def exportData(t1, y1, yErr1, t2, y2, yErr2, table1, variable1, table2, variable2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2): df = pd.DataFrame() df['time_X'] = t1 df[variable1] = y1 df[variable1 + '_std_X'] = yErr1 df['time_Y'] = t2 df[variable2] = y2 df[variable2 + '_std_Y'] = yErr2 df['lat1'] = lat1 df['lat2'] = lat2 df['lon1'] = lon1 df['lon2'] = lon2 if db.hasField(table1, 'depth') or db.hasField(table2, 'depth'): df['depth1'] = depth1 df['depth2'] = depth2 # dirPath = 'data/' # if not os.path.exists(dirPath): # os.makedirs(dirPath) # path = dirPath + 'XY_' + table1 + '_' + variable1 + '_vs_' + table2 + '_' + variable2 + '.csv' # df.to_csv(path, index=False) export.dump(df, table1, variable1, prefix='Mutual', fmt='.csv') export.dump(df, table2, variable2, prefix='Mutual', fmt='.csv') return
def plotDepthProfile(tables, variables, dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fname, exportDataFlag, marker='-', msize=25, clr='orangered'): p = [] lw = 2 w = 800 h = 400 TOOLS = 'pan,wheel_zoom,zoom_in,zoom_out,box_zoom, undo,redo,reset,tap,save,box_select,poly_select,lasso_select' for i in range(len(tables)): if not db.hasField(tables[i], 'depth'): continue if not iterative(tables[i]): depths, y, yErr = depthProfile(tables[i], variables[i], dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fname, exportDataFlag) else: depths, y, yErr = depthProfile_iterative(tables[i], variables[i], dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fname, exportDataFlag) p1 = figure(tools=TOOLS, toolbar_location="above", plot_width=w, plot_height=h) #p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Depth' p1.yaxis.axis_label = variables[i] + ' [' + db.getVar(tables[i], variables[i]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' leg = variables[i] cr =, y, fill_color="grey", hover_fill_color="firebrick", fill_alpha=0.25, hover_alpha=0.3, line_color=None, hover_line_color="white", legend=leg, size=msize) p1.line(depths, y, line_color=clr, line_width=lw, legend=leg) p1.add_tools(HoverTool(tooltips=None, renderers=[cr], mode='hline')) p.append(p1) dirPath = 'embed/' if not os.path.exists(dirPath): os.makedirs(dirPath) if not inline: ## if jupyter is not the caller output_file(dirPath + fname + ".html", title="Depth Profile") show(column(p)) return
def depthProfile_iterative(table, field, dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fname, exportDataFlag): if db.isClimatology(table) and db.hasField(table, 'month'): m1 = clim.timeToMonth(dt1) m2 = clim.timeToMonth(dt2) if m2>m1: timesteps = range(m1, m2+1) else: timesteps = range(m2, m1+1) timesteps = ['2016-%2.2d-01' % m for m in timesteps] else: delta = datetime.strptime(dt2, '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.strptime(dt1, '%Y-%m-%d') timesteps = [(datetime.strptime(dt1, '%Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(days=x)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in range(delta.days+1)] zs, ys, y_stds = [], [], [] for dt in timesteps: df = subset.depthProfile(table, field, dt, dt, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2) if len(df[field]) < 1: continue zs.append(df['depth']) ys.append(df[field]) y_stds.append(df[field + '_std']) depth = np.mean( np.stack(zs, axis=0), axis=0 ) y = np.mean( np.stack(ys, axis=0), axis=0 ) y_std = np.mean( np.stack(y_stds, axis=0), axis=0 ) if exportDataFlag: exportData(depth, y, y_std, table, field, dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, fname) return depth, y, y_std
def depthProfile_iterative(table, field, dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fname, exportDataFlag): if db.isClimatology(table) and db.hasField(table, 'month'): m1 = clim.timeToMonth(dt1) m2 = clim.timeToMonth(dt2) if m2>m1: timesteps = range(m1, m2+1) else: timesteps = range(m2, m1+1) timesteps = ['2016-%2.2d-01' % m for m in timesteps] elif table.lower().find('tblPisces'.lower()) != -1: # currently (Nov 2018) only Pisces table has a calendar table. all datasets have to have a calendar table. we can then remove thw else: clause below calTable = table+'_Calendar' timesteps = com.timesBetween(calTable, dt1, dt2) else: delta = datetime.strptime(dt2, '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.strptime(dt1, '%Y-%m-%d') timesteps = [(datetime.strptime(dt1, '%Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(days=x)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for x in range(delta.days+1)] zs, ys, y_stds = [], [], [] for dt in timesteps: df = subset.depthProfile(table, field, dt, dt, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2) if len(df[field]) < 1: continue zs.append(df['depth']) ys.append(df[field]) y_stds.append(df[field + '_std']) depth = np.mean( np.stack(zs, axis=0), axis=0 ) y = np.mean( np.stack(ys, axis=0), axis=0 ) y_std = np.mean( np.stack(y_stds, axis=0), axis=0 ) if exportDataFlag: exportData(depth, y, y_std, table, field, dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, fname) return depth, y, y_std
