Exemple #1
    def create(self):
        assert not self.grow
        assert not self.body
        assert not self.direction

        # try to spawn snake at some distance from world's borders
        distance = settings.INIT_LENGTH + settings.INIT_MIN_DISTANCE_BORDER
        x = randint(distance, World.SIZE_X - distance)
        y = randint(distance, World.SIZE_Y - distance)
        self.direction = self.current_direction = self.DIRECTIONS[randint(
            0, 3)]
        # create snake from tail to head
        render = []
        pos = Position(x, y)

        for i in range(0, settings.INIT_LENGTH):
            target = self._world[pos.y][pos.x]

            if target.char != self.CH_VOID:
                raise SnakePlacementError(
                    'Cannot place snake on %r because the position '
                    'is occupied by %r', pos, target)

            if i == 0:
                char = self.CH_TAIL
            elif i == settings.INIT_LENGTH - 1:
                char = self.CH_HEAD
                char = self.CH_BODY

            render.append(Draw(pos.x, pos.y, char, self.color))
            pos = self.next_position()

        return render
Exemple #2
 def render_new_snake(self):
     # try to spawn snake at some distance from world's borders
     distance = settings.INIT_LENGHT + 2
     x = randint(distance, settings.FIELD_SIZE_X - distance)
     y = randint(distance, settings.FIELD_SIZE_Y - distance)
     self.direction = self.DIRECTIONS[randint(0, 3)]
     # create snake from tail to head
     render = []
     pos = Position(x, y)
     for i in range(0, settings.INIT_LENGHT):
         if i == 0:
             char = self.TAIL_CHAR
         elif i == settings.INIT_LENGHT - 1:
             char = self.HEAD_CHAR
             char = self.BODY_CHAR
         render.append(Draw(pos.x, pos.y, char, self.color))
         pos = self.next_position()
     return render
Exemple #3
 def next_position(self):
     # next position of the snake's head
     return Position(self.snake[0].x + self.direction.xdir,
                     self.snake[0].y + self.direction.ydir)