Exemple #1
    def calc_time(self, date, place, timezone):
        """Return time of rise and set of object in a place and date
        :param date: date of day for observation in format [year, month, day] e.c. [2020, 3, 8]
        :param place: place of observation in format [latitude (°), longitude (°)] e.c. [+49.84, +24.03]
        :param timezone: timezone, including summer/winter time e.c. +3
        year, month, day = date
        lat, lon = place

        c = -tan(radians(self.decl)) * tan(radians(lat))
        if c < -1 or c > 1:
            self.rise = None
            self.set = None
            return None, None

        delta_time = (Date(year, month, day) -
                      Date(year, 9, 21)).days / 365.24219 * 360
        delta = hours_to_degree(
            self.r_a) - delta_time + hours_to_degree(timezone) - lon

        hour_angle = degrees(acos(c))
        if hour_angle < 180:
            rise_HA = 360 - hour_angle
            set_HA = hour_angle
            rise_HA = hour_angle
            set_HA = 360 - hour_angle

        rise_time = degree_to_hours((rise_HA + delta) % 360)
        set_time = degree_to_hours((set_HA + delta) % 360)

        self.rise = rise_time
        self.set = set_time
        return rise_time, set_time
Exemple #2
    def test_nested_rowset(self):
        r = [None for x in range(2)]
        r[0] = row.RowData("-13", Date(1971, 2, 6), "comment7")  # noqa
        r[1] = row.RowData("12", Date(1971, 1, 5), "comment8")  # noqa

        self.assertEqual(self.rows.value, -46)
Exemple #3
def match_day_num(today, day):
    if today.day < int(day):
        return Date(today.year, today.month, int(day))
        year = today.year + (today.month // 12)
        month = (today.month % 12) + 1
        return Date(year, month, int(day))
def _iter_month_interest(start_date, end_date, year_interest):
    year_interest = Decimal(year_interest) / 100

    prev = None
    day_interest = None
    for cur in _iter_months(start_date, end_date):
        if prev is None:
            day_interest = year_interest / year_days(cur.year)
            prev = cur

        if cur.year == prev.year:
            interest = day_interest * (cur - prev).days
            assert prev.month == 12
            assert cur.month == 1

            prev_days = (Date(prev.year, prev.month, 31) - prev).days
            cur_days = (cur - Date(cur.year, cur.month, 1)).days + 1
            assert prev_days + cur_days == (cur - prev).days

            interest = day_interest * prev_days

            day_interest = year_interest / year_days(cur.year)
            interest += day_interest * cur_days

        yield MonthInterest(cur, interest)
        prev = cur
Exemple #5
def test_iter_month_interest():
    assert list(_iter_month_interest("31.12.2012", "28.02.2013",
                                     str(365 * 2))) == [
                                         MonthInterest(Date(2013, 1, 31),
                                         MonthInterest(Date(2013, 2, 28),
Exemple #6
    def test_value(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.rows.value, -45)

        self.rows.append(row.RowData("-0.5", Date(1970, 3, 12),
                                     "comment9"))  # noqa
        self.rows.append(row.RowData("-0.5", Date(1970, 3, 13),
                                     "comment10"))  # noqa
        self.assertEqual(str(self.rows.value), '-46')
def populated_table():
    samples = [
        Game('Ohio State', 'Michigan', 100, 0, Date(2020, 11, 3)),
        Game('Penn State', 'Rutgers', 100, 0, Date(2020, 11, 2)),
        Game('Clemson', 'Alabama', 23, 20, Date(2020, 11, 3)),
        Game('Ohio State', 'Michigan State', 17, 7, Date(2020, 11, 3)),
    return ScorigamiTable(samples)
def sample_games():
    samples = [
        Game('Ohio State', 'Michigan', 100, 0, Date(2020, 11, 3)),
        Game('Penn State', 'Rutgers', 100, 0, Date(2020, 11, 2)),
        Game('Clemson', 'Alabama', 23, 20, Date(2020, 11, 3)),
        Game('Ohio State', 'Michigan State', 17, 7, Date(2020, 11, 3)),
    return samples
Exemple #9
def absolute_date(info):
    if isinstance(info, Date):
        return info
    elif isinstance(info, tuple):
        return Date(*info)
    elif isinstance(info, str) and FORMAT.match(info):
        return Date(*(int(x) for x in FORMAT.match(info).groups()))
    raise RuntimeError("Invalid date %s" % info)
Exemple #10
    def test_forecast_column(self):
        # TODO: should there be a public accessor for this _headings_x dict?

