def call(func_list): for index, func_obj in enumerate(func_list): func_name = func_obj.keys()[0] print yellow("%s\n步骤%d:%s 开始执行" % (dt.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), index + 1, func_name)) # 单步执行 """ go_on = raw_input("是否执行步骤%s?[y/n]" %func_name) if go_on in ['n', 'N', 'no', 'No', 'NO']: print yellow("程序已被手动终止") exit(1) """ func = eval(func_name) argv = func_obj[func_name] argv_str = "" success = False if argv != "": if type(argv) is list: for argv_s in argv: argv_str = argv_str + ", %s" % argv_s func_full_str = func_name + "(" + argv_str[2:] + ")" success = eval(func_full_str) else: argv = eval(argv) success = func(argv) else: success = func() if not success: print red("执行步骤:%s 时出错! Bye!" % func_name) exit(1) print yellow("%s\n步骤%d:%s 执行完成\n" % (dt.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), index + 1, func_name)) print ""
def get_model_data_as_json(self, model_data): for data in model_data: if 'write_date' in data and data['write_date']: data['write_date'] = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime(data['write_date'], dtf), self.wkhtmltopdf_format ) if 'create_date' in data and data['create_date']: data['create_date'] = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime(data['create_date'], dtf), self.wkhtmltopdf_format ) if 'date_started' in data and data['date_started']: data['date_started'] = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime( data['date_started'], self.pretty_date_format ), self.wkhtmltopdf_format ) if 'date_terminated' in data and data['date_terminated']: data['date_terminated'] = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime( data['date_terminated'], self.pretty_date_format ), self.wkhtmltopdf_format ) return json.dumps(model_data)
def download_data(): from datetime import timedelta, datetime # find date range for the split train, val, test (0.8, 0.1, 0.1 of total days) print('Downloading data for dates {} - {}'.format( datetime.strftime(c.start, "%Y-%m-%d"), datetime.strftime(c.end, "%Y-%m-%d"))) split = [0.8, 0.1, 0.1] cumusplit = [np.sum(split[:i]) for i,s in enumerate(split)] segment_start_dates = [c.start + timedelta( days = int((c.end - c.start).days * interv)) for interv in cumusplit][::-1] stocks_list = map(lambda l: l.strip(), open(c.names_file, 'r').readlines()) by_stock = dict((s, pdr_data.DataReader(s, 'yahoo', c.start, c.end)) for s in stocks_list) seq = [[],[],[]] for stock in by_stock: lastAc = -1 daily_returns = deque(maxlen=c.normalize_std_len) for rec_date in (c.start + timedelta(days=n) for n in xrange((c.end-c.start).days)): idx = next(i for i,d in enumerate(segment_start_dates) if rec_date >= d) try: d = rec_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") ac = by_stock[stock].ix[d]['Adj Close'] daily_return = (ac - lastAc)/lastAc if len(daily_returns) == daily_returns.maxlen: seq[idx].append(daily_return/np.std(daily_returns)) daily_returns.append(daily_return) lastAc = ac except KeyError: pass return [np.asarray(dat, dtype=np.float32) for dat in seq][::-1]
def action_ship_create(self): res = super(SaleOrder, self).action_ship_create() user_tz = self.env['res.users'].browse(self._uid).tz from_zone = tz.gettz('UTC') to_zone = tz.gettz(user_tz) for order in self: for picking in order.picking_ids: if order.requested_date: datetime_requested = \ datetime.strptime(order.requested_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').\ replace(tzinfo=from_zone).astimezone(to_zone) date_requested = datetime.strftime(datetime_requested, '%Y-%m-%d') date_effective = date_requested else: date_requested = False datetime_effective = \ datetime.strptime(order.commitment_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').\ replace(tzinfo=from_zone).astimezone(to_zone) date_effective = datetime.strftime(datetime_effective, '%Y-%m-%d') vals = {'note': order.note, 'requested_date': date_requested, 'effective_date': date_effective, } if order.supplier_id and picking.state != 'cancel' \ and not picking.supplier_id: vals.update({'supplier_id':}) picking.write(vals) return res
def __getData(self, post, is_question, unique_key): """ This will return the page dictionry """ page = {'entity':'question' if is_question else 'answer'} try: page['uri'] = self.currenturi + '#' + str(post.find('span', 'wintiny').a['href']) except:'uri not found in %s'% self.currenturi)) page['uri'] = self.currenturi try: page['data'] = stripHtml(post.find('div', 'fMsg').renderContents()) except:'Empty data found in %s'%page['uri'])) return try: date_str = [x.strip() for x in stripHtml(post.find('div', 'msgHead').findAll('div','floatl')[-1].renderContents()).splitlines() if x.strip()][-2] date_object = datetime.strptime(date_str, 'Posted: %b-%d %I:%M %p') current_year = datetime.utcnow().year if date_object.month > datetime.utcnow().month: current_year -= 1 my_object = datetime(year=current_year, month=date_object.month,, hour=date_object.hour, minute=date_object.minute) page['posted_date'] = datetime.strftime(my_object, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") except: page['posted_date'] = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") log.exception(self.log_msg('Posted date not found')) try: page['et_author_name'] = stripHtml(post.find('div', id=re.compile('from\-')).renderContents()).replace('From: ','').strip() except:'Author name not found in %s'% self.currenturi)) if len(self.__hierarchy) >= 2: page['title'] = page['et_thread_topic'] = self.__hierarchy[-1] page['et_thread_forum'] = self.__hierarchy[-2] if not is_question: page['title'] = 'Re: ' + page['title'] return page
def __getData(self, post, is_question): """ This will return the page dictionry """ page = {'entity':'question' if is_question else 'answer'} try: post_info = dict([(x.strip().lower(), y.strip()) for x,y in [x.strip().split(':', 1) for x in stripHtml(post.find('b', text='Subject:').findParent('td').renderContents()).splitlines() if x.strip()]]) page['uri'] = post_info['url'] page['title'] = post_info['subject'] except:'Cannot find the title, uri details')) return True try: page['data'] = stripHtml(post.findAll('table')[1].find('p').renderContents()) except:'Data not found for the url %s'%self.currenturi)) return True try: page['posted_date'] = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime( post_info['date'].split(' ( ')[0].strip(), '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p'),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") except: page['posted_date'] = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")'Date not be found in %s'% self.currenturi)) try: page['et_author_name'] = post_info['username'].split(' contact ')[1].strip() except:'Ratings count not found')) try: page['ei_data_views_count'] = int(post_info['hits']) except: log.exception(self.log_msg('uri not found')) try: if is_question: page['ei_data_replies_count'] = int(post_info['replies']) except:'data replies not found')) return page
def start_end_date_for_period(period, default_start_date=False, default_end_date=False): """Return the start and end date for a goal period based on today :param str default_start_date: string date in DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT format :param str default_end_date: string date in DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT format :return: (start_date, end_date), dates in string format, False if the period is not defined or unknown""" today = if period == 'daily': start_date = today end_date = start_date elif period == 'weekly': delta = timedelta(days=today.weekday()) start_date = today - delta end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=7) elif period == 'monthly': month_range = calendar.monthrange(today.year, today.month) start_date = today.replace(day=1) end_date = today.replace(day=month_range[1]) elif period == 'yearly': start_date = today.replace(month=1, day=1) end_date = today.replace(month=12, day=31) else: # period == 'once': start_date = default_start_date # for manual goal, start each time end_date = default_end_date return (start_date, end_date) return (datetime.strftime(start_date, DF), datetime.strftime(end_date, DF))
def main(): argv = docopt(USAGE) if argv["--start"]: start = pacific_to_utc(argv["--start"]) elif argv["--last"]: start = datetime.strftime( datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(minutes=int(argv["--last"])), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") else: start = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=7), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") if argv["--end"]: end = pacific_to_utc(argv["--end"]) else: end = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") pager = PagerDuty(argv['<subdomain>'], argv['<api-token>'], argv['<policy>']) for command in ['all','wakeups','flakes']: if argv[command]: incidents = pager.do_list(command, argv['--no-thurs'], since=start, until=end) incident_list = list(incidents) (incident_list_prod, incident_list_staging)=segregation(incident_list) if incidents: if argv['--email']: email_output(incident_list_prod, incident_list_staging, argv['--top']) elif argv['--top']: pprint_rankings(top(incident_list_prod, argv['--top'])) pprint_rankings(top(incident_list_staging, argv['--top'])) else: pprint_incidents(incident_list_prod) pprint_incidents(incident_list_staging) if argv['mtr']: print pager.get_mtr(since=start, until=end)
def plot_basic_stats(start, end, path_list, image_name_list, html_string): new_path_list = [] new_image_name_list = [] duration = datetime.strftime(start, '%Y%m%d' ) + '_to_' + datetime.strftime(end, '%Y%m%d' ) + '.png' image_name = 'Vol_euro_from_' + duration new_path_list.append(FOLDER + image_name) new_image_name_list.append(image_name) image_name = 'Occ_euro_from_' + duration new_path_list.append(FOLDER + image_name) new_image_name_list.append(image_name) image_name = 'Place_from_' + duration new_path_list.append(FOLDER + image_name) new_image_name_list.append(image_name) image_name = 'Intraday_algo_vol_from_' + duration new_path_list.append(FOLDER + image_name) new_image_name_list.append(image_name) period = PlotEngine(start_date = start, end_date = end) period.plot_basic_stats(path = new_path_list) period.plot_intraday_exec_curve(duration = 'From ' + datetime.strftime(start, '%Y/%m/%d' ) + ' to ' + datetime.strftime(end, '%Y/%m/%d' )).savefig(FOLDER + image_name) for image in new_image_name_list: html_string += '<img src="cid:%s">\n' %image path_list.extend(new_path_list) image_name_list.extend(new_image_name_list) return html_string
def savePoint(self, lat=None, lon=None): if (lat == None or lon == None): return "Erro - Latitude ou Longitude não foram especificadas" writer = csv.writer(open('points.csv', 'ab')) #, delimiter=' ', quotechar='|', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL #writer.writerow(['Horario', 'Latitude', 'Longitude']) writer.writerow([datetime.strftime(, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"), str(lat), str(lon)]) return "Point (" + str(lat) + ',' + str(lon) + ") saved at " + datetime.strftime(, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
def lookup_tweets(self, date_time, margin): """ Retrieve potentially relevant tweets around a date of a info trafic event :param date_time: date of info trafic event :param margin: index date margin :return: list of tweets """ data = None try: dt_min, dt_max = self.get_bounds_dates(date_time, 1) index_name = self.get_tweet_index_name(date_time, margin) dt_min = datetime.strftime(dt_min, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') dt_max = datetime.strftime(dt_max, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') q = json.loads(pystache.render(self.query_sel_tweets, {'dt_min': dt_min, 'dt_max': dt_max})) res =, q, 0) i = 1 data = [] long_data = [] while len(res) != 0: short_res = map(lambda x: [x['_source']['created_at'], x['_source']['text']], res) data.extend(short_res) long_data.extend(res) res =, q, i) i += 1 except: traceback.print_exc() pass return data, long_data
def fetch(self): """Fetch of """ try: self.__genre = 'review' self.__task_elements_dict = { 'priority':self.task.priority, 'level': self.task.level, 'last_updated_time':datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), 'pickup_date':datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), 'connector_instance_log_id': self.task.connector_instance_log_id, 'connector_instance_id':self.task.connector_instance_id, 'workspace_id':self.task.workspace_id, 'client_id':self.task.client_id, 'client_name':self.task.client_name, 'versioned':False, 'category':self.task.instance_data.get('category',''), 'task_log_id' } self.__setSoupForCurrentUri() self.__setParentPage() posts = self.__iteratePosts() for post in posts: if not self.__addPost(post): log.debug(self.log_msg('Post not added to self.pages for url\ %s'%self.currenturi)) #return False break return True except: log.exception(self.log_msg('Exception in fetch for the url %s'%self.currenturi)) return True
