Exemple #1
    def is_castle_path_clear(self, move: Move, player_team):
        spaces_in_between = move.get_spaces_in_between()

        for space in spaces_in_between:
            if not self.is_space_safe(space, player_team):
                return False

        return True
Exemple #2
    def is_path_clear(self, move: Move):
        # Using move's normalization to determine direction ((-1 to 1), (-1 to 1))
        spaces_in_between = move.get_spaces_in_between()
        # print([str(x) for x in spaces_in_between])

        # Checking intermediate spaces via normalized Vec2
        for space in spaces_in_between:
            if not self.is_unoccupied(space):
                # Blocked
                return False

        # Not blocked
        return True