        column = self.grid._headings_x[Date(1970, 3, 1)]
        self.assertEqual(column.isforecast, True)

        column = self.grid._headings_x[Date(1970, 1, 1)]
        self.assertEqual(column.isforecast, False)
Exemple #11
def test_init():
    text = 'オカダ・カズチカ 内藤 哲也'
    begin_date = Date(2020, 10, 13)
    end_date = Date(2020, 10, 13)
    actual = SearchCondition(text=text,
    assert actual.keywords == ["オカダ", "カズチカ", "内藤", "哲也"]
    assert actual.begin_date == DateTime(2020, 10, 13)
    assert actual.end_date == DateTime(2020, 10, 13, 23, 59, 59)
def dateIncrement(date, frequency):
    if frequency == 'Daily':
        return date + timedelta(days=1)
    if frequency == 'Weekly':
        return date + timedelta(days=7)
    if frequency == 'Monthly':
        if date.month == 12:
            return Date(date.year + 1, 1, date.day)
            return Date(date.year, date.month + 1, date.day)
    if frequency == 'Yearly':
        return Date(date.year + 1, date.month, date.day)
def test_extract_games_useless_games(populated_table):
    expected = [
        Game('Ohio State', 'Rutgers', 100, 0, Date(2020, 11, 5)),
        Game('Penn State', 'Rutgers', 100, 0, Date(2020, 11, 2)),
        Game('Clemson', 'Alabama', 23, 20, Date(2020, 11, 3)),
        Game('Ohio State', 'Michigan State', 17, 7, Date(2020, 11, 3)),
    newest_game = Game('Ohio State', 'Rutgers', 100, 0, Date(2020, 11, 5))
    updated_table = populated_table
    result = updated_table.extract_games()
    assert sorted(result) == sorted(expected)
Exemple #14
    def test_fields(self):
        obj = row.RowData(10, Date(1970, 10, 20), "A Comment")

        self.assertIsInstance(obj, row.RowData)
        self.assertEqual(obj.value, 10)
        self.assertEqual(obj.date, Date(1970, 10, 20))
        self.assertEqual(obj.comment, "A Comment")
        self.assertEqual(obj.isforecast, False)
        self.assertEqual(obj.location, None)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            row.RowData(10, 'notadate', "A Comment")
def test_get_games_1869_correct():
    fake_cache = get_fake_cache()
    result, years = scrape.get_games(fake_cache)

    expected = [
        Game("Rutgers", "Princeton", 6, 4, Date(1869, 11, 6)),
        Game("Princeton", "Rutgers", 8, 0, Date(1869, 11, 13))
    current_year = datetime.datetime.now().year
    expected_years = [i for i in range(1869, current_year + 1)]
    assert sorted(years) == sorted(expected_years)
    assert result[1869] == expected
Exemple #16
    def test_parsing(self):
        self.assert_parse(None, None)
        self.assert_parse(None, 'nil')
        self.assert_parse(XSDDate(2012, 10, 26), '2012-10-26')
        self.assert_parse(XSDDate(2016, 2, 29, tzinfo=UTC), '2016-02-29Z')
        parsed_date = self._parse('2012-02-29+01:00')
        assert_equals(Date(2012, 2, 29), parsed_date.as_datetime_date())
        self.assert_same_tz(FixedOffset(1, 0, '+01:00'), parsed_date.tzinfo)

        parsed_date = self._parse('2012-02-29-02:30')
        assert_equals(Date(2012, 2, 29), parsed_date.as_datetime_date())
        self.assert_same_tz(FixedOffset(-2, -30, '-02:30'), parsed_date.tzinfo)
Exemple #17
    def year(cls, year: PositiveInteger) -> "DateRange":
        Returns a full year date range for the given year.

        :param year: The year.
        :return: Year date range.

        >>> DateRange.year(PositiveInteger(2019))
        DateRange(since=datetime.date(2019, 1, 1), until=datetime.date(2019, 12, 31))
        >>> DateRange.year(PositiveInteger(2020))
        DateRange(since=datetime.date(2020, 1, 1), until=datetime.date(2020, 12, 31))
        return cls(Date(year, 1, 1), Date(year, 12, 31))
Exemple #18
def list():
    return {
        "items": [
                "title": "Hunky Dory",
                "release_date": Date(1971, 12, 17),
                "title": "Spiders From Mars",
                "release_date": Date(1973, 11, 10),
def parse_vox_data(vox_path, measure):
    vox_data = pd.read_csv(vox_path)

    periods = []
    measure_rates = []

    for _, row in vox_data.iterrows():
        start = row['start']
        start = Date(2020, start // 100, start % 100)
        end = row['end']
        end = Date(2020, end // 100, end % 100)
        periods.append((start, end))
    return periods, measure_rates
Exemple #20
    def test_group_by(self):
        # TODO - should construct the expected dict and all its rows and
        # compare to that
        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.rows.group_by('month').keys()), [
            Date(1970, 1, 1),
            Date(1970, 2, 1),
            Date(1970, 3, 1),

