def read_trans(bot, update): trans = chat_id = update.callback_query.message.chat_id ad_id = get_ad_id(chat_id, conn) trans = int(trans) update_field(ad_id, 'transmission', trans, conn) return start(bot, update)
def enter_release_year(bot, update): release_year = update.message.text chat_id = update.message.chat_id ad_id = get_ad_id(chat_id, conn) release_year = int(release_year) update_field(ad_id, 'release_year', release_year, conn) return start(bot, update)
def read_ad_title(bot, update): chat_id = update.message.chat_id title = update.message.text member_id = update.message.chat_id insert_ad(member_id, title, conn) ad_id = get_ad_id(chat_id, conn) update_state(member_id, ad_id, conn) return start(bot, update)
def enter_model(bot, update): model = update.message.text chat_id = update.message.chat_id ad_id = get_ad_id(chat_id, conn) model = str(model) print(model) update_field(ad_id, 'model', model, conn) return start(bot, update)
def enter_mileage(bot, update): mileage = update.message.text chat_id = update.message.chat_id ad_id = get_ad_id(chat_id, conn) mileage = int(mileage) print(mileage) update_field(ad_id, 'mileage', mileage, conn) return start(bot, update)
def enter_brand(bot, update): brand = update.message.text chat_id = update.message.chat_id ad_id = get_ad_id(chat_id, conn) brand = str(brand) print(brand) update_field(ad_id, 'brand', brand, conn) return start(bot, update)
def enter_price(bot, update): price = update.message.text chat_id = update.message.chat_id ad_id = get_ad_id(chat_id, conn) price = int(price) print(price) update_field(ad_id, 'price', price, conn) return start(bot, update)
def start(bot, update): global conn conn = create_connection() try: member_id = update.message.chat_id except AttributeError: member_id = update.callback_query.message.chat_id if is_new_member(conn, member_id): add_new_member(conn, member_id) keyboard = [ [InlineKeyboardButton(u"افزودن آگهی", callback_data='1')], [InlineKeyboardButton(u"انصراف", callback_data='2')], [InlineKeyboardButton(u"جستوجوی آگهی", callback_data='3')], ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text(u"گزینه مورد نظر را انتخاب کنید", reply_markup=reply_markup) return PROCESS_OPTION else: member_state = fetch_state(member_id, conn) if member_state == 0: keyboard = [ [InlineKeyboardButton(u"افزودن آگهی", callback_data='1')], [InlineKeyboardButton(u"انصراف", callback_data='2')], [InlineKeyboardButton(u"جستوجوی آگهی", callback_data='3')], ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text(u"گزینه مورد نظر را انتخاب کنید", reply_markup=reply_markup) return PROCESS_OPTION elif member_state == 1: update.message.reply_text(u'عنوان آگهی خود را وارد کنید') return READ_AD_TITLE else: ad_id = get_ad_id(member_id, conn) null_values = list_null_fields(ad_id, conn) if len(null_values) == 0: return cancel_state(bot, update) button_list = [KeyboardButton(s) for s in null_values] reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup( build_menu(button_list, n_cols=2)) bot.send_message(chat_id=member_id, text=u"کدام اطلاعات را وارد میکنید؟", reply_markup=reply_markup) return PROCESS_NULLS
def cancel_state(bot, update): if update.callback_query: query = update.callback_query else: query = update chat_id = query.message.chat_id #He must start from the scratch ad_id = get_ad_id(chat_id, conn) if ad_id is None: update_state(chat_id, 0, conn) else: nulls = list_null_fields(ad_id, conn) if len(nulls) == 0: update_state(chat_id, 0, conn) update.message.reply_text(u'آگهی شما با موفقیت افزوده شد') else: update_state(chat_id, ad_id, conn) user = query.message.from_user"User %s canceled the conversation.", user.first_name) query.message.reply_text(u'باز هم به ما سر بزن!', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) conn.close() return ConversationHandler.END