def test_map():
    fk = Map(int32, Record([('a', int32)]))
    assert fk.key == int32
    assert fk.value == Record([('a', int32)])
    assert fk.value.dict == {'a': int32}
    assert fk.value.fields == (('a', int32), )
    assert fk.to_numpy_dtype() == np.dtype('int32')
def test_unite_records():
    assert (discover([{
        'name': 'Alice',
        'balance': 100
    }, {
        'name': 'Bob',
        'balance': ''
    }]) == 2 * Record([['balance', Option(int64)], ['name', string]]))

    assert (discover([{
        'name': 'Alice',
        's': 'foo'
    }, {
        'name': 'Bob',
        's': None
    }]) == 2 * Record([['name', string], ['s', Option(string)]]))

    assert (discover([{
        'name': 'Alice',
        's': 'foo',
        'f': 1.0
    }, {
        'name': 'Bob',
        's': None,
        'f': None
    }]) == 2 * Record([['f', Option(float64)], ['name', string],
                       ['s', Option(string)]]))
Exemple #3
def test_record():
        Record((('a', int32), ('b', float32))),
        Record((('a', int32), ('b', float32))),

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
            Record((('a', int32), ('b', float32))),
            Record((('a', int32), ('b', int32))),
    assert "'float32' != 'int32'" in str(e)
    assert "_['b'].name" in str(e.value)

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
            Record((('a', int32), ('b', float32))),
            Record((('a', int32), ('c', float32))),
    assert "'b' != 'c'" in str(e.value)

        Record((('b', float32), ('a', int32))),
        Record((('a', int32), ('b', float32))),

    with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as e:
            Record((('b', float32), ('a', float32))),
            Record((('a', int32), ('b', float32))),
    assert "'float32' != 'int32'" in str(e.value)
    assert "_['a']" in str(e.value)
Exemple #4
def test_map():
    fk = Map(int32, Record([('a', int32)]))
    assert fk.key == int32
    assert fk.value == Record([('a', int32)])
    assert fk.value.dict == {'a': int32}
    assert fk.value.fields == (('a', int32), )
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
def test_unicode_record_names(names, typ):
    types = [int64, float64]
    record = Record(list(zip(names, types)))
    string_type, = set(map(type, record.names))
    assert record.names == names
    assert record.types == types
    assert all(isinstance(s, string_type) for s in record.names)
Exemple #6
def test_launder_raises():

    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as exc:
        Record([('y', int)])

    returned_err = str(exc)

    # Py 2/3 differences mean that 2 will error with <type 'int'> and 3 will
    # error with <class 'int'>
    assert "Received unsupported type" in returned_err
    assert "int" in returned_err
Exemple #7
def build_datashape(sample_data):
    """ Build a datashape from sample_data 
        In case of multiple dimensions, the firt is replace by 'var' to 
        handle varing time samples in models
    if isinstance(sample_data, collections.Mapping):
        return Record((k,build_datashape(v)) for k,v in sample_data.items() )
        ds = discover(sample_data)
        if len(ds) > 1:
            ds = var *  ds.subarray(1)
            ds = Option( ds )
        return ds
Exemple #8
def c():
    return Record([('y', '?int'), ('x', '?int')])
def test_record_with_unicode_name_as_numpy_dtype():
    r = Record([(unicode('a'), 'int32')])
    assert r.to_numpy_dtype() == np.dtype([('a', 'i4')])
Exemple #10
 def test_strings(self):
     self.assertEqual(Record([('x', 'real')]), Record([('x', real)]))
def test_map_parse():
    result = dshape("var * {b: map[int32, {a: int64}]}")
    recmeasure = Map(dshape(int32), DataShape(Record([('a', int64)])))
    assert result == DataShape(var, Record([('b', recmeasure)]))
def test_strings():
    assert Record([('x', 'real')]) == Record([('x', real)])
def test_record_from_OrderedDict():
    r = Record(OrderedDict([("a", "int32"), ("b", "float64")]))
    assert r.to_numpy_dtype() == np.dtype([("a", "i4"), ("b", "f8")])
def test_record_with_unicode_name_as_numpy_dtype():
    r = Record([(unicode("a"), "int32")])
    assert r.to_numpy_dtype() == np.dtype([("a", "i4")])
def test_slice_subshape_negative_start():
    ds = var * Record([('a', 'int32')])
    assert ds.subshape[-1:] == var * Record([('a', 'int32')])
def test_slice_subshape_bad_types():
    ds = var * Record([('a', 'int32')])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert ds.subshape[1.0]
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        assert ds.subshape[1.0]

    ['base', 'expected'],
    zip([timedelta_, date_, datetime_],
        ['timedelta64[us]', 'datetime64[D]', 'datetime64[us]']))
def test_option_to_numpy_dtype(base, expected):
    assert Option(base).to_numpy_dtype() == np.dtype(expected)

                   reason=('NumPy has no notion of missing for types other '
                           'than timedelta, datetime, and date'))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('base', [int32, float64, Record([('a', uint32)])])
def test_option_to_numpy_dtype_fails(base):

                   reason='DataShape does not know about void types (yet?)')
def test_from_numpy_dtype_fails():
    x = np.zeros(2, np.dtype([('a', 'int32')]))

def test_ctype_alignment():
    assert int32.alignment == 4

def test_funcproto_attrs():
    f = dshape('(int32, ?float64) -> {a: ?string}').measure
    assert f.restype == DataShape(Record([('a', Option(String()))]))
    assert f.argtypes == (DataShape(int32), DataShape(Option(float64)))
def test_record_with_unicode_name_as_numpy_dtype():
    r = Record([(unicode('a'), 'int32')])
    assert r.to_numpy_dtype() == np.dtype([('a', 'i4')])
def test_integers():
    assert Record([(0, 'real')]) == Record([('0', real)])
def test_record_from_OrderedDict():
    r = Record(OrderedDict([('a', 'int32'), ('b', 'float64')]))
    assert r.to_numpy_dtype() == np.dtype([('a', 'i4'), ('b', 'f8')])
def test_duplicate_field_names_fails():
    fields = [('a', 'int32'), ('b', 'string'), ('a', 'float32')]
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def b():
    return Record([('y', int), ('x', int)])
Exemple #24
 def setUp(self):
     self.a = Record([('x', int), ('y', int)])
     self.b = Record([('y', int), ('x', int)])
def test_record_subshape_integer_index():
    ds = DataShape(Record([('a', 'int32')]))
    assert ds.subshape[0] == int32
def test_record():
    assert (discover({'name': 'Alice', 'amount': 100}) ==
            Record([['amount', discover(100)],
                    ['name', discover('Alice')]]))
def test_slice_subshape_negative_step():
    ds = 30 * Record([('a', 'int32')])
    assert ds.subshape[:-1] == 29 * Record([('a', 'int32')])
def test_record_from_OrderedDict():
    r = Record(OrderedDict([('a', 'int32'), ('b', 'float64')]))
    assert r.to_numpy_dtype() == np.dtype([('a', 'i4'), ('b', 'f8')])
Exemple #29
def b():
    return Record([('y', 'int'), ('x', 'int')])