        # TODO - should construct the expected dict and all its rows and
        # compare to that
        self.assertEqual(sorted(self.rows.group_by('hashtag').keys()), [
Exemple #21
    def update(self):

        for unit in self.scenario.units:
            X = []
            Y = []
            if unit in self.not_units:
                for contract in self.scenario.list_of_contracts:
                    if contract['Единица измерения'] == unit:
                        price = float(contract['Цена'])
                        if price < self.scenario.max_price and price > self.scenario.min_price:
                            a = [int(i) for i in contract['date'].split('-')]
                            date = Date(a[0], a[1], a[2])
            if len(X) != 0:
                if self.regr_flag:
                    x = mdates.date2num(X)
                    a = np.array([x, Y]).T
                    df = pd.DataFrame(data=a, columns=['date', 'val'])
                    df = df.sort_values('date')
                    p = np.polyfit(df['date'], df['val'], 2)
                    f = np.poly1d(p)
                    self.ax.plot(df['date'], f(df['date']))
                self.ax.scatter(X, Y, label=unit)
        plt.savefig('loc_.jpg', bbox_inches='tight')
        return 'loc_.jpg'
def saleTable():
	file = open("sku_sales.csv", 'r', encoding='utf-8')
	lines = file.readlines()
	global saleDict, saleDict_avrday, saleDict_cate3
	saleDict = [[[(-1,-1,-1,-1) for i in range(MaxLen)] for dc in range(NumDc)] for sku in range(NumSku+1)]
	for line in lines[1:]:
		item_sku_id,dc_id,date,quantity,vendibility,original_price,discount = line.strip().split(',')
		date = [int(x) for x in date.split('-')]
		date = (Date(date[0],date[1],date[2])- DayBegin).days
		item_sku_id,dc_id,quantity,vendibility = int(item_sku_id),int(dc_id),float(quantity),float(vendibility)
		if(original_price == ''):	original_price = -1
		else:	original_price = float(original_price)
		if(discount == ''):	discount = 10
		else:	discount = float(discount)
		saleDict[item_sku_id][dc_id][date] = (int(quantity),int(vendibility),original_price,discount)
	saleDict_avrday = [[[-1,-1,-1] for i in range(NumDc+1)] for sku in range(NumSku+1)]
	for sku_id in range(1, NumSku+1):
		tot_vec = []
		cate3 = infoDict[sku_id][2]
		for dc_id in range(NumDc):
			vec = [x[:3] for x in saleDict[sku_id][dc_id] if x[0] != -1]
			tot_vec += vec
			if(len(vec) == 0):	saleDict_avrday[sku_id][dc_id] = [-1,-1,-1]; continue;# (avr_quan, num_vend, avr_ori_price)
			saleDict_avrday[sku_id][dc_id] = [sum([x[0] for x in vec])/len(vec), len([x[1] for x in vec if x[1] == 0]), -1]
			vec = [x[2] for x in vec if x[2] != -1]
			if(len(vec) != 0): saleDict_avrday[sku_id][dc_id][2] = sum(vec) / len(vec)
		if(len(tot_vec) == 0):	saleDict_avrday[sku_id][NumDc] = [-1,-1,-1]; continue;
		saleDict_avrday[sku_id][NumDc] = [sum([x[0] for x in tot_vec])/len(tot_vec), len([x[1] for x in tot_vec if x[1] == 0]),-1]
		tot_vec = [x[2] for x in tot_vec if x[2] != -1]
		if(len(tot_vec) != 0): saleDict_avrday[sku_id][NumDc][2] = sum(tot_vec) / len(tot_vec)
		saleDict_cate3[cate3][0] += len(tot_vec); saleDict_cate3[cate3][1] += sum(tot_vec);
	saleDict_cate3 = {key: val[1]/val[0] for key,val in saleDict_cate3.items() if val[0] != 0}
	print("sale table finished")
 def getDate(self):
     if self.year.get().isdigit() and self.month.get().isdigit() and \
         return Date(int(self.year.get()), int(self.month.get()), \
         return False
Exemple #24
 def as_datetime_date(self):
     Return a datetime.date instance which represents the same date as this
     instance (silently ignores the time zone information if present).
     Raises a ValueError if the date is not representable by datetime.date.
     return Date(self.year, self.month, self.day)
Exemple #25
    def test_run_two_days_two_traders(self):
        stock_exchange = StockExchange()
        stock_market_data = StockMarketData([Company.A, Company.B], [Period.TESTING]).deepcopy_first_n_items(2)
        trader1 = BuyAndHoldTrader()
        trader2 = BuyAndHoldTrader()
        result = stock_exchange.run(stock_market_data, [trader1, trader2])

