Exemple #1
def add_timestamp():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()
    e_sql = 'select id, tid, timestamp, lid from T_EVENT where timestamp = 0 order by id desc  limit 3000000'
    #e_sql = 'select id, tid, timestamp, lid from T_EVENT where timestamp = 0 '
    #e_sql = 'select id, tid, timestamp, lid from T_EVENT where timestamp = 0 limit 1000000'
    l_sql = 'select id, tid, timestamp from T_LOCATION where id = %s'
    print 'e_sql', e_sql
    event = db.query(e_sql)
    print 'len ', len(event)
    for i, e in enumerate(event):
        if not (i % 10000):
            print 'now, it is ', i

        print '-----i: %s, e: %s' % (i, e)

        lid = e.lid
        eid = e.id
        location = db.get(l_sql, lid)
        if location:
            gps_time = location.get('timestamp', 0)  
            if gps_time:
                print 'update time', gps_time
                db.execute('UPDATE T_EVENT SET timestamp = %s WHERE id = %s',
                           gps_time, eid)
Exemple #2
class MGroupMixin(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.mysql_db = DBConnection().db

    def retrieve_mixin(self, citylist=None):
        results = []
        for city in citylist:
            infos = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT thp.province_id AS id, thp.province_name AS province_name,"
                                        "       thc.city_name AS city_name"
                                        "  FROM T_HLR_CITY AS thc, T_HLR_PROVINCE AS thp"
                                        "  WHERE thc.region_code = %s"
                                        "    AND thc.province_id = thp.province_id", city)
            for info in infos:
                groups = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT txg.id, txg.xxt_id, txg.name,"
                                             " txa.xxt_id AS agency_id, txa.name AS agency_name"
                                             " FROM T_XXT_GROUP AS txg LEFT JOIN T_XXT_AGENCY AS txa"
                                             "   ON txa.xxt_id = txg.agency_id"
                                             " WHERE txg.city_id = %s", city)
                for group in groups:
                    #total_parents = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(*) AS total"
                    #                                  " FROM T_XXT_USER AS txu"
                    #                                  " WHERE txu.group_id = %s", group.xxt_id)
                    total_parents = self.mysql_db.get("call P_GROUP_TOTAL_PARENTS(%s)",
                    #total_children = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(*) AS total"
                    #                                   " FROM T_XXT_TARGET AS txt"
                    #                                   " WHERE txt.group_id = %s", group.xxt_id)
                    total_children = self.mysql_db.get("call P_GROUP_TOTAL_CHILDREN(%s)",
                    if not group.agency_name:
                        group.agency_name = u'暂无'

                    res = {'_id': None,
                           'province_id': info.id,
                           'city_id': city,
                           'id': group.id,
                           'group_id': group.xxt_id,
                           'group_name': group.name,
                           'agency_id': group.agency_id,
                           'agency': group.agency_name,
                           'total_parents': total_parents.total,
                           'total_children': total_children.total,
                           'city': info.city_name,
                           'province': info.province_name}
        return results
Exemple #3
def block_test():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()

    #terminals = db.query("select * from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile = 14778741722 " )
    terminals = db.query("select * from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile in (14778473468 ) " )
    for terminal in terminals: 
        tid = terminal.tid
        t = db.query("SELECT tid from T_TERMINAL_INFO where test !=0 and tid=%s", tid)  
        if not t:

        #print 'clear', terminal 
        db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO SET test=0 WHERE tid = %s", 
        print 'tid: %s test is closed.' % tid
        sessionID_key = get_terminal_sessionID_key(tid)
        old_sessionid = redis.get(sessionID_key)
        if old_sessionid:
            print "Termianl %s delete session in redis." % tid
Exemple #4
class MOACB(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.db = DBConnection().db
    def fetch_mo_sms(self):
        status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS
        result = None
            mos = self.db.query("SELECT id, msgid, mobile, content "
                                "  FROM T_SMS "
                                "  WHERE category = %s "
                                "  AND send_status = %s"
                                "  ORDER BY id ASC"
                                "  LIMIT 10",
                                SMS.CATEGORY.MO, SMS.SENDSTATUS.PREPARING)
            for mo in mos:
                mobile = mo["mobile"]
                content = mo["content"]
                id = mo["id"]
                msgid = mo["msgid"]
                result = self.send_mo_to_acb(mobile, content, msgid)
                if result["status"] == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:
                    if int(result["ret"]) == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:
                        logging.info("SMS-->ACB success mobile = %s, content = %s", mobile, content)
                        self.db.execute("UPDATE T_SMS "
                                       "  SET send_status = %s"
                                       "  WHERE id = %s",
                                       SMS.SENDSTATUS.SUCCESS, id)
                        status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS
                    elif int(result["ret"]) == ErrorCode.FAILED:
                        logging.info("SMS-->ACB failure mobile = %s, content = %s", mobile, content)
                        self.db.execute("UPDATE T_SMS "
                                       "  SET send_status = %s"
                                       "  WHERE id = %s",
                                       SMS.SENDSTATUS.FAILURE, id)
                        status = ErrorCode.FAILURE
                        #sms-->acb reponse error result
                        status = ErrorCode.FAILURE
                    # http response is None
                    status = ErrorCode.FAILURE
        except Exception, msg:
            status = ErrorCode.FAILURE
            logging.exception("Fetch mo sms exception : %s", msg)
Exemple #5
def wash_location():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()
    #sql = "select id, tid,  mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO where tid = '36E2400480' "
    sql = "select id, tid,  mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO"
    #sql = "select id, tid,  mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO where login = 0"
    #print 'sql', sql
    terminals  = db.query(sql)
    print 'len ', len(terminals)
    count = 0
    cnt = 0
    for i, t in enumerate(terminals):
        tid = t.tid
        key = 'location:%s' % tid
        location = redis.get(key) 
        if not location:
        #if True:
            print 'tid', tid

            location = db.get("SELECT timestamp, MAX(timestamp) as maxtime"
                              "  FROM T_LOCATION"
                              "  WHERE tid = %s"
                              "    AND type = 0"
                              "    AND latitude != 0",
            if location:
                if location.timestamp != location.maxtime:
                    print 'timestamp != maxtime, tid', tid
                    location = db.get("SELECT * FROM T_LOCATION where timestamp = %s AND tid = %s limit 1", location.maxtime, tid)
                mem_location = DotDict({'id':location.id,

                redis.setvalue(key, mem_location, 86400*356*2)
                count = count +1 
                print 'handled tid:', tid
                cnt = cnt + 1    
    print 'total hanlded count:', count
    print 'total not hanlded count:', cnt
Exemple #6
def wash_location():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()
    sql = "select tmobile, from_unixtime(add_time) as add_time, from_unixtime(del_time) as del_time from T_BIND_LOG  where group_id in (239, 419)"
    sql_1 = "select tmobile, add_time, del_time from T_BIND_LOG  where op_type = 1 and tmobile = %s"
    sql_2 = "select tmobile, add_time, del_time from T_BIND_LOG  where op_type = 2 and tmobile = %s"
    #print 'sql', sql
    res  = db.query(sql)
    #print 'len ', len(terminals)
    for i, t in enumerate(res):
        tmobile = t.tmobile
        add = db.query(sql_1, tmobile)
        add_num = len(add)

        unbind = db.query(sql_2, tmobile)
        del_num = len(unbind)

        print del_num,  add_num,  t.del_time , t.add_time
        if del_num > add_num:
            print del_num,  add_num,  t.del_time , t.add_time,
def modify_terminal():

    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()
    sql = "select id, tid, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile= %s"
    terminals  = db.query(sql, mobile)
    #print 'len ', len(terminals)
    count = 0
    cnt = 0
    no_loc = 0
    for i, t in enumerate(terminals):
        tid = t.tid
        mobile = t.mobile
        owner_mobile = t.owner_mobile
        terminal_info_key = get_terminal_info_key(tid) 
        terminal_info = redis.getvalue(terminal_info_key) 
        if terminal_info: 
            print 'umobile in redis:%s, umobile in db:%s' % (terminal_info['owner_mobile'], owner_mobile)
            if terminal_info['owner_mobile'] != owner_mobile:
                print 'mobile: %s, umobile in redis:%s, umobile in db:%s' % (mobile, terminal_info['owner_mobile'], owner_mobile)
                cnt = cnt + 1    
                terminal_info['owner_mobile'] = owner_mobile 
                redis.setvalue(terminal_info_key, terminal_info)

    print 'count:', count
    print 'cnt:', cnt
Exemple #8
def statistic():
    db = DBConnection().db
    sql = 'select from_unixtime(timestamp), terminal_online, terminal_offline from T_STATISTIC where type=2 and  timestamp between  1378051140  and 1380556741'

    t = db.query(sql)
    sum_on = 0
    sum_off = 0
    for i in t:  
        print 'i', i
        on = i.terminal_online
        off = i.terminal_offline
        sum_on += on
        sum_off += off 
    print 'sum_on: %s, sum_off: %s, sum: %s' % (sum_on, sum_off, sum_on+sum_off)
Exemple #9
def execute():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()
    terminals = db.query("SELECT tid, mobile FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO ")
    print "len ", len(terminals)
    for t in terminals:
        tid = t.tid
        print "tid", tid
        car = db.get("select * from T_CAR where tid = %s", tid)
        if car:
            print "has car "
            print "insert car"
Exemple #10
def block_test():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()

    #terminals = db.query("SELECT tid, mobile, group_id, cid FROM V_TERMINAL WHERE group_id != '-1'")
    terminals = db.query("SELECT tid, tmobile, group_id, cid FROM V_TERMINAL WHERE cid = '13600335550'")
    for terminal in terminals: 
        tid = terminal.tid
        ttype = get_terminal_type_by_tid(tid) 
        print 'ttype', ttype
        if ttype == 'zj200':
            t = db.query("SELECT tid from T_TERMINAL_INFO where test !=0 and tid=%s", tid)  
            if not t:

            #print 'clear'
            db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO SET test=0 WHERE tid = %s", 
            print 'tid: %s test is closed.' % tid
            sessionID_key = get_terminal_sessionID_key(tid)
            old_sessionid = redis.get(sessionID_key)
            if old_sessionid:
                print "Termianl %s delete session in redis." % tid
Exemple #11
def send_all(content):
    db = DBConnection().db

    terminals = db.query("SELECT * FROM V_TERMINAL WHERE cid in ( '15207610001' )")
    # terminals = db.query("select id, tid, mobile, offline_time, from_unixtime(offline_time) from T_TERMINAL_INFO where login = 0")
    # terminals = db.query("SELECT mobile FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO where login=0")
    # terminals = db.query("select id, tid, mobile, offline_time, from_unixtime(offline_time) from T_TERMINAL_INFO where login = 0")
    # terminals = db.query("select id, tid, mobile, offline_time, from_unixtime(offline_time) from T_TERMINAL_INFO where login = 0 and offline_time>1408197915")
    # terminals = db.query("select id, tid, mobile, offline_time, from_unixtime(offline_time) from T_TERMINAL_INFO where login = 0 and offline_time>1411452000")
    print "len: %s", len(terminals)

    for t in terminals:
        terminal = db.get("select login, tid, mobile from T_TERMINAL_INFO where tid = %s", t.tid)
        if terminal.login == 0:  # offline
            print "--", terminal
            send(content, terminal.mobile)
Exemple #12
def block_test():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()

    sms = db.query("SELECT uid FROM T_SMS_OPTION")
    count = 0
    for s in sms:
        uid = s.uid
        user = db.get("select * from T_USER where uid = %s", uid)
        if user:
            # print 'pass'
            db.execute("DELETE FROM T_SMS_OPTION WHERE uid = %s", uid)
            print "delete ....", uid
            count += 1
    print "-------count: %s" % count
Exemple #13
class MLocationMixin(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.mysql_db = DBConnection().db
    def retrieve_mixin(self, city_list=None, start_time=None, end_time=None):
        results = []
        d = datetime.date.fromtimestamp(start_time/1000)
        year = d.year
        month = d.month
        cities = city_info(city_list, self.mysql_db)
        for city in cities:
            groups = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT T_XXT_GROUP.name as group_name, T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
                                         " FROM T_XXT_GROUP WHERE T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            for group in groups: 
                for item, category in [ #('custom', LOCATION.CATEGORY.CUSTOM),
                                       ('schedule', LOCATION.CATEGORY.SCHEDULE),
                                       ('realtime', LOCATION.CATEGORY.REALTIME)]:
                    #data = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(T_LOCATION.id) as total"
                    #                         " FROM T_LOCATION, T_XXT_TARGET, T_LBMP_TERMINAL"
                    #                         " WHERE T_LOCATION.timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s" 
                    #                         " AND T_LOCATION.category = %s"
                    #                         " AND T_LOCATION.sim = T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim"
                    #                         " AND T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim = T_XXT_TARGET.mobile"
                    #                         " AND T_XXT_TARGET.group_id = %s",
                    #                         start_time, end_time, category, group.xxt_id)
                    data = self.mysql_db.get("call P_LOCATION(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
                                             start_time, end_time, category, group.xxt_id) 
                    group[item] = data.total

                res = {'_id': None,
                       'province_id': city.p_id,
                       'city_id': city.id,
                       'group_id': group.xxt_id,
                       'province': city.p_name,
                       'city': city.name,
                       'group_name': group.group_name,
                       # 'custom': group.custom,
                       'schedule': group.schedule,
                       'realtime': group.realtime,
                       'year': year,
                       'month': month}
        return results
Exemple #14
def block_test():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()

    #terminals = db.query("select tid from T_TERMINAL_INFO where group_id= '438';")
    #terminals = db.query("select tid from T_TERMINAL_INFO where group_id= '438'")
    terminals = db.query("select id, tid,  test from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile = '14778748087' ")
    for terminal in terminals: 
        tid = terminal.tid
        #db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO SET trace_para='60:0' WHERE tid = %s", 
        #           tid)
        #print 'tid: %s test is closed.' % tid
        sessionID_key = get_terminal_sessionID_key(tid)
        old_sessionid = redis.get(sessionID_key)
        if old_sessionid:
            print "Termianl %s delete session in redis." % tid
Exemple #15
def export_excel():
    db = DBConnection().db
    online_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index green, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')
    offline_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index brown, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')

    wt = xlwt.Workbook()   
    ws = wt.add_sheet(u'jia') 
    sql = 'select id, mobile, owner_mobile, tid, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO'
    #sql = 'select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO'
    #sql = 'select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO limit 5'
    #sql = 'select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO  where service_status=1'
    #sql = "select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO  where service_status=1 and mobile like '%%%%14778%%%%' "
    #sql = "select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO  where group_id = 310 "
    #sql = "select mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO  where service_status != 0 and begintime between 1356969600 and 1388505599"
    #sql = "select mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO  where service_status != 0 and begintime between 1356969600 and 1388505599"

    #sql = "select mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO  where service_status != 0 and  (mobile  like '1477874%%' or mobile like '1477847%%' )"
    print 'sql', sql
    terminals  = db.query(sql)
    print 'len ', len(terminals)
    for i, t in enumerate(terminals):
        print 't', t
        reg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(t.begintime))

        #print 't', t
        #reg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(t.begintime))
    #lst += "'" + mobile + "',"
    #print 'select id, mobile, login, tid,owner_mobile,domain from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile = ' + mobile + ';'
    #db.execute("INSERT INTO T_BIZ_WHITELIST(id, mobile)"
    #           "  VALUES(NULL, %s)"
    #           "  ON DUPLICATE KEY"
    #           "  UPDATE mobile = values(mobile)", mobile)
    #content = ':SIM ' + umobile + ':' + mobile
    #print content
    #SMSHelper.send_to_terminal(mobile, content)
    #print '%s sucessfully.' % mobile
Exemple #16
def block_test():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()

    #terminals = db.query("select tid, move_val, static_val from T_TERMINAL_INFO where static_val =0 and move_val=0")
    terminals = db.query("select tid, move_val, static_val from T_TERMINAL_INFO where tid = '392240008A' ")
    #terminals = db.query("select tid, move_val, static_val from T_TERMINAL_INFO where id in (12923, 21792 )")
    #terminals = db.query("select tid, move_val, static_val from T_TERMINAL_INFO where static_val =60")
    for terminal in terminals: 
        tid = terminal.tid
        #db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO SET static_val=120,move_val=0 WHERE tid = %s", 
        #           tid)
        #db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO SET static_val=0, move_val=60 WHERE tid = %s", 
        #           tid)
        print 'tid: %s parking is modified.' % tid
        sessionID_key = get_terminal_sessionID_key(tid)
        old_sessionid = redis.get(sessionID_key)
        if old_sessionid:
            print "Termianl %s delete session in redis." % tid
Exemple #17
def export_excel():
    db = DBConnection().db
    online_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index green, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')
    offline_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index brown, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')

    wt = xlwt.Workbook()   
    ws = wt.add_sheet(u'jia') 
    sql = "select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO  where service_status=1 and begintime<1396281600 order by begintime "
    terminals  = db.query(sql)

    print 'len ', len(terminals)
    for i, t in enumerate(terminals):
        #terminal = db.get("select owner_mobile from T_TERMINAL_INFO where tid = %s", t.tid)
        #car= db.get("select cnum from T_CAR where tid = %s", t.tid)

        biz= db.get("select biz_type from T_BIZ_WHITELIST where mobile = %s limit 1", t.mobile)
        biz_type = 10
        if biz:
            if biz['biz_type'] == 1:
                biz_type = 20
        print 't', t
        reg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(t.begintime))
        #reg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(t.begintime))
    #lst += "'" + mobile + "',"
    #print 'select id, mobile, login, tid,owner_mobile,domain from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile = ' + mobile + ';'
    #db.execute("INSERT INTO T_BIZ_WHITELIST(id, mobile)"
    #           "  VALUES(NULL, %s)"
    #           "  ON DUPLICATE KEY"
    #           "  UPDATE mobile = values(mobile)", mobile)
    #content = ':SIM ' + umobile + ':' + mobile
    #print content
    #SMSHelper.send_to_terminal(mobile, content)
    #print '%s sucessfully.' % mobile
Exemple #18
def block_test():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()

    #start_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s"%(2014,8,26,0,0,0),"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")))
    #end_time = int(time.mktime(time.strptime("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s"%(2014,8,27,18,0,0),"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")))
    #print time.localtime(start_time)
    #print time.localtime(end_time)

    tid = '3922400068'
    start_time = 1409222189 
    end_time = 1409223445
    track = db.query("SELECT id, latitude, longitude, clatitude,"
                     "       clongitude, timestamp, name, type, speed, degree, locate_error"
                     "  FROM T_LOCATION"
                     "  WHERE tid = %s"
                     "    AND category = 1"
                     "    AND NOT (latitude = 0 OR longitude = 0)"
                     "    AND (timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s)"
                     "    AND type = 0"
                     "    GROUP BY timestamp"
                     "    ORDER BY timestamp",
                     tid, start_time, end_time)

    distance = 0
    start_point = None
    for point in track:
        if not start_point: 
            start_point = point
            distance += get_distance(start_point["longitude"], start_point["latitude"], 
                                     point["longitude"], point["latitude"])
            start_point = point

    print '---distance',  distance,  tid, start_time, end_time
Exemple #19
def export_excel():
    db = DBConnection().db
    online_style = xlwt.easyxf("font: colour_index green, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;")
    offline_style = xlwt.easyxf("font: colour_index brown, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;")

    wt = xlwt.Workbook()
    ws = wt.add_sheet(u"jia")

    # sql = 'select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL'
    # sql = 'select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO limit 5'
    # sql = 'select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO  where service_status=1'
    # sql = "select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO  where service_status=1 and mobile like '%%%%14778%%%%' "
    # sql = "select id, mobile, owner_mobile, begintime from T_TERMINAL_INFO  where group_id = 310 "
    sql = "select tid, mobile from V_TERMINAL where cid = '13823936111'"
    terminals = db.query(sql)
    print "len ", len(terminals)
    for i, t in enumerate(terminals):
        terminal = db.get("select owner_mobile from T_TERMINAL_INFO where tid = %s", t.tid)
        car = db.get("select cnum from T_CAR where tid = %s", t.tid)

        print "t", t
        print "ter", terminal
        print "car", car
        # reg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(t.begintime))
        ws.write(i, 0, terminal.owner_mobile)
        ws.write(i, 1, t.mobile)
        ws.write(i, 2, car.cnum)
    # lst += "'" + mobile + "',"
    # print 'select id, mobile, login, tid,owner_mobile,domain from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile = ' + mobile + ';'
    # db.execute("INSERT INTO T_BIZ_WHITELIST(id, mobile)"
    #           "  VALUES(NULL, %s)"
    #           "  ON DUPLICATE KEY"
    #           "  UPDATE mobile = values(mobile)", mobile)
    # content = ':SIM ' + umobile + ':' + mobile
    # print content
    # SMSHelper.send_to_terminal(mobile, content)
    # print '%s sucessfully.' % mobile
Exemple #20
def export_sms():
    db = DBConnection().db
    online_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index green, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')
    offline_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index brown, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')

    wt = xlwt.Workbook()   
    ws = wt.add_sheet(u'jia') 
    sql = "select insert_time, mobile, content from T_SMS where insert_time > 1393603200000 limit 5000" 
    #sql = "select insert_time, mobile, content from T_SMS where insert_time between  1391184000000 and 1393603200000 limit 5000" 
    #sql = "select insert_time, mobile, content from T_SMS where insert_time > 1388505600000 limit 5000" 

