def getLastTransactionID(self): db = MSSQLDB() tname = names.getOandaTrandactionIDTableName() db.createTable(tname, "oanda_transaction_id") sql = "select last_transaction_id from %s " % tname oconf = env.conf["oanda"] wherelist = [ "transaction_name = '%s'" % self.transaction_name, "environment = '%s'" % oconf["environment"], "account_id = '%s'" % oconf["accountid"] ] wherestr = sqllib.getWhereFromList(wherelist) sql += wherestr last_transaction_id = 1 for tid in db.execute(sql): last_transaction_id = tid return last_transaction_id
class MSSQLGetter(DataGetter): def __init__(self, childDG): self.instrument = childDG.instrument self.granularity = childDG.granularity self.unitsecs = tradelib.getUnitSecs(self.granularity) self.childDG = childDG self.metatbl = lib.names.getMetainfTable(self.instrument, self.granularity) self.pricetbl = lib.names.getPriceTable(self.instrument, self.granularity) self.db = MSSQLDB() self.db.createTable(self.metatbl, "metainf") self.db.createTable(self.pricetbl, "prices") self.maxID = -1 self.metainf = {} self.getMetaInf() def getMetaInf(self): cur = self.db.execute("select id, startep, endep \ from %s;" % self.metatbl) for row in cur.fetchall(): if > self.maxID: self.maxID = self.metainf[] = [, row.startep, row.endep] def insertMetaInf(self, oids): if len(oids) == 0: return for oid in oids: m = self.metainf[oid] sql = "insert into %s (id, startep, endep, startdt, enddt) \ values (?,?,?,?,?);" % (self.metatbl) self.db.execute( sql, (oid, m[1], m[2], lib.epoch2dt(m[1]), lib.epoch2dt(m[2]))) def updateMetaInf(self, oids): if len(oids) == 0: return for oid in oids: m = self.metainf[oid] sql = "update %s set startep=?, endep=?, startdt=?, enddt=? where id=%d;" % \ (self.metatbl, oid) self.db.execute( sql, (m[1], m[2], lib.epoch2dt(m[1]), lib.epoch2dt(m[2]))) def deleteMetaInf(self, oids): if len(oids) == 0: return moids = map(str, oids) sql = "delete from %s where id in (%s)" % (self.metatbl, ",".join(moids)) self.db.execute(sql) def insertData(self, ep, o, h, l, c, v): sql = "" for i in range(len(ep)): sql = "%sinsert into %s ([ep],[dt],[o],[h],[l],[c],[v]) \ values (%s,'%s', %s,%s,%s,%s,%s);" % \ (sql, self.pricetbl, ep[i], lib.epoch2str(ep[i],env.DATE_FORMAT_NORMAL2), o[i],h[i],l[i],c[i],v[i]) self.db.execute(sql) def selectData(self, startep, endep): sql = "select ep,o,h,l,c,v from %s where ep>=%d and ep<=%d" % \ (self.pricetbl, startep, endep) cur = self.db.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() (ep, o, h, l, c, v) = self.getIniPriceLists(0, len(rows)) i = 0 for row in rows: ep[i] = row.ep o[i] = row.o h[i] = row.h l[i] = row.l c[i] = row.c v[i] = row.v i += 1 return (ep, o, h, l, c, v) def _getPriceFromChild(self, startep, endep): (ep, o, h, l, c, v) = self.childDG.getPrice(startep, endep) if len(ep) == 0: return (-1, -1) try: self.insertData(ep, o, h, l, c, v) except Exception as e: sqlstate = e.args[0] if sqlstate == '23000': lib.printInfo(ep[0], str(e)) else: raise e return (ep[0], ep[-1]) def _getSortedMetaList(self): mList = [] for k in self.metainf.keys(): mList.append(self.metainf[k]) def _getMin(m): return m[1] mList.sort(key=_getMin) return