Exemple #1
    def test_none_vs_numeric(self):
        diff = _xgetdiff(None, 6)  # For None vs non-zero,
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(-6, 6))  # difference is calculated
        # as 0 - other.

        diff = _xgetdiff(None, 0)  # For None vs zero,
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(None, 0))  # difference remains None.
Exemple #2
    def test_keywords(self):
        """Keywords should be passed to diff objet."""
        diff = _xgetdiff(5, 6, col1='AAA')
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(-1, 6, col1='AAA'))

        diff = _xgetdiff('a', 6, col1='AAA')
        self.assertEqual(diff, xInvalid('a', 6, col1='AAA'))

        diff = _xgetdiff(_xNOTFOUND, 6, col1='AAA')
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(-6, 6, col1='AAA'))
Exemple #3
    def test_required_integer(self):
        data = set([11, 8])
        integer_val = 11
        result = _compare_other(data, integer_val)
        self.assertEqual(result, [xDeviation(-3, integer_val)])

        data = {'foo': 11, 'bar': 8}
        integer_val = 11
        result = _compare_other(data, integer_val)
        self.assertEqual(result, {'bar': xDeviation(-3, integer_val)})
Exemple #4
    def test_repr(self):
        diff = xDeviation(1, 100)  # Simple.
        self.assertEqual("xDeviation(+1, 100)", repr(diff))

        diff = xDeviation(-1, 100)  # Simple negative.
        self.assertEqual("xDeviation(-1, 100)", repr(diff))

        diff = xDeviation(3, 50, col1='a', col2='b')  # Using kwds.
                         "xDeviation\(\+3, 50, col1=u?'a', col2=u?'b'\)")

        diff = xDeviation(1, None, col1='a')  # None reference.
        self.assertRegex(repr(diff), "xDeviation\(\+1, None, col1=u?'a'\)")
Exemple #5
    def test_group_and_filter(self):
        """Only groupby fields should appear in diff errors
        (kwds-filters should be omitted).
        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            self.assertSubjectSum('value', ['label1'], label2='y')

        differences = cm.exception.differences
        expected = [
            xDeviation(+1, 20, label1='a'),
            xDeviation(-1, 40, label1='b')
        super(DataTestCase, self).assertEqual(set(differences), set(expected))
Exemple #6
    def test_failing_implicit_reference(self):
        self.subject = self.src2_records  # <- src1 != src2
        self.reference = self.src1_totals

        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            self.assertSubjectSum('value', ['label1'])

        differences = cm.exception.differences
        expected = [
            xDeviation(+1, 65, label1='a'),
            xDeviation(-1, 70, label1='b')
        super(DataTestCase, self).assertEqual(set(differences), set(expected))
Exemple #7
    def test_failing_explicit_dict(self):
        self.subject = self.src2_records  # <- src1 != src2

        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            required = {'a': 65, 'b': 70}
            self.assertSubjectSum('value', ['label1'], required)

        differences = cm.exception.differences
        expected = [
            xDeviation(+1, 65, label1='a'),
            xDeviation(-1, 70, label1='b')
        super(DataTestCase, self).assertEqual(set(differences), set(expected))
Exemple #8
 def test_nested_acceptances(self):
     """A quick integration test to make sure acceptances nest as
     with allow_only(xDeviation(-4, 70,
                                label1='b')):  # <- specified diff only
         with allow_deviation(3):  # <- tolerance of +/- 3
             with allow_percent_deviation(0.02):  # <- tolerance of +/- 2%
                 differences = [
                     xDeviation(+3, 65, label1='a'),
                     xDeviation(-4, 70, label1='b'),
                     xDeviation(+5, 250, label1='c'),
                 raise DataError('example error', differences)
Exemple #9
    def test_tolerance_syntax(self):
        differences = [
            xDeviation(-1, 10, label='aaa'),
            xDeviation(+3, 10, label='bbb'),  # <- Not in allowed range.
        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            with allow_deviation(2, 'example message'):  # <- Allows +/- 2.
                raise DataError('example error', differences)

        result_string = str(cm.exception)
            result_string.startswith('example message: example error'))

        result_diffs = list(cm.exception.differences)
        self.assertEqual([xDeviation(+3, 10, label='bbb')], result_diffs)
Exemple #10
    def test_lowerupper_syntax(self):
        differences = [
            xDeviation(-1, 10, label='aaa'),  # <- Not in allowed range.
            xDeviation(+3, 10, label='bbb'),
        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            with allow_percent_deviation(
                    0.0, 0.3, 'example message'):  # <- Allows from 0 to 30%.
                raise DataError('example error', differences)

        result_string = str(cm.exception)
            result_string.startswith('example message: example error'))

        result_diffs = list(cm.exception.differences)
        self.assertEqual([xDeviation(-1, 10, label='aaa')], result_diffs)
Exemple #11
    def test_compare_numbers(self):
        a = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 2, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        b = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 2, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        self.assertEqual([], a.compare(b), ('When there is no difference, '
                                            'compare should return an empty '

        a = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 2, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        b = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 2.5, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        expected = [xDeviation(-0.5, 2.5, foo='bbb')]
        self.assertEqual(expected, a.compare(b))