    #sql = "select insert_time, mobile, content from T_SMS where insert_time > 1388505600000" 
    #sql = "select insert_time, mobile, content from T_SMS where content like '%%激活成功%%' " 
    print 'sql', sql
    sms  = db.query(sql)
    print 'len ', len(sms)
    for i, s in enumerate(sms):
        #print 's', s
        reg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(s.insert_time/1000))
Exemple #21
def wash_location():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()
    sql = "select id, tid,  mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO "
    #print 'sql', sql
    terminals = db.query(sql)
    #print 'len ', len(terminals)
    count = 0
    cnt = 0
    for i, t in enumerate(terminals):
        tid = t.tid
        key = 'location:%s' % tid
        location = redis.getvalue(key) 
        #print 'location', location, type(location) 
        if location and int(location.locate_error) > 500: 
            print '------1 tid', tid, location
            location['locate_error'] = 500
            print '------2 tid', tid, location
            #mem_location = DotDict({'id':location.id,
            #                        'latitude':location.latitude,
            #                        'longitude':location.longitude,
            #                        'type':location.type,
            #                        'clatitude':location.clatitude,
            #                        'clongitude':location.clongitude,
            #                        'timestamp':location.timestamp,
            #                        'name':location.name,
            #                        'degree':float(location.degree),
            #                        'speed':float(location.speed),
            #                        'locate_error':location['locate_error']})

            #redis.setvalue(key, mem_location, 86400*356*2)
            count = count +1 
            print 'handled tid:', tid
    print 'total hanlded count:', count
    print 'total not hanlded count:', cnt
Exemple #22
def batch_import(file_path):
    db = DBConnection().db
    online_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index green, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')
    offline_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index brown, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')

    wt = xlwt.Workbook()   
    ws = wt.add_sheet(u'jia') 

    wb = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path)
    sheet = wb.sheets()[0]
    lst = ""
    num = 0
    #for i in range(1,sheet.nrows):
    for i in range(0,sheet.nrows):
        row = sheet.row_values(i)
        print 'roe', row
        #mobile = unicode(row[0])[0:-2]
        mobile = unicode(row[0])[0:11] # is recommend
        print 'mobile', mobile

        t = db.get("select id, mobile, login, tid, owner_mobile, from_unixtime(begintime) as begin_time,"
                   " from_unixtime(login_time) as login_time, domain from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile = %s and service_status=1", 
        print 't', t
        if not t:
            label= u'未激活'
            b = db.query('select * from T_BIND_LOG where tmobile=%s', mobile)
            if b:
                label= u'已解绑'
            print 'not: ', mobile
            label = u'已激活'
            print 't: ', t
            num += 1
        print 'label', label

        if label == u'未激活':
            ws.write(i,2,label, offline_style)
            ws.write(i,2,label, online_style)

        if t:
            begin_time = t.begin_time
            login_time = t.login_time
            #reg_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S',time.localtime(t.begintime))
            begintime = str(begin_time.year)+'-'+str(begin_time.month)+'-' +str(begin_time.day) +'-'+str(begin_time.hour)+':'+str(begin_time.minute)+':'+str(begin_time.second)
            logintime = str(login_time.year)+'-'+str(login_time.month)+'-'+ str(login_time.day) +'-'+str(login_time.hour)+':'+str(login_time.minute)+':'+str(login_time.second)

        #lst += "'" + mobile + "',"
        #print 'select id, mobile, login, tid,owner_mobile,domain from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile = ' + mobile + ';'
        #db.execute("INSERT INTO T_BIZ_WHITELIST(id, mobile)"
        #           "  VALUES(NULL, %s)"
        #           "  ON DUPLICATE KEY"
        #           "  UPDATE mobile = values(mobile)", mobile)
        #content = ':SIM ' + umobile + ':' + mobile
        #print content
        #SMSHelper.send_to_terminal(mobile, content)
        #print '%s sucessfully.' % mobile
    print num 
Exemple #23
class MT(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.db = DBConnection().db
    def fetch_mt_sms(self):
        status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS
        result = None
            mts = self.db.query("SELECT id, msgid, mobile, content, nosign"
                                "  FROM T_SMS"
                                "  WHERE category = %s"
                                "  AND send_status = %s"
                                "  ORDER BY id ASC"
                                "  LIMIT 50",
                                SMS.CATEGORY.MT, SMS.SENDSTATUS.PREPARING)

            for mt in mts:
                mobile = mt["mobile"]
                content = mt["content"]
                msgid = mt["msgid"]
                id = mt["id"]
                if not mobile:
                    logging.error("[SMS] Mobile is missing, drop it. mt: %s", mt)
                if True: #mt["nosign"]:
                    send_status, result = self.send_mt_nosign(id, msgid, mobile, content)  

                    result = eval(result)
                    if send_status["status"] == '200':
                        if result["resultCode"] == "0":
                        #if result["flag"] == "success":
                            logging.info("SMS-->Gateway nosign message send successfully, mobile:%s, content:%s",
                                         mobile, content)
                            status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS
                            self.db.execute("UPDATE T_SMS "
                                           "  SET send_status = %s"
                                           "  WHERE id = %s",
                                           SMS.SENDSTATUS.SUCCESS, id)
                            logging.error("SMS-->Gateway nosign message send failed, result:%s",
                            status = ErrorCode.FAILED
                            self.db.execute("UPDATE T_SMS "
                                                "  SET send_status = %s"
                                                "  WHERE id = %s",
                                                SMS.SENDSTATUS.FAILURE, id)
                        logging.error("SMS-->Gateway nosign message failed, send_status:%s",
                        status = ErrorCode.FAILED
                        self.db.execute("UPDATE T_SMS "
                                        "  SET send_status = %s"
                                        "  WHERE id = %s",
                                        SMS.SENDSTATUS.FAILURE, id)
                    result = self.send_mt(id, msgid, mobile, content)
                    result = json_decode(result)
                    if result["status"] == ErrorCode.SUCCESS:
                        if result["ret"] == "100":
                            logging.info("SMS-->Gateway success mobile = %s, content = %s, id = %s ", mobile, content, id)
                            self.db.execute("UPDATE T_SMS "
                                           "  SET send_status = %s"
                                           "  WHERE id = %s",
                                           SMS.SENDSTATUS.SUCCESS, id)
                            status = ErrorCode.SUCCESS
                            if result["ret"] == "101":
                                logging.error("SMS-->Gateway failure, errorcode = 101, mobile = %s, content = %s, id = %s ", mobile, content, id)
                            elif result["ret"] == "104":
                                logging.error("SMS-->Gateway content error, errorcode = 104, mobile = %s, content = %s, id = %s ", mobile, content, id)
                            elif result["ret"] == "105":
                                logging.error("SMS-->Gateway frequency too fast, errorcode = 105, mobile = %s, content = %s, id = %s ", mobile, content, id)
                            elif result["ret"] == "106":
                                logging.error("SMS-->Gateway number limited, errorcode = 106, mobile = %s, content = %s, id = %s ", mobile, content, id)
                                logging.error("SMS-->Gateway other error, errorcode unknown, mobile = %s, content = %s, id = %s ", mobile, content, id)
                            if  result["ret"] != "105":
                                self.db.execute("UPDATE T_SMS "
                                                "  SET send_status = %s"
                                                "  WHERE id = %s",
                                                SMS.SENDSTATUS.FAILURE, id)
                            status = ErrorCode.FAILED
                        # http response is None
                        logging.info("SMS-->Gateway failed, mobile = %s, content = %s, id = %s ", mobile, content, id)
                        status = ErrorCode.FAILED
                        self.db.execute("UPDATE T_SMS "
                                        "  SET send_status = %s"
                                        "  WHERE id = %s",
                                        SMS.SENDSTATUS.FAILURE, id)
        except Exception, msg:
            status = ErrorCode.FAILED
            logging.exception("Fetch mt sms exception : %s", msg)
Exemple #24
class TerminalStatistic(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.db = DBConnection().db
        self.redis = MyRedis()
        self.to_emails = ['*****@*****.**']
        self.cc_emails = ['*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**']
        #self.cc_emails = ['*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**']
    def statistic_online_terminal(self, epoch_time):
        start_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) 
        logging.info("[CELERY] %s statistic_online_terminal started.", start_time)
            corps = self.db.query("SELECT cid FROM T_CORP")
            for corp in corps:
                if corp:
                    online_count = self.db.get("SELECT COUNT(tti.tid) AS num"
                                               "  FROM T_CORP tc, T_GROUP tg, T_TERMINAL_INFO tti" 
                                               "  WHERE tc.cid = tg.corp_id"
                                               "  AND tg.id = tti.group_id"
                                               "  AND tti.service_status = 1"
                                               "  AND tti.login != 0"
                                               "  AND  tc.cid = %s",
                    offline_count = self.db.get("SELECT COUNT(tti.tid) AS num"
                                                "  FROM T_CORP tc, T_GROUP tg, T_TERMINAL_INFO tti" 
                                                "  WHERE tc.cid = tg.corp_id"
                                                "  AND tg.id = tti.group_id"
                                                "  AND tti.service_status = 1"
                                                "  AND tti.login = 0"
                                                "  AND  tc.cid = %s",
                    if online_count:
                        online_num = online_count.num
                        online_num = 0
                    if offline_count:
                        offline_num = offline_count.num
                        offline_num = 0
                    self.db.execute("INSERT INTO T_ONLINE_STATISTIC(online_num, offline_num, time, cid) "
                                    "  VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
                                    online_num, offline_num, int(epoch_time), corp.cid)
            convert_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(epoch_time)) 
            logging.info("[CELERY] %s statistic_online_terminal finish.", convert_time)
        except Exception as e:
            logging.exception("[CHECKER] statistic_online_terminal failed, exception: %s", e.args)

    def statistic_user(self, epoch_time):
            start_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) 
            logging.info("[CELERY] %s statistic_user started.", start_time)

            current_day = time.localtime(epoch_time)
            day_start_time, day_end_time = start_end_of_day(current_day.tm_year, current_day.tm_mon, current_day.tm_mday)
            month_start_time, month_end_time = start_end_of_month(current_day.tm_year, current_day.tm_mon)
            year_start_time, year_end_time = start_end_of_year(current_day.tm_year)

            logging.info("[CELERY] day_start_time: %s, day_end_time: %s, month_start_time: %s, month_end_time: %s, year_start_time: %s, year_end_time: %s.", 
                        day_start_time, day_end_time, month_start_time, month_end_time, year_start_time, year_end_time)
            in_terminal_add_day = 0 
            in_terminal_del_day = 0 

            in_terminal_add_month = 0 
            in_terminal_del_month = 0 

            in_terminal_add_year = 0 
            in_terminal_del_year = 0 

            e_terminal_add_day = 0 
            e_terminal_del_day = 0 

            e_terminal_add_month = 0 
            e_terminal_del_month = 0 

            e_terminal_add_year = 0 
            e_terminal_del_year = 0

            def handle_dead_terminal(db, redis):
                """For the terminals to be removed, delete the associated info of it.
                @params: db, database
                terminals = db.query("select tid, mobile from T_TERMINAL_INFO where service_status = 2")
                logging.info("Handle the to be removed terminals, the count of terminals: %s", len(terminals))
                for terminal in terminals:
                    logging.info("Delete the to be removed terminal:%s", terminal.mobile)
                    delete_terminal(terminal.tid, db, redis, del_user=True)