mList def updateMaxID(self): self.maxID += 1 return self.maxID def getPrice(self, startep, endep): interval_secs = self.unitsecs * N_REQUEST_ROWS (ep, o, h, l, c, v) = ([], [], [], [], [], []) baseep = startep while True: lastep = min(endep, baseep + interval_secs) (ep1, o1, h1, l1, c1, v1) = self._getPriceProc(baseep, lastep) ep.extend(ep1) o.extend(o1) h.extend(h1) l.extend(l1) c.extend(c1) v.extend(v1) if lastep >= endep: break baseep += interval_secs + self.unitsecs return (ep, o, h, l, c, v) def _getPriceProc(self, startep, endep): startep = tradelib.getNearEpoch(self.granularity, startep) endep = tradelib.getNearEpoch(self.granularity, endep) errret = ([], [], [], [], [], []) if len(self.metainf) == 0: (_, _) = self._getPriceFromChild(startep, endep) (ep, o, h, l, c, v) = self.selectData(startep, endep) if len(ep) == 0: return (ep, o, h, l, c, v) oid = self.updateMaxID() self.metainf[oid] = [oid, startep, endep] self.insertMetaInf([oid]) return (ep, o, h, l, c, v) mList = self._getSortedMetaList() updates = {} inserts = {} deletes = {} newstart = startep oldid = -1 i = 0 startID = -1 endID = -1 oid = -1 for m in mList: mstart = m[1] mend = m[2] mid = m[0] if endep < mstart: (st, _) = self._getPriceFromChild(newstart, endep) if st == -1: return errret st = newstart ed = endep if st == 0: break if startep < newstart or \ (oldid >= 0 and newstart - self.unitsecs - 1 <= mend): self.metainf[oldid][2] = ed endID = oldid updates[oldid] = 1 else: oid = self.updateMaxID() self.metainf[oid] = [oid, st, ed] inserts[oid] = 1 startID = oid endID = oid break if newstart < mstart and mstart <= endep: (st, _) = self._getPriceFromChild(newstart, mstart - 1) if st == -1: return errret st = newstart ed = tradelib.getNearEpoch(self.granularity, mstart - 1) if st == 0: pass elif startep < newstart: self.metainf[oldid][2] = ed updates[oldid] = 1 else: if oldid >= 0 and oldid > mid: oldst = self.metainf[oldid][1] if st > oldst: st = oldst self.metainf[mid][1] = st updates[mid] = 1 startID = mid if newstart <= mend and mend < endep and i < len(mList) - 1: if newstart == startep: startID = mid newstart = mend + self.unitsecs + 1 if i >= len(mList) - 1: if newstart <= mend and mend < endep: (st, _) = self._getPriceFromChild(mend + self.unitsecs, endep) if st == -1: return errret st = tradelib.getNearEpoch(self.granularity, mend + self.unitsecs) ed = endep if st > 0: self.metainf[mid][2] = ed updates[mid] = 1 if startep == newstart: startID = mid endID = mid if newstart > mend: (st, _) = self._getPriceFromChild(startep, endep) if st == -1: return errret st = startep ed = endep if st > 0: oid = self.updateMaxID() self.metainf[oid] = [oid, st, ed] inserts[oid] = 1 startID = oid endID = oid if endep <= mend: endID = oid break i += 1 oldid = mid mList = self._getSortedMetaList() firstm = None oldm = None mIndex = {} for j in range(len(mList)): mIndex[mList[j][0]] = j for m in mList: mid = m[0] mstart = m[1] mend = m[2] if startID == mid: if oldm != None and oldm[2] + self.unitsecs >= mstart: firstm = oldm else: firstm = m oldm = m continue if firstm == None: oldm = m continue if startID >= 