        # 'b' is zero in self/subject.
        a = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 0, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        b = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 2.5, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        expected = [xDeviation(-2.5, 2.5, foo='bbb')]
        self.assertEqual(expected, a.compare(b))

        # 'bbb' is zero in other/reference.
        a = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 2, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        b = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 0, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        expected = [xDeviation(+2, 0, foo='bbb')]
        self.assertEqual(expected, a.compare(b))

        # 'bbb' is missing from self/subject.
        a = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        b = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 2.5, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        expected = [xDeviation(-2.5, 2.5, foo='bbb')]  # <- QUESTION: This
        self.assertEqual(expected, a.compare(b))  #    deviation looks the
        #    same as 0 vs 2.5.
        #    Is this OK?

        # 'bbb' is missing from a/subject.
        a = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        b = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 0, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        expected = [xDeviation(None, 0, foo='bbb')]
        self.assertEqual(expected, a.compare(b))

        # 'bbb' is empty string in a/subject.
        a = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': '', 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        b = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 0, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        expected = [xDeviation('', 0, foo='bbb')]
        self.assertEqual(expected, a.compare(b))

        # 'bbb' is missing from b/reference.
        a = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 0, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        b = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        expected = [xDeviation(0, None, foo='bbb')]
        self.assertEqual(expected, a.compare(b))

        # Test coersion of *other*.
        a = CompareDict({'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 2, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}, 'foo')
        b = {'aaa': 1, 'bbb': 2.5, 'ccc': 3, 'ddd': 4}
        expected = [xDeviation(-0.5, 2.5, foo='bbb')]
        self.assertEqual(expected, a.compare(b))
Exemple #12
    def test_dict_v_dict_numeric_fail(self):
        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            first = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 2}
            second = {'foo': 1, 'bar': 2, 'baz': 3}
            self.assertEqual(first, second)

        differences = cm.exception.differences
        super(DataTestCase, self).assertEqual(differences,
                                              [xDeviation(-1, 3, _0='baz')])
Exemple #13
 def test_compare_mixed_types(self):
     a = CompareDict({'aaa': 2, 'bbb': 3, 'ccc': 'z'}, 'foo')
     b = CompareDict({'aaa': 'y', 'bbb': 4.0, 'ccc': 5}, 'foo')
     expected = set([
         xInvalid(2, 'y', foo='aaa'),
         xDeviation(-1, 4, foo='bbb'),
         xInvalid('z', 5, foo='ccc'),
     self.assertEqual(expected, set(a.compare(b)))
Exemple #14
    def test_is_common(self):
        """If requirement is common it should be omitted from xInvalid
        difference (but not from xDeviation differences).
        diff = _xgetdiff('a', 6, is_common=True)
        self.assertEqual(diff, xInvalid('a'))

        diff = _xgetdiff(_xNOTFOUND, 6, is_common=True)
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(-6, 6))
Exemple #15
    def test_notfound_comparisons(self):
        diff = _xgetdiff('a', _xNOTFOUND)
        self.assertEqual(diff, xExtra('a'))

        diff = _xgetdiff(_xNOTFOUND, 'b')
        self.assertEqual(diff, xMissing('b'))

        # For numeric comparisons, _xNOTFOUND behaves like None.
        diff = _xgetdiff(5, _xNOTFOUND)
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(+5, None))

        diff = _xgetdiff(0, _xNOTFOUND)
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(0, None))

        diff = _xgetdiff(_xNOTFOUND, 6)
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(-6, 6))  # <- Assymetric behavior
        #    (see None vs numeric)!

        diff = _xgetdiff(_xNOTFOUND, 0)
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(None, 0))
Exemple #16
    def test_empty_value_handling(self):
        # Test NoneType.
        with allow_percent_deviation(0):  # <- Pass without failure.
            raise DataError('example error', [xDeviation(None, 0)])

        with allow_percent_deviation(0):  # <- Pass without failure.
            raise DataError('example error', [xDeviation(0, None)])

        # Test empty string.
        with allow_percent_deviation(0):  # <- Pass without failure.
            raise DataError('example error', [xDeviation('', 0)])

        with allow_percent_deviation(0):  # <- Pass without failure.
            raise DataError('example error', [xDeviation(0, '')])

