def get_command(self, cur, goal, dT): """ cur: ChassisState goal: ChassisState dT: float """ desired = ChassisState() t_err = cur.t - goal.t x_err = cur.x - goal.y y_err = cur.y - goal.y # From section 5.12, desired.vx = (goal.vx * math.cos(t_err) + self.gain_fn(goal.vx, goal.vt, self.b, self.zeta) * (x_err * math.cos(goal.t) + y_err * math.sin(goal.t))) desired.vt = ( goal.vt + (self.b * goal.vx * math.sin(t_err) / t_err) * (y_err * math.cos(goal.t) - x_err * math.sin(goal.t)) + self.gain_fn(goal.vx, goal.vt, self.b, self.zeta) * t_err) return desired
def __init__(self): """ Initializes ROS and necessary services and publishers. """ rospy.init_node("chassis_planning" # disable_signals=True # log_level=rospy.DEBUG ) rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown_hook) self.base_max_speed = rospy.get_param("~base_max_speed", 0.36) # m/s, absolute max: 0.36 self.base_max_ang_v = rospy.get_param("~base_max_ang_v", 0.7) # rad/s, absolute max: 7.0 self.kP = rospy.get_param("~kP", 3.0) self.kA = rospy.get_param("~kA", 8.0) self.kB = rospy.get_param("~kB", -1.5) self.twist_command = geometry_msgs.msg.Twist() self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel", geometry_msgs.msg.Twist, queue_size=100) self.result = ChassisResult() self.pos_tolerance = 0.01 # m self.angle_tolerance = 0.05 # rad self.base_speed = self.base_max_speed self.base_ang_v = self.base_max_ang_v self.min_ang_v = 0.1 # rad/s, cold start minimum: 0.75 self.min_speed = 0.01 # m/s self.base_link_frame = "base_link" self.map_frame = "map" self.chassis_action_name = rospy.get_param("~chassis_action_name", "chassis_actions") self.chassis_action_name = rospy.get_param("~chassis_action_name", "chassis_actions") self.chassis_server = actionlib.SimpleActionServer( self.chassis_action_name, ChassisAction, self.chassis_callback, auto_start=False) self.chassis_server.start() rospy.loginfo("[%s] server started" % self.chassis_action_name) self.tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() self.tf_listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(self.tf_buffer) self.state = ChassisState() self.controller = GoalController() self.controller.set_constants(self.kP, self.kA, self.kB) # self.controller.set_constants(3.5, 20.0, -1.0) self.controller.forward_movement_only = False self.chassis_ready_service_name = "chassis_ready_service" rospy.loginfo("Setting up service %s" % self.chassis_ready_service_name) self.chassis_ready_srv = rospy.Service(self.chassis_ready_service_name, Trigger, self.chassis_ready_callback) rospy.loginfo("%s service is ready" % self.chassis_ready_service_name) rospy.loginfo("[%s] --- Dodobot chassis planning is up! ---" % self.chassis_action_name)
def goto_pose(self, params): default_val = None # float("nan") goal_x = params.get("goal_x", default_val) goal_y = params.get("goal_y", default_val) goal_angle = params.get("goal_angle", default_val) self.base_speed = params.get("base_speed", self.base_speed) self.base_ang_v = params.get("base_ang_v", self.base_ang_v) self.pos_tolerance = params.get("pos_tolerance", self.pos_tolerance) self.angle_tolerance = params.get("angle_tolerance", self.angle_tolerance) drive_forwards = bool(params.get("drive_forwards")) goal_state = ChassisState(goal_x, goal_y, goal_angle) rospy.loginfo("Current pose: %s. Goal pose: %s" % (self.state, goal_state)) self.controller.max_linear_speed = self.base_speed self.controller.min_linear_speed = self.min_speed self.controller.max_angular_speed = self.base_ang_v self.controller.min_angular_speed = self.min_ang_v