def test6():

    asteroid_map = parse_map(input3)
    laser_station = (11, 13)
    n = 200

    twohudrefth = find_nth_to_be_lasered(laser_station,asteroid_map,n)
    assert twohudrefth==(8,2)
def test5():
    asteroid_map = parse_map(input3)
    laser_station = (11, 13)
    asdf = ((a,n_between(laser_station,a,asteroid_map),angle_to(laser_station,a)) for a in asteroid_map)
    asdf_sorted_by_angle = sorted(asdf,key=itemgetter(2))
    asdf_sorted_by_depth_and_angle = sorted(asdf_sorted_by_angle,key=itemgetter(1))
    listigt = [t[0] for t in asdf_sorted_by_depth_and_angle]
    assert listigt[1-1]==(11,12)
    assert listigt[2-1]==(12,1)
    assert listigt[3-1]==(12,2)
    assert listigt[10-1]==(12,8)
    assert listigt[20-1]==(16,0)
    assert listigt[50-1]==(16,9)
    assert listigt[100-1]==(10,16)
    assert listigt[199-1]==(9,6)
    assert listigt[200-1]==(8,2)
    assert listigt[201-1]==(10,9)
    assert listigt[299-1]==(11,1)
    assert len(listigt)==299
def test1():
    """Compute correct number of neighbors for a specific map"""
    asteroid_map = parse_map(input1)
    los_graph = Graph()

    for a in asteroid_map:

    for (from_, to_) in combinations(asteroid_map, 2):
        if has_line_of_sight(from_,to_,asteroid_map):
            los_graph.add_edge((from_, to_))

    detector_count_per_asteroid = [
        for node_id,node_dict in los_graph.nodes.items()
    outdata = [['.'] * 5 for _ in range(5)]
    for (x,y),c in detector_count_per_asteroid:
        outdata[y][x] = c
    outmap = "\n".join(
        map(lambda s: "".join(map(lambda c: str(c),s))
    assert outmap ==input1_countmap
def test3():
    asteroid_map = parse_map(input2)
    pos,detectables = find_best_location(asteroid_map)
    assert (5, 8)==pos
    assert 33==detectables
def test2():
    """Draw correct conclusions about the smallest map"""
    asteroid_map = parse_map(input1)
    pos,detectables = find_best_location(asteroid_map)
    assert (3, 4)==pos
    assert 8==detectables
def test0():
    """Parse a simple map"""
    asteroid_map = parse_map(input1)
    true_map = {(1, 0), (4, 0), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2), (4, 2), (4, 3), (3, 4), (4, 4)}
    assert asteroid_map == true_map
def test4():
    asteroid_map = parse_map(input3)
    pos,detectables = find_best_location(asteroid_map)
    assert (11, 13)==pos
    assert 210==detectables
from day10.day10_lib import find_best_location, find_nth_to_be_lasered, parse_map

from util import read_input_file

innn = read_input_file('day10.txt')
asteroid_map = parse_map(innn)
pos, detectables = find_best_location(asteroid_map)
print("Part A!")
ass = find_nth_to_be_lasered(pos, asteroid_map, 200)
print("Part B!")
print(ass[0] * 100 + ass[1])