            def get_record_of_last_day(sta_time, sta_type, db):
                """Get record statisticted in last day.
                @params: sta_time, the statistic time
                         sta_type, the statistic type, 0: individual; 1: enterprise, 2: all
                         db, database
                ## BIG NOTE: the snippet only be invoked when statistic occurs first time
                #record = {}
                #record['terminal_add_month'] = 0
                #record['terminal_del_month'] = 0
                #record['terminal_add_year'] = 0
                #record['terminal_del_year'] = 0
                #return  record

                end_of_last_day = sta_time - 1
                record = db.get("SELECT terminal_add_month, terminal_add_year, terminal_del_month, terminal_del_year"
                                "  FROM T_STATISTIC"
                                "  WHERE timestamp = %s AND type = %s", 
                                end_of_last_day, sta_type) 
                if not record: 
                    # it should never happen  
                    record = {}

                current_day = time.localtime(sta_time)
                if current_day.tm_mday == 1: # first day of a month, year.month.01, the month-data is unavaliable
                    record['terminal_add_month'] = 0
                    record['terminal_del_month'] = 0
                    if current_day.tm_mon == 1: # first month of a year, 2014.01.01, the month-data and year-data are unvavliable 
                        record['terminal_add_year'] = 0
                        record['terminal_del_year'] = 0
                return record

            def handle_in_terminal(tmobile, start_time, end_time, db):
                """Check the terminal is del or add. 
                @params: tmobile, the mobile of terminal 
                         start_time, the start time of a day
                         end_time, the end time of a day 
                         db, database
                add_num = 0 
                del_num = 0

                add_count = db.get("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM T_BIND_LOG" 
                                   "  WHERE tmobile = %s AND group_id = -1 AND op_type = %s AND add_time BETWEEN %s AND %s", 
                                   tmobile, UWEB.OP_TYPE.ADD, start_time, end_time)

                del_count = db.get("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM T_BIND_LOG" 
                                   "  WHERE tmobile = %s AND group_id = -1 AND op_type = %s AND del_time BETWEEN %s and %s", 
                                   tmobile, UWEB.OP_TYPE.DEL, start_time, end_time)

                interval = add_count.count - del_count.count
                if interval == 0: # +-, -+ 
                    add_num = 0 
                    del_num = 0
                elif interval == 1: # +,+-+
                    add_num = 1 
                    del_num = 0
                elif interval == -1: # -, -+-
                    add_num = 0 
                    del_num = 1
                    #NOTE: it should never happen 
                    logging.error("Tmobile:%s, add_count: %s, del_count: %s", 
                                  tmobile, add_count.count, del_count.count)

                return add_num, del_num

            def handle_en_terminal(tmobile, start_time, end_time, db):
                """Check the terminal is del or add. 
                @params: tmobile, the mobile of terminal 
                         start_time, the start time of a day
                         end_time, the end time of a day 
                         db, database
                add_num = 0 
                del_num = 0

                add_count = db.get("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM T_BIND_LOG" 
                                   "  WHERE tmobile = %s AND group_id != -1  AND op_type = %s AND add_time BETWEEN %s AND %s", 
                                   tmobile, UWEB.OP_TYPE.ADD, start_time, end_time)

                del_count = db.get("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM T_BIND_LOG" 
                                   "  WHERE tmobile = %s AND group_id != -1 AND op_type = %s AND del_time BETWEEN %s and %s", 
                                   tmobile, UWEB.OP_TYPE.DEL, start_time, end_time)

                interval = add_count.count - del_count.count
                if interval == 0: # +-, -+ 
                    add_num = 0 
                    del_num = 0
                elif interval == 1: # +,+-+
                    add_num = 1 
                    del_num = 0
                elif interval == -1: # -, -+-
                    add_num = 0 
                    del_num = 1
                    #NOTE: it should never happen 
                    logging.error("Tmobile:%s, add_count: %s, del_count: %s", 
                                  tmobile, add_count.count, del_count.count)

                return add_num, del_num

            #  handle the dead terminal:
            handle_dead_terminal(self.db, self.redis)

            # for individual
            terminals = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT tmobile FROM T_BIND_LOG"
                                      "  WHERE (tmobile LIKE '14778%%' OR tmobile LIKE '1847644%%')"
                                      "  AND group_id = -1")

            tmobiles = [terminal.tmobile for terminal in terminals]
            for tmobile in tmobiles:
                add_num, del_num = handle_in_terminal(tmobile, day_start_time, day_end_time, self.db)
                in_terminal_add_day += add_num  
                in_terminal_del_day += del_num 

            record = get_record_of_last_day(day_start_time, UWEB.STATISTIC_USER_TYPE.INDIVIDUAL, self.db)
            logging.info("in_terminal_add_day: %s, in_terminal_del_day:%s",
                         in_terminal_add_day, in_terminal_del_day)
            logging.info("record of last_day for individual: %s", record)

            in_terminal_add_month = record['terminal_add_month'] + in_terminal_add_day
            in_terminal_del_month = record['terminal_del_month'] + in_terminal_del_day 

            in_terminal_add_year = record['terminal_add_year'] + in_terminal_add_day
            in_terminal_del_year = record['terminal_del_year'] + in_terminal_del_day 

            # for enterprise
            terminals = self.db.query("SELECT DISTINCT tmobile FROM T_BIND_LOG" 
                                      "  WHERE (tmobile LIKE '14778%%' OR tmobile LIKE '1847644%%') "
                                      "    AND group_id != -1")
            tmobiles = [terminal.tmobile for terminal in terminals]
            for tmobile in tmobiles:
                add_num, del_num = handle_en_terminal(tmobile, day_start_time, day_end_time, self.db)
                e_terminal_add_day += add_num  
                e_terminal_del_day += del_num 

            record = get_record_of_last_day(day_start_time, UWEB.STATISTIC_USER_TYPE.ENTERPRISE, self.db)
            logging.info("e_terminal_add_day: %s, e_terminal_del_day:%s",
                         e_terminal_add_day, e_terminal_del_day)
            logging.info("record of last_day for enterprise: %s", record)

            e_terminal_add_month = record['terminal_add_month'] + e_terminal_add_day 
            e_terminal_del_month = record['terminal_del_month'] + e_terminal_del_day 

            e_terminal_add_year = record['terminal_add_year'] + e_terminal_add_day 
            e_terminal_del_year = record['terminal_del_year'] + e_terminal_del_day 

            sql_corp_add = ("SELECT COUNT(id) as num"
                            "  FROM T_CORP"
                            "  WHERE timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s")

            sql_in_login = ("SELECT COUNT(distinct tll.uid) AS num"
                            "   FROM T_LOGIN_LOG as tll, T_TERMINAL_INFO as tti"
                            "   WHERE tll.uid = tti.owner_mobile "
                            "       AND (tti.mobile LIKE '14778%%' OR tti.mobile LIKE '1847644%%')"
                            "       AND tll.role =0 AND (tll.timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s)") 

            sql_en_login = ("SELECT COUNT(distinct uid) AS num"
                            "   FROM T_LOGIN_LOG" 
                            "   WHERE role != 0 AND (timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s)")

            sql_terminal_line_count = ("SELECT COUNT(tid) AS num"
                                       " FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO ")

            sql_in_active = ("SELECT COUNT(tmp.uid) AS num"
                             " FROM"
                             " (SELECT uid "
                             " FROM T_LOGIN_LOG as tll, T_TERMINAL_INFO as tti"
                             " WHERE tll.uid = tti.owner_mobile"
                             "     AND (tti.mobile LIKE '14778%%' OR tti.mobile LIKE '1847644%%')  "
                             "     AND  (tll.timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s)"
                             "     AND tll.role = 0 " 
                             "  GROUP BY tll.uid"
                             "  HAVING count(tll.id) >3) tmp")

            sql_en_active = ("SELECT COUNT(tmp.uid) AS num" 
                             " FROM" 
                             " (SELECT uid " 
                             " FROM T_LOGIN_LOG" 
                             " WHERE (timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s)" 
                             " AND role != 0 " 
                             " GROUP BY uid" 
                             " HAVING count(id) >3) tmp")

            sql_kept = ("INSERT INTO T_STATISTIC(corp_add_day, corp_add_month, corp_add_year,"
                        "  terminal_add_day, terminal_add_month, terminal_add_year,"
                        "  terminal_del_day, terminal_del_month, terminal_del_year,"
                        "  login_day, login_month, login_year, active, deactive,"
                        "  terminal_online, terminal_offline,"
                        "  terminal_individual, terminal_enterprise, timestamp, type)"
                        "  VALUES (%s,%s,%s,"
                        "  %s, %s, %s,"
                        "  %s, %s, %s,"
                        "  %s, %s, %s, %s, %s,"
                        "  %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"
                        "  ON DUPLICATE KEY"
                        "  UPDATE corp_add_day=values(corp_add_day),"
                        "         corp_add_month=values(corp_add_month), "
                        "         corp_add_year=values(corp_add_year),"
                        "         terminal_add_day=values(terminal_add_day),"
                        "         terminal_add_month=values(terminal_add_month),"
                        "         terminal_add_year=values(terminal_add_year),"
                        "         terminal_del_day=values(terminal_del_day),"
                        "         terminal_del_month=values(terminal_del_month),"
                        "         terminal_del_year=values(terminal_del_year),"
                        "         login_day=values(login_day),"
                        "         login_month=values(login_month),"
                        "         login_year=values(login_year),"
                        "         active=values(active),"
                        "         deactive=values(deactive),"
                        "         terminal_online=values(terminal_online),"
                        "         terminal_offline=values(terminal_offline),"
                        "         terminal_individual=values(terminal_individual),"
                        "         terminal_enterprise=values(terminal_enterprise)")

            in_login_day = self.db.get(sql_in_login,
                                      day_start_time, day_end_time )

            in_login_month = self.db.get(sql_in_login,
                                        month_start_time, day_end_time)

            in_login_year = self.db.get(sql_in_login,
                                       year_start_time, day_end_time)

            in_active = self.db.get(sql_in_active, 
                                   month_start_time, day_end_time)

            individuals = self.db.get("SELECT COUNT(tu.id) AS num"
                                      "  FROM T_USER as tu, T_TERMINAL_INFO as tti"
                                      "  WHERE tu.uid = tti.owner_mobile"
                                      "    AND (tti.mobile LIKE '14778%%' OR tti.mobile LIKE '1847644%%')") 
            in_deactive = DotDict(num=individuals.num-in_active.num)

            in_terminal_online_count = self.db.get(sql_terminal_line_count + " WHERE service_status=1 AND group_id=-1 AND login != 0 AND (mobile LIKE '14778%%' OR  mobile LIKE '1847644%%')")

            in_terminal_offline_count = self.db.get(sql_terminal_line_count + " WHERE service_status=1 AND group_id=-1 AND login=0  AND (mobile LIKE '14778%%' OR mobile LIKE '1847644%%')")

                            0, 0, 0,in_terminal_add_day, in_terminal_add_month, in_terminal_add_year,
                            in_terminal_del_day, in_terminal_del_month, in_terminal_del_year,
                            in_login_day.num, in_login_month.num, in_login_year.num, in_active.num, in_deactive.num,
                            in_terminal_offline_count.num, 0, 0, day_end_time,