def sectionMap(tables, variabels, dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fname, exportDataFlag): data, lats, lons, subs, frameVars = [], [], [], [], [] for i in range(len(tables)): if not db.hasField(tables[i], 'depth'): continue #query = prepareSectionQuery(tables[i], variabels[i], dt, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2) #df = db.dbFetch(query) df = subset.section(tables[i], variabels[i], dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2) if len(df) < 1: continue ############### export retrieved data ############### if exportDataFlag: # export data dirPath = 'data/' if not os.path.exists(dirPath): os.makedirs(dirPath) exportData(df, path=dirPath + fname + '_' + tables[i] + '_' + variabels[i] + '.csv') ##################################################### times = df[df.columns[0]].unique() lats = lons = df.lon.unique() depths = df.depth.unique() shape = (len(lats), len(lons), len(depths)) hours = [None] if 'hour' in df.columns: hours = df.hour.unique() unit = ' [' + db.getVar(tables[i], variabels[i]).iloc[0]['Unit'] + ']' for t in times: for h in hours: frame = df[df[df.columns[0]] == t] sub = variabels[i] + unit + ', ' + df.columns[0] + ': ' + str( t) if h != None: frame = frame[frame['hour'] == h] sub = sub + ', hour: ' + str(h) + 'hr' try: shot = frame[variabels[i]].values.reshape(shape) except Exception as e: continue data.append(shot) frameVars.append(variabels[i]) subs.append(sub) bokehSec(data=data, subject=subs, fname=fname, lat=lats, lon=lons, depth=depths, variabels=frameVars) return
def exportData(y, table, variable, startDate, endDate, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2): df = pd.DataFrame() df[variable] = y timeField = 'time' if db.isClimatology(table) and db.hasField(table, 'month'): timeField = 'month' df['start_' + timeField] = startDate df['end_' + timeField] = endDate df['lat1'] = lat1 df['lat2'] = lat2 df['lon1'] = lon1 df['lon2'] = lon2 if db.hasField(table, 'depth'): df['depth1'] = depth1 df['depth2'] = depth2 dirPath = 'data/' if not os.path.exists(dirPath): os.makedirs(dirPath) path = dirPath + 'Hist_' + table + '_' + variable + '.csv' df.to_csv(path, index=False) return
def exportData(t, y, yErr, table, variable, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2): df = pd.DataFrame() timeField = 'time' if db.isClimatology(table) and db.hasField(table, 'month'): timeField = 'month' df[timeField] = t df[variable] = y df[variable + '_std'] = yErr df['lat1'] = lat1 df['lat2'] = lat2 df['lon1'] = lon1 df['lon2'] = lon2 if db.hasField(table, 'depth'): df['depth1'] = depth1 df['depth2'] = depth2 dirPath = 'data/' if not os.path.exists(dirPath): os.makedirs(dirPath) path = dirPath + 'TS_' + table + '_' + variable + '.csv' df.to_csv(path, index=False) return
def sectionMap(tables, variables, dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2, fname, exportDataFlag): data, lats, lons, subs, frameVars, units = [], [], [], [], [], [] xs, ys, zs = [], [], [] for i in tqdm(range(len(tables)), desc='overall'): if not db.hasField(tables[i], 'depth'): continue df = subset.section(tables[i], variables[i], dt1, dt2, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2, depth1, depth2) if len(df) < 1: com.printTQDM('%d: No matching entry found: Table: %s, Variable: %s ' % (i+1, tables[i], variables[i]), err=True ) continue com.printTQDM('%d: %s retrieved (%s).' % (i+1, variables[i], tables[i]), err=False) if exportDataFlag: export.dump(df, tables[i], variables[i], prefix='Section', fmt='.csv') times = df[df.columns[0]].unique() lats = lons = df.lon.unique() depths = df.depth.unique() shape = (len(lats), len(lons), len(depths)) hours = [None] if 'hour' in df.columns: hours = df.hour.unique() unit = com.getUnit(tables[i], variables[i]) for t in times: for h in hours: frame = df[df[df.columns[0]] == t] sub = variables[i] + unit + ', ' + df.columns[0] + ': ' + str(t) if h != None: frame = frame[frame['hour'] == h] sub = sub + ', hour: ' + str(h) + 'hr' try: shot = frame[variables[i]].values.reshape(shape) except Exception as e: continue data.append(shot) xs.append(lons) ys.append(lats) zs.append(depths) frameVars.append(variables[i]) units.append(unit) subs.append(sub) bokehSec(data=data, subject=subs, fname=fname, ys=ys, xs=xs, zs=zs, units=units, variables=frameVars) return