        # test final day
        final_day = stock_market_data.get_most_recent_trade_day()
        self.assertEqual(final_day, Date(2012, 1, 4))

        # test final portfolio1
        final_portfolio1 = result[trader1][final_day]
        self.assertEqual(final_portfolio1.cash, 24.807061999999974)
        self.assertEqual(final_portfolio1.get_stock(Company.A), 14)
        self.assertEqual(final_portfolio1.get_stock(Company.B), 3)
        self.assertEqual(final_portfolio1.get_value(stock_market_data), 1005.0684910000001)

        # test final portfolio2
        final_portfolio2 = result[trader2][final_day]
        self.assertEqual(final_portfolio2.cash, 24.807061999999974)
        self.assertEqual(final_portfolio2.get_stock(Company.A), 14)
        self.assertEqual(final_portfolio2.get_stock(Company.B), 3)
        self.assertEqual(final_portfolio2.get_value(stock_market_data), 1005.0684910000001)
Exemple #26
def DateToTicks(value):
    """Converts a Date object to ticks."""
    timeStruct = Date(value.year, value.month, value.day).timetuple()
        return int(time.mktime(timeStruct))
        raise DataError("Year out of range")
Exemple #27
def meetup_day(year,
    calculates the date of meetups

    year (int): year
    month (int): month
    weekday (str): day of week, e.g. 'Monday'
    condition (str): e.g. '1st', '2nd', '3rd', '4th', 'last', 'teenth'
    # initialization and error handling
    weekday_names = [day for day in list(calendar.day_name)]
    weekday_dict = dict(zip(weekday_names, range(0, 7)))
    date = Date(year, month, 1)  # convert to Date object
    weekday = weekday_dict[weekday]  # swap value to numeric weekday
    condition = condition_dict[condition]  # swap value to numeric condition

    # call get_weekdays() to get list of weekdays
    weekdays = get_weekdays(date, weekday)

    # return either the teenth or the i-th index of weekdays
    if condition == 'teenth':
        for day in weekdays:
            if 13 <= day.day <= 19:
                return day
        return weekdays[condition]
def update_data():
    date = Date(2020, 1, 27)
    cases_history = {}
    while date < Date.today():
        date_str = date.strftime('%m-%d-%Y')
        print(URL_BASE + "daily/" + date_str)
        datas = requests.get(URL_BASE + "daily/" + date_str)
        datas = json.loads(datas.text)
        for data in datas:
            countryRegion = data['countryRegion']
            if countryRegion == "Mainland China":
                countryRegion = "China"
            countryRegion = countryRegion.lower()
            if not countryRegion in cases_history:
                cases_history[countryRegion] = {}
            if not date_str in cases_history[countryRegion]:
                cases_history[countryRegion][date_str] = int(data["confirmed"])
                cases_history[countryRegion][date_str] += int(
        date = date + timedelta(days=1)

    file = open(join(PATH, 'data', 'cases_history.json'), 'w')
    file.writelines(json.dumps(cases_history, indent=4))
Exemple #29
    def test_bangtags(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.rows[0].bangtags, dict())

        self.assertIn('test_bangtag', self.rows[2].bangtags)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            row.RowData("100", Date(1970, 1, 1), "!test_bangtag !test_bangtag")
Exemple #30
def test_get_credit_info():
    credit_config = {
        "amount": "2000000",
        "interest": "12.25",
        "start_date": "28.05.2013",
        "end_date": "28.05.2033",
        "payments": {
            "28.06.2013": "110000",
            "28.07.2013": "21394.54",
            "28.08.2013": "21394.54",
            "28.09.2013": "1195000",

    def check(info_date, current_amount, month_pay):
        assert get_credit_info(info_date, **credit_config) == Credit(
            Decimal(credit_config["amount"]), Decimal(current_amount),
            None if month_pay is None else Decimal(month_pay),
            _calculate(credit_config["start_date"], credit_config["end_date"],
                       credit_config["amount"], credit_config["interest"],

    check(Date(1, 1, 1), 2000000, None)
    check("30.05.2013", 2000000, 110000)
    check("27.06.2013", 2000000, 110000)
    check("18.10.2013", "731957.77", "8220.05")
    check("1.1.2100", 0, None)