            #2: enterprise stattis
            e_corp_add_day = self.db.get(sql_corp_add,
                                         day_start_time, day_end_time )

            e_corp_add_month = self.db.get(sql_corp_add,
                                           month_start_time, day_end_time )

            e_corp_add_year = self.db.get(sql_corp_add,
                                          year_start_time, day_end_time )

            e_login_day = self.db.get(sql_en_login,
                                      day_start_time, day_end_time )

            e_login_month = self.db.get(sql_en_login,
                                        month_start_time, day_end_time )

            e_login_year = self.db.get(sql_en_login,
                                       year_start_time, day_end_time )

            e_active = self.db.get(sql_en_active, 
                                   month_start_time, day_end_time)

            oper = self.db.get("SELECT count(id) as num"
                               "  FROM T_OPERATOR") 

            enterprise = self.db.get("SELECT count(id) as num"
                                     "  FROM T_CORP") 

            e_deactive = DotDict(num=enterprise.num+oper.num-e_active.num) 

            e_terminal_online_count = self.db.get(sql_terminal_line_count + " WHERE service_status=1 AND group_id != -1  AND login != 0 AND (mobile LIKE '14778%%' OR mobile LIKE '1847644%%') ")

            e_terminal_offline_count = self.db.get(sql_terminal_line_count + " WHERE service_status=1 AND group_id != -1 AND login = 0 AND (mobile LIKE '14778%%' OR mobile LIKE '1847644%%')")

                            e_corp_add_day.num, e_corp_add_month.num, e_corp_add_year.num,
                            e_terminal_add_day, e_terminal_add_month, e_terminal_add_year,
                            e_terminal_del_day, e_terminal_del_month, e_terminal_del_year,
                            e_login_day.num, e_login_month.num, e_login_year.num, e_active.num, e_deactive.num,
                            e_terminal_online_count.num, e_terminal_offline_count.num, 0, 0, day_end_time,
            # 3 total statistic
            terminal_total_in = self.db.get("SELECT count(id) AS num FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO WHERE group_id = -1")
            terminal_total_en = self.db.get("SELECT count(id) AS num FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO WHERE group_id != -1")

                            e_corp_add_day.num, e_corp_add_month.num, e_corp_add_year.num,


                            in_active.num+e_active.num, in_deactive.num+e_deactive.num,
                            terminal_total_in.num, terminal_total_en.num, day_end_time,

            end_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) 
            logging.info("[CELERY] %s statistic_user finished", end_time)
        except Exception as e:
            logging.exception("[CELERY] statistic_user terminal exception.")

    def statistic_offline_terminal(self, epoch_time):
        """Export data into excel file.
        start_time = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time())) 
        logging.info("[CELERY] %s statistic_offline_terminal started.", start_time)

        current_day = time.localtime(epoch_time)
        day_start_time, day_end_time = start_end_of_day(current_day.tm_year, current_day.tm_mon, current_day.tm_mday)
        month_start_time, month_end_time = start_end_of_month(current_day.tm_year, current_day.tm_mon)
        year_start_time, year_end_time = start_end_of_year(current_day.tm_year)

        logging.info("[CELERY] day_start_time: %s, day_end_time: %s, month_start_time: %s, month_end_time: %s, year_start_time: %s, year_end_time: %s.", 
                    day_start_time, day_end_time, month_start_time, month_end_time, year_start_time, year_end_time)

        import xlwt 
        import xlrd

        BASE_PATH = '/var/ydcws/reports/' 
        # NOTE: chinese filename cannot download successfully, so here use
        # english filename. wish one day chinese words can work well 
        OFFLINE_FILE_NAME = u"terminals_offline"
        #OFFLINE_FILE_NAME = u"离线用户统计表"
        cur_path = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(epoch_time) ) 
        pre_path = time.strftime("%Y%m%d",time.localtime(epoch_time-60*60*24)) 
        PRE_PATH = BASE_PATH + OFFLINE_FILE_NAME + '-' + pre_path + '.xls'
        CUR_PATH = BASE_PATH + OFFLINE_FILE_NAME + '-' + cur_path + '.xls'

        OFFLINE_HEADER = (u"车主号",

        OFFLINE_DETAIL_HEADER = (u"用户类型", 

        # offline-terminals of this day 
        cur_sql_cmd = ("SELECT id, owner_mobile as umobile, mobile as tmobile,"
                       "  begintime, offline_time, pbat, remark"
                       "  FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO"
                       "  WHERE service_status = 1 AND login =0 "
                       "  AND (mobile LIKE '14778%%' OR  mobile LIKE '1847644%%') "
                       "  AND (offline_time BETWEEN %s AND %s) ORDER BY pbat")

        # offline-terminals till now 
        #terminals_offline_cmd  = ("SELECT id, owner_mobile as umobile, mobile as tmobile,"
        #                          "  begintime, offline_time, pbat, remark, group_id"
        #                          "  FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO"
        #                          "  WHERE service_status = 1 AND login =0 "
        #                          "  AND (mobile LIKE '14778%%' OR  mobile LIKE '1847644%%') "
        #                          "  ORDER BY group_id, pbat")

        terminals_offline_cmd  = ("SELECT id, owner_mobile as umobile, mobile as tmobile,"
                                  "  begintime, offline_time, pbat, remark, group_id"
                                  "  FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO"
                                  "  WHERE service_status=1 AND login=0 "
                                  "  ORDER BY group_id, pbat")

        terminal_sql_cmd = "SELECT login, remark, offline_time FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO WHERE mobile = %s LIMIT 1"

        cur_res = self.db.query(cur_sql_cmd, day_start_time, epoch_time)
        terminals_ofline = self.db.query(terminals_offline_cmd)

        tmobile_lst = []
        for item in cur_res:
            item['offline_period'] = int(time.time()) - item['offline_time']
            item['offline_cause'] =  2 if item['pbat'] < 5 else 1
            item['sim_status'] = u'失败'
            if item['offline_cause'] == 1: # heart beat
                # check the sim status
                terminal_log = self.db.get("SELECT sim_status FROM T_BIND_LOG"
                                           "  WHERE tmobile = %s LIMIT 1",
                if terminal_log.sim_status == 1:
                    item['sim_status'] = u'成功'
            item['remark'] = safe_unicode(item['remark'])
        logging.info('[CELERY] the currentrecords to be dealed with, counts: %s, cur_res: %s', len(cur_res), cur_res)
        # NOTE: get last day's data
        pre_res = [] 
        if not os.path.isfile(PRE_PATH):
            logging.info("[CELERY] pre_path: %s cannot be found.", PRE_PATH)
            for rownum in range(1,sh.nrows): # get records from the second row

                row = sh.row_values(rownum)

                if row[1] in tmobile_lst:
                if row[8] == u'在线':

                tmobile = row[1]

                terminal = self.db.get(terminal_sql_cmd, tmobile) 

                current_status = u'离线'
                if not terminal:
                    current_status = u'已解绑'
                    row[8] = current_status
                    if terminal['login'] !=0:
                        current_status = u'在线'
                        row[8] = current_status

                    offline_period = int(time.time()) - terminal['offline_time']
                    row[4] = seconds_to_label(offline_period)
                    d,m = divmod(offline_period,60*60)
                    count = d+1 if m else d
                    row[6] = count
                    row[10] = safe_unicode(terminal['remark'])
            logging.info('[CELERY] the previous records to be dealed with, count: %s, pre_res: %s', len(pre_res), pre_res)

        # some styles
        #date_style = xlwt.easyxf(num_format_str='YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')
        title_style = xlwt.easyxf('pattern: pattern solid, fore_colour ocean_blue; font: bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;' "borders: top double, bottom double, left double, right double;")
        abnormal_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index red, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')
        add_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index blue, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')
        powerlow_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index dark_yellow, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;') 
        online_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index green, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')
        offline_style = xlwt.easyxf('font: colour_index brown, bold off; align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')
        center_style  = xlwt.easyxf('align: wrap on, vert centre, horiz center;')

        wb = xlwt.Workbook()
        ws = wb.add_sheet(u'离线汇总分析')
        ws_detail = wb.add_sheet(u'离线明细')

        # sheet 1: 离线汇总分析
        start_line = 0
        for i, head in enumerate(OFFLINE_HEADER):
            ws.write(0, i, head, title_style)

        ws.col(0).width = 4000 # umobile 
        ws.col(1).width = 4000 # tmobile 
        ws.col(3).width = 4000 * 2  # offline_time
        ws.col(4).width = 4000 * 2  # offline_period
        ws.col(6).width = 4000      # lq count
        ws.col(9).width = 4000  # sim_status
        ws.col(10).width = 4000 * 4 # remark

        start_line += 1

        results = cur_res
        for i, result in zip(range(start_line, len(results) + start_line), results):
            ws.write(i, 0, result['umobile'], center_style)
            ws.write(i, 1, result['tmobile'], center_style)
            ws.write(i, 2, str(result['pbat'])+'%', center_style)
            ws.write(i, 3, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(result['offline_time'])), center_style)
            ws.write(i, 4, seconds_to_label(result['offline_period']), center_style)

            if result['offline_cause'] == 2: 
                offline_cause =  u'低电关机' 
                ws.write(i, 5, offline_cause, powerlow_style)
                offline_cause =  u'通讯异常'
                ws.write(i, 5, offline_cause, abnormal_style)
                if result['sim_status'] == u'成功': 
                    ws.write(i, 9, safe_unicode(result['sim_status']), online_style)
                    ws.write(i, 9, safe_unicode(result['sim_status']), abnormal_style)
            d,m = divmod(result['offline_period'],60*60)
            count = d+1 if m else d
            ws.write(i, 6, count)
            terminal = self.db.get("SELECT remark FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO where id = %s", result['id'])

            ws.write(i, 7, u'新增', add_style)
            ws.write(i, 10, safe_unicode(terminal['remark']), center_style)
            start_line += 1

        logging.info('[CELERY] current offline records, count: %s, tmobile_lst: %s', len(tmobile_lst), tmobile_lst)
        results = pre_res
        for i, result in zip(range(start_line, len(results) + start_line), results):
            #for j in range(len(OFFLINE_HEADER)):
            #    ws.write(i, j, result[j])
            #if result[1] in tmobile_lst:
            #    continue
            ws.write(i, 0, result[0], center_style)
            ws.write(i, 1, result[1], center_style)
            ws.write(i, 2, result[2], center_style)
            ws.write(i, 3, result[3], center_style)
            ws.write(i, 4, result[4], center_style)

            if result[5] == u'低电关机':
                ws.write(i, 5, u'低电关机', powerlow_style)
                ws.write(i, 5, u'通讯异常', abnormal_style)
            ws.write(i, 6, result[6])
            if result[8] == u'在线':
                ws.write(i, 8, u'在线', online_style)
            elif result[8] == u'已解绑': 
                ws.write(i, 8, u'已解绑')
            #ws.write(i, 9, result[9], center_style)
            ws.write(i, 10, result[10], center_style)