def ng_scrape_blammed(soup): # Scrape web page #url = ('') # PARSE CONTENT # Page title title = soup.title.string.split(':')[1].strip() # Author author = soup.find_all("em")[5].text.split(' ')[2] # Author Comments try: author_comments = soup.find("h2", text="Author Comments").parent.findNextSibling().text author_comments = author_comments.replace('\n',' ').replace(',','').strip() except: author_comments = '' # Page Star Rating stars = soup.find(id='score_number').text # Date Uploaded date_uploaded = soup.find(id='eulogy').span.text.split(' ')[0] date_blammed = soup.find(id='eulogy').span.text.split(' ')[2] # Standard date formats date_uploaded = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(date_uploaded, '%m-%d-%y').date(), '%m/%d/%Y') date_blammed = datetime.strftime(datetime.strptime(date_blammed, '%m-%d-%y').date(), '%m/%d/%Y') return[title, author, date_uploaded, date_blammed, stars, author_comments]
def multi_manpower_add(request): if request.method=="POST": print "multi_project_code",request.POST['multi_project_code'] print request.POST['multi_date_from'] print request.POST['multi_date_to'] if request.POST['multi_project_code'] and request.POST['multi_date_from'] and request.POST['multi_date_to']: project_id=request.POST['multi_project_code'] multi_date_from=request.POST['multi_date_from'] multi_date_to=request.POST['multi_date_to'] try: project=Project.objects.get(id=project_id) print "project",project manpower=ManPower.objects.filter(project=project) print "manpower",manpower for m in manpower: multi_datetime_in=datetime.combine(datetime.strptime(multi_date_to,"%Y-%m-%d"),time(hour=m.time_in.hour,minute=m.time_in.minute,second=m.time_in.second,microsecond=0)) if datetime.strftime(m.time_in,"%Y-%m-%d")==datetime.strftime(m.time_out,"%Y-%m-%d"): multi_datetime_out=datetime.combine(datetime.strptime(multi_date_to,"%Y-%m-%d"),datetime.strftime(m.time_out,"%H:%M:%S")) else: multi_datetime_out=datetime.combine(datetime.strptime(multi_date_to,"%Y-%m-%d")+datetime.timedelta(datetime.strftime(m.time_out,"%Y-%m-%d")-datetime.strftime(m.time_in,"%Y-%m-%d")),datetime.strftime(m.time_out,"%H:%M:%S")) print "multi_datetime_out",multi_datetime_out new_manpower=Manpower.objects.create(employee=m.employee,project=m.project,time_in=multi_datetime_in,time_out=multi_datetime_out,lunch=m.lunch,shift=m.shift,working_time=m.working_time,remark=m.remark,create_by=request.user,is_checked=False,checked_by="",is_payed=False,payed_period="") return render(request,"manpower/manpower_multi_add.html",{"new_manpower":new_manpower}) except Exception as e: return single_manpower_add(request) else: return HttpResponse("Please fill complete information,click <a href='/manpower/add/'>here</a> go back.") else: return single_manpower_add(request)
def analize(self, value, field_type, id): if field_type=='DateTimeField': try: value = datetime.strftime(value,self.datetime_format) except: value = Grid.UNDEFINED elif field_type=='DateField': try: value = datetime.strftime(value, self.date_format) except: value = Grid.UNDEFINED elif field_type=='TimeField': try: value = datetime.strftime(value, self.time_format) except: value = Grid.UNDEFINED elif field_type=='BooleanField': if value==True: value = 1 else: value = 0 elif field_type in ['ForeignKey','OneToOneField']: try: value = '<a href="%s" title="%s">%s</a>' % (value.get_absolute_url(), smart_unicode(value) ) except: value = smart_unicode(value) elif field_type in ['FileField','ImageField']: try: value = except: value = Grid.UNDEFINED return value
def serialize(self, fields = []): from sys2do.util.common import _info result = {} m = self.__mapper__.columns for cname in fields: if cname not in m.keys(): continue colClz = m[cname] if isinstance(colClz, Column): v = getattr(self, cname) if v is None: v = u'' #the value is None elif m[cname].foreign_keys : #it's a foreign key tmp_name = cname.replace("_id", '') try: v = unicode(getattr(self, tmp_name)) except: _info(traceback.print_exc()) v = u'' elif isinstance(v, dt) : v = dt.strftime(SYSTEM_DATETIME_FORMAT) elif isinstance(v, date) : v = dt.strftime(SYSTEM_DATE_FORMAT) elif isinstance(v, (int, float)) : v = u'%s' % v else: v = unicode(v) result[cname] = (v, colClz.doc or cname) # _info(result) return result
def fetch(self): """Fetch of """ try: self.__genre = 'review' self.__task_elements_dict = { 'priority':self.task.priority, 'level': self.task.level, 'last_updated_time':datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), 'pickup_date':datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), 'connector_instance_log_id': self.task.connector_instance_log_id, 'connector_instance_id':self.task.connector_instance_id, 'workspace_id':self.task.workspace_id, 'client_id':self.task.client_id, 'client_name':self.task.client_name, 'versioned':False, 'category':self.task.instance_data.get('category',''), 'task_log_id' } self.__setSoupForCurrentUri() while True: try: if not self.__iteratePosts():'No more links found')) break self.currenturi = self.soup.find('li','next').find('a')['href'] self.__setSoupForCurrentUri() except: log.exception(self.log_msg('next page not found')) break except: log.exception(self.log_msg('Exception in fetch for the url %s'%self.currenturi)) return True
def _get_date(self, cr, uid, id, start_date, delay, resource=False, context=None): """This method gives the first date after a delay from the start date considering the working time attached to the company calendar. Start_date should be a date not an openerp date """ if not id: company_id = self.pool['res.users'].read(cr, uid, uid, ['company_id'], context=context)['company_id'][0] company = self.pool[''].read(cr, uid, company_id, ['calendar_id'], context=context) if not company['calendar_id']: raise orm.except_orm(_('Error !'), _('You need to define a calendar for the company !')) id = company['calendar_id'][0] dt_leave = self._get_leaves(cr, uid, id, resource) calendar_info = self.browse(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, id, context=context) worked_days = [day['dayofweek'] for day in calendar_info.attendance_ids] if delay < 0: delta = -1 else: delta = 1 while datetime.strftime(start_date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) in dt_leave or str(start_date.weekday()) not in worked_days: start_date = start_date + timedelta(days=delta) date = start_date while delay: date = date + timedelta(days=delta) if datetime.strftime(date, DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) not in dt_leave and str(date.weekday()) in worked_days: delay = delay - delta return date
def __getData(self, post): page = {} try: post_tag = BeautifulSoup(post.__str__().replace('/>>','/>')) table_tag = post_tag.find('table') if table_tag: table_tag.extract() try: page['data'] = stripHtml(post_tag.renderContents()) page['title']= '' except: log.exception(self.log_msg('Data not found for the url %s'%self.currenturi)) return try: date_str = stripHtml(table_tag.findAll('strong')[-1].renderContents()) page['posted_date'] = datetime.strftime(datetime.\ strptime(re.sub("(\d+)(st|nd|rd|th)",r"\1",date_str).\ strip(),"%d %B %Y"),"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") except: log.exception(self.log_msg('Posted date not found')) page['posted_date'] = datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") try: page['et_author_name'] = stripHtml(table_tag.findAll('strong')[0].renderContents()) except: log.exception(self.log_msg('author name not found')) except: log.exception(self.log_msg('post tag not found')) return page
def load_from_toggl(): """Load live data from toggl """ current_month = datetime.strftime(, '%m') # find out what month to report. default to the current month month = raw_input('Enter the month you want to report [%s]: ' % (current_month)) if len(month) == 0: month = current_month # make sure we have a two character month while len(month) < 2: month = '0' + month start_date = monthrange = calendar.monthrange(start_date.year, start_date.month) data = {'start_date': '%s-01' % (datetime.strftime(start_date, '%Y-%m')), 'end_date': '%s-%s' % (datetime.strftime(start_date, '%Y-%m'), monthrange[1])} print data # hit toggl for the time entries req = urllib2.Request('' + urllib.urlencode(data)) authn_header = base64.encodestring('%s:api_token' % API_KEY) req.add_header('Authorization', 'Basic %s' % authn_header) try: resp = urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.HTTPError, msg: print "Error loading time entries from toggl: %s" % (msg) exit(1)
def fetch(self): """ """ try: self.__setSoupForCurrentUri() self.__genre = "Review" self.__task_elements_dict = { 'priority':self.task.priority, 'level': self.task.level, 'last_updated_time':datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), 'pickup_date':datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), 'posted_date':datetime.strftime(datetime.utcnow(), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"), 'connector_instance_log_id': self.task.connector_instance_log_id, 'connector_instance_id':self.task.connector_instance_id, 'workspace_id':self.task.workspace_id, 'client_id':self.task.client_id, 'client_name':self.task.client_name, 'versioned':False, 'category':self.task.instance_data.get('category',''), 'task_log_id' } while self.__iteratePosts(): try: self.currenturi = '' + self.soup.find('b', text='Next').parent.parent['href'] self.__setSoupForCurrentUri() except:'No Previous URL found for url \ %s'%self.currenturi)) break except: log.exception(self.log_msg('Exception while fetching posts')) return True
def __init__(self, jid, password, room, nick): sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password) self.urlhandler = URLHandler(self) = room self.nick = nick # The session_start event will be triggered when # the bot establishes its connection with the server # and the XML streams are ready for use. We want to # listen for this event so that we we can initialize # our roster. self.add_event_handler("session_start", self.start) # The groupchat_message event is triggered whenever a message # stanza is received from any chat room. If you also also # register a handler for the 'message' event, MUC messages # will be processed by both handlers. self.add_event_handler("groupchat_message", self.muc_message) # The groupchat_presence event is triggered whenever a # presence stanza is received from any chat room, including # any presences you send yourself. To limit event handling # to a single room, use the events muc::room@server::presence, # muc::room@server::got_online, or muc::room@server::got_offline. self.add_event_handler("muc::%s::got_online" %, self.muc_online) self.logfile = datetime.strftime(, "logs/%Y%m%d_%H%M.txt") self.urlfile = datetime.strftime(, "logs/urls.txt") self.logfile_handle = open(self.logfile, "w") self.urlfile_handle = open(self.logfile, "a") self.urls = [] #todo: read file
def copy(self, cr, uid, id, default=None, context=None): if not default: default = {} record = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context) date_start = datetime.strptime(record.date_start,tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) date_start = date_start + timedelta(days=1) date_start = datetime.strftime(date_start,tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) date_end = datetime.strptime(record.date_start,tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) date_end = date_end + timedelta(days=1) date_end = datetime.strftime(date_end,tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) date = datetime.strptime(,tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) date = date + timedelta(days=1) date = datetime.strftime(date,tools.DEFAULT_SERVER_DATE_FORMAT) #TODO: de introdus pozitii si pentru rute cu data incrementata default.update({ 'log_fuel_ids':[], 'name': self.pool.get('ir.sequence').next_by_code(cr, uid, ''), 'date': date, 'date_start': date_start, 'date_start': date_end, }) new_id = super(fleet_map_sheet, self).copy(cr, uid, id, default, context=context) return new_id
def download(): form = AdvancedSearchForm() form.business_type.default = 'All Entities' if form.validate_on_submit(): q_object = { 'query':, 'query_limit':, 'index_field':, 'active':, 'sort_by':, 'sort_order': } try: q_object['start_date'] = datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') q_object['end_date'] = datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d') except TypeError: q_object['start_date'] = date(year=1990, month=1, day=1) q_object['end_date'] = q_object['business_type'] = results = query(q_object) file = StringIO() writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=['name', 'id', 'origin date', 'status', 'type', 'street', 'city', 'state', 'zip']) writer.writeheader() for biz in results.all(): row = {'name': biz.nm_name, 'id': biz.id_bus, 'origin date': biz.dt_origin, 'status': biz.status, 'type': biz.type, 'street': biz.street, 'city':, 'state': biz.state, 'zip':} writer.writerow(row) response = Response(file, content_type='text/csv') response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=sots_search_results.csv' return response