0 and mstart >= mList[mIndex[startID]][1] \ and firstm[2]+self.unitsecs>=mstart: firstm[2] = max(mend, firstm[2]) updates[firstm[0]] = 1 del self.metainf[mid] deletes[mid] = 1 updates[mid] = 0 inserts[mid] = 0 if endID == mid: break oldm = m mList = None self.deleteMetaInf(deletes.keys()) updList = [] for oid in updates.keys(): if updates[oid] == 1: updList.append(oid) self.updateMetaInf(updList) insList = [] for oid in inserts.keys(): if inserts[oid] == 1: insList.append(oid) self.insertMetaInf(insList) (ep, o, h, l, c, v) = self.selectData(startep, endep) return (ep, o, h, l, c, v)
class MSSQLTransaction(Transaction): def __init__(self, name): super(MSSQLTransaction, self).__init__(name) self.db = MSSQLDB() self.seqname = names.getTransactionSequence(name) self.orderhT = names.getOrderHistoryTable(name) self.tranhT = names.getTradeHistoryTable(name) self.db.createSequence(self.seqname) self.db.createTable(self.orderhT, "orderhistory") self.db.createTable(self.tranhT, "tradehistory") if env.run_mode in [ env.MODE_BACKTESTING, env.MODE_SIMULATE, env.MODE_UNITTEST ]: self.db.truncateTable(self.orderhT) self.db.truncateTable(self.tranhT) self.db.restartSeq(self.seqname) def genID(self): return self.db.nextSeq(self.seqname) def getPortofolio(self): return MSSQLPortfolio( def flushOrderHistory(self): while True: (_id, oh) = self.order_hqueue.pop() if _id == -1: break sql = "insert into %s values(\ ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);" % self.orderhT self.db.execute( sql, (, #[ID] INT NOT NULL, oh.order_id, # [ORDER_ID] INT, oh.startep, # [STARTEP] INT, oh.validep, # [VALIDEP] INT, lib.epoch2dt(oh.startep), lib.epoch2dt(oh.validep), oh.instrument, #[INSTRUMENT] char(7), oh.side, oh.order_type, oh.units, oh.price, oh.takeprofit_price, oh.stoploss_price, oh.desc)) ''' [STARTDT] INT, [VALIDDT] INT, [INSTRUMENT] char(7), [SIDE] INT, [ORDER_TYPE] varchar(20), [UNITS] INT, [PRICE] FLOAT, [TAKEPROFIT_PRICE] FLOAT, [STOPLOSS_PRICE] FLOAT, [DESC] VARCHAR(100), ''' def flushTradeHistory(self): while True: (_id, oh) = self.trade_hqueue.pop() if _id == -1: break sql = "insert into %s values(\ ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);" % self.tranhT self.db.execute( sql, (, #[ID] INT NOT NULL, oh.trade_id, #[TRADE_ID] INT, oh.startep, #[STARTEP] INT, oh.endep, #[ENDEP] INT, lib.epoch2dt(oh.startep), #[STARTDT] datetime, lib.epoch2dt(oh.endep), #[ENDDT] datetime, oh.instrument, #[INSTRUMENT] char(7), oh.side, #[SIDE] INT, oh.units, #[UNITS] INT, oh.start_price, oh.end_price, oh.profit, oh.takeprofit_price, oh.stoploss_price, oh.desc)) '''
def reCreatePriceTable(instrument, granularity): pricetbl = lib.names.getPriceTable(instrument, granularity) db = MSSQLDB() db.execute("drop table if exists %s;" % pricetbl) db.createTable(pricetbl, "prices")