self.controller.linear_tolerance = self.pos_tolerance self.controller.angular_tolerance = self.angle_tolerance self.controller.reverse_direction = not drive_forwards rate = rospy.Rate(60.0) prev_time = was_at_goal = False am_at_goal_timeout = rospy.Duration(0.25) am_at_goal_timer = while True: rate.sleep() self.update_current_pose() rospy.loginfo("goal: %s, current: %s, error: %s" % (goal_state, self.state, goal_state - self.state)) is_at_goal = self.controller.at_goal(self.state, goal_state) if is_at_goal: break # if is_at_goal and abs(command_state.vx) < 0.001 and abs(command_state.vt) < 0.001: # break # if is_at_goal: # if is_at_goal != was_at_goal: # am_at_goal_timer = # was_at_goal = is_at_goal # self.send_stop() # if - am_at_goal_timer > am_at_goal_timeout: # break # else: # was_at_goal = is_at_goal current_time = dt = (current_time - prev_time).to_sec() prev_time = current_time command_state = self.controller.get_command( self.state, goal_state, dt) self.send_cmd(command_state.vx, command_state.vt) if self.controller.is_stuck(): rospy.logwarn("Robot got stuck during go to pose routine!") rospy.loginfo( "goal: %s, current: %s, error: %s" % (goal_state, self.state, goal_state - self.state)) return False if self.check_cancelled(): rospy.loginfo("Go to pose routine cancelled") return False rospy.loginfo("goto_pose command completed successfully!") rospy.loginfo("goal: %s, current: %s, error: %s" % (goal_state, self.state, goal_state - self.state)) return True
def get_velocity(self, cur, goal, dT): """ cur: ChassisState goal: ChassisState dT: float """ desired = ChassisState() goal_heading = math.atan2(goal.y - cur.y, goal.x - cur.x) if self.reverse_direction: goal_heading = self.normalize_pi(goal_heading + math.pi) a = -cur.t + goal_heading if goal.t is None: goal_t = goal_heading else: goal_t = goal.t # In Automomous Mobile Robots, they assume theta_G=0. So for # the error in heading, we have to adjust theta based on the # (possibly non-zero) goal theta. theta = self.normalize_pi(cur.t - goal_t) b = -theta - a # rospy.loginfo('cur=%f goal=%f a=%f b=%f', cur.theta, goal_heading, # a, b) d = self.get_goal_distance(cur, goal) if self.forward_movement_only: direction = 1.0 a = self.normalize_pi(a) b = self.normalize_pi(b) else: direction = math.copysign(1.0, math.cos(a)) a = self.normalize_half_pi(a) b = self.normalize_half_pi(b) if self.reverse_direction: direction *= -1.0 # rospy.loginfo('After normalization, a=%f b=%f', a, b) if abs(d) < self.linear_tolerance: desired.vx = 0.0 desired.vt = self.kB * theta else: desired.vx = self.kP * d * direction desired.vt = self.kA * a + self.kB * b # TBD: Adjust velocities if linear or angular acceleration # too high. # Adjust velocities if X velocity is too high. if abs(desired.vx) > self.max_linear_speed: ratio = self.max_linear_speed / abs(desired.vx) desired.vx *= ratio desired.vt *= ratio # Adjust velocities if turning velocity too high. if abs(desired.vt) > self.max_angular_speed: ratio = self.max_angular_speed / abs(desired.vt) desired.vx *= ratio desired.vt *= ratio # Adjust velocities if too low, so robot does not stall. if abs(desired.vx) > 0 and abs(desired.vx) < self.min_linear_speed: ratio = self.min_linear_speed / abs(desired.vx) desired.vx *= ratio desired.vt *= ratio elif desired.vx == 0.0 and desired.vt != 0.0 and abs( desired.vt) < self.min_angular_speed: ratio = self.min_angular_speed / abs(desired.vt) desired.vx *= ratio desired.vt *= ratio return desired
def get_command(self, current_state, goal_state, dT): return ChassisState()