def interestedItem(): '''User marks that they are interested in an item''' iid = int(request.args.get('iid')) conn = dbInteractions.getConn() user = session['CAS_USERNAME'] seller = dbInteractions.getSeller(conn, iid) if user == seller: return jsonify( {'msg': 'You cannot mark yourself interested in your own item!'}) else: checkInterested = dbInteractions.checkIsInterestedIn(conn, user, iid) if not checkInterested: sellerId, itemName = dbInteractions.interestedIn(conn, user, iid) msg = Message( subject="Blue Market: Someone is interested in your item!", sender=user + "", recipients=[sellerId + ""], body='''Dear ''' + sellerId + ''', \n\n Someone is interested in purchasing your item for sale: ''' + itemName + '''\n To contact the buyer, please respond to this email or contact them at ''' + user + ''' \n\n Thanks for using Blue Market! ''') mail.send(msg) return jsonify({'msg': 'Seller notified!'}) else: return jsonify({ 'msg': 'You have already marked yourself as interested in this item!' }) return redirect(request.referrer)
def unbookmarkPost(pid): '''Unbookmark post for current user given pid''' conn = dbInteractions.getConn() user = session['CAS_USERNAME'] posts = dbInteractions.unbookmarkPost(conn, user, pid) flash("Post has been removed from your bookmarks!") return redirect(request.referrer)
def index(): '''User logs into app using their Wellesley authentication. After authentication, redirect to feed.''' if 'CAS_USERNAME' in session: user = session['CAS_USERNAME'] conn = dbInteractions.getConn() dbInteractions.login(conn, user) return redirect(url_for('feed')) return render_template('login.html')
def readPost(pid): '''Displays all the details of a post including its items, given the post id''' conn = dbInteractions.getConn() post = dbInteractions.getPost(conn, pid) items = dbInteractions.getPostItems(conn, pid) isSeller = dbInteractions.getSellerB(conn, pid) == session['CAS_USERNAME'] return render_template('post.html', post=post, items=items, isSeller=isSeller)
def searchItems(): '''Search items for given keyword and display each matching item's parent post''' conn = dbInteractions.getConn() if request.method == 'GET': query = request.args.get('searchterm') PIDS = dbInteractions.getSearchPIDs(conn, query) posts = [ dbInteractions.getPost(conn, postID['pid']) for postID in PIDS ] return render_template('feed.html', posts=posts)
def deletePost(pid): '''Delete post given pid, will delete it's items too via cascade''' pid = int(pid) conn = dbInteractions.getConn() posts = dbInteractions.getMyPosts(conn, session['CAS_USERNAME']) if pid in [post['pid'] for post in posts]: filename = dbInteractions.getImageFilename(conn, pid)['photo'] if filename != 'placeholder.png': dbInteractions.deletePost(conn, pid) return redirect(url_for('delete_file', filename=filename)) dbInteractions.deletePost(conn, pid) return redirect(url_for('myStuff'))
def bookmarkPost(pid): '''Bookmark post given post id, using current user id''' conn = dbInteractions.getConn() user = session['CAS_USERNAME'] seller = dbInteractions.getSellerB(conn, pid) if user == seller: flash("You cannot bookmark your own post!") else: isBookmarked = dbInteractions.checkIsBookmarked(conn, user, pid) if not isBookmarked: dbInteractions.bookmarkPost(conn, user, pid) flash("You have bookmarked this post!") else: flash("You have already bookmarked this post!") return redirect(request.referrer)
def deleteItem(): iid = int(request.args.get('iid')) conn = dbInteractions.getConn() seller = dbInteractions.getSeller(conn, iid) if session['CAS_USERNAME'] == seller: dbInteractions.deleteItem(conn, iid) return jsonify({ 'msg': 'Successfully deleted item from post! Reload page to see change.' }) else: return jsonify({ 'msg': "You can't delete an item from a post you didn't create you stinky hacker you!" }) return redirect(request.referrer)
def feedCategory(category): '''Displays all posts with given category''' conn = dbInteractions.getConn() feed = dbInteractions.getFeedCategory(conn, category) return render_template('feed.html', posts=feed)
def feed(): '''Gets the entire feed aka all the posts that exist in the database. Displays them in reverse chronological order.''' conn = dbInteractions.getConn() feed = dbInteractions.getFeed(conn) return render_template('feed.html', posts=feed)
def makePost(): '''Create post and add a minimum of one item''' conn = dbInteractions.getConn() if request.method == 'GET': return render_template('makePost.html') elif request.method == 'POST': title = request.form.get('title') category = request.form.get('category') pRange = request.form.get('price-range') pType = request.form.get('payment-type') pickup = request.form.get('pickup-location') description = request.form.get('description') # photo upload file = request.files['file'] filename = file.filename if filename == '': filename = 'placeholder.png' else: if file and allowed_file(filename): filename = secure_filename(filename) # adding random string to filename in case that two posts upload images # with the same name filename = filename.split('.')[0] + ''.join([ random.choice(('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz' + '0123456789')) for i in range(20) ]) + '.' + filename.split('.')