class MSSQLGetter(DataGetter): def __init__(self, childDG): self.instrument = childDG.instrument self.granularity = childDG.granularity self.unitsecs = tradelib.getUnitSecs(self.granularity) self.childDG = childDG self.pricetbl = lib.names.getPriceTable(self.instrument, self.granularity) self.db = MSSQLDB() self.db.createTable(self.pricetbl, "prices") self.maxID = -1 def insertData(self, ep,o,h,l,c,v): sql = "" for i in range(len(ep)): sql = "%sinsert into %s ([ep],[dt],[o],[h],[l],[c],[v]) \ values (%s,'%s', %s,%s,%s,%s,%s);" % \ (sql, self.pricetbl, ep[i], lib.epoch2str(ep[i],env.DATE_FORMAT_NORMAL2), o[i],h[i],l[i],c[i],v[i]) if i >= N_REQUEST_ROWS and i % N_REQUEST_ROWS == 0: self.db.execute(sql) sql = "" self.db.execute(sql) def selectData(self, startep, endep): sql = "select ep,o,h,l,c,v from %s where ep>=%d and ep<=%d" % \ (self.pricetbl, startep, endep) cur = self.db.execute(sql) rows = cur.fetchall() (ep, o, h, l, c, v) = self.getIniPriceLists(0, len(rows)) i = 0 for row in rows: ep[i] = row.ep o[i] = row.o h[i] = row.h l[i] = row.l c[i] = row.c v[i] = row.v i += 1 return (ep, o, h, l, c, v) def getEpEdges(self): sql = "select min(ep), max(ep) from %s;" % (self.pricetbl) cur = self.db.execute(sql) if cur == None: return (-1, -1) res = cur.fetchone() if res == None: return (-1, -1) (mi, ma) = res if mi == None: return (-1, -1) return (mi, ma) ''' def _getPriceFromChild(self, startep, endep): (ep,o,h,l,c,v) = self.childDG.getPrice(startep, endep) if len(ep) == 0: return ([],[],[],[],[],[]) try: self.insertData(ep, o, h, l, c, v) except Exception as e: sqlstate = e.args[0] if sqlstate == '23000': lib.printInfo(ep[0], str(e)) else: raise e lib.log("Data from child. %s - %s - %d rows" % ( lib.epoch2str(startep, env.DATE_FORMAT_NORMAL), lib.epoch2str(endep, env.DATE_FORMAT_NORMAL), len(ep) )) return (ep,o,h,l,c,v) ''' def _getPriceFromChild(self, startep, endep): interval_secs = self.unitsecs * N_REQUEST_ROWS (ep,o,h,l,c,v) = ([],[],[],[],[],[]) baseep = startep while True: lastep = min(endep,baseep+interval_secs) (ep1,o1,h1,l1,c1,v1) = self.childDG.getPrice(baseep, lastep) ep.extend(ep1) o.extend(o1) h.extend(h1) l.extend(l1) c.extend(c1) v.extend(v1) if lastep >= endep: break; baseep += interval_secs + self.unitsecs if len(ep) == 0: return ([],[],[],[],[],[]) try: self.insertData(ep, o, h, l, c, v) except Exception as e: sqlstate = e.args[0] if sqlstate == '23000': lib.printInfo(ep[0], str(e)) else: raise e lib.log("Data from child. %s - %s - %d rows" % ( lib.epoch2str(startep, env.DATE_FORMAT_NORMAL), lib.epoch2str(endep, env.DATE_FORMAT_NORMAL), len(ep) )) return (ep,o,h,l,c,v) ''' def getPrice(self, startep, endep): interval_secs = self.unitsecs * N_REQUEST_ROWS (ep,o,h,l,c,v) = ([],[],[],[],[],[]) baseep = startep while True: lastep = min(endep,baseep+interval_secs) (ep1,o1,h1,l1,c1,v1) = self._getPriceProc(baseep, lastep) ep.extend(ep1) o.extend(o1) h.extend(h1) l.extend(l1) c.extend(c1) v.extend(v1) if lastep >= endep: break; baseep += interval_secs + self.unitsecs return (ep,o,h,l,c,v) ''' def getPrice(self, startep, endep): startep = tradelib.getNearEpoch(self.granularity, startep) endep = tradelib.getNearEpoch(self.granularity, endep) (mi, ma) = self.getEpEdges() if mi < 0: return self._getPriceFromChild(startep, endep) if mi > startep: self._getPriceFromChild(startep, mi-self.unitsecs) if ma < endep: self._getPriceFromChild(ma+self.unitsecs, endep) return self.selectData(startep, endep)