Exemple #1
def handle_my_custom_event(json, methods=['GET', 'POST']):
    print('received my event: ' + str(json))
    room = session.get('session_id')
    socketio.emit('my response', json, callback=messageReceived, room=room)
    gameSession = db.fetchOne({'_id': ObjectId(room)})
    db.updateOne({'_id': ObjectId(room)},
                 {'$set': {
                     'messages': gameSession['messages']
    def do_PUT(self):

        # Look for PUT request
        if re.match(r'\/product\/\d+', self.path):
            length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length'))
            # Get form data
            postvars = urlparse.parse_qs(self.rfile.read(length), keep_blank_values=1)

            # Init data
            name = postvars.get('name')[0]
            desc = postvars.get('description')[0]
            price = float(postvars.get('price')[0])

            # Send request to DB
            db.updateOne(re.search(r'[^/]*$', self.path).group(0), name, desc, price)

            # Send code 200
Exemple #3
def handle_board_state_change(json, methods=['GET', 'POST']):
    print('received board state: ' + str(json))
    username = session['user_id']
    room = session.get('session_id')
    board_state = session.get('board_state')
    board_state = {
        row: {
            key: {
                'color': value['color'],
                'piece': value['piece']
            for key, value in sorted(board_state[row].items(),
                                     key=lambda item: int(item[0]))
        for row in board_state
    origin_row = json['origin_cell'][0]
    origin_col = json['origin_cell'][1]
    destination_row = json['destination_cell'][0]
    destination_col = json['destination_cell'][1]

    unplaced_pieces = session.get('unplaced_pieces')
    if json['origin_cell'] != ['', '']:
        board_state[origin_row][origin_col]['piece'] = ""
        board_state[origin_row][origin_col]['color'] = "none"
        for piece in unplaced_pieces:
            if piece[0] == json['moved_piece']['piece']:
                piece[1] -= 1

    #if two pieces from different teams collide, do battle

    def combat(piece1, piece2):
        # if piece being attacked is a flag, end the game
        if piece2['piece'] == '#':
            game_over = True
            game_over = False

        # determine winning piece
        if auth.pieces_reference[piece1['piece']].weakness == piece2['piece']:
            result = piece2
        elif auth.pieces_reference[
                piece2['piece']].weakness == piece1['piece']:
            result = piece1
        elif auth.pieces_reference[piece1[
                'piece']].rank < auth.pieces_reference[piece2['piece']].rank:
            result = piece1
        elif auth.pieces_reference[piece1[
                'piece']].rank == auth.pieces_reference[piece2['piece']].rank:
            result = {'piece': "", 'color': 'none'}
        elif auth.pieces_reference[piece1[
                'piece']].rank > auth.pieces_reference[piece2['piece']].rank:
            result = piece2

        return result, game_over

    if board_state[destination_row][destination_col]['color'] not in [
            'none', json['moved_piece']['color']
        json['moved_piece'], json['game_over'] = combat(
            json['moved_piece'], board_state[destination_row][destination_col])
        socketio.emit('own combat result', json, room=room)

    board_state[destination_row][destination_col] = json['moved_piece']

    # fetch room info from db
    gameSession = db.fetchOne({'_id': ObjectId(room)})
    # update unplaced pieces record
    gameSession['unplaced_pieces'][username] = unplaced_pieces
    current_phase = gameSession['phase']

    # sum up total pieces unplaced, change phases if necessary
    total_pieces = 0
    if current_phase == "preparation":
        for user in gameSession['unplaced_pieces']:
            for piece in gameSession['unplaced_pieces'][user]:
                total_pieces += piece[1]
        # check if both players have entered the game and placed all their pieces
        if (total_pieces == 0) and (len(gameSession['unplaced_pieces']) == 2):
            current_phase = "blue"

    elif current_phase == "blue":
        current_phase = "red"

    elif current_phase == "red":
        current_phase = "blue"

        if json['game_over'] == True:
            current_phase = json['responsible_team'] + '_wins'
    except KeyError:

    json['phase'] = current_phase
    # emit response to clients
    socketio.emit('my response', json, callback=messageReceived, room=room)

    # update unplaced pieces record for this player, to be re-inserted in db below
    gameSession['unplaced_pieces'][username] = unplaced_pieces
    # update board state, phase, and unplaced pieces records in database
    db.updateOne({'_id': ObjectId(room)}, {
        '$set': {
            'board_state': board_state,
            'unplaced_pieces': gameSession['unplaced_pieces'],
            'phase': current_phase
    # update same attributes from above in user's session cookie
    session['board_state'], session['unplaced_pieces'], session[
        'phase'] = board_state, unplaced_pieces, current_phase
Exemple #4
def enterGame(username=None, password=None):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if username is None:
            username = request.form['username']
        if password is None:
            password = request.form['password']
        error = None
        session_code = None

            session_code = request.form['session_code']
            print('session found: ' + session_code)
            print('no code found')
        if session_code is None:
            session_code = get_random_alphaNumeric_string(5)
                'code': session_code,
                'users': {},
                'board_state': board.grid,
                'phase': 'preparation',
                'unplaced_pieces': {},
                'messages': []
            print('session created: ' + session_code)

        if username is None:
            error = 'Please provide a username. You can make one up.'

            gameSession = db.fetchOne({'code': session_code})
            # check if user exists in current session
            if username in gameSession['users']:
                print('existing username found...')
                session_id, color, phase = gameSession['_id'], gameSession[
                    'users'][username]['color'], gameSession['phase']

                if not check_password_hash(
                        gameSession['users'][username]['password'], password):
                    error = 'Incorrect password.'
                print('users\n', gameSession['users'])
                if len(gameSession['users']) == 1:
                    color = 'red'
                    color = 'blue'
                    username: {
                        'password': generate_password_hash(password),
                        'color': color
                    username: [(key, pieces_reference[key].maxQuantity)
                               for key in pieces_reference]
                db.updateOne({'code': session_code}, {
                    '$set': {
                        'users': gameSession['users'],
                        'unplaced_pieces': gameSession['unplaced_pieces']
                phase = gameSession['phase']

        session_id = str(gameSession['_id'])

        if error is None:
            session['user_id'], session['session_code'], session[
                'session_id'], session['color'], session[
                    'phase'] = username, session_code, session_id, color, phase
            return redirect(url_for('sessions', id=session_id))


    return render_template('auth/login.html')