def _getBookingsBetweenTimestamps(self, fromDate, toDate, tz = 'UTC', conferenceId = None, categoryId = None, dateFormat = None): bookings = [] nBookings = 0 date = None bookingsForDate = None for timestamp, s in self._tree.iteritems(fromDate, toDate): currentDate = unixTimeToDatetime(timestamp, tz).date() if date != currentDate: if date is not None and bookingsForDate: bookings.append((datetime.strftime(date, dateFormat), bookingsForDate)) nBookings += len(bookingsForDate) date = currentDate bookingsForDate = [] if conferenceId: for booking in s: if booking.getConference().getId() == conferenceId: bookingsForDate.append(booking) elif categoryId: cc = CategoryChecker(categoryId) for booking in s: if cc.check(booking.getConference()): bookingsForDate.append(booking) else: bookingsForDate.extend(s) if date is not None and bookingsForDate: bookings.append((datetime.strftime(date, dateFormat), bookingsForDate)) nBookings += len(bookingsForDate) return bookings, nBookings
def gamecheck(self, gameURL): while True: try: response = urllib2.urlopen(gameURL) break except: check = print datetime.strftime(check, "%d %I:%M %p") print "gamecheck couldn't find file, trying again..." time.sleep(20) jsonResponse = json.load(response) timeData = jsonResponse["gameData"]["datetime"] if "timeDate" in timeData: timestring = timeData["timeDate"] + " " + timeData["ampm"] date_object = datetime.strptime(timestring, "%Y/%m/%d %I:%M %p") else: timestring = timeData["originalDate"] + " " + timeData["time"] + " " + timeData["ampm"] date_object = datetime.strptime(timestring, "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p") while True: check = if date_object >= check: if (date_object - check).seconds <= self.time_before: return else: print "Last game check: " + datetime.strftime(check, "%d %I:%M %p") time.sleep(600) else: return
def statd(request, q_type = 'today'): day_format = "%Y-%m-%d" today = datetime.combine(, time(9, 0)); yesterday = today - timedelta(hours=24); domain = request.POST.get('domain', '') domain = '' if domain == "ALL" else domain; if not q_type: q_type = 'yestoday' datas = [] if(q_type == 'today'): # today = datetime.combine(,time(9, 0)) + timedelta(hours=24) datas = get_statd(start = datetime.strftime(today, day_format), domain = domain); elif(q_type == 'yestoday'): datas = get_statd(start = datetime.strftime(yesterday, day_format), domain = domain); # today = datetime.combine(, time(9, 0)); # datas = get_statd(start = datetime.strftime(today, day_format), domain = domain); elif(q_type == 'week'): week_ago = - timedelta(days=7); datas = get_statd(start = datetime.strftime(week_ago, day_format), end = datetime.strftime(yesterday, day_format), domain = domain); elif(q_type == "custom"): start = request.POST["start"]; end = request.POST["end"]; message_id = request.POST["msg"]; datas = get_statd(start = start, end = end, message_id = message_id, domain = domain); domains = set([data["domain_name"] for data in datas]); return locals();
def compute_attack(full=False): attackers = [] if full: for n in graph_fwd.nodes(): attackers.append(n) else: append_node_by_ip(entry_node,attackers) #Append compromised nodes for ip in compromised: append_node_by_ip(ip,attackers) #attackers.append('1884') # Build attack graph for attackers print "Generating attack graph..." print datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') attack_graph = generateAttackGraph(graph_fwd, attackers, easiest) print datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print "Final attack graph generated for the list of attackers: ", attackers pprint(attack_graph) t = datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') fName = projectPathName+"\\attack_graph\\attack_graph-"+t+".xml" # Save attack graph to XML print "Attack graph exported to XML format and saved in file attack_graph.xml" saveXML(attack_graph, fName)
def getPlotTitle(self, prof_coll): modified = prof_coll.isModified() or prof_coll.isInterpolated() modified_str = "; Modified" if modified else "" loc = prof_coll.getMeta('loc') date = prof_coll.getCurrentDate() run = prof_coll.getMeta('run').strftime("%HZ") model = prof_coll.getMeta('model') observed = prof_coll.getMeta('observed') plot_title = loc + ' ' + datetime.strftime(date, "%Y%m%d/%H%M") if model == "Archive": fhour_str = "" if not prof_coll.getMeta('observed'): fhour = int(total_seconds(date - prof_coll.getMeta('base_time')) / 3600) fhour_str = " F%03d" % fhour plot_title += " (User Selected" + fhour_str + modified_str + ")" elif model == "Analog": date = prof_coll.getAnalogDate() plot_title = loc + ' ' + datetime.strftime(date, "%Y%m%d/%H%M") plot_title += " (Analog" + modified_str + ")" elif observed: plot_title += " (Observed" + modified_str + ")" else: fhour = int(total_seconds(date - prof_coll.getMeta('base_time')) / 3600) plot_title += " (" + run + " " + model + " " + ("F%03d" % fhour) + modified_str + ")" return plot_title
def meta_ingeststatus(request): """ Returns the current information on the ingestion process """ ingestions = {} for ingest in Ingestor.objects.using("default").all(): if ingest.service_name not in ingestions: ingestions[ingest.service_name] = { 'total': 0, 'remaining': 0, 'current': '', 'completed': 0, 'last_ingest_date': None, 'current_start': None } if ingest.completed == 1 and ingest.completed_date: ingestions[ingest.service_name]['completed'] += 1 if ingestions[ingest.service_name]['last_ingest_date'] is None or ingest.completed_date > ingestions[ingest.service_name]['last_ingest_date'].completed_date: ingestions[ingest.service_name]['last_ingest_date'] = ingest else: ingestions[ingest.service_name]['remaining'] += 1 if ingest.completed == 0 and ingest.started == 1: ingestions[ingest.service_name]['current'] = ingest.meta if ingest.started_date is not None: ingestions[ingest.service_name]['current_start'] = datetime.strftime(ingest.started_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") ingestions[ingest.service_name]['total'] += 1 for ingest in ingestions: if ingestions[ingest]['last_ingest_date'] is not None: ingestions[ingest]['last_ingest_date'] = datetime.strftime(ingestions[ingest]['last_ingest_date'].completed_date, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") return api.views.api_render(request, ingestions, status.HTTP_200_OK)
def main(): # 导入模型 network = importlib.import_module(Config.model_def) # 相当于导入 .py 文件 # 用时间命名 subdir = datetime.strftime(,'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') model_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(Config.models_base_dir),subdir) if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): os.makedirs(model_dir) # 读取数据 train_set = data_process.get_data_set(Config.data_dir) # 类别总数 nrof_classes = len(train_set) pretrained_model = None if Config.pretrained_model: pretrained_model = os.path.expanduser(Config.pretrained_model) print('Pre-trained model: %s'%pretrained_model) with tf.Graph().as_default(): global_step = tf.Variable(0,trainable=False) image_list, label_list = data_process.get_image_paths_and_labels(train_set) assert len(image_list)>0,'The dataset should not empty' labels = ops.convert_to_tensor(label_list,dtype=tf.int32) range_size = array_ops.shape(labels)[0] index_queue = tf.train.range_input_producer(range_size,num_epochs=None,shuffle=True,seed = None,capacity=32) index_dequeue_op = index_queue.dequeue_many(Config.batch_size*Config.epoch_size,'index_dequeue') learning_rate_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,name='learning_rate') batch_size_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32,name='batch_size') train_flag = tf.placeholder(tf.bool,name='phase_train') image_paths_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.string,shape=(None,1),name='image_paths') labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int64,shape=(None,1),name='labels') input_queue = data_flow_ops.FIFOQueue(capacity=500000, dtypes=[tf.string,tf.int64], shapes=[(1,),(1,)], shared_name=None,name=None) enqueue_op = input_queue.enqueue_many([image_paths_placeholder,labels_placeholder],name='enqueue_op') nrof_preprocess_threads = 4 images_and_labels = [] for _ in range(nrof_preprocess_threads): filenames, label = input_queue.dequeue() images = [] for filename in tf.unstack(filenames): file_contents = tf.read_file(filename) image = tf.image.decode_image(file_contents, channels=3) if Config.random_rotate: image = tf.py_func(data_process.random_rotate_image, [image], tf.uint8) if Config.random_crop: image = tf.random_crop(image, [Config.image_size, Config.image_size, 3]) else: image = tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, Config.image_size, Config.image_size) if Config.random_flip: image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image) # pylint: disable=no-member image.set_shape((Config.image_size, Config.image_size, 3)) images.append(tf.image.per_image_standardization(image)) images_and_labels.append([images, label]) image_batch,label_batch = tf.train.batch_join( images_and_labels,batch_size=batch_size_placeholder, shapes=[(Config.image_size,Config.image_size,3),()],enqueue_many=True, capacity=4*nrof_preprocess_threads*Config.batch_size, allow_smaller_final_batch=True) image_batch = tf.identity(image_batch,'image_batch') image_batch = tf.identity(image_batch,'input') label_batch = tf.identity(label_batch,'label_batch') print('Total number of classes: %d'%nrof_classes) print('Total number of examples: %d'%len(image_list)) print('Building training graph') prelogits = network.inference(image_batch,Config.keep_prob, phase_train = train_flag,bottleneck_layer_size = Config.embedding_size, weight_decay = Config.weight_decay) logits = slim.fully_connected(prelogits, len(train_set), activation_fn=None, weights_initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.1), weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(Config.weight_decay), scope='Logits', reuse=False) embeddings = tf.nn.l2_normalize(prelogits, 1, 1e-10, name='embeddings') # 添加中心损失 if Config.center_loss_weight >0.0: prelogits_center_loss,_ = utils.center_loss(prelogits,label_batch,Config.center_loss_alfa,nrof_classes) tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES,prelogits_center_loss*Config.center_loss_weight) learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(learning_rate_placeholder,global_step, Config.learning_rate_decay_epochs*Config.epoch_size, Config.learning_rate_decay_factor,staircase=True) cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=label_batch,logits=logits, name='cross_entropy_per_example') cross_entropy_mean = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy,name='cross_entropy') tf.add_to_collection('losses',cross_entropy_mean) # 把中心损失加到交叉softmax损失上 regularization_losses = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES) total_loss = tf.add_n([cross_entropy_mean]+regularization_losses,name='total_loss') # 一个batch 训练操作并更新模型参数 train_op = train_batch(total_loss,global_step,Config.optimizer,learning_rate, Config.moving_average_decay,tf.global_variables()) # 创建一个保存器 saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables(),max_to_keep=3) gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction = Config.gpu_memory_fraction) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options,log_device_placement=False)) # 获得线程坐标,启动填充队列的线程 coord = tf.train.Coordinator() tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord,sess=sess) with sess.as_default(): if pretrained_model: print('Restoring pretrained model: %s'%pretrained_model) meta_file, ckpt_file = utils.get_model_filenames(Config.pretrained_model) saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(os.path.join(Config.pretrained_model, meta_file)) saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(Config.pretrained_model, ckpt_file)) print('Running training') epoch = 0 while epoch < Config.max_nrof_epochs: step =,feed_dict=None) utils.save_variables_and_metagraph(sess, saver, model_dir, subdir, step) print('++++++++++save done++++++++++') epoch = step // Config.epoch_size # 训练一个epoch train(sess,epoch,image_list,label_list,index_dequeue_op,enqueue_op,image_paths_placeholder,labels_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder,train_flag,batch_size_placeholder,global_step, total_loss,train_op,regularization_losses) utils.save_variables_and_metagraph(sess,saver,model_dir,subdir,step) return model_dir
def gather_data( access_token, access_token_secret, api_key, api_key_secret, chunked_user_list ): """ Gather user info based on the chunked list of usernames with the provided bearer_token. """ print("Gathering Data...") oauth1a = osometweet.OAuth1a( api_key=api_key, api_key_secret=api_key_secret, access_token=access_token, access_token_secret=access_token_secret ) ot = osometweet.OsomeTweet(oauth1a) # Add all user_fields all_user_fields = osometweet.UserFields(everything=True) # Get today's date today = dt.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M") # Open two files. One for good data, the other for account errors. with open(f"account_data--{today}.json", 'w') as data_file,\ open(f"account_errors--{today}.json", 'w') as error_file: # Iterate through the list of lists for one_hundred_users in chunked_user_list: response = ot.user_lookup_usernames( usernames=one_hundred_users, fields=all_user_fields ) # Where as the user_ids endpoint always returns both "data" and # "errors", the username endpoint does the opposite - only # including these keys if data is present. if "data" in response: data = response["data"] else: data = None if "errors" in response: errors = response["errors"] else: errors = None try: data_file.writelines(f"{json.dumps(line)}\n" for line in data) except TypeError: print( "No USER data found in this set of users, " "skipping to the next set." ) try: error_file.writelines( f"{json.dumps(line)}\n" for line in errors ) except TypeError: print( "No problematic users found in this set of user, " "skipping to the next set." )
