Exemple #1
Matt Olson
Demo script for lineup optimization project.  This code demonstrates how to
create a new database and store new Fan Duel data in that database, and then
use that data to create lineups with the largest number of predicted points.
Please see the command line tool 'historical_data.py' to see how to read in
historical player stats.

from data_aggregation import get_fanduel_data
from db_read_write import FantasyDB
from optimization import optimize_lineup

# Create DB
db_name = 'testdb'
week_fd = 15
db = FantasyDB(db_name)
db.initialize_new_db()  # only needs to be run once

# Get data
fan_duel = get_fanduel_data(week_fd)

# Write to DB
db.write_table(fan_duel, 'fan_duel')

# Now read these players from the DB (to illustrate functionality)
players = db.read_table('fan_duel', week_fd)

# Lineup Optimization
lineup1 = optimize_lineup(players)
def main():
    desc = '''
    Command line tool to read in historical player stats from a given week at
    every position into a database.
    # Parse command line args
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
    parser.add_argument('--db_name', action='store', default=None,
                        help='Name of database to write data')
    parser.add_argument('--stat_week', action='store', default=None,
                        help='Select week to get player stats', type=int)
    args = parser.parse_args()
    db_name = args.db_name
    stat_week = args.stat_week

    # Create a connection to the db
        db = FantasyDB(db_name)
        raise DBError('Could not connect to DB')

    # Write historical player data
    if stat_week is not None:
        if stat_week < 1 or stat_week > 17:
            sys.stderr.write('Week outside of range [1,17] \n')

        # Check to see if data already exists in db
        data = db.read_table('offensive', stat_week)
        if len(data) > 0:
            warn_str = 'Data from week {} already saved'.format(stat_week)
            warn_str += ' continue: Y/N?'
            response = raw_input(warn_str)
            if response.upper() != 'Y':

        # Read in data and store to DB
        stats = data_aggregation.get_all_stats(stat_week)
        db.write_table(stats['qb'], 'offensive')
        db.write_table(stats['rb'], 'offensive')
        db.write_table(stats['wr'], 'offensive')
        db.write_table(stats['te'], 'offensive')
        db.write_table(stats['dst'], 'dst')
        db.write_table(stats['kicker'], 'kicker')
        db.write_table(stats['matchup'], 'matchups')