def save_result(job_operation_id, osm_id, value): """ Save the result into an Hstore. For more info visit:\ why-does-sqlalchemy-initialize-hstore-field-as-null """ # checks the existence of the job->operation combination exists = session.query(Result).filter( Result.job_operation_id == job_operation_id).first() # saves new results if not exists: new_result = Result() new_result.job_operation_id = job_operation_id new_result.results[osm_id] = str(value) session.add(new_result) # updates existing results else: exists.results[osm_id] = str(value) session.flush()
def main(filename, osm_config_file): """ Reads the PBF file. """ # required for OSM data format gdal.SetConfigOption('OGR_INTERLEAVED_READING', 'YES') # set 'OSM_CONFIG_fILE' gdal.SetConfigOption('OSM_CONFIG_FILE', osm_config_file) # extract file date filedate = ''.join([s for s in filename if s.isdigit()]) creation_date = date( int(filedate[:4]), int(filedate[4:6]), int(filedate[6:8])) # find existing file existing_file = find_file(creation_date) # create new file if not existing_file: osmfile = OSMfile(creation_date) session.add(osmfile) session.flush() osmfile_id = find_file(creation_date).id lyr_read = FeatureReader(filename) for layer, feature in lyr_read.readData(): # extract important attributes osm_id = prepare_osm_id(feature, layer) osm_version = feature.GetField('osm_version') osm_timestamp = feature.GetField('osm_timestamp') all_tags = feature.GetField('all_tags') geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() # detect corrupt geometries bad_geom = check_bad_geom(geom, osm_id) if bad_geom or bad_geom == 'BONKERS!': continue # find duplicate features duplicate = find_feature(osm_id, osm_version, osm_timestamp) # add new data if not duplicate: new_feature = Feature(osmfile_id, osm_id, osm_version, osm_timestamp, all_tags, layer) if layer == 'points': new_feature.point = GeomPoint(geom) elif layer == 'lines': new_feature.line = GeomLine(geom) elif layer == 'multilinestrings': new_feature.multiline = GeomMultiLine(geom) elif layer == 'multipolygons': new_feature.multipolygon = GeomMultiPolygon(geom) elif layer == 'other_relations': new_feature.other_rel = GeomOtherRelation(geom) session.add(new_feature) else: # reference it to the current file duplicate.file_id = osmfile_id session.flush()