def plot_prophet_forecast(energy_forecast_idf, df_idf_plot, mape, figname): plt.figure(figsize=(20, 5), linewidth=2) forecast = energy_forecast_idf[ energy_forecast_idf["ds"] > md.END_TRAIN_DATE] model_past_fitting = energy_forecast_idf[ energy_forecast_idf["ds"] <= md.END_TRAIN_DATE] plt.plot(df_idf_plot.index, df_idf_plot[c.EnergyConso.CONSUMPTION], color="steelblue", label="observations", linewidth=2) plt.plot(forecast["ds"], forecast["yhat"], color="g", label="forecasting", linewidth=2) if len(model_past_fitting) > 0: plt.plot(model_past_fitting["ds"], model_past_fitting["yhat"], color="g", label="fitting of past values", linestyle="dashed", linewidth=2) plt.fill_between(forecast["ds"], forecast["yhat_lower"], forecast["yhat_upper"], color="green", alpha=0.2, label="90% confidence interval") plt.title("Prophet: Prediction for Ile de France with" + " MAPE: {}%".format(str(round(100 * mape, 1))), fontsize=TITLE_FONTSIZE) plt.grid(which="both") plt.ylabel("Consumption (MW)", fontsize=LABEL_FONTSIZE) ax = plt.gca() ax.set_xlim([ md.END_TRAIN_DATE - timedelta(days=md.NB_HOURS_PRED / 24), md.END_TRAIN_DATE + timedelta(days=md.NB_HOURS_PRED / 24) ]) ax.set_ylim([12000, 28000]) xticks = [ md.END_TRAIN_DATE + timedelta(days=x) for x in [-11, -7, -3, 0, 4, 8, 12] ] ax.set_xticks(xticks, minor=False) ax.set_xticklabels( [datetime.strftime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") for date in xticks], minor=False, fontsize=LABEL_FONTSIZE) yticks = np.arange(14000, 28000, step=2000) ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels([str(x) for x in yticks], fontsize=LABEL_FONTSIZE) plt.legend() plt.savefig( os.path.join(PROPHET_PLOTS, "{}.png".format(figname.replace(".pkl", "")))) plt.close()
def main(args): # 模型,定义在inception_resnet_v1 V2里(), --model_def models.inception_resnet_v1 network = importlib.import_module(args.model_def) image_size = (args.image_size, args.image_size) subdir = datetime.strftime(, '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') log_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(args.logs_base_dir), subdir) if not os.path.isdir(log_dir): # Create the log directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(log_dir) model_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(args.models_base_dir), subdir) if not os.path.isdir(model_dir): # Create the model directory if it doesn't exist os.makedirs(model_dir) stat_file_name = os.path.join(log_dir, 'stat.h5') # Write arguments to a text file facenet.write_arguments_to_file(args, os.path.join(log_dir, 'arguments.txt')) # Store some git revision info in a text file in the log directory src_path,_ = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__)) facenet.store_revision_info(src_path, log_dir, ' '.join(sys.argv)) np.random.seed(seed=args.seed) random.seed(args.seed) dataset = facenet.get_dataset(args.data_dir) if args.filter_filename: dataset = filter_dataset(dataset, os.path.expanduser(args.filter_filename), args.filter_percentile, args.filter_min_nrof_images_per_class) if args.validation_set_split_ratio>0.0: train_set, val_set = facenet.split_dataset(dataset, args.validation_set_split_ratio, args.min_nrof_val_images_per_class, 'SPLIT_IMAGES') else: train_set, val_set = dataset, [] nrof_classes = len(train_set) print('Model directory: %s' % model_dir) print('Log directory: %s' % log_dir) pretrained_model = None if args.pretrained_model: pretrained_model = os.path.expanduser(args.pretrained_model) print('Pre-trained model: %s' % pretrained_model) if args.lfw_dir: print('LFW directory: %s' % args.lfw_dir) # Read the file containing the pairs used for testing pairs = lfw.read_pairs(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_pairs)) # Get the paths for the corresponding images lfw_paths, actual_issame = lfw.get_paths(os.path.expanduser(args.lfw_dir), pairs) with tf.Graph().as_default(): tf.set_random_seed(args.seed) global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) # Get a list of image paths and their labels # 训练数据 image_list, label_list = facenet.get_image_paths_and_labels(train_set) assert len(image_list)>0, 'The training set should not be empty' # 测试数据 val_image_list, val_label_list = facenet.get_image_paths_and_labels(val_set) # Create a queue that produces indices into the image_list and label_list # tf.convert_to_tensor用于将不同数据变成张量:比如可以让数组变成张量、也可以让列表变成张量。 labels = ops.convert_to_tensor(label_list, dtype=tf.int32) range_size = array_ops.shape(labels)[0] # 多线程读取数据,shuffle=True表示不是按顺序存储,可以随机获取,并一直循环。 # index_queue = tf.train.range_input_producer(range_size, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True, seed=None, capacity=32) # epoch 大数据时迭代完一轮时次数,少量数据应该epoch = 全部数据个数/batch index_dequeue_op = index_queue.dequeue_many(args.batch_size*args.epoch_size, 'index_dequeue') learning_rate_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name='learning_rate') batch_size_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name='batch_size') phase_train_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='phase_train') image_paths_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.string, shape=(None,1), name='image_paths') labels_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,1), name='labels') control_placeholder = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,1), name='control') nrof_preprocess_threads = 4 input_queue = data_flow_ops.FIFOQueue(capacity=2000000, dtypes=[tf.string, tf.int32, tf.int32], shapes=[(1,), (1,), (1,)], shared_name=None, name=None) enqueue_op = input_queue.enqueue_many([image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, control_placeholder], name='enqueue_op') image_batch, label_batch = facenet.create_input_pipeline(input_queue, image_size, nrof_preprocess_threads, batch_size_placeholder) image_batch = tf.identity(image_batch, 'image_batch') image_batch = tf.identity(image_batch, 'input') label_batch = tf.identity(label_batch, 'label_batch') print('Number of classes in training set: %d' % nrof_classes) print('Number of examples in training set: %d' % len(image_list)) print('Number of classes in validation set: %d' % len(val_set)) print('Number of examples in validation set: %d' % len(val_image_list)) print('Building training graph') # Build the inference graph prelogits, _ = network.inference(image_batch, args.keep_probability, phase_train=phase_train_placeholder, bottleneck_layer_size=args.embedding_size, weight_decay=args.weight_decay) # 因为模型输出的(bottleneck_layer_size)没有计算最后一层(映射到图片类型),这里计算最后一层 logits = slim.fully_connected(prelogits, len(train_set), activation_fn=None, weights_initializer=slim.initializers.xavier_initializer(), weights_regularizer=slim.l2_regularizer(args.weight_decay), scope='Logits', reuse=False) # 按行进行泛化,行的平方求和再求平方根,得到的值按行除每个行的元素,对深度层面泛化? interface里最后一层输出为128个节点,slim.fully_connected(net, bottleneck_layer_size, activation_fn=None, # embeddings = tf.nn.l2_normalize(prelogits, 1, 1e-10, name='embeddings') # 计算loss函数,当然还有其它训练参数也会加到这里来,通过比训练过程中一个weight加到正则化参数里来tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, weight) # 模型中最后会把这个加到优化的loss中来。 #L= L_softmax + λL_cneter = Softmax(W_i + b_yj) + λ1/2||f(x_i) - c_yj ||_2^2 # Norm for the prelogits eps = 1e-4 prelogits_norm = tf.reduce_mean(tf.norm(tf.abs(prelogits)+eps, ord=args.prelogits_norm_p, axis=1)) # 模型中最后输出(bottleneck_layer_size每个类型的输出值的个数)的平均值加到正则化loss中,但prelogits_norm_loss_factor貌似为0 tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, prelogits_norm * args.prelogits_norm_loss_factor) # 计算中心损失及增加的正则化loss中 # Add center loss prelogits_center_loss, _ = facenet.center_loss(prelogits, label_batch, args.center_loss_alfa, nrof_classes) tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES, prelogits_center_loss * args.center_loss_factor) learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(learning_rate_placeholder, global_step, args.learning_rate_decay_epochs*args.epoch_size, args.learning_rate_decay_factor, staircase=True) tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', learning_rate) # Calculate the average cross entropy loss across the batch # 计算预测损失,和上面框架的Softmax(W_i + b_yj) cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=label_batch, logits=logits, name='cross_entropy_per_example') cross_entropy_mean = tf.reduce_mean(cross_entropy, name='cross_entropy') # 预测损失平均值加到losses变量中 tf.add_to_collection('losses', cross_entropy_mean) correct_prediction = tf.cast(tf.equal(tf.argmax(logits, 1), tf.cast(label_batch, tf.int64)), tf.float32) accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(correct_prediction) #计算总损失,cross_entropy_mean + 前面增加的一些正则化损失(包括模型中增加的),通过tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES获取出来 # Calculate the total losses regularization_losses = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES) total_loss = tf.add_n([cross_entropy_mean] + regularization_losses, name='total_loss') # Build a Graph that trains the model with one batch of examples and updates the model parameters train_op = facenet.train(total_loss, global_step, args.optimizer, learning_rate, args.moving_average_decay, tf.global_variables(), args.log_histograms) # Create a saver saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables(), max_to_keep=3) # Build the summary operation based on the TF collection of Summaries. summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() # Start running operations on the Graph. gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_memory_fraction) sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False)) summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir, sess.graph) coord = tf.train.Coordinator() tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord, sess=sess) with sess.as_default(): if pretrained_model: print('Restoring pretrained model: %s' % pretrained_model) saver.restore(sess, pretrained_model) # Training and validation loop print('Running training') nrof_steps = args.max_nrof_epochs*args.epoch_size nrof_val_samples = int(math.ceil(args.max_nrof_epochs / args.validate_every_n_epochs)) # Validate every validate_every_n_epochs as well as in the last epoch stat = { 'loss': np.zeros((nrof_steps,), np.float32), 'center_loss': np.zeros((nrof_steps,), np.float32), 'reg_loss': np.zeros((nrof_steps,), np.float32), 'xent_loss': np.zeros((nrof_steps,), np.float32), 'prelogits_norm': np.zeros((nrof_steps,), np.float32), 'accuracy': np.zeros((nrof_steps,), np.float32), 'val_loss': np.zeros((nrof_val_samples,), np.float32), 'val_xent_loss': np.zeros((nrof_val_samples,), np.float32), 'val_accuracy': np.zeros((nrof_val_samples,), np.float32), 'lfw_accuracy': np.zeros((args.max_nrof_epochs,), np.float32), 'lfw_valrate': np.zeros((args.max_nrof_epochs,), np.float32), 'learning_rate': np.zeros((args.max_nrof_epochs,), np.float32), 'time_train': np.zeros((args.max_nrof_epochs,), np.float32), 'time_validate': np.zeros((args.max_nrof_epochs,), np.float32), 'time_evaluate': np.zeros((args.max_nrof_epochs,), np.float32), 'prelogits_hist': np.zeros((args.max_nrof_epochs, 1000), np.float32), } for epoch in range(1,args.max_nrof_epochs+1): step =, feed_dict=None) # Train for one epoch t = time.time() # 训练模型 cont = train(args, sess, epoch, image_list, label_list, index_dequeue_op, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, learning_rate_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, control_placeholder, global_step, total_loss, train_op, summary_op, summary_writer, regularization_losses, args.learning_rate_schedule_file, stat, cross_entropy_mean, accuracy, learning_rate, prelogits, prelogits_center_loss, args.random_rotate, args.random_crop, args.random_flip, prelogits_norm, args.prelogits_hist_max, args.use_fixed_image_standardization) stat['time_train'][epoch-1] = time.time() - t if not cont: break # 在测试数据上计算正确率 t = time.time() if len(val_image_list)>0 and ((epoch-1) % args.validate_every_n_epochs == args.validate_every_n_epochs-1 or epoch==args.max_nrof_epochs): validate(args, sess, epoch, val_image_list, val_label_list, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, control_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, stat, total_loss, regularization_losses, cross_entropy_mean, accuracy, args.validate_every_n_epochs, args.use_fixed_image_standardization) stat['time_validate'][epoch-1] = time.time() - t # Save variables and the metagraph if it doesn't exist already save_variables_and_metagraph(sess, saver, summary_writer, model_dir, subdir, epoch) # Evaluate on LFW t = time.time() if args.lfw_dir: evaluate(sess, enqueue_op, image_paths_placeholder, labels_placeholder, phase_train_placeholder, batch_size_placeholder, control_placeholder, embeddings, label_batch, lfw_paths, actual_issame, args.lfw_batch_size, args.lfw_nrof_folds, log_dir, step, summary_writer, stat, epoch, args.lfw_distance_metric, args.lfw_subtract_mean, args.lfw_use_flipped_images, args.use_fixed_image_standardization) stat['time_evaluate'][epoch-1] = time.time() - t print('Saving statistics') with h5py.File(stat_file_name, 'w') as f: for key, value in stat.items(): f.create_dataset(key, data=value) return model_dir
