def need_ingredients(self):
        amountInv = 0
        amountNeeded = 0

        listOfKeys = []
        listOfTypes = []
        listOfAmounts = []
        listOfNeeded = []

        # get list of keys for the types in inventory
        for (typ, amount) in self.needIngredients:
            for mfg, liquor in db.check_inventory_for_type(typ):
                listOfKeys.append((mfg, liquor))
            listOfTypes.append((typ, listOfKeys))
            listOfKeys = []

        for (t, lk) in listOfTypes:
            amountInv = 0
            for (m, l) in lk:
                if (m, l) in db._inventory_db or listOfTypes[1] == []:
                    if db._inventory_db[(m, l)] > amountInv:
                        amountInv = db._inventory_db[(m, l)]
            listOfAmounts.append((t, amountInv))

        for (t, a) in self.needIngredients:
            for (typ, amount) in listOfAmounts:
                if t == typ:
                    amountNeeded = float(convert.convert_to_ml(a)) - float(amount)
                    if amountNeeded > 0:
                        listOfNeeded.append((typ, amountNeeded))
        return listOfNeeded
Exemple #2
    def need_ingredients(self):
	  notFound = []
	  for typ, amount in self.ingredients:
	      ingNeeded = db.convert_to_ml(amount)
	      print type(ingNeeded)
	      #print ingNeeded
	      ingInInventory = db.check_inventory_for_type(typ)
	      print type(ingInInventory)
	      print typ, amount, ingInInventory, ingNeeded
	      if float(ingInInventory) <= float(ingNeeded):
		      ingMissing = float(ingNeeded) - float(ingInInventory)
		      missingTup = (typ, ingMissing)
	  return notFound
Exemple #3
    def need_ingredients(self):
		needed = []
		#loop through ingredients
		for (typ, needed_amount) in self.ingredients:
			needed_amount = db.convert_to_ml(needed_amount)
			#check supply
			supply = db.check_inventory_for_type(typ)
			print supply
			if supply:
				total_amount = 0
				for m,l,_ in supply:
					total_amount = db.get_liquor_amount(m,l)
				if needed_amount - total_amount > 0:
					#we don't have enough :(
					needed_amount = needed_amount - total_amount
			needed.append((typ, needed_amount))

		if needed == []:
			return False

			return needed
Exemple #4
	def need_ingredients(self):
		print "SELF.IN: ",self.Ingredients
		missing = []
		stock = dict() #contains key: (mfg,liquor,typ) value: amount

		#First: fill a dict with our stock that matches the liquor type
		for i in self.Ingredients:
			for item in db.check_inventory_for_type(i[0]): #returns mfg/liquor tuples with liquor == {ingredient name}
				#fetches from the inventory the amount
				db._c.execute("SELECT amount FROM inventory WHERE \
					mfg = ? AND liquor = ?",(item[1],item[2]))
				amount = int(db._c.fetchone()[0])

				if item in stock.keys(): #add to temp dictionary
					stock[(item[2],item[3])] += float(amount)
					stock[(item[2],item[3])] = float(amount)

		if len(stock) == 0:
			#no ingredients of that type(s) in db
			for i in self.Ingredients:
				amount = db.convert_to_ml(i[1])
			return missing

		#next: check to see if we have bottles with enough liquor for each ingredient in the recipe (to refrain from mixing bottles)
		for i in self.Ingredients:			
			needed = db.convert_to_ml(i[1])
			#print "\nWe need %s ml of %s" % (needed, i[0])
			most = 0 #greatest amount per bottle, overwritable
			flag = False  #False implies not enough liquor in any given bottle to satisfy the ingredient amount
			for item, amt in stock.items():
				#print "looking for greatest amount: %s -- %s?" % (item, amt)
				print item[1], i[0]
				if str(item[1]) == str(i[0]):
					if amt >= needed:
						flag = True
						#print "	greater than needed!"
					if amt > most:
						most = stock[item]
						#print "	new greatest amount!"

			if flag == False:
				miss = i[0],(needed-most)

		if len(missing) != 0:
			return missing
			return False

Exemple #5
    def need_ingredients(self):
	missingList = list()        
	for ingredient in self._ingredients:   #go through current ingredients
	    listOfTuples = db.check_inventory_for_type(ingredient[0])
	    stockAmount = 0            
	    for tuple in listOfTuples:                
		amt = db.get_liquor_amount(tuple[0],tuple[1])                
		if amt>stockAmount:                    
		    stockAmount = amt
	    debtAmount = stockAmount - db.convert_to_ml(ingredient[1])
	    if ( debtAmount < 0 ):
	return missingList
Exemple #6
    def need_ingredients(self):
        myList = list()
        for currentIngredient in self._myIngredients:
            listOfMandLTuples = db.check_inventory_for_type(currentIngredient[0])
            amountInStock = 0
            for myTuple in listOfMandLTuples:
                val = db.get_liquor_amount(myTuple[0],myTuple[1])
                if val>amountInStock:
                    amountInStock = val
            amountInDebt = amountInStock - db.convert_to_ml(currentIngredient[1])

            if ( amountInDebt < 0 ):

        return myList
Exemple #7
    def need_ingredients(self):
        need = []
        amount = 0
        for i in self.ingredients:
            typehave = db.check_inventory_for_type(i[0])
            most = 0
            for (m, l) in typehave:
                if db.get_liquor_amount(m, l) > most:
                    amount = db.get_liquor_amount(m, l)
                    most = amount

            amount = db.convert_to_ml(i[1])-amount
            if amount > 0:
                need.append((i[0], amount))

