda(), y.cuda().long() clean_out = m(Variable(X_clean)) clean_ce = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(clean_out, Variable(y_clean)) batch_tot = X.size(0) batch_acc_tot = ([1] == y_clean).float().sum().item() if train_method == 'clean': opt.zero_grad() clean_ce.backward() opt.step() elif train_method == 'adv': X_pgd = Variable(X, requires_grad=True) for _ in range(nb_iter): opt_pgd = optim.Adam([X_pgd], lr=1e-3) opt.zero_grad() loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(m(X_pgd.cuda()), Variable(y_clean)) loss.backward() eta = now_eps * eps_iter_coef * X_pgd = Variable( + eta, requires_grad=True) eta = torch.clamp( - X, -now_eps, now_eps) = X + eta = torch.clamp(, clip_min, clip_max) # print(, la.norm(( - X).numpy().reshape(-1), np.inf), file=stderr) adv_out = m(Variable( adv_ce = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(adv_out, Variable(y_clean)) batch_robacc_tot = ([1] == y_clean).float().sum() opt.zero_grad() adv_ce.backward() opt.step() elif train_method == 'certadv': # no action to do for training adv_ce = torch.Tensor([0.0]).cuda() pass end_t = time.time() clean_ce = clean_ce.detach().cpu().item() if train_method != 'clean': adv_ce = adv_ce.detach().cpu().item() runtime = end_t - start_t cur_acc = (cur_acc * cur_idx + batch_acc_tot) / (cur_idx + batch_tot) if train_method != 'clean': cur_robacc = (cur_robacc * cur_idx + batch_robacc_tot) / (cur_idx + batch_tot) cur_idx += batch_tot print( f'{epoch} {cur_idx} {cur_acc} {cur_robacc} {batch_acc_tot/batch_tot:.3f} {batch_robacc_tot/batch_tot:.3f}' f' {clean_ce:.3f} {adv_ce:.3f} {runtime:.3f}', file=train_log) if i % STEP == 0 or cur_idx == train_tot: print( f' [train] {epoch}/{cur_idx} acc={cur_acc:.3f}({batch_acc_tot/batch_tot:.3f}) ' f'robacc={cur_robacc:.3f}({batch_robacc_tot/batch_tot:.3f}) ce={clean_ce:.3f} adv_ce={adv_ce:.3f} time={runtime:.3f}', file=stderr) train_log.flush() # =========== Testing =========== print(f'Epoch {epoch}: testing', file=stderr) m.eval() torch.set_grad_enabled(False) cur_idx = 0 cur_acc = 0.0 cur_robacc = 0.0 batch_tot = 0 batch_acc_tot = 0 batch_robacc_tot = 0 clean_ce = 0.0 adv_ce = 0.0 if train_method in ['adv', 'certadv']: tf_model = convert_pytorch_model_to_tf(m) ch_model = CallableModelWrapper(tf_model, output_layer='logits') x_op = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, ) + tuple(input_shape)) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.5))) attk = ProjectedGradientDescent(ch_model, sess=sess) adv_x = attk.generate(x_op, **adv_params) adv_preds_op = tf_model(adv_x) for i, (X, y) in enumerate(test_loader): if DEBUG and i >= 10: break start_t = time.time() X_clean, y_clean = X.cuda(), y.cuda().long() clean_out = m(Variable(X_clean)) clean_ce = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(clean_out, Variable(y_clean)) batch_tot = X.size(0) batch_acc_tot = ([1] == y_clean).float().sum().item() if train_method in ['adv', 'certadv']: (adv_preds, ) =, ), feed_dict={x_op: X}) adv_preds = torch.Tensor(adv_preds) adv_ce = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(adv_preds, Variable(y)) batch_robacc_tot = ([1] == y).float().sum().item() # elif train_method == 'certadv': # # adv_ce, robust_err = robust_loss(m, eps, # Variable(X_clean), Variable(y_clean), # proj=50, norm_type='l1_median', bounded_input=True) # # batch_robacc_tot = (1.0 - robust_err) * batch_tot end_t = time.time() clean_ce = clean_ce.detach().cpu().item() if train_method != 'clean': adv_ce = adv_ce.detach().cpu().item() runtime = end_t - start_t cur_acc = (cur_acc * cur_idx + batch_acc_tot) / (cur_idx + batch_tot) if train_method != 'clean': cur_robacc = (cur_robacc * cur_idx + batch_robacc_tot) / (cur_idx + batch_tot) cur_idx += batch_tot print( f'{epoch} {cur_idx} {cur_acc} {cur_robacc} {batch_acc_tot / batch_tot:.3f} {batch_robacc_tot / batch_tot:.3f}' f' {clean_ce} {adv_ce} {runtime:.3f}', file=test_log) if i % STEP == 0 or cur_idx == train_tot: print( f' [test] {epoch}/{cur_idx} acc={cur_acc:.3f}({batch_acc_tot / batch_tot:.3f}) ' f'robacc={cur_robacc:.3f}({batch_robacc_tot / batch_tot:.3f}) time={runtime:.3f}', file=stderr) torch.set_grad_enabled(True) if model_name == 'G' and train_method == 'adv': # switch back m, new_m = new_m, m def save_with_configs(m, path): { 'state_dict': m.state_dict(), 'acc': cur_acc, 'robacc': cur_robacc, 'epoch': epoch, 'normalized': normalize is not None, 'dataset': dataset }, path) if not os.path.exists(f'{SAVE_PATH}/{save_name}_chkpt'): os.makedirs(f'{SAVE_PATH}/{save_name}_chkpt') save_with_configs( m, f'{SAVE_PATH}/{save_name}_chkpt/{save_name}_ep_{epoch:03d}.pth') if (train_method == 'clean' and cur_acc > best_acc) or (train_method != 'clean' and cur_robacc > best_robacc): save_with_configs(m, f'{SAVE_PATH}/{save_name}_best.pth') print( f" Updated, acc {best_acc:.3f} => {cur_acc:.3f} robacc {best_robacc:.3f} => {cur_robacc:.3f}", file=stderr) best_acc = cur_acc best_robacc = cur_robacc test_log.flush() # memory clean after each batch torch.cuda.empty_cache() if train_method == 'adv': sess.close() train_log.close() test_log.close()