        # sheet 2: 离线明细

        start_line = 0
        for i, head in enumerate(OFFLINE_DETAIL_HEADER):
            ws_detail.write(0, i, head, title_style)

        ws_detail.col(1).width = 4000 
        ws_detail.col(2).width = 4000 
        ws_detail.col(4).width = 4000 * 2 
        ws_detail.col(5).width = 4000 * 2 
        ws_detail.col(7).width = 4000 * 4

        start_line += 1
        results = terminals_ofline
        for i, result in zip(range(start_line, len(results) + start_line), results):
            # some modification 
            if result['group_id'] == -1: 
                result['user_type'] = UWEB.USER_TYPE.PERSON 
                result['user_type'] = UWEB.USER_TYPE.CORP
            offline_period = int(time.time()) - result['offline_time'] 
            result['offline_period'] = offline_period if offline_period > 0  else  0 
            result['offline_cause'] = 2 if result['pbat'] < 5 else 1

            ws_detail.write(i, 0, u'个人用户' if result['user_type'] == UWEB.USER_TYPE.PERSON else u'集团用户')
            ws_detail.write(i, 1, result['umobile'], center_style)
            ws_detail.write(i, 2, result['tmobile'], center_style)
            ws_detail.write(i, 3, str(result['pbat'])+'%', center_style)
            ws_detail.write(i, 4, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime(result['offline_time'])), center_style) 
            ws_detail.write(i, 5, seconds_to_label(result['offline_period']))

            if result['offline_cause'] == 2: 
                offline_cause =  u'低电关机' 
                ws_detail.write(i, 6, offline_cause, powerlow_style)
                offline_cause =  u'通讯异常'
                ws_detail.write(i, 6, offline_cause, abnormal_style)
            #ws_detail.write(i, 6, u'低电关机' if result['offline_cause'] == 2 else u'通讯异常')
            terminal_offline = self.db.get("SELECT remark FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO where id = %s", result['id']) 
            ws_detail.write(i, 7, safe_unicode(terminal_offline['remark']))

            start_line += 1


        content = u'附件是 %s 的离线报表统计,请查收! 详情请看:%s ' % (cur_path,ConfHelper.ADMIN_CONF.url)
        subject = u'移动车卫士离线分析报告' + cur_path
        EmailHelper.send(self.to_emails, content, self.cc_emails, files=[CUR_PATH], subject=subject) 
        logging.info("[CELERY] statistic_offline_terminal finished, cur_path: %s", CUR_PATH)

    def statistic_misc(self):
        """Handle the old data.
        #NOTE: Self-test & Deprecated
        ##self.db.execute("truncate T_SUBSCRIPTION_LOG")
        ##self.db.execute("truncate T_STATISTIC")
        #terminals = self.db.query("select id, tid, mobile, begintime, offline_time, group_id from T_TERMINAL_INFO")
        #for terminal in terminals: 
        #    # 1: record to T_SUBSCRIPTION
        #    record_terminal_subscription(self.db, terminal['mobile'], terminal['group_id'], terminal['begintime'], terminal['begintime'],1) 
        #    # 2: modify the offline_time
        #    if terminal['offline_time'] == 0:
        #        self.db.execute("UPDATE T_TERMINAL_INFO set offline_time = %s where id = %s ", 
        #                        terminal['begintime'], terminal['id'])

        #part 2: for new statistic, transfer data from T_TERMINAL to T_BIND_LOG 
        #self.db.execute("TRUNCATE T_BIND_LOG")
        #terminals = self.db.query("SELECT id, tid, mobile, begintime, offline_time, group_id from T_TERMINAL_INFO where service_status = 1")
        #for terminal in terminals: 
        #    #1376755199, 2013.8.17; 1376668799, 2013.08.16
        #    #record_add_action(terminal.mobile, terminal.group_id, 1376668799, self.db)
        #    record_add_action(terminal.mobile, terminal.group_id, 1376755199, self.db)
        #    #record_add_action(terminal.mobile, terminal.group_id, int(time.time()), self.db)
        # part 3: handle terminals to be removed
        #terminals = self.db.query("SELECT id, tid, mobile, begintime, offline_time, group_id from T_TERMINAL_INFO where service_status = 2")
        #for terminal in terminals:
        #    logging.info("Delete to be removed terminal:%s with no log in T_BIND_LOG.", terminal.mobile)
        #    delete_terminal_no_record(terminal.tid, self.db, self.redis, del_user=True)
Exemple #25
def send_all(content):
    db = DBConnection().db
    terminals = db.query("SELECT mobile FROM T_TERMINAL_INFO")
    for terminal in terminals:
        send(content, terminal.mobile)
Exemple #26
class Test(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.db = DBConnection().db
        self.redis = MyRedis()

    def get_track(self, tid, start_time, end_time, cellid=False):
        """NOTE: Now, only return gps point.
        if cellid:
            track = self.db.query("SELECT id, latitude, longitude, clatitude,"
                                  "       clongitude, timestamp, name, type, speed, degree, locate_error"
                                  "  FROM T_LOCATION"
                                  "  WHERE tid = %s"
                                  "    AND NOT (latitude = 0 OR longitude = 0)"
                                  "    AND (timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s)"
                                  "    GROUP BY timestamp"
                                  "    ORDER BY timestamp",
                                  tid, start_time, end_time)
        else: # gps, pvt
            track = self.db.query("SELECT id, latitude, longitude, clatitude,"
                                  "       clongitude, timestamp, name, type, speed, degree, locate_error"
                                  "  FROM T_LOCATION"
                                  "  WHERE tid = %s"
                                  "    AND category = 1"
                                  "    AND NOT (latitude = 0 OR longitude = 0)"
                                  "    AND (timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s)"
                                  "    AND type = 0"
                                  "    GROUP BY timestamp"
                                  "    ORDER BY timestamp",
                                  tid, start_time, end_time)
        return track 

    def handle_stop(self, tid, start_time, end_time):

        track = self.get_track(tid, start_time, end_time)
        #print 'track, tid:%s, len: %s' % (tid, len(track))
        cnt = 0  

        delete_ids = []
        update_item = []
        create_item = []

        for i, pvt in enumerate(track):
            #print '------------i',i, pvt['id']
            #print 'i: %s, speed: %s, pvt: %s' % (i, pvt['speed'], pvt)
            stop_key = 'test_stop_redis:%s' % tid
            stop = self.redis.getvalue(stop_key)

            distance_key = 'test_distance_redis:%s' % tid
            distance = self.redis.get(distance_key) 

            if not distance:
                distance = 0

            last_pvt_key = 'test_last_pvt_redis:%s' % tid
            last_pvt = self.redis.getvalue(last_pvt_key)
            #if i == 0:
            #    print 'last_pvt', last_pvt
            if last_pvt:
                tmp = get_distance(int(last_pvt["longitude"]), int(last_pvt["latitude"]), 
                                   int(pvt["longitude"]), int(pvt["latitude"])) 

                #print 'tmp: %s, distance: %s' % (tmp, distance) 
                distance = float(distance) + tmp 
                #print 'last distance: %s' % (distance) 
                self.redis.setvalue(distance_key, distance, time=EVENTER.STOP_EXPIRY)

            if pvt['speed'] > LIMIT.SPEED_LIMIT: # 5  is moving
                if stop: #NOTE: time_diff is too short, drop the point. 
                    if pvt["timestamp"] - stop['start_time'] < 60: # 60 seconds 
                        cnt += 1  

                        _stop = self.db.get("SELECT distance FROM T_STOP WHERE lid =%s ", stop['lid'])
                        if _stop:
                            tmp_dis = _stop['distance']
                            tmp_dis = 0 
                        #print 'tmp_dis', tmp_dis
                        distance = float(distance) + tmp_dis 
                        #print 'tmp_dis distance', distance 

                        test_id = self.db.execute("DELETE FROM T_STOP WHERE lid = %s",
                        #print '---------delete id', test_id

                        self.redis.setvalue(distance_key, distance, time=EVENTER.STOP_EXPIRY) 
                        logging.info("[EVENTER] Stop point is droped: %s", stop)
                    else: # close a stop point
                        cnt += 1  
                        self.db.execute("UPDATE T_STOP SET end_time = %s WHERE lid = %s",
                                        pvt["timestamp"], stop['lid'])
                        logging.info("[EVENTER] Stop point is closed: %s", stop)
            else: # low speed, may stop
                if stop: 
                    stop['end_time'] = pvt["timestamp"]
                    self.redis.setvalue(stop_key, stop, time=EVENTER.STOP_EXPIRY)
                    logging.info("[EVENTER] Stop point is updated: %s", stop)
                else: # NOTE: start stop. #NOTE:  create a new stop point
                    cnt += 1  
                    stop = dict(lid=lid,

                    self.db.execute("INSERT INTO T_STOP(lid, tid, start_time, distance) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
                                    lid, tid, pvt["timestamp"], distance)

                    self.redis.setvalue(stop_key, stop, time=EVENTER.STOP_EXPIRY)


                    logging.info("[EVENTER] Stop point is created: %s", stop)
            last_pvt = pvt 
            self.redis.setvalue(last_pvt_key, last_pvt, time=EVENTER.STOP_EXPIRY)
            #print '---------------------- cnt', cnt

        #BIG NOTE: never use it
        #if create_item: 
        #    #_start = time.time()
        #    self.db.executemany("INSERT INTO T_STOP(lid, tid, start_time, distance) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)", 
        #                        [(item['lid'], item['tid'], item['timestamp'], item['distance']) for item in create_item])
        #    #_end = time.time()
        #    #print 'create_item', create_item 
        #    #print 'time_diff',  _end - _start

        ##handle db 
        #if delete_ids:
        #    #print 'delete_ids', delete_ids 
        #    self.db.executemany("DELETE FROM T_STOP WHERE lid = %s", 
        #                        [(item) for item in delete_ids])
        #if update_item: 
        #    #print 'update_item', update_item 
        #    self.db.executemany("UPDATE T_STOP SET end_time = %s WHERE lid = %s",
        #                        [(item['timestamp'], item['lid']) for item in update_item])

    def clear_stop(self, tid):
        self.db.execute("DELETE FROM T_STOP WHERE tid = %s", tid)

        stop_key = 'test_stop_redis:%s' % tid
        distance_key = 'test_distance_redis:%s' % tid
        last_pvt_key = 'test_last_pvt_redis:%s' % tid


    def handle_stop_single(self, tid, start_time, end_time):
        #begin_time = time.localtime()
        self.handle_stop(tid, start_time, end_time) 
        #end_time = time.localtime()
        #print 'begin_time',begin_time
        #print 'end_time',end_time

    def handle_stop_groups(self, tids, start_time, end_time):

        if not tids:
        for tid in tids:
            self.handle_stop_single(tid, start_time, end_time)

        logging.info("handle_stop_groups finished")