        # Test NaN (not a number) values.
        with self.assertRaises(
                DataError):  # <- NaN values should not be caught!
            with allow_percent_deviation(0):
                raise DataError('example error', [xDeviation(float('nan'), 0)])

        with self.assertRaises(
                DataError):  # <- NaN values should not be caught!
            with allow_percent_deviation(0):
                raise DataError('example error', [xDeviation(0, float('nan'))])
Exemple #17
    def test_single_value_acceptance(self):
        differences = [
            xDeviation(+2.9, 10, label='aaa'),  # <- Not accepted.
            xDeviation(+3.0, 10, label='bbb'),
            xDeviation(+3.0, 5, label='ccc'),
            xDeviation(+3.1, 10, label='ddd'),  # <- Not accepted.
        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            with allow_deviation(3, 3):  # <- Allows +3 only.
                raise DataError('example error', differences)

        result_diffs = set(cm.exception.differences)
        expected_diffs = set([
            xDeviation(+2.9, 10, label='aaa'),
            xDeviation(+3.1, 10, label='ddd'),
        self.assertEqual(expected_diffs, result_diffs)
Exemple #18
    def test_kwds_handling(self):
        differences = [
            xDeviation(-1, 10, label='aaa'),
            xDeviation(+2, 10, label='aaa'),
            xDeviation(+2, 10, label='bbb'),
            xDeviation(+3, 10, label='aaa'),
        with self.assertRaises(DataError) as cm:
            with allow_percent_deviation(0.2, 'example message',
                                         label='aaa'):  # <- Allows +/- 20%.
                raise DataError('example error', differences)

        result_set = set(cm.exception.differences)
        expected_set = set([
            xDeviation(+2, 10, label='bbb'),  # <- Keyword value not 'aaa'.
            xDeviation(+3, 10, label='aaa'),  # <- Not in allowed range.
        self.assertEqual(expected_set, result_set)
Exemple #19
 def test_str(self):
     diff = xDeviation(5, 75, col1='a')
     self.assertEqual(str(diff), repr(diff))
Exemple #20
 def test_instantiation(self):
     xDeviation(1, 100)  # Pass without error.
Exemple #21
    def test_empty_value_handling(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            xDeviation(0, 100)  # Zero diff.

        xDeviation(0, None)
        xDeviation(+5, None)
        xDeviation(None, 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            xDeviation(None, 5)  # Should be xDeviation(-5, 5)

        xDeviation(0, '')
        xDeviation(+5, '')
        xDeviation('', 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            xDeviation('', 5)  # Should be xDeviation(-5, 5)

        xDeviation(0, float('nan'))
        xDeviation(+5, float('nan'))
        xDeviation(float('nan'), 0)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            xDeviation(float('nan'), 5)  # Should be xDeviation(-5, 5)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            xDeviation(0, 1)  # Just no.

        # False is treated the same as zero.
        xDeviation(+5, 0)
        xDeviation(+5, False)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            xDeviation(0, 0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            xDeviation(0, False)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            xDeviation(False, 0)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            xDeviation(False, 5)  # Should be xDeviation(-5, 5)
Exemple #22
    def test_numeric_vs_none(self):
        diff = _xgetdiff(5, None)
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(+5, None))

        diff = _xgetdiff(0, None)
        self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(+0, None))
Exemple #23
 def test_numeric_vs_numeric(self):
     diff = _xgetdiff(5, 6)
     self.assertEqual(diff, xDeviation(-1, 6))
Exemple #24
    def test_repr_eval(self):
        diff = xDeviation(+1, 100)
        self.assertEqual(diff, eval(repr(diff)))  # Test __repr__ eval

        diff = xDeviation(-1, 100, col4='foo', col5='bar')
        self.assertEqual(diff, eval(repr(diff)))  # Test __repr__ eval
Exemple #25
    def test_eq(self):
        diff1 = xDeviation(1, 100)
        diff2 = xDeviation(1, 100)
        self.assertEqual(diff1, diff2)

        diff1 = xDeviation(1.0, 100.0)
        diff2 = xDeviation(1.0, 100.0)
        self.assertEqual(diff1, diff2)

        diff1 = xDeviation(1.0, 100)
        diff2 = xDeviation(1, 100)
        self.assertEqual(diff1, diff2)

        diff1 = xDeviation(1, 100.0)
        diff2 = xDeviation(1, 100)
        self.assertEqual(diff1, diff2)

        diff1 = xDeviation(1, 100, foo='aaa', bar='bbb')
        diff2 = xDeviation(1, 100, bar='bbb', foo='aaa')
        self.assertEqual(diff1, diff2)

        diff1 = xDeviation(1, 100)
        diff2 = xDeviation(1, 250)
        self.assertNotEqual(diff1, diff2)

        diff1 = xDeviation(+1, 100)
        diff2 = "xDeviation(+1, 100)"
        self.assertNotEqual(diff1, diff2)
Exemple #26
 def test_hash(self):
     diff = xDeviation(1, 100, col1='a', col2='b')
     self.assertIsInstance(hash(diff), int)