from import quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl # 注matplotlib包里已经没有了quotes_historical_yahoo方法了,改为quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl from datetime import date from datetime import datetime import pandas as pd import numpy as np import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 使用pylab 就直接import pylab as pl today = start = (today.year - 1, today.month, quotes = quotes_historical_yahoo_ochl('AXP', start, today) #美国运通公司最近一年股票代码 fields = ['date', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'low', 'volume'] list1 = [] for i in range(0, len(quotes)): x = date.fromordinal(int(quotes[i][0])) y = datetime.strftime(x, "%Y-%m-%d") list1.append(y) qutoesdf = pd.DataFrame(quotes, index=list1, columns=fields) # 利用index属性可以将索引改变。 日期为格里高利时间,用函数改变 qutoesdf = qutoesdf.drop(['date'], axis=1) # print qutoesdf # 统计近一年每个月的股票开盘天数 listtemp = [] for i in range(0, len(qutoesdf)): temp = time.strptime(qutoesdf.index[i], "%Y-%m-%d") listtemp.append(temp.tm_mon) # print listtemp tempdf = qutoesdf.copy()
def current_date(): return move_busdays(datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d'), 0)
def today_date(): return datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d')
def optimize_diameters_execs(path, inpfile, execs, **kwargs): """ Optimize diameters Optimize pipe diameters of a hydraulic network using Genetic Algorithms. Warning! This assumes single-objective optimization, so only the first element of the best solutions tuple is going to be used. :param str path: path to the input file. :param str inpfile: EPANET's input file (INP) with network data. :param int pop: population size or number of individuals. :param int gen: number of generations. :param float cxbp: crossover (mating) probability. :param float mutpb: mutation probability. :param float indpb: individual mutation probability? :param str dir: directory to save the results. :return best: a list of diameters (best solution) """ start = _unit_price = kwargs.get('prices', {}) _popsize = kwargs.get('pop', 200) _cxpb = kwargs.get('cxpb', 0.9) _mutpb = kwargs.get('mutpb', 0.02) _indpb = kwargs.get('indpb', 0.05) _generations = kwargs.get('gen', 500) _dir = kwargs.get('dir', 'results/') f = '%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S' _stats = _dir + 'ga_dimen_' + datetime.strftime(start, f) + '.csv' _sol = _stats[:-4] + '.txt' best = None stats = pd.DataFrame( columns=['gen', 'nevals', 'avg', 'std', 'min', 'max', 'bestFit']) for i in range(execs): print('Execution {0} of {1} ...'.format(i + 1, execs)) b, p, r = optimize_diameters(path, inpfile, prices=_unit_price, pop=_popsize, cxpb=_cxpb, mutpb=_mutpb, indpb=_indpb, gen=_generations) if best is None: best = b.items[0] elif b.items[0].fitness.values[0] <[0]: best = b.items[0] print("Best iter: ",[0]) # print("\nMy Dataframe\n") df = pd.DataFrame(r) df['bestFit'] =[0] stats = stats.append(df) # Runtime runtime = - start print('Run time: {0} executions in {1}'.format(execs, runtime)) # Save statistics to a text file # stats.to_csv(_stats) stats.to_csv(_stats, index=False) # Plot the convergence chart plot_convergence(execs, _generations, _stats) # Save best solution to a text file with open(_sol, 'a') as f: f.write('Best solution:\t{0}\n'.format(best)) f.write('Best fitness:\t{0}\n'.format([0])) f.write('Run time:\t{0}'.format(runtime)) return best
import time from datetime import date, datetime import click from sqlalchemy import create_engine sys.path.append('.') sys.path.append('../ajna_docs/commons') from ajna_commons.flask.conf import SQL_URI from virasana.db import mongodb as db from virasana.integracao.mercante import mercante_fsfiles from virasana.integracao.mercante import processa_xml_mercante from virasana.integracao.mercante import resume_mercante today = str_today = datetime.strftime(today, '%d/%m/%Y') @click.command() @click.option('--dias', default=10, help='Quantidade de dias a processar para trás - padrão 10') @click.option('--fim', default=str_today, help='Dia de fim (dia/mês/ano) - padrão hoje') @click.option('--download', is_flag=True, help='Baixar arquivos das datas da API do Aniita') def update(dias, fim, download): """Script de linha de comando para integração do arquivo XML.""" end = datetime.strptime(fim, '%d/%m/%Y')
def image_color_histogram(self, w: int = 12, h: int = 8, num_channels=3, save_path: str = None): """ Plot image color channel's histogram :param w: plot width :param h: plot height :param num_channels: image depth (number of channels) :param save_path: plot image save directory path, if None - do not save :return: """ if save_path and not os.path.isdir(save_path): raise ValueError("Save path is not a directory or doesn't exists.") channels = [np.zeros((256, 1)) for i in range(num_channels)] ch_labels = ["red", "green", "blue"] if num_channels == 3 else ["gray"] num_images = 0 for ann in tqdm(self._annotations): if not os.path.exists(ann.img_path): continue image = cv2.imread(ann.img_path) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) num_channels = image.shape[2] if num_channels != 3: continue for j in range(num_channels): channels[j] += cv2.calcHist(image, [j], None, [256], [0, 256]) num_images += 1 if num_images != 0: for j in range(num_channels): channels[j] /= num_images else: raise ValueError("Image paths are not correct.") # create plot figure = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h)) plt.title("Pixel channel distribution", fontsize=20) plt.axis("off") cols, rows = 2, 2 for i in range(1, cols * rows + 1): figure.add_subplot(rows, cols, i) if i > num_channels + 1: break if i == num_channels + 1: for j in range(num_channels): plt.plot(channels[j], color=ch_labels[j], alpha=0.8) plt.legend(ch_labels) else: plt.plot(channels[i - 1], color=ch_labels[i - 1], alpha=0.8) plt.legend([ch_labels[i - 1]]) plt.ylabel("frequency", color="gray", fontsize=14, fontweight="bold") plt.xlim([0, 256]) plt.ylim(ymin=0) if save_path: plot_save_name = "image_color_histogram_{}.png".format( datetime.strftime(, "%y%m%d%H%M")) plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, plot_save_name)) else:
def image_size_histogram(self, w: int = 10, h: int = 7, save_path: str = None): """ Plot image size frequency distribution :param w: plot width :param h: plot height :param save_path: plot image save directory path, if None - do not save :return: """ if save_path and not os.path.isdir(save_path): raise ValueError("Save path is not a directory or doesn't exists.") info_df = self.info_df[["img_width", "img_height"]] size_images = np.array(info_df) unique_size_images = np.unique(size_images, axis=0) if len(unique_size_images.shape) == 1: unique_size_images = [unique_size_images] freq_unique_size_images = [ len(self.info_df[size_images == unique_size_image] ["filename"].unique()) for unique_size_image in unique_size_images ] # гистограмма распределения объектов на изображениях заданной размерности fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(w, h)) plt.gcf().subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) plt.title("Image size distribution", fontsize=20) plt.ylabel("frequency", color="gray", fontsize=14, fontweight="bold") rects =, freq_unique_size_images, color="lightskyblue") plt.xticks(np.arange(len(unique_size_images))) ax.set_xticklabels(unique_size_images, rotation=45, fontdict={ "horizontalalignment": "center", "size": 12 }) for rect in rects: height = rect.get_height() ax.annotate( "{}".format(height), xy=(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2, height), xytext=(0, 3), # 3 points vertical offset textcoords="offset points", ha="center", va="bottom", ) if save_path: plot_save_name = "image_size_histogram_{}.png".format( datetime.strftime(, "%y%m%d%H%M")) plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, plot_save_name)) else:
from datetime import datetime birthday = datetime(1991, 2, 4, 4) print(birthday) print("Year: " + str(birthday.year)) print("Month: " + str(birthday.month)) print("Day: " + str( print("Hour: " + str(birthday.hour)) print( - birthday) parsed_date = datetime.strptime('Jan 15, 2018', '%b %d, %Y') print(parsed_date.month) date_string = datetime.strftime(, '%b %d, %Y') print(date_string)
async def test_case_pool_upgrade(docker_setup_and_teardown, pool_handler, wallet_handler, get_default_trustee, adder_role, adder_role_num, editor_role, editor_role_num): trustee_did, _ = get_default_trustee # add adder to start pool upgrade adder_did, adder_vk = await did.create_and_store_my_did( wallet_handler, '{}') res = await send_nym(pool_handler, wallet_handler, trustee_did, adder_did, adder_vk, None, adder_role) assert res['op'] == 'REPLY' # add editor to cancel pool upgrade editor_did, editor_vk = await did.create_and_store_my_did( wallet_handler, '{}') res = await send_nym(pool_handler, wallet_handler, trustee_did, editor_did, editor_vk, None, editor_role) assert res['op'] == 'REPLY' # set rule for adding req = await ledger.build_auth_rule_request( trustee_did, '109', 'ADD', 'action', '*', 'start', json.dumps({ 'constraint_id': 'ROLE', 'role': adder_role_num, 'sig_count': 1, 'need_to_be_owner': False, 'metadata': {} })) res2 = json.loads(await ledger.sign_and_submit_request(pool_handler, wallet_handler, trustee_did, req)) print(res2) assert res2['op'] == 'REPLY' # set rule for editing req = await ledger.build_auth_rule_request( trustee_did, '109', 'EDIT', 'action', 'start', 'cancel', json.dumps({ 'constraint_id': 'ROLE', 'role': editor_role_num, 'sig_count': 1, 'need_to_be_owner': False, 'metadata': {} })) res3 = json.loads(await ledger.sign_and_submit_request(pool_handler, wallet_handler, trustee_did, req)) print(res3) assert res3['op'] == 'REPLY' # start pool upgrade init_time = 30 version = '1.99.999' name = 'upgrade' + '_' + version + '_' + tz=timezone.utc).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') _sha256 = hashlib.sha256().hexdigest() _timeout = 5 reinstall = False force = False package = 'indy-node' dests = [ 'Gw6pDLhcBcoQesN72qfotTgFa7cbuqZpkX3Xo6pLhPhv', '8ECVSk179mjsjKRLWiQtssMLgp6EPhWXtaYyStWPSGAb', 'DKVxG2fXXTU8yT5N7hGEbXB3dfdAnYv1JczDUHpmDxya', '4PS3EDQ3dW1tci1Bp6543CfuuebjFrg36kLAUcskGfaA', '4SWokCJWJc69Tn74VvLS6t2G2ucvXqM9FDMsWJjmsUxe', 'Cv1Ehj43DDM5ttNBmC6VPpEfwXWwfGktHwjDJsTV5Fz8', 'BM8dTooz5uykCbYSAAFwKNkYfT4koomBHsSWHTDtkjhW' ] docker_7_schedule = json.dumps( dict({ dest: datetime.strftime( + timedelta(minutes=init_time + i * 5), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z') for dest, i in zip(dests, range(len(dests))) })) req = await ledger.build_pool_upgrade_request(adder_did, name, version, 'start', _sha256, _timeout, docker_7_schedule, None, reinstall, force, package) res4 = json.loads(await ledger.sign_and_submit_request(pool_handler, wallet_handler, adder_did, req)) print(res4) assert res4['op'] == 'REPLY' # cancel pool upgrade req = await ledger.build_pool_upgrade_request(editor_did, name, version, 'cancel', _sha256, _timeout, docker_7_schedule, None, reinstall, force, package) res5 = json.loads(await ledger.sign_and_submit_request(pool_handler, wallet_handler, editor_did, req)) print(res5) assert res5['op'] == 'REPLY'
def objects_frequency_scatter(self, class_name: str = None, w: int = 12, h: int = 8, save_path: str = None): """ Plot image objects sizes frequency distribution :param class_name: monitoring only the specific class name :param w: plot width :param h: plot height :param save_path: plot image save directory path, if None - do not save :return: """ if save_path and not os.path.isdir(save_path): raise ValueError("Save path is not a directory or doesn't exists.") if class_name: info_df = self.info_df[self.info_df["label"] == class_name] else: info_df = self.info_df box_widths = np.array(info_df["box_width"]) box_heights = np.array(info_df["box_height"]) # relative box shapes box_widths /= np.array(info_df["img_width"]) box_heights /= np.array(info_df["img_height"]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(w, h)) grid = plt.GridSpec(4, 4, hspace=0.5, wspace=0.5) main_ax = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 1:]) y_hist = fig.add_subplot(grid[:-1, 0], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) x_hist = fig.add_subplot(grid[-1, 1:], xticklabels=[], yticklabels=[]) main_ax.set_title("Box size distribution", fontsize=20) main_ax.set_xlabel("box width/image width", color="gray", fontsize=14, fontweight="bold") main_ax.set_ylabel("box height/image height", color="gray", fontsize=14, fontweight="bold") # divide axis by 10 parts main_ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(10)) main_ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(10)) y_hist.set_xlabel("height frequency", fontweight="bold") y_hist.yaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(10)) x_hist.set_ylabel("width frequency", fontweight="bold") x_hist.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MaxNLocator(10)) main_ax.plot(box_widths, box_heights, "bo", markersize=3, alpha=0.3, color="deepskyblue") # main_ax.legend(['train', 'test']) x_hist.hist(box_widths, 700, histtype="stepfilled", orientation="vertical", color="deepskyblue") x_hist.invert_yaxis() y_hist.hist(box_heights, 700, histtype="stepfilled", orientation="horizontal", color="deepskyblue") y_hist.invert_xaxis() if save_path: plot_save_name = "objects_frequency_histogram_{}.png".format( datetime.strftime(, "%y%m%d%H%M")) plt.savefig(os.path.join(save_path, plot_save_name)) else:
network_huawei_ssh_ip = cf.get('network_huawei_ssh', 'network_huawei_ip').split(',') network_cisco_telnet_ip = cf.get('network_cisco_telnet', 'network_cisco_ip').split(',') network_dp_ssh_ip = cf.get('network_dp_ssh', 'network_dp_ip').split(',') network_juniper_ssh_ip = cf.get('network_juniper_ssh', 'network_juniper_ip').split(',') # 获取用户 network_user = cf.get('network_user','network_user') # 获取密码 network_password = cf.get('network_user','network_password') if __name__ == '__main__': mylogger = logger.Logger() s = GetNetworkConfig() # 获取当天日期 today = datetime.strftime(now, '%Y%m%d') for huawei_ip in network_huawei_telnet_ip: logging.debug('-------Begin : ' + huawei_ip +'--------') login_cmd = "telnet "+huawei_ip.strip() config_file = backupdir+"/"+today+"_"+huawei_ip.strip()+"_config.txt" s.huawei_telnet_getconfig(login_cmd,network_user,network_password,config_file) logging.error('Success Backup!'+config_file) for huawei_ip in network_huawei_ssh_ip: logging.debug('-------Begin : ' + huawei_ip + '--------') login_cmd = "ssh ywpt@"+huawei_ip.strip() config_file = backupdir+"/"+today+"_"+huawei_ip.strip()+"_config.txt" s.huawei_ssh_getconfig(login_cmd,network_password,config_file) logging.error('Success Backup!'+config_file)
def eds_file_parsing(self): self.ensure_one() record = str(base64.b64decode(self.eds_file), 'iso8859-4', 'strict').encode('iso8859-4', 'strict') dom = parseString(record) file_employees = dom.getElementsByTagName('gigv') if file_employees is None: return False emp_obj = self.env['hr.employee'] rel_obj = self.env['hr.employee.relief'] e_ids = [ for e in self.employee_ids] for fe in file_employees: emp_ids = [] fe_pc = fe.getElementsByTagName('pers_kods')[0].toxml().replace( '<pers_kods>', '').replace('</pers_kods>', '') fe_name = fe.getElementsByTagName( 'vards_uzvards')[0].toxml().replace('<vards_uzvards>', '').replace( '</vards_uzvards>', '') if fe_pc: emp_query_str = """SELECT id FROM hr_employee WHERE COALESCE(identification_id, '') != '' AND REPLACE(identification_id, '-', '') = '%s' AND id %s %s""" % ( fe_pc, len(e_ids) == 1 and '=' or 'in', len(e_ids) == 1 and e_ids[0] or tuple(e_ids), ) self._cr.execute(emp_query_str) emp_ids = [r['id'] for r in self._cr.dictfetchall()] if (not e_ids) and fe_name: emp_query_str = """SELECT FROM hr_employee AS emp LEFT JOIN resource_resource AS res ON emp.resource_id = WHERE UPPER( = %s AND %s %s""" % ( fe_name, len(e_ids) == 1 and '=' or 'in', len(e_ids) == 1 and e_ids[0] or tuple(e_ids), ) self._cr.execute(emp_query_str) emp_ids = [r['id'] for r in self._cr.dictfetchall()] if emp_ids: dep_list = [] dep_main = fe.getElementsByTagName('apgadajamie') if dep_main: deps = dep_main[0].getElementsByTagName('apgadajamais') for dep in deps: dep_name = dep.getElementsByTagName( 'vards_uzvards')[0].toxml().replace( '<vards_uzvards>', '').replace('</vards_uzvards>', '') dep_df = dep.getElementsByTagName( 'datums_no')[0].toxml().replace( '<datums_no>', '').replace('</datums_no>', '') dep_date_from = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime(dep_df, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').date(), '%Y-%m-%d') dep_dt = dep.getElementsByTagName( 'datums_lidz')[0].toxml().replace( '<datums_lidz>', '').replace('</datums_lidz>', '') dep_date_to = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime(dep_dt, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').date(), '%Y-%m-%d') dep_list.append({ 'type': 'dependent', 'name': dep_name, 'date_from': dep_date_from, 'date_to': dep_date_to }) dis_list = [] add_main = fe.getElementsByTagName('papildu_atvieglojumi') if add_main: adds = add_main[0].getElementsByTagName( 'papildu_atvieglojums') for add in adds: add_type = add.getElementsByTagName( 'veids')[0].toxml().replace('<veids>', '').replace( '</veids>', '') dis_type = False if add_type == u'1. grupas invalīds': dis_type = 'disability1' if add_type == u'2. grupas invalīds': dis_type = 'disability2' if add_type == u'3. grupas invalīds': dis_type = 'disability3' if dis_type: dis_df = add.getElementsByTagName( 'datums_no')[0].toxml().replace( '<datums_no>', '').replace('</datums_no>', '') dis_date_from = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime(dis_df, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').date(), '%Y-%m-%d') dis_dt = add.getElementsByTagName( 'datums_lidz')[0].toxml().replace( '<datums_lidz>', '').replace('</datums_lidz>', '') dis_date_to = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime(dis_dt, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').date(), '%Y-%m-%d') dis_list.append({ 'type': dis_type, 'name': add_type, 'date_from': dis_date_from, 'date_to': dis_date_to }) umm_list = [] umm_main = fe.getElementsByTagName('prognozetie_mnm') if umm_main: umms = umm_main[0].getElementsByTagName('prognozetais_mnm') for umm in umms: umm_name = umm.getElementsByTagName( 'veids')[0].toxml().replace('<veids>', '').replace( '</veids>', '') umm_df = umm.getElementsByTagName( 'datums_no')[0].toxml().replace( '<datums_no>', '').replace('</datums_no>', '') umm_date_from = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime(umm_df, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').date(), '%Y-%m-%d') umm_dt = umm.getElementsByTagName( 'datums_lidz')[0].toxml().replace( '<datums_lidz>', '').replace('</datums_lidz>', '') umm_date_to = datetime.strftime( datetime.strptime(umm_dt, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').date(), '%Y-%m-%d') umm_amount = umm.getElementsByTagName( 'summa')[0].toxml().replace('<summa>', '').replace( '</summa>', '') umm_list.append({ 'type': 'untaxed_month', 'name': umm_name, 'date_from': umm_date_from, 'date_to': umm_date_to, 'amount': float(umm_amount) }) for emp_id in emp_ids: for dpl in dep_list: self._cr.execute( """SELECT id FROM hr_employee_relief WHERE type = 'dependent' AND employee_id = %s AND UPPER(name) = %s AND (date_from is Null OR date_from <= %s) AND (date_to is Null OR date_to >= %s)""", ( emp_id, dpl['name'], dpl['date_to'], dpl['date_from'], )) dep_ids = [r['id'] for r in self._cr.dictfetchall()] if dep_ids: if len(dep_ids) > 1: e_dep_ids = [] for dep in rel_obj.browse(dep_ids): if dep.date_from == dpl[ 'date_from'] or dep.date_to == dpl[ 'date_to']: e_dep_ids.append( if e_dep_ids: dep_ids = e_dep_ids rel_obj.browse([dep_ids[0]]).write({ 'date_from': dpl['date_from'], 'date_to': dpl['date_to'] }) if not dep_ids: dep_data = dpl.copy() dep_data.update({'employee_id': emp_id}) rel_obj.create(dep_data) for dsl in dis_list: diss =[ ('employee_id', '=', emp_id), ('type', '=', dsl['type']), ('date_from', '=', dsl['date_from']), ('date_to', '=', dsl['date_to']) ]) if not diss: dis_data = dsl.copy() dis_data.update({'employee_id': emp_id}) rel_obj.create(dis_data) for uml in umm_list: umms =[ ('employee_id', '=', emp_id), ('type', '=', 'untaxed_month'), ('date_from', '=', uml['date_from']), ('date_to', '=', uml['date_to']) ]) if umms: umms.write({ 'name': uml['name'], 'amount': uml['amount'] }) else: umm_data = uml.copy() umm_data.update({'employee_id': emp_id}) rel_obj.create(umm_data) # vim:expandtab:smartindent:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:
# Set the number of timesteps per sample. STEP_COUNT = 100 # Typically 100. # Set the number of samples per condition. SAMPLE_COUNT = 5 # Typically 5. # set the number of conditions per iteration. CONDITIONS = 1 # Typically 2 for Caffe and 1 for LQR. # Set the number of trajectory iterations to collect. ITERATIONS = 10 # Typically 10. x0s = [] ee_tgts = [] reset_conditions = [] common = { 'experiment_name': 'my_experiment' + '_' + \ datetime.strftime(, '%m-%d-%y_%H-%M'), 'experiment_dir': EXP_DIR, 'data_files_dir': EXP_DIR + 'data_files/', 'target_filename': EXP_DIR + 'target.npz', 'log_filename': EXP_DIR + 'log.txt', 'conditions': CONDITIONS, } # Set up each condition. for i in xrange(common['conditions']): # Use hardcoded default vals init and target locations ja_x0 = np.zeros(SENSOR_DIMS[JOINT_ANGLES]) ee_pos_x0 = np.zeros((1, 3)) ee_rot_x0 = np.zeros((3, 3)) ee_pos_tgt = EE_POS_TGT
allMergesCommand = "git log --merges --oneline --grep 'to development' | sed -e 's/.*from //g' -e 's/ to developme.*//g' -e 's/.*branch .origin\///g' -e 's/. into development//g'" allMergesList = str(shell(allMergesCommand, basedir + "/" + repository)).replace( "\\n", ",").replace('b"', "").split(',') FeatureBugfixHotfixMerged = [ x for x in FeatureBugfixHotfix if x.split(' torigin/')[1] in allMergesList ] # format list allBranches allBranches = [] format_list(FeatureBugfixHotfix, merged=None) format_list(FeatureBugfixHotfixMerged, merged='merged') # define threshold dates before_day_all = - timedelta(days=int(days_all)) before_day_all_str = datetime.strftime(before_day_all, '%Y-%m-%d') before_day_merged = - timedelta(days=int(days_merged)) before_day_merged_str = datetime.strftime(before_day_merged, '%Y-%m-%d') 'Defining threshold dates:{} For all branches - "{}"{} For merged branches - "{}"' .format('\n', before_day_all_str, '\n', before_day_merged_str)) # define a list of branches (both merged and not merged) to be removed'Defining all branches that need to be removed') toRemove = [ x for x in allBranches if x[0] <= before_day_all_str or ( x[2] == 'merged' and x[0] <= before_day_merged_str) ]'There are {} branches will be removed'.format(len(toRemove)))'Here is the list of branches have to be removed:{} {}'.format( '\n', toRemove))
def cd(d): if not d: return '' dt = datetime.strptime(d, '%d/%m/%Y') return datetime.strftime(dt, '%Y/%m/%d')
import os from datetime import datetime, timedelta os.environ.update({"DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE": "vgsite.settings"}) import django django.setup() import requests from api.views import Api NOW = + timedelta(hours=8) print(NOW) print("===== vg todays card catch =====") if datetime.strftime(NOW, "%H:%M") == "09:31": Api("VG").get_vg_today_card() print("===== ws todays card catch =====") if datetime.strftime(NOW, "%H:%M") == "09:32": Api("WS").get_ws_today_card()
for col in numeric_cols: try: a[col]=a[col].apply(quantile_replace) except: pass df_list.append(a) df = pd.concat(df_list,axis=0) ################# ### Find Missing Date-Hour Intervals print('Finding Missing Data Intervals',end='\n\n') df['day_hour'] = df['DateTime'].apply(lambda x: datetime.strftime(x, "%Y-%m-%d %H")) df = df.groupby(['station', 'day_hour']).mean().reset_index() ## Se pierde p01i skyc1 porque son categóricas #### Crear las horas que no tienen observaciones df['day_hour'] = pd.to_datetime(df['day_hour']) minimo = df.day_hour.min() maximo = df.day_hour.max() # Acotar la longitud y latitud para tener siempre las mismas coordenadas #aux = df_clean[df_clean['station'].isin(inter_airport)] lista = df[['station']].drop_duplicates().values.tolist() #Crear las fechas df2 = pd.DataFrame()