    def get_terminals(self):
        #terminals = self.db.query("SELECT * from T_TERMINAL_INFO"
        #                          "  where tid = '35C2000067'"
        #                          "  limit 50")
        #terminals = self.db.query("SELECT id, tid from T_TERMINAL_INFO where tid = '35C2000067'")
        terminals = self.db.query("SELECT id, tid from T_TERMINAL_INFO LIMIT 8000")
        return terminals
Exemple #27
class MSmsMixin(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.mysql_db = DBConnection().db
    def retrieve_mixin(self, city_list=None, start_time=None, end_time=None):
        # this is for parents
        #res = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT tsl.mobile, tsl.fetchtime, txu.name AS user_name,"
        #                          "       txg.xxt_id AS group_id, txg.name AS group_name,"
        #                          "       thc.region_code AS city_id, thc.city_name AS city,"
        #                          "       thp.province_id AS province_id, thp.province_name AS province"
        #                          " FROM T_SMS_LOG AS tsl, T_XXT_USER AS txu,"
        #                          "      T_XXT_GROUP AS txg, T_HLR_CITY AS thc,"
        #                          "      T_HLR_PROVINCE AS thp"
        #                          " WHERE tsl.fetchtime BETWEEN %s AND %s"
        #                          " AND tsl.mobile = txu.mobile"
        #                          " AND txu.group_id = txg.xxt_id"
        #                          " AND txg.city_id = thc.region_code"
        #                          " AND thc.province_id = thp.province_id",
        #                          start_time, end_time) 
        results = []
        cities = city_info(city_list, self.mysql_db)
        for city in cities:
            #res_parents = self.mysql_db.query("call P_SMS_PARENTS(%s, %s, %s)",
            #                                  start_time, end_time, city.id)

            sms_pres_parent = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT DISTINCT txu.mobile, txu.name AS user_name, "
                                   "  txg.xxt_id AS group_id, txg.name AS group_name,"
                                   "  thc.region_code AS city_id, thc.city_name AS city,"
                                   "  thp.province_id AS province_id, thp.province_name AS province" 
                                   "  FROM T_XXT_USER AS txu,"
                                   "      T_XXT_GROUP AS txg," 
                                   "      T_HLR_CITY AS thc,"
                                   "      T_HLR_PROVINCE AS thp"
                                   "  WHERE txu.group_id = txg.xxt_id "
                                   "  AND txg.city_id = thc.region_code"
                                   "  AND thc.province_id = thp.province_id"
                                   "  AND txg.city_id = %s",
            res_parents = [] 
            for sms_pre in sms_pres_parent:
                sms_parents = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT mobile, fetchtime"
                                                  "  FROM T_SMS_LOG"
                                                  "  where fetchtime BETWEEN %s AND %s"
                                                  "  AND mobile = %s",
                                                  start_time, end_time,
                for sms_parent in sms_parents:
                    res_parent = DotDict({'mobile':sms_parent.mobile,
        #this is for targets
        #res = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT tsl.mobile, tsl.fetchtime, txt.name AS user_name,"
        #                          "       txg.xxt_id AS group_id, txg.name AS group_name,"
        #                          "       thc.region_code AS city_id, thc.city_name AS city,"
        #                          "       thp.province_id AS province_id, thp.province_name AS province"
        #                          " FROM T_SMS_LOG AS tsl, T_XXT_TARGET AS txt,"
        #                          "      T_XXT_GROUP AS txg, T_HLR_CITY AS thc,"
        #                          "      T_HLR_PROVINCE AS thp"
        #                          " WHERE tsl.fetchtime BETWEEN %s AND %s"
        #                          " AND tsl.mobile = txt.mobile"
        #                          " AND txt.group_id = txg.xxt_id"
        #                          " AND txg.city_id = thc.region_code"
        #                          " AND thc.province_id = thp.province_id",
        #                          start_time, end_time) 
        #    res_targets = self.mysql_db.query("call P_SMS_TARGETS(%s, %s, %s)",
        #                                      start_time, end_time, city.id)

            sms_pres_target = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT DISTINCT txt.mobile, txt.name AS user_name, "
                                   "  txg.xxt_id AS group_id, txg.name AS group_name,"
                                   "  thc.region_code AS city_id, thc.city_name AS city,"
                                   "  thp.province_id AS province_id, thp.province_name AS province" 
                                   "  FROM T_XXT_TARGET AS txt,"
                                   "      T_XXT_GROUP AS txg," 
                                   "      T_HLR_CITY AS thc,"
                                   "      T_HLR_PROVINCE AS thp"
                                   "  WHERE txt.group_id = txg.xxt_id "
                                   "  AND txg.city_id = thc.region_code"
                                   "  AND thc.province_id = thp.province_id"
                                   "  AND txg.city_id = %s",
            res_targets = [] 
            for sms_pre in sms_pres_target:
                sms_targets = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT mobile, fetchtime"
                                                  "  FROM T_SMS_LOG"
                                                  "  WHERE fetchtime BETWEEN %s AND %s"
                                                  "  AND mobile = %s",
                                                  start_time, end_time,
                for sms_target in sms_targets:
                    res_target = DotDict({'mobile':sms_target.mobile,
        return results 
    def distinct(self, results):
        """recount the result, provide for frontend""" 
        res = []
        mobiles = [r['mobile'] for r in results]
        d_mobiles = list(set([r['mobile'] for r in results]))
        for mobile in d_mobiles:
            for result in results:
                if mobile == result['mobile']:
                    count = mobiles.count(mobile)
                    r = {'province':result['province'],
        return res
Exemple #28
class Test():

    def __init__(self):
        self.db = DBConnection().db
        self.redis = MyRedis()

    def get_track(self, tid, start_time, end_time, cellid=False):
        """NOTE: Now, only return gps point.
        if cellid:
            track = self.db.query("SELECT id, latitude, longitude, clatitude,"
                                  "       clongitude, timestamp, name, type, speed, degree, locate_error"
                                  "  FROM T_LOCATION"
                                  "  WHERE tid = %s"
                                  "    AND NOT (latitude = 0 OR longitude = 0)"
                                  "    AND (timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s)"
                                  "    GROUP BY timestamp"
                                  "    ORDER BY timestamp",
                                  tid, start_time, end_time)
        else: # gps, pvt
            track = self.db.query("SELECT id, latitude, longitude, clatitude,"
                                  "       clongitude, timestamp, name, type, speed, degree, locate_error"
                                  "  FROM T_LOCATION"
                                  "  WHERE tid = %s"
                                  "    AND category = 1"
                                  "    AND NOT (latitude = 0 OR longitude = 0)"
                                  "    AND (timestamp BETWEEN %s AND %s)"
                                  "    AND type = 0"
                                  "    GROUP BY timestamp"
                                  "    ORDER BY timestamp",
                                  tid, start_time, end_time)
        return track 

    #def get_track_distance(self, track):
    #    """Get distance of a section of track.
    #    """
    #    distance = 0 
    #    if not track:
    #        pass
    #    else:
    #        start_point = None
    #        for point in track:
    #            if not start_point: 
    #                start_point = point
    #                continue
    #            else:
    #                distance += get_distance(start_point["longitude"], start_point["latitude"], 
    #                                         point["longitude"], point["latitude"])
    #                start_point = point

    #    return distance

    def handle_stop(self, tid, start_time, end_time):

        track = self.get_track(tid, start_time, end_time)
        print 'track', len(track)
        cnt = 0  

        for i, pvt in enumerate(track):

            #print 'i: %s, speed: %s, pvt: %s' % (i, pvt['speed'], pvt)
            stop_key = 'test_stop_redis:%s' % tid
            stop = self.redis.getvalue(stop_key)

            distance_key = 'test_distance_redis:%s' % tid
            distance = self.redis.get(distance_key) 

            if not distance:
                distance = 0

            last_pvt_key = 'test_last_pvt_redis:%s' % tid
            last_pvt = self.redis.getvalue(last_pvt_key)

            if last_pvt:
                tmp = get_distance(int(last_pvt["longitude"]), int(last_pvt["latitude"]), 
                                                          int(pvt["longitude"]), int(pvt["latitude"])) 

                print 'tmp: %s, distance: %s' % (tmp, distance) 
                distance = float(distance) + tmp 
                print 'last distance: %s' % (distance) 
                #print 'add distance', i, pvt['id'], tmp, distance
                self.redis.setvalue(distance_key, distance, time=EVENTER.STOP_EXPIRY)

            if pvt['speed'] > LIMIT.SPEED_LIMIT: # 5  is moving
                if stop: #NOTE: time_diff is too short, drop the point. 
                    if pvt["timestamp"] - stop['start_time'] < 60: # 60 seconds 
                        cnt += 1  
                        _stop = self.db.get("select distance from T_STOP where lid =%s", stop['lid'])
                        if _stop:
                            tmp_dis = _stop['distance']
                            tmp_dis = 0 
                        print 'tmp_dis', tmp_dis
                        distance = float(distance) + tmp_dis 
                        print 'tmp_dis distance', distance 

                        self.db.execute("DELETE FROM T_STOP WHERE lid = %s",
                        self.redis.setvalue(distance_key, distance, time=EVENTER.STOP_EXPIRY) 
                        logging.info("[EVENTER] Stop point is droped: %s", stop)
                    else: # close a stop point
                        cnt += 1  
                        self.db.execute("UPDATE T_STOP SET end_time = %s WHERE lid = %s",
                                        pvt["timestamp"], stop['lid'])
                        logging.info("[EVENTER] Stop point is closed: %s", stop)
            else: # low speed, may stop
                if stop: 
                    stop['end_time'] = pvt["timestamp"]
                    self.redis.setvalue(stop_key, stop, time=EVENTER.STOP_EXPIRY)
                    logging.info("[EVENTER] Stop point is updated: %s", stop)
                else: # NOTE: start stop. #NOTE:  create a new stop point
                    cnt += 1  
                    stop = dict(lid=lid,

                    self.db.execute("INSERT INTO T_STOP(lid, tid, start_time, distance) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
                                    lid, tid, pvt["timestamp"], distance)
                    self.redis.setvalue(stop_key, stop, time=EVENTER.STOP_EXPIRY)


                    logging.info("[EVENTER] Stop point is created: %s", stop)
            last_pvt = pvt 
            self.redis.setvalue(last_pvt_key, last_pvt, time=EVENTER.STOP_EXPIRY)
            print '---------------------- cnt', cnt

    def clear_stop(self, tid, start_time, end_time):
        self.db.execute("DELETE FROM T_STOP WHERE tid = %s and start_time between %s and %s", 
                        tid, start_time, end_time)
        stop_key = 'test_stop_redis:%s' % tid
        distance_key = 'test_distance_redis:%s' % tid
        last_pvt_key = 'test_last_pvt_redis:%s' % tid
Exemple #29
def wash_location():
    db = DBConnection().db
    redis = MyRedis()
    #NOTE: all offline terminal
    #sql = "select id, tid,  mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO where login = 0"

    #NOTE: all offline terminals who has login before. 
    sql = "select id, tid,  mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO where login = 0 and login_time>0"

    #sql = "select id, tid,  mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO where tid = '354A000121'"
    #sql = "select id, tid,  mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile = '14778742419'"
    #sql = "select id, tid,  mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO where mobile = '14778749929'"
    #sql = "select id, tid,  mobile, owner_mobile, begintime, login_time from T_TERMINAL_INFO where login_time>0"
    #print 'sql', sql
    terminals  = db.query(sql)
    #print 'len ', len(terminals)
    count = 0
    cnt = 0
    no_loc = 0
    for i, t in enumerate(terminals):
        tid = t.tid
        key = 'location:%s' % tid
        location = redis.getvalue(key) 
        if not location: 
            no_loc = no_loc + 1
            print 'no location, tid', tid

