Exemple #1
class RRD:
  def __init__(self,db_name=None):
    if db_name is None:
      db_name = 'rrd.db'

    self.db = DB(db_name)
    self.last_day = [None]*24
    self.last_hour = [None]*60

    t = time.time()
    self.start_h, self.end_h = wnd_1(t)
    self.start_d, self.end_d = wnd_24(t)

  def update_time(func):
    def inner(self,*args, **kwargs):
      t = time.time()
      self.start_h, self.end_h = wnd_1(t)
      self.start_d, self.end_d = wnd_24(t)
      return func(self,*args, **kwargs)
    return inner

  def save(self,epoch,value):
    """Save new data received to database.

    :param: epoch   timestamp of data to be saved
    :param: value   float value to be saved

    timestamp older than 24 hours or in future date
    will be discarded.
    m = self.db.fetch_from_epoch('minutes',trunc_to_min(epoch))
    if m is None and ( self._last_hour(epoch) or self._last_day(epoch)) :
      self.db.insert('minutes',data=(trunc_to_min(epoch), value))

  def query(self,*args):
    """Query informations stored on the database.

    Valid params are 'hours' or 'minutes'.
    Parameter 'hours' return values store in the
    last 24 hours, together with min value stored,
    max value stored and average of the values for the
    last 24 hours.
    'minutes' parameter will return values store in the
    last 60 minutes, together with min value stored,
    max value stored and average of the values for the
    last 60 minutes.

    if args[0] == 'minutes':
      data = self.db.fetch_all('minutes',self.start_h,self.end_h)
    elif args[0] == 'hours':
      data = self.db.fetch_all('hours',self.start_d,self.end_d)

    self.print_time_epoch(args[0], data)

    data_float = [e[1] for e in data]
    if len(data_float) > 0:
      print "min:{}  max:{}  avg:{} ".format(min(data_float),max(data_float),sum(data_float)/len(data_float))
      print "Not enough informations to evaluate min, max, avg. (Empty sequence)"

  def _last_hour(self,epoch):
    epoch = trunc_to_min(epoch)
    return int(self.end_h) <= int(epoch) <= int(self.start_h)

  def _last_day(self,epoch):
    epoch = trunc_to_min(epoch)
    return int(self.end_d) <= int(epoch) <= int(self.start_d)

  def print_time_epoch(self,table,data):
    print "".format('-'*5,str(table.upper()),'-'*5)
    for epoch,value in data:
      print '({}): <{}>  ==> {}'.format(epoch, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(epoch)),value)