def parse1(self, response): hxs = Selector(response) if 'listing' in str(response.url): ''' Assigning default values to items ''' self.item['management_by_landlord'] = 'None' self.item['areacode'] = 'None' self.item['mobile_lister'] = 'None' self.item['google_place_id'] = 'None' self.item['Launch_date'] = '0' self.item['age'] = '0' self.item['address'] = 'None' self.item['sublocality'] = 'None' self.item['lat'] = '0' self.item['longt'] = '0' self.item['price_per_sqft'] = '0' self.item['listing_by'] = 'None' self.item['name_lister'] = 'None' self.item['scraped_time'] ='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') self.item['listing_date'] ='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') self.item['updated_date'] = self.item['listing_date'] self.item['platform'] = 'commonfloor' self.item['city'] = 'Kolkata' self.item['data_id'] = response.url.split('/')[-1] self.item['locality'] = response.xpath( '//p[@class="proj-value location-name"]/text()').extract_first( ) self.item['property_type'] = 'Residential' try: self.item['Building_name'] = response.xpath( '//span[@class="subH1"]/text()').extract_first().split( 'in ')[-1].split(self.item['locality'])[0].replace( 'at ', '') except: self.item['Building_name'] = 'None' price = response.xpath( '//div[@class="project-detail row card"]/div/div[@class="row"]/div[1]/div[1]/p[@class="proj-value"]/span/text()' ).extract_first() if 'Lakh' in price: price = str(float(price.split(' Lakh')[0]) * 100000) self.item['Selling_price'] = price self.item['Monthly_Rent'] = '0' elif 'Crore' in price: price = str(float(price.split(' Crore')[0]) * 10000000) self.item['Selling_price'] = price self.item['Monthly_Rent'] = '0' else: self.item['Selling_price'] = '0' self.item['Monthly_Rent'] = '0' if ((self.item['Selling_price'] == '0') and (self.item['Monthly_Rent'] == '0')): self.item['price_on_req'] = 'TRUE' else: self.item['price_on_req'] = 'FALSE' car_area = response.xpath( '//div[@class="project-detail row card"]/div/div[@class="row"]/div[1]/div[2]/p[@class="proj-value"]/text()' ).extract_first() if (not '-' in car_area): self.item['carpet_area'] = car_area.split(' ')[0] else: self.item['carpet_area'] = '0' self.item['config_type'] = response.xpath( '//div[@class="project-unit row card unit-detail-widget"]/div/div[@class="row"]/div/div[@class="row firstRow"]/div[1]/p/span[1]/text()' ).extract_first() + 'BHK' self.item['config_type'] = self.item['config_type'].replace( ' ', '') self.item['txn_type'] = response.xpath( '//div[@class="project-unit row card unit-detail-widget"]/div/div[@class="row"]/div/div[@class="row otherDetails"]/div[1]/p[2]/text()' ).extract_first() try: if 'New' in self.item['txn_type']: self.item['txn_type'] = 'Sale' dates = response.xpath( '//div[@class="project-detail row card"]/div/div[@class="row"]/div[2]/div[1]/p[2]/text()' ).extract_first().replace("'", '20') self.item['Possession'] = dt.strftime( dt.strptime(dates, "%b%Y"), "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S") else: self.item['Possession'] = '0' except: logging.log(logging.ERROR, dates) self.item['Possession'] = '0' self.item['Details'] = response.xpath( '//p[@class="propStatus"]/text()').extract() titl = response.xpath( '//div[@class="row otherDetails"]/*/p[@class="title"]/text()' ).extract() no = titl.index('Listed on') try: list1 = self.item['Details'][no] self.item['listing_date'] = dt.strftime( dt.strptime(list1, "%d %b"), "%m/%d") + "/2016 00:00:00" self.item['updated_date'] = self.item['listing_date'] except: try: list1 = self.item['Details'][no - 1] self.item['listing_date'] = dt.strftime( dt.strptime(list1, "%d %b"), "%m/%d") + "/2016 00:00:00" self.item['updated_date'] = self.item['listing_date'] except: self.item['listing_date'] = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') self.item['updated_date'] = self.item['listing_date'] self.item['Bua_sqft'] = [ area for area in self.item['Details'] if 'Sq. Ft.' in area ][0].replace(' Sq. Ft.', '') self.item['Status'] = response.xpath( '//*[@id="page_container"]/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/p[2]/@title' ).extract_first() #self.item['Status'] = [stat for stat in self.item['Details'] if (('Unfurnished' in stat) or ('semi' in stat) or ('fully' in stat))] #self.item['Status'] = ''.join(self.item['Status']) self.item['Details'] = ' '.join(self.item['Details']) try: listin = response.xpath( '//*[@id="page_container"]/div[2]/div/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div/div/div[2]/div[4]/p[2]/@title' ).extract_first() if 'Owner' in listin: self.item['listing_by'] = 'Owner' elif 'Builder' in listin: self.item['listing_by'] = 'Builder' elif 'Broker' in listin: self.item['listing_by'] = 'Agent' elif 'Agent' in listin: self.item['listing_by'] = 'Agent' else: self.item['listing_by'] = 'None' self.item['name_lister'] = listin.split('(')[0] except: self.item['listing_by'] = 'None' self.item['name_lister'] = 'None' #self.item['scraped_time'] ='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') if (((not self.item['Monthly_Rent'] == '0') and (not self.item['Bua_sqft'] == '0') and (not self.item['Building_name'] == 'None') and (not self.item['lat'] == '0')) or ((not self.item['Selling_price'] == '0') and (not self.item['Bua_sqft'] == '0') and (not self.item['Building_name'] == 'None') and (not self.item['lat'] == '0')) or ((not self.item['price_per_sqft'] == '0') and (not self.item['Bua_sqft'] == '0') and (not self.item['Building_name'] == 'None') and (not self.item['lat'] == '0'))): self.item['quality4'] = 1 elif (((not self.item['price_per_sqft'] == '0') and (not self.item['Building_name'] == 'None') and (not self.item['lat'] == '0')) or ((not self.item['Selling_price'] == '0') and (not self.item['Bua_sqft'] == '0') and (not self.item['lat'] == '0')) or ((not self.item['Monthly_Rent'] == '0') and (not self.item['Bua_sqft'] == '0') and (not self.item['lat'] == '0')) or ((not self.item['Selling_price'] == '0') and (not self.item['Bua_sqft'] == '0') and (not self.item['Building_name'] == 'None')) or ((not self.item['Monthly_Rent'] == '0') and (not self.item['Bua_sqft'] == '0') and (not self.item['Building_name'] == 'None'))): self.item['quality4'] = 0.5 else: self.item['quality4'] = 0 if ((not self.item['Building_name'] == 'None') and (not self.item['listing_date'] == '0') and (not self.item['txn_type'] == 'None') and (not self.item['property_type'] == 'None') and ((not self.item['Selling_price'] == '0') or (not self.item['Monthly_Rent'] == '0'))): self.item['quality1'] = 1 else: self.item['quality1'] = 0 if ((not self.item['Launch_date'] == '0') or (not self.item['Possession'] == '0')): self.item['quality2'] = 1 else: self.item['quality2'] = 0 if ((not self.item['mobile_lister'] == 'None') or (not self.item['listing_by'] == 'None') or (not self.item['name_lister'] == 'None')): self.item['quality3'] = 1 else: self.item['quality3'] = 0 yield self.item
# Put the folder "data/adaboost" from this repository into metabo/environment/hpo/data import os from metabo.eval.evaluate import eval_experiment from metabo.eval.plot_results import plot_results from metabo.environment.hpo.prepare_data import prepare_hpo_data from metabo.policies.taf.generate_taf_data_hpo import generate_taf_data_hpo from gym.envs.registration import register, registry from datetime import datetime # set evaluation parameters afs_to_evaluate = ["MetaBO", "TAF-ME", "TAF-RANKING", "EI"] rootdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "metabo") logpath = os.path.join(rootdir, "iclr2020", "hpo", "MetaBO-ADABOOST-v0") savepath = os.path.join(logpath, "eval", datetime.strftime(, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")) n_workers = 1 n_episodes = 15 # 15 test sets prepare_hpo_data(model="adaboost", datapath=os.path.join(rootdir, "environment", "hpo", "data", "adaboost")) # evaluate all afs for af in afs_to_evaluate: # set af-specific parameters if af == "MetaBO": features = [ "posterior_mean", "posterior_std", "timestep", "budget", "x" ] pass_X_to_pi = False
def process_pending_domains(self): ''' process pending domain - get list domains from kdata cdn - check is exist in script_data -> next - insert into script_data in wait_call_cdn_node mode ''' # read cdn node vhost template with open(self.vhost_template_file) as f: template_data = # get all kdata cdn domains domains = self.get_domains_from_api('0') for item in domains: ''' {u'status': 1, u'domain': u'', u'user_id': 10, u'origin_server': u'', u'created_at': u'2016-10-26 11:45:25', u'messages': u'domain.err_domain', u'updated_at': u'2016-10-27 11:09:01', u'kdata_domain': u'', u'id': 7} ''' domain = item['domain'] kdata_domain = item['kdata_domain'] origin_server = item['origin_server'] kdata_id = item['id'] # domain existed in script db? check_domain = self._db_domain_fetch_one_by_kdata_id(kdata_id) if check_domain: self._log('domain {} existed with data {}'.format(domain, check_domain)) continue # force check is valid domain if self.must_check_valid_domain and self.is_valid_domain(domain) == False: self._log('domain {} is invalid'.format(item['domain'])) self.update_domain(item['id'], 1, 'domain.err_domain') continue # force check is valid origin if self.must_check_valid_origin and self.is_valid_origin(origin_server) == False: self._log('origin {} is invalid'.format(origin_server)) self.update_domain(item['id'], 1, 'domain.err_origin_server') continue origin_server = self.get_cdn_origin(origin_server, domain) if origin_server is None: self._log('origin {} is invalid'.format(origin_server)) self.update_domain(item['id'], 1, 'domain.err_origin_server') continue replaces = { '$domain': kdata_domain, '$origin_ip:port': origin_server, } # cdn node vhost data per_domain_vhost_file = '{}.yml'.format(kdata_domain) per_domain_template_data = template_data for find, repl in replaces.items(): per_domain_template_data = per_domain_template_data.replace(find, repl) ''' create yml file''' with open(per_domain_vhost_file, 'w') as f: f.write(per_domain_template_data) ''' update db''' script_data = { 'user_domain': domain ,'kdata_domain': kdata_domain ,'domain_id': str(kdata_id) ,'status': 'wait_call_cdn_node' ,'origin': item['origin_server'] ,'comment': 'inserted from script at {}'.format(datetime.strftime(, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) } self._db_domain_add(script_data) cfg = { 'domain': kdata_domain ,'zone_type': 'A' ,'ip': ['', ''] ,'proxy': False } self.kcf.add_config(cfg) res = self.kcf.add_record() if not res['status']: self.push_noti('[ERROR] Domain {} is existed --- {}'.format(kdata_domain, res)) else: self.push_noti('[OK] Domain {} added'.format(kdata_domain)) #push_ansible here kansible = Kansible({'playbook_path': '/path/to/playbook.yml'}) kansible.test()
def fetch_incidents_command(): """ Parent command to wrap events and behavior fetch commands """ # Check if it's been run now = yesterday = datetime.strftime(now - timedelta(days=1), "%Y-%m-%d") last_run = demisto.getLastRun() start_date = yesterday end_date = yesterday if "start_time" not in last_run or "complete_for_today" not in last_run: # first time integration is running start_date = datetime.strftime(now - timedelta(days=FIRST_RUN), "%Y-%m-%d") if last_run.get('complete_for_today') is True and last_run.get( 'start_time') == yesterday: # wait until tomorrow to try again demisto.incidents([]) return # Refresh JWT token = do_auth() # Fetch Events more_events = True page_token = None incidents = [] while more_events: event_incidents, page_token = fetch_events_incidents_command( start_date, end_date, token, page_token) for incident in event_incidents: demisto.debug( "Adding event incident name={name}, type={type}, severity={severity}" .format(**incident)) incidents += event_incidents if page_token is None: more_events = False # Fetch Behavior if BEHAVIOR_ENABLED: more_behavior = True next_offset = None while more_behavior: behavior_incidents, next_offset = fetch_behavior_incidents_command( start_date, token, next_offset) for incident in behavior_incidents: demisto.debug( "Adding behavior incident name={name}, type={type}, severity={severity}" .format(**incident)) incidents += behavior_incidents if next_offset is None: more_behavior = False # Send all Incidents demisto.incidents(incidents) # Save last_run demisto.setLastRun({"complete_for_today": True, "start_time": yesterday})
def update_db(shadow_dir, station_list, dfile='shadows_data.db'): ''' Update both tables: SHADOWS and STATIONS ''' conn = sqlite3.connect(dfile) c = conn.cursor() today = datetime.strftime(, "%Y/%m/%d") #header :station_id,station_name,lon,lat new_stations = pd.read_csv(station_list, header=None) new_stations.columns = ['station_id', 'station_name', 'lon', 'lat'] new_stations["Date"] = [today] * new_stations.shape[0] sql_com = "SELECT * FROM STATIONS" current_stations = pd.read_sql(sql_com, conn) for station in current_stations.station_id.values: new_stations.drop( new_stations.index[new_stations['station_id'] == station], inplace=True) if not new_stations.empty: #if it found something new, update sql data base print("Updating STATIONS table") new_stations.to_sql('STATIONS', conn, if_exists='append', index=False) else: print("No new stations added to STATIONS table") return #read the database again if it was updated current_stations = pd.read_sql(sql_com, conn) sql_com = "SELECT * FROM SHADOWS" shadow_old = pd.read_sql(sql_com, conn) #extract the info from the ifile from os.path import normpath, basename dir_info = basename(normpath(shadow_dir)) #extract data from the name of directory maxdist, res, horstep, dummy = dir_info.replace("lh_", "").split("_") stations = [] print("Checking for new data for SHADOWS table") for ifile in sorted(os.listdir(shadow_dir)): if ifile.startswith("lh_"): #will probably find shadows.log here station = int(ifile.replace("lh_", "").split("_")[1]) get_station = current_stations[current_stations['station_id'] == station] if get_station.empty: print("Station %d not yet in STATIONS table" % station) else: print("Getting SHADOWS for station %d" % station) print("Reading shadows from %s" % os.path.join(shadow_dir, ifile)) read_shadows = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(shadow_dir, ifile), index_col=False) size = read_shadows.shape[0] az = read_shadows.azimuth.to_list() hor = read_shadows.horizon_height.to_list() lon = get_station.lon.values[0] lat =[0] station_name = get_station.station_name.values[0] shadow_new = pd.DataFrame({ "station_id": [station] * size, "station_name": [station_name] * size, "resolution": [res] * size, "maxdistance": [maxdist] * size, "horizonstep": [horstep] * size, "azimuth": az, "horizon_height": hor, "Date": [today] * size }) if shadow_old.empty: shadow_new.to_sql('SHADOWS', conn, if_exists='append', index=False) else: #drop from the new data any stations already in old data for station in shadow_old.station_id.values: shadow_new.drop(shadow_new.index[ shadow_new['station_id'] == station], inplace=True) if not shadow_new.empty: shadow_new.to_sql('SHADOWS', conn, if_exists='append', index=False) else: print("No new data added to the SHADOWS table") print("database updated") c.execute(''' INSERT INTO DAILY_STATUS (station_id,station_name,Date) SELECT DISTINCT clt.station_id, ctr.station_name, clt.Date FROM STATIONS clt LEFT JOIN SHADOWS ctr ON clt.station_id = ctr.station_id ''') c.execute(''' SELECT DISTINCT * FROM DAILY_STATUS WHERE Date = (SELECT max(Date) FROM DAILY_STATUS) ''') df = DataFrame(c.fetchall(), columns=['station_id', 'station_name', 'Date']) print("New data") print(df)