        return need
Exemple #8
    def need_ingredients(self):
        """ This methode takes in the recipe and returns how many
        components are needed to complete the recipe.  It returns
        the components in the form of a list of 2-tuples"""
        needed = []
        for t, amount in self.comp:
            in_inventory = db.check_inventory_for_type(t)
            required = db.convert_to_ml(amount)

            if in_inventory < required:
                print required
                print in_inventory
                needed.append((t,required - in_inventory))

        return needed
Exemple #9
    def need_ingredients(self):
	 volume = 0 
         missing = []
	 for type, quantity in self.singridients:
      		needed = convert.convert_to_ml(quantity)
	 	available = db.check_inventory_for_type(type)
        	for (m,l) in available:
			vol = db.get_liquor_amount(m,l)
			if vol > volume:
				volume = vol
		if volume < needed:
			missing.append((type,needed - volume))
			volume = 0

         return missing
Exemple #10
    def need_ingredients(self):
        needed = []
        for (generic_type, amount) in self.ingredients:
            matching = db.check_inventory_for_type(generic_type)

            max_m = ''
            max_l = ''
            max_amount = 0.0

            for (m, l, t) in matching:
                if t > max_amount:
                    max_amount = t

            amount_needed = db.convert_to_ml(amount)

            if max_amount < amount_needed:
                needed.append((generic_type, amount_needed - max_amount))

        return needed
Exemple #11
    def need_ingredients(self):
        # Start by creating a temp dict of remaining liquor needed in ml
        ingredientsRemaining = {}
        for (n, a) in self.ingredients:
            ingredientsRemaining[n] = db.convertToMl(a)
        # Then gets total liquor of each type from db, subtracts, and returns final list
        filledIngredients = []
        for n in ingredientsRemaining:
            ingredientsRemaining[n] -= db.check_inventory_for_type(n)
            if ingredientsRemaining[n] <= 0:

        for n in filledIngredients:
            del ingredientsRemaining[n]

        returnedList = []
        for n in ingredientsRemaining:
            returnedList.append((n, ingredientsRemaining[n]))

        return returnedList
Exemple #12
    def need_ingredients(self):
        types_needed = []
        ingredients_needed = []
        for (typ, amt) in self.ingredients:
            amt = convert.convert_to_ml(amt)
            brands_owned = db.check_inventory_for_type(typ)
            if len(brands_owned) == 0:
                types_needed.append((typ, amt))
                amounts_from_brands = []
                for (m, l) in brands_owned:
                    amount_owned_of_brand = db.get_liquor_amount(m, l)
                if (amount_owned_of_brand <= amt):
                    amount_needed = amt - amount_owned_of_brand
                    ingredients_needed.append((typ, amount_needed))
        for (type_needed, amount_needed) in types_needed:
            ingredients_needed.append((type_needed, amount_needed))

        return ingredients_needed
Exemple #13
 def need_ingredients(self):
     missing = []
     for (type, amt) in self.ingredients:
         # get a list of what types are in inventory
         have_types = db.check_inventory_for_type(type)
         # get the amount of the needed type that is already in the inventory
         have_amount = 0.0
         for (mfg, lqr) in have_types:
             # only the highest amount of one type counts as the total amount
             # this prevents mixing alcohols
             if db.get_liquor_amount(mfg,lqr) > have_amount:
                 have_amount = db.get_liquor_amount(mfg,lqr)
         # find out how much is needed
         need_amount = have_amount - to_ml(amt)
         if need_amount < 0.0:
             missing.append((type, need_amount*-1))
     return missing
Exemple #14
	def need_ingredients(self):
		Available = []
		Needed = {}
		List = list()      
		for i in self._ingredients:
			items = db.check_inventory_for_type(i[0])
			#this is the amt we need in ml
			amt = db.convert_to_ml(i[1])
			Needed[i[0]] = amt
			for x in items:
				amt_avl = db.get_liquor_amount(x[0], x[1])
				#if the current amt_avl is the largest so far then remove it from the amount needed
				if (amt - amt_avl) < Needed[i[0]]:
					Needed[i[0]] = amt - amt_avl
			#The amount needed for the recipe will be less than 0 after this point if there is enough liquor available. So remove it from the Dictionary of needed ingredients
			if Needed[i[0]] <= 0.0:
				del Needed[i[0]]

		#put all the elements from the dictionary into a List 
		for i in Needed:
			List.append( (i, Needed[i]) )
		return List
Exemple #15
	def need_ingredients(self):
		missingList = []
		for (alcohol, amount) in self._ingredients:

			#Get a list of the bottleTypes from the inventory
			bottleTypeList = db.check_inventory_for_type(alcohol)

			#Create an amounts dictionary to determine how much of an amount of 
			#a bottle type is needed. Stores the key as (m,l,t) to ensure there
			#is no mixing of alcohol types
			for(mlg, liquor, alcoholType, inventoryAmount) in bottleTypeList:
				if(alcoholType == alcohol):
					if((mlg, liquor,alcoholType) not in amounts):
						amounts[(mlg,liquor,alcoholType)] = amount - inventoryAmount
						amounts[(mlg,liquor,alcoholType)] -= inventoryAmount

			#Find out if the bottle type was found, if so, find the type that you have
			#the most of (called lowestAmount, which represents the amount needed.
			#Therefore a negative amount means that you have enough for the recipe.)
			lowestAmount = 99999999999
			amountFound = False
			for(m, l, t) in amounts:
				if(amounts[(m,l,t)] < lowestAmount):
					lowestAmount = amounts[(m,l,t)]
					amountFound = True

			#Appends the lowestAmount needed if an amount at all was found, otherwise
			#append the fact that you need the entire amount for your recipe
		 	if(lowestAmount > 0 and amountFound == True):
				missingList.append((alcohol, lowestAmount))
			elif(amountFound == False):

		return missingList