[1]['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) else: flash( 'Please only upload files of the following type: JPG, JPEG, GIF or PNG' ) return redirect(request.url) pid = dbInteractions.makePost(conn, session['CAS_USERNAME'], title, category, pRange, pType, pickup, description, filename) pid = pid['last_insert_id()'] # iterate through each item and add it to item table numItems = request.form['numItems'] for i in range(1, int(numItems) + 1): iName = request.form['item_' + str(i)] iPrice = request.form['price_' + str(i)] iQuality = request.form['quality_' + str(i)] if iQuality == "": iQuality = None iIsRented = request.form['isRented_' + str(i)] iDescription = request.form['description_' + str(i)] iPhoto = request.files['itemFile_' + str(i)] iPhotoFilename = iPhoto.filename if iPhotoFilename == '': iPhotoFilename = 'placeholder.png' else: if iPhoto and allowed_file(iPhotoFilename): iPhotoFilename = secure_filename(iPhotoFilename) iPhotoFilename = iPhotoFilename.split('.')[0] + ''.join([ random.choice( ('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz' + '0123456789')) for i in range(20) ]) + '.' + iPhotoFilename.split('.')[1] os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], iPhotoFilename)) else: flash( 'Please only upload files of the following type: JPG, JPEG, GIF or PNG' ) dbInteractions.deletePost(conn, pid) return redirect(request.url) dbInteractions.addItem(conn, pid, iName, float(iPrice), iQuality, int(iIsRented), iDescription, iPhotoFilename) flash("Your post has been created!") return redirect(url_for('feed'))
def editPost(pid): '''Edit post given pid''' pid = int(pid) conn = dbInteractions.getConn() if request.method == 'GET': postInfo = dbInteractions.getPost(conn, pid) items = dbInteractions.getPostItems(conn, pid) if session['CAS_USERNAME'] == postInfo['uid']: return render_template('editPost.html', info=postInfo, items=items) else: flash( "You might be a hacker, please do not edit post by modifying url!" ) return redirect(url_for('myStuff')) elif request.method == 'POST': title = request.form.get('title') category = request.form.get('category') pRange = request.form.get('price-range') pType = request.form.get('payment-type') pickup = request.form.get('pickup-location') description = request.form.get('description') # photo upload stuff # start by removing old photo from uploads folder: oldFilename = dbInteractions.getImageFilename(conn, pid)['photo'] if oldFilename != 'placeholder.png': os.remove(os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], oldFilename)) file = request.files['file'] filename = file.filename if filename == '': filename = 'placeholder.png' else: if file and allowed_file(filename): filename = secure_filename(filename) # adding random string to filename in case that two posts upload images # with the same name filename = filename.split('.')[0] + ''.join([ random.choice(('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz' + '0123456789')) for i in range(20) ]) + '.' + filename.split('.')[1]['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], filename)) else: flash( 'Please only upload files of the following type: JPG, JPEG, GIF or PNG' ) return redirect(request.url) # iterate through each item and update it in the item table numItems = request.form['numItems'] for i in range(1, int(numItems) + 1): iid = request.form['iid_' + str(i)] iName = request.form['item_' + str(i)] iPrice = request.form['price_' + str(i)] iQuality = request.form['quality_' + str(i)] if iQuality == "": iQuality = None iIsRented = request.form['isRented_' + str(i)] iDescription = request.form['description_' + str(i)] # photo stuff # start by removing old item photo from uploads folder: oldItemFilename = dbInteractions.getItemImageFilename(conn, iid)['photo'] if oldItemFilename != 'placeholder.png': os.remove( os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], oldItemFilename)) iPhoto = request.files['itemFile_' + str(i)] iPhotoFilename = iPhoto.filename if iPhotoFilename == '': iPhotoFilename = 'placeholder.png' else: if iPhoto and allowed_file(iPhotoFilename): iPhotoFilename = secure_filename(iPhotoFilename) iPhotoFilename = iPhotoFilename.split('.')[0] + ''.join([ random.choice( ('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ' + 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz' + '0123456789')) for i in range(20) ]) + '.' + iPhotoFilename.split('.')[1] os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], iPhotoFilename)) else: flash( 'Please only upload files of the following type: JPG, JPEG, GIF or PNG' ) return redirect(url_for('myStuff')) dbInteractions.updateItem(conn, int(iid), pid, iName, float(iPrice), iQuality, int(iIsRented), iDescription, iPhotoFilename) dbInteractions.updatePost(conn, pid, session['CAS_USERNAME'], title, category, pRange, pType, pickup, description, filename) flash("Successfully updated post!") return redirect(url_for('myStuff'))
def getInterestedIn(): '''Displays all items the current user is interested in''' conn = dbInteractions.getConn() user = session['CAS_USERNAME'] items = dbInteractions.getInterestedIn(conn, user) return render_template('interestedItems.html', items=items)
def getBookmarked(): '''Displays all posts bookmarked by the current user''' conn = dbInteractions.getConn() user = session['CAS_USERNAME'] posts = dbInteractions.getBookmarked(conn, user) return render_template('bookmarkedPost.html', posts=posts)
def myStuff(): '''Displays all posts created by the current user''' conn = dbInteractions.getConn() posts = dbInteractions.getMyPosts(conn, session['CAS_USERNAME']) return render_template('myStuff.html', posts=posts)