"Miramax", "DreamWorks", "New Line", "MGM", "Lionsgate" ] STB = 10 ENTRIES = 100 def random_time(): start = datetime.strptime('2017-04-01 12:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') end = datetime.strptime('2017-04-21 12:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') delta = end - start int_delta = (delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60) + delta.seconds random_second = random.randrange(int_delta) return start + timedelta(seconds=random_second) count = 0 while count < ENTRIES: with open(FILENAME, 'a') as file: box_id = 'stb' + str(random.randint(1, STB)) title = random.choice(TITLES) provider = random.choice(PROVIDERS) time = random_time() revenue = float(random.randint(1, 10)) line = box_id + '|' + title + '|' + provider + '|' + datetime.strftime(time, '%Y-%m-%d') \ + '|' + '{0:.2f}'.format(revenue) + '|' + datetime.strftime(time, '%H:%M') + '\n' file.write(line) count += 1
def convert_date(date_str): objDate = datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%d') return datetime.strftime(objDate, '%d %b %Y')
def Community(): user = request.form.get('userid') page = request.form.get('page') if not page: page = 1 else: page = int(page) if request.method == 'POST' and request.form.get('sort') == '0': # 默认是时间顺序排列,和post上来的是0的时候,就热度排序, # A = Blog.query.order_by(Blog.num_of_view.desc()).paginate(page, per_page=10, # error_out=False).items # desc()是从大到小,没有desc就是从小到大 A = db.session.query(Blog, User).join( User, Blog.user_id == Blog.num_of_view.desc()).paginate(page, per_page=10, error_out=False).items payload = [] content = {} for AA in A: # name = User.query.get(AA.user_id).nickname # face = User.query.get(AA.user_id).face # datetime = AA.create_time # time = datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # content = {'id':, 'title': AA.title, 'authorid': AA.user_id, 'pageviews': AA.num_of_view, # 'time': time, "author": name, "avatar": face} name = AA[1].nickname face = AA[1].face time = AA[0].create_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') content = { 'id': AA[0].id, 'title': AA[0].title, 'authorid': AA[0].user_id, 'pageviews': AA[0].num_of_view, 'time': time, "author": name, "avatar": face } payload.append(content) content = {} data = {"data": payload} payload = json.dumps(data) return payload, 200 if request.method == 'POST' and request.form.get('sort') == '2': if user == None: return "error" # 默认是时间顺序排列,和post上来的是2的时候,就只看关注的 # 双表联立查询,将博客的表和关注的表联立起来,返回的是一个列表数组 userblogs = db.session.query(Blog, Follow).join( Follow, Blog.user_id == Follow.followed_id).filter( Follow.follower_id == user).paginate(page, per_page=10, error_out=False).items payload = [] content = {} for blog in userblogs: AA = blog[0] # 找到对应的博客 name = User.query.get(AA.user_id).nickname face = User.query.get(AA.user_id).face datetime = AA.create_time time = datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') content = { 'id':, 'title': AA.title, 'authorid': AA.user_id, 'pageviews': AA.num_of_view, 'time': time, "author": name, "avatar": face } payload.append(content) content = {} data = {"data": payload} payload = json.dumps(data) return payload, 200 # 新发布的文章时间比较大,就先出现用desc从大到小排序 # A = Blog.query.order_by(Blog.create_time.desc()).paginate(page, per_page=10, error_out=False).items A = db.session.query(Blog, User).join( User, Blog.user_id == Blog.create_time.desc()).paginate(page, per_page=10, error_out=False).items payload = [] content = {} for AA in A: # name = User.query.get(AA.user_id).nickname # face = User.query.get(AA.user_id).face # datetime = AA.create_time name = AA[1].nickname face = AA[1].face datetime = AA[0].create_time time = datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') # content = {'id':, 'title': AA.title, 'author': name, 'pageviews': AA.num_of_view, # 'time': time, "authorid": AA.user_id, "avatar": face} content = { 'id': AA[0].id, 'title': AA[0].title, 'author': name, 'pageviews': AA[0].num_of_view, 'time': time, "authorid": AA[0].user_id, "avatar": face } payload.append(content) content = {} data = {"data": payload} payload = json.dumps(data) return payload, 200
def parse(self, response): record = Selector(response) data = record.xpath('//div[contains(@id,"resultBlockWrapper")]') for i in data: item = MagicbuyhydraItem() item['name_lister'] = 'None' item['Details'] = 'None' item['listing_by'] = 'None' item['address'] = 'None' item['sublocality'] = 'None' item['age'] = '0' item['google_place_id'] = 'None' item['lat'] = '0' item['longt'] = '0' item['Possession'] = '0' item['Launch_date'] = '0' item['mobile_lister'] = 'None' item['areacode'] = 'None' item['management_by_landlord'] = 'None' item['monthly_rent'] = '0' item['price_per_sqft'] = '0' item['scraped_time'] ='%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') item['city'] = 'Hyderabad' item['Building_name'] = i.xpath('div/input[contains(@id,"projectName")]/@value').extract_first() if item['Building_name'] == '': item['Building_name'] = 'None' try: item['longt'] = i.xpath('div/div[@class="srpColm2"]/div[@class="proColmleft"]/div[@class="proNameWrap proNameWrapBuy"]/div[@class="proNameColm1"]/span[@class="seeOnMapLink seeOnMapLinkBuy"]/span[@class="stopParentLink"]/@onclick').extract_first().split('&')[0].split('?')[-1].split("=")[-1] # .xpath('.//input[@itemprop="latitude"]/@value').extract_first() if item['longt'] == '': item['longt'] = '0' except: item['longt'] = '0' try: item['lat'] = i.xpath('div/div[@class="srpColm2"]/div[@class="proColmleft"]/div[@class="proNameWrap proNameWrapBuy"]/div[@class="proNameColm1"]/span[@class="seeOnMapLink seeOnMapLinkBuy"]/span[@class="stopParentLink"]/@onclick').extract_first().split('&')[1].split("=")[-1] if item['lat'] == '': item['lat'] = '0' except: item['longt'] = '0' item['platform'] = 'magicbricks' item['carpet_area'] = '0' ids = i.xpath('@id').extract_first() item['data_id'] = re.findall('[0-9]+', ids)[0] item['config_type'] = i.xpath('.//input[contains(@id,"bedroomVal")]/@value').extract_first().replace('>', '') item['config_type'] = item['config_type']+'BHK' item['property_type'] = i.xpath('.//p[@class="proHeading"]/a/input[2]/@value').extract_first() if (item['property_type'] == 'Studio Apartment'): item['config_type'] = '1RK' ####### config_type is assumed as 'None' for default ######### if item['config_type'] == 'BHK': item['config_type'] = 'None' try: sqf = i.xpath('.//input[contains(@id,"propertyArea")]/@value').extract_first() if 'sqft' in sqf: item['Bua_sqft'] = re.findall('[0-9]+', sqf) elif 'kottah' in sqf: item['Bua_sqft'] = re.findall('[0-9]+', sqf) item['Bua_sqft'] = str(eval(item['Bua_sqft'][0]) * 720) else: item['Bua_sqft'] = '0' except: item['Bua_sqft'] = '0' item['Locality'] = i.xpath('div/div[@class="srpColm2"]/div[@class="proColmleft"]/div[1]/div/p/a/abbr/span[1]/span/text()').extract_first() stat = i.xpath('.//div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/text()').extract() #print("STAT: ", stat) try: if 'Under' in stat: item['Status'] = 'Under Construction' poss = stat.split('Ready by ')[-1].replace("'", "").replace(')','').replace('\n', '').replace('. Freehold', '') #print("POSSESSION: ", poss) yr = str(re.findall('[0-9]+', poss)) yr = yr.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace('u', '').replace("'", "") if 'Jan' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/01/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'Feb' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/02/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'Mar' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/03/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'Apr' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/04/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'May' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/05/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'Jun' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/06/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'Jul' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/07/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'Aug' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/08/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'Sep' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/09/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'Oct' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/10/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'Nov' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/11/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' if 'Dec' in poss: item['Possession'] = '01/12/' + yr + ' 00:00:00' else: item['Status'] = 'Ready to move' item['Possession'] = '0' except: item['Possession'] = '0' item['Status'] = 'Ready to move' price = i.xpath('.//div/div[@class="srpColm2"]/div[@class="proColmRight"]/div/div/div/span/text()').extract_first() #print("PRICE: ", price) if price == None: price = i.xpath('.//span[contains(@id,"sqrFtPriceField")]/text()').extract_first() price = ''.join(re.findall('[0-9]+', price)) #print("PRICE: ", price) if not price == None: if 'Lac' in price: item['Selling_price'] = str(float(price.split()[0])*100000) elif 'Cr' in price: item['Selling_price'] = str(float(price.split()[0])*10000000) else: item['Selling_price'] = '0' if item['Selling_price'] == 'None': item['Selling_price'] = '0' else: item['Selling_price'] = '0' if item['Selling_price'] == '0': item['price_on_req'] = 'true' else: item['price_on_req'] = 'false' try: sqft_per = i.xpath('div/div[@class="srpColm2"]/div[@class="proColmRight"]/div[@class="proPriceColm2"]/div[@class="proPriceColm2"]/div[@class="sqrPrice"]/span[@class="sqrPriceField"]/text()').extract_first() if sqft_per: item['price_per_sqft'] = ''.join(re.findall('[0-9]+', sqft_per)) else: item['price_per_sqft'] = '0' if 'kottah' in sqf: item['price_per_sqft'] = str(eval(item['price_per_sqft']) / 720) except: item['price_per_sqft'] = '0' try: item['listing_by'] = i.xpath('.//div[@class="proAgentWrap"]/div[1]/div/div[1]/text()').extract_first() item['name_lister'] = i.xpath('.//div[@class="proAgentWrap"]/div[@class="comNameElip"]/text()').extract_first().replace("\n", "") except: item['listing_by'] = 'None' item['name_lister'] = 'None' item['txn_type'] = i.xpath('div/input[contains(@id,"transactionType")]/@value').extract_first() day = i.xpath('div/input[contains(@id,"createDate")]/@value').extract_first() try: item['listing_date'] = dt.strftime(dt.strptime(day, "%b %d, '%y"), '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S') item['updated_date'] = item['listing_date'] except: item['listing_date'] = 0 item['updated_date'] = item['listing_date'] if (((not item['Bua_sqft']=='0') and (not item['Building_name']=='None') and (not item['lat']=='0')) or ((not item['Selling_price'] == '0') and (not item['Bua_sqft']=='0') and (not item['Building_name']=='None') and (not item['lat']=='0')) or ((not item['price_per_sqft'] == '0') and (not item['Bua_sqft']=='0') and (not item['Building_name']=='None') and (not item['lat']=='0'))): item['quality4'] = 1 elif (((not item['price_per_sqft'] == '0') and (not item['Building_name']=='None') and (not item['lat']=='0')) or ((not item['Selling_price'] == '0') and (not item['Bua_sqft']=='0') and (not item['lat']=='0')) or ((not item['Bua_sqft']=='0') and (not item['lat']=='0')) or ((not item['Selling_price'] == '0') and (not item['Bua_sqft']=='0') and (not item['Building_name']=='None')) or ((not item['Bua_sqft']=='0') and (not item['Building_name']=='None'))): item['quality4'] = 0.5 else: item['quality4'] = 0 if ((not item['Building_name'] == 'None') and (not item['listing_date'] == '0') and (not item['txn_type'] == 'None') and (not item['property_type'] == 'None') and ((not item['Selling_price'] == '0'))): item['quality1'] = 1 else: item['quality1'] = 0 if ((not item['Launch_date'] == '0') and (not item['Possession'] == '0')): item['quality2'] = 1 else: item['quality2'] = 0 if ((not item['mobile_lister'] == 'None') or (not item['listing_by'] == 'None') or (not item['name_lister'] == 'None')): item['quality3'] = 1 else: item['quality3'] = 0 yield item