def updateHTML(self, event):
     # Get the updated values
     title = self.sTitleU.GetValue()
     body = self.sBodyU.GetValue()
     paragraph = self.sParagraphU.GetValue()
     footer = self.sFooterU.GetValue()
     # Get character ID
     htmlId = self.selectedId
     # Update the character
     db_program.updateHTML(htmlId, title, body, paragraph, footer)
     # Refresh list control
    def updateHTML(self):
        # Get the updated values
        print ("update HTML")
        title = self.update_title.get()
        body = self.update_body.get()
        paragraph = self.update_paragraph.get()
        footer = self.update_footer.get()

        #get html ID
        ID = self.selectedId

        print ("ID + " + str(ID))

        # Update the HTML
        db_program.updateHTML(ID, title, body, paragraph, footer)

        # Refresh list control
        messagebox.showinfo(title = 'Process HTML', message = 'HTML Updated!')