            #NOTE: get latest point.
            location = db.get("SELECT timestamp, MAX(timestamp) as maxtime"
                              "  FROM T_LOCATION"
                              "  WHERE tid = %s"
                              "    AND type = 0"
                              "    AND latitude != 0",
            if location and location['timestamp']:
                location = db.get("SELECT * FROM T_LOCATION where timestamp = %s AND tid = %s AND latitude != 0 limit 1", location.maxtime, tid)
                mem_location = DotDict({'id':location.id,

                redis.setvalue(key, mem_location, 86400*356*2)
                count = count +1 
                print 'handled tid:', tid
                cnt = cnt + 1    
    print '-------no_loc', no_loc
    print 'total hanlded count:', count
    print 'total not hanlded count:', cnt
Exemple #30
class MDailyMixin(object):

    def __init__(self):
        self.mysql_db = DBConnection().db
        self.collection = self.mongodb_db.daily

    def retrieve_mixin(self, city_list=None, end_time=None):
        results = []
        cities = city_info(city_list, self.mysql_db)
        for city in cities:
            #total_groups = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(*) as total"
            #                                 " FROM T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                                 " WHERE timestamp <= %s"
            #                                 " AND city_id = %s",
            #                                 end_time, city.id)
            total_groups = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_TOTAL_GROUPS(%s, %s)",
                                             end_time, city.id)
            #total_parents = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(T_XXT_USER.xxt_uid) as total"
            #                                  " FROM T_XXT_USER, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                                  " WHERE T_XXT_USER.timestamp <= %s"
            #                                  " AND optype IN %s"
            #                                  " AND group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                                  " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            #                                  end_time, tuple(optype_status), city.id)
            #NOTE: change utc to the format as 201201312359590000
            end_time_parent =  time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S9999", time.localtime(end_time/1000))
            total_parents = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_TOTAL_PARENTS(%s, %s, %s)",
                                              end_time_parent, XXT.VALID.VALID, city.id)
            #total_children = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(T_XXT_TARGET.xxt_tid) as total"
            #                                   " FROM T_XXT_TARGET, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                                   " WHERE T_XXT_TARGET.timestamp <= %s"
            #                                   " AND optype IN %s"
            #                                   " AND group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                                   " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            #                                   end_time, tuple(optype_status), city.id)
            total_children = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_TOTAL_CHILDREN(%s, %s, %s)",
                                               end_time, XXT.VALID.VALID, city.id)
            #mo_sms = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(T_SMS_LOG.id) as total"
            #                           " FROM T_SMS_LOG"
            #                           " WHERE T_SMS_LOG.category = %s"
            #                           " AND T_SMS_LOG.fetchtime <= %s"
            #                           " AND ((T_SMS_LOG.mobile in"
            #                           " (SELECT mobile FROM T_XXT_USER, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                           " WHERE T_XXT_USER.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                           " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s)) OR "
            #                           " (T_SMS_LOG.mobile in"
            #                           " (SELECT mobile FROM T_XXT_TARGET, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                           " WHERE T_XXT_TARGET.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                           " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s)))",
            #                           SMS.CATEGORY.RECEIVE,
            #                           end_time, city.id, city.id)
            #mo_sms = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_MO_SMS(%s, %s, %s)",
            #                           SMS.CATEGORY.RECEIVE, end_time, city.id) 
            #NOTE: get mobiles for parents and children, then query sms_log through it
            mobile_parents = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT mobile" 
                                                 "  FROM T_XXT_USER, T_XXT_GROUP"
                                                 "  WHERE T_XXT_USER.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
                                                 "  AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            mobile_children = self.mysql_db.query("SELECT mobile" 
                                                 "  FROM T_XXT_TARGET, T_XXT_GROUP"
                                                 "  WHERE T_XXT_TARGET.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
                                                 "  AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            mobiles = [int(mobile['mobile']) for mobile in mobiles]
            mo_sms = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(T_SMS_LOG.id) as total"
                                       "  FROM T_SMS_LOG"
                                       "  WHERE T_SMS_LOG.category = %s"
                                       "  AND fetchtime <= %s"
                                       "  AND T_SMS_LOG.mobile IN %s",
                                       SMS.CATEGORY.RECEIVE, end_time,
                                       tuple(mobiles + DUMMY_IDS))
            #mt_sms = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(T_SMS_LOG.id) as total"
            #                           " FROM T_SMS_LOG"
            #                           " WHERE T_SMS_LOG.category = %s"
            #                           " AND T_SMS_LOG.fetchtime <= %s"
            #                           " AND ((T_SMS_LOG.mobile in"
            #                           " (SELECT mobile FROM T_XXT_USER, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                           " WHERE T_XXT_USER.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                           " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s)) OR "
            #                           " (T_SMS_LOG.mobile in"
            #                           " (SELECT mobile FROM T_XXT_TARGET, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                           " WHERE T_XXT_TARGET.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                           " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s)))",
            #                           SMS.CATEGORY.SEND,
            #                           end_time, city.id, city.id)
            # mt_sms and mo_sms call the same procedure
            #mt_sms = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_MO_SMS(%s, %s, %s)",                                  
            #                           SMS.CATEGORY.SEND, end_time, city.id)      
            mt_sms = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(T_SMS_LOG.id) as total"
                                       "  FROM T_SMS_LOG"
                                       "  WHERE T_SMS_LOG.category = %s"
                                       "  AND fetchtime <= %s"
                                       "  AND T_SMS_LOG.mobile IN %s",
                                       SMS.CATEGORY.SEND, end_time, 
                                       tuple(mobiles + DUMMY_IDS))
            # customer, schedule and realtiem call the same procedure
            #custom = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(*) as total"
            #                           " FROM T_LOCATION, T_LBMP_TERMINAL, T_XXT_TARGET, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                           " WHERE category = %s"
            #                           " AND T_LOCATION.timestamp <= %s"
            #                           " AND T_LOCATION.sim = T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim"
            #                           " AND T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim = T_XXT_TARGET.mobile"
            #                           " AND T_XXT_TARGET.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                           " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            #                           LOCATION.CATEGORY.CUSTOM, end_time, city.id)
            #custom = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_CUSTOM(%s, %s, %s)",
            #                           LOCATION.CATEGORY.CUSTOM, end_time, city.id)
            #schedule = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(*) as total"
            #                             " FROM T_LOCATION, T_LBMP_TERMINAL, T_XXT_TARGET, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                             " WHERE category = %s"
            #                             " AND T_LOCATION.timestamp <= %s"
            #                             " AND T_LOCATION.sim = T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim"
            #                             " AND T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim = T_XXT_TARGET.mobile"
            #                             " AND T_XXT_TARGET.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                             " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            #                             LOCATION.CATEGORY.SCHEDULE, end_time, city.id)
            schedule = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_CUSTOM(%s, %s, %s)",
                                         LOCATION.CATEGORY.SCHEDULE, end_time, city.id) 
            #realtime= self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(*) as total"
            #                            " FROM T_LOCATION, T_LBMP_TERMINAL, T_XXT_TARGET, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                            " WHERE category = %s"
            #                            " AND T_LOCATION.timestamp <= %s"
            #                            " AND T_LOCATION.sim = T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim"
            #                            " AND T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim = T_XXT_TARGET.mobile"
            #                            " AND T_XXT_TARGET.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                            " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            #                            LOCATION.CATEGORY.REALTIME, end_time, city.id)
            realtime = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_CUSTOM(%s, %s, %s)",
                                         LOCATION.CATEGORY.REALTIME, end_time, city.id)    
            #bound = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(*) as total"
            #                          " FROM T_LOCATION, T_LBMP_TERMINAL, T_XXT_TARGET, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                          " WHERE (category = %s OR category = %s)"
            #                          " AND T_LOCATION.timestamp <= %s"
            #                          " AND T_LOCATION.sim = T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim"
            #                          " AND T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim = T_XXT_TARGET.mobile"
            #                          " AND T_XXT_TARGET.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                          " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            #                          end_time, city.id)
            bound = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_BOUND(%s, %s, %s, %s)",
                                      LOCATION.CATEGORY.REGION_ENTER, LOCATION.CATEGORY.REGION_OUT, end_time, city.id)  
            #power = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(*) as total"
            #                          " FROM T_LOCATION, T_LBMP_TERMINAL, T_XXT_TARGET, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                          " WHERE category = %s"
            #                          " AND T_LOCATION.timestamp <= %s"
            #                          " AND T_LOCATION.targesimt_id = T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim"
            #                          " AND T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim = T_XXT_TARGET.mobile"
            #                          " AND T_XXT_TARGET.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                          " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            #                          LOCATION.CATEGORY.POWERLOW, end_time, city.id)
            power = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_POWER(%s, %s, %s)",
                                      LOCATION.CATEGORY.POWERLOW, end_time, city.id)
            #sos = self.mysql_db.get("SELECT count(*) as total"
            #                        " FROM T_LOCATION, T_LBMP_TERMINAL, T_XXT_TARGET, T_XXT_GROUP"
            #                        " WHERE category = %s"
            #                        " AND T_LOCATION.timestamp <= %s"
            #                        " AND T_LOCATION.sim = T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim"
            #                        " AND T_LBMP_TERMINAL.sim = T_XXT_TARGET.mobile"
            #                        " AND T_XXT_TARGET.group_id = T_XXT_GROUP.xxt_id"
            #                        " AND T_XXT_GROUP.city_id = %s",
            #                        LOCATION.CATEGORY.EMERGENCY, end_time, city.id)
            sos = self.mysql_db.get("call P_DAILY_SOS(%s, %s, %s)",
                                    LOCATION.CATEGORY.EMERGENCY, end_time, city.id) 

            # NOTE: query old_data from mongodb, then add the increment value in past
            # day: schedule, realtime, bound, sos, power
            old_daily = self.collection.find_one({'timestamp': end_time - 86400000}, {'_id':0}) 

            #custom_total = DotDict(old_daily).custom if old_daily else 0
            schedule_total = DotDict(old_daily).schedule if old_daily else 0
            realtime_total = DotDict(old_daily).realtime if old_daily else 0
            bound_total = DotDict(old_daily).bound if old_daily else 0
            sos_total = DotDict(old_daily).sos if old_daily else 0
            power_total = DotDict(old_daily).power if old_daily else 0

            res = {'_id': None,
                   'province_id': city.p_id,
                   'city_id': city.id,
                   'province': city.p_name,
                   'city': city.name,
                   'total_groups': total_groups.total,
                   'total_parents': total_parents.total,
                   'total_children': total_children.total,
                   'mt_sms': mt_sms.total,
                   'mo_sms': mo_sms.total,
                   # total = new + new + ... + new
                   #'custom': custom.total + custom_total,
                   'schedule': schedule.total + schedule_total,
                   'realtime': realtime.total + realtime_total,
                   'bound': bound.total + bound_total,
                   'sos': sos.total + sos_total,
                   'power': power.total + power_total,

                   'timestamp': end_time}

        return results