def writeMetadata(progID, ousUID, timestamp, dataProduct):
    # No error checking!
    dbcon = DbConnection(baseUrl)
    dbName = "products-metadata"
    metadata = {}
    metadata['progID'] = progID
    metadata['ousUID'] = ousUID
    metadata['timestamp'] = timestamp
    retcode, retmsg =, dataProduct, metadata)
    if retcode != 201:
        raise RuntimeError("setSubstate: error %d, %s" % (retcode, retmsg))
def writeDeliveryStatus(progID,
    # No error checking!
    dbcon = DbConnection(baseUrl)
    dbName = "delivery-status"
    delStatus = {}
    delStatus['progID'] = progID
    delStatus['timestamp'] = timestamp
    delStatus['dataProducts'] = sorted(dataProducts)
    delStatus['complete'] = complete
    delStatus['ousUID'] = ousUID
    retcode, retmsg =, ousUID, delStatus)
    if retcode != 201:
        raise RuntimeError("setSubstate: error %d, %s" % (retcode, retmsg))
Exemple #3
class NgasConnection():
        A simple API for NGAS
    def __init__( self ):
        self.dbName  = "ngas"
        self.dbcon = DbConnection( baseUrl )

    def __readBinaryFileIntoString( self, filename ):
        with open(filename, mode='rb') as file: # b is important -> binary
            fileContent =
        s = base64.b64encode(fileContent).decode()
        return s

    def __writeStringAsBinaryFile( self, s, filename ):
        b = base64.b64decode( s )
        with open( filename, mode='wb' ) as file:
            file.write( b )

    def put( self, pathname ):
        s = self.__readBinaryFileIntoString( pathname )
        basename = os.path.basename( pathname )
        file = {}
        # file['filename'] = basename
        file['encodedContents'] = s
        file['writeTimestamp'] = dbdrwutils.nowISO()
        # print( ">>> attempting save(): dbName: %s, basename: %s, file: %s" % (self.dbName, basename, file) )
        retcode,msg = self.dbName, basename, file )
        # print( ">>> ngas retcode:", retcode, "msg:", msg )
        return 0 if (retcode==201) else retcode

    def check( self, id ):
        "Return true if we have a file with the given ID, false otherwise"
        retcode,files = self.dbcon.findOne( self.dbName, id )
        if retcode != 200:
            raise RuntimeError( "NGAS: error %d: %s" % ( retcode,files ))
        return True if ( len(files) > 0 ) else False
Exemple #4
class XTSS():
    def __init__(self):
        self._baseUrl = "http://localhost:5984" # CouchDB
        self._dbcon = DbConnection(self._baseUrl)
        self._dbName = "status-entities"
        self._broker = RabbitMqMessageBroker()
        self._subscriber = Subscriber(self._broker, 'xtss.transitions', 'xtss')

    def start(self):
        executor = Executor('localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss', self.xtss)
        print(" [x] Awaiting RPC requests to 'xtss'")

    def __nowISO(self):
        return datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()[:-3]

    def findOUSStatus(self, ousUID):
        "Find an OUSStatus with the given ID, raise an error if none are found"

        retcode,ousStatus = self._dbcon.findOne(self._dbName, ousUID)
        if retcode == 404:
            raise RuntimeError("OUS not found: %s" % ousUID)
        return ousStatus

    def setField(self, ousUID, fieldName, fieldValue):
        "Set the value of a field of an OUSStatus, update its timestamp"
        ousStatus = self.findOUSStatus(ousUID)
        ousStatus[fieldName] = fieldValue
        ousStatus['timestamp'] = self.__nowISO()
        retcode,msg =, ousUID, ousStatus)
        return retcode

    def setState(self, ousUID, state):
        "Set the state of an OUSStatus"
        return self.setField ousUID, 'state', state)

    def setSubstate(self, ousUID, substate):
        "Set the substate of an OUSStatus"
        return self.setField(ousUID, 'substate', substate)

    def setExecutive(self, ousUID, executive):
        "Set the Executive of an OUSStatus"
        return self.setFlag(self, ousUID, 'PL_PROCESSING_EXECUTIVE', executive)

    def clearExecutive(self, ousUID):
        "Clear the Executive of an OUSStatus"
        return self.clearFlag ousUID, 'PL_PROCESSING_EXECUTIVE')

    def setFlag(self, ousUID, name, value):
        "Set an OUSStatus flag"
        ousStatus = self.findOUSStatus ousUID)
        if 'flags' in ousStatus:
            flags = ousStatus['flags']
            flags = {}
        flags[name] = value
        return self.setField(ousUID, 'flags', flags)

    def clearFlag(self, ousUID, name):
        "Clear an OUSStatus flag"
        ousStatus = self.findOUSStatus(ousUID)
        if 'flags' in ousStatus:
            flags = ousStatus['flags']
            flags = {}
        if name in flags:
            del flags[name]
        return self.setField(ousUID, 'flags', flags)

    def findByStateSubstate(self, state, substate):
        	Returns a return code and, if all was well and the code is 200, 
        all OUSs with the given state and substate; note substate is
        interpreted as a regexp
        selector = {
           "selector": {
                "state": state,
                "substate": { "$regex": substate }
Exemple #5
class MqConnection():
		Implements a RabbitMQ-like message queue.
		Implementation is based on CouchDB

		Constructor args:
		host:     	where the queue server is running
		queueName:	name of queue to communicate on
        # This may or may not work -- it's some third party service I found somwewhere
        # It will fail if queried too often, like more than once per second
        myIP = urllib.request.urlopen('').read().decode(
    except Exception:
        myIP = ""

    def __init__(self, host, queueName, listenTo=None, sendTo=None): = host
        self.queueName = queueName
        self.listenTo = None
        self.sendTo = None

        if listenTo != None:
            self.listenTo = listenTo
        if sendTo != None:
            self.sendTo = sendTo

        self.dbcon = DbConnection(baseUrl)
        # print( " [x] Created queue %s on %s" % ( self.queueName, ))

    def send(self, messageBody, selector=None, addMsgbackID=False):
			Send a message to some other filter listening on the queue for the selector
        if selector == None:
            selector = self.sendTo
        if selector == None:
            raise RuntimeError("No selectors to send to")

        now = nowISO()

        # Are we breadcasting to a group?
        if not selector.endswith('.*'):
            # NO, just to a single receiver
            return self._send(now, selector, addMsgbackID, messageBody)
            # YES, let's retrieve the group and send to all its participants
            # TODO: cache group definition somewhere instead of querying
            #       the database every time
            retcode, group = self.dbcon.findOne(self.queueName, selector)
            if retcode == 404:
                raise RuntimeError("Group not found: %" % selector)
            messages = []
            for member in group['members']:
                m = self._send(now, member, addMsgbackID, messageBody)
            return messages

    def _send(self, now, selector, addMsgbackID, messageBody):
        message = {}
        msgbackID = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "")
        message['creationTimestamp'] = now
        message['originIP'] = MqConnection.myIP
        message['selector'] = selector
        message['consumed'] = False
        if addMsgbackID:
            message['msgbackID'] = msgbackID
        message['body'] = messageBody
        messageID = now + "-" + msgbackID
        retcode, msg =, messageID, message)
        if retcode != 201:
            raise RuntimeError("Msg send failed: DB error: %s: %s" %
                               (retcode, msg))
        return message

    def getNext(self,
			Listen on the queue for for new messages, return the oldest we find.
			selector: defines what messages to listen to
			consume:  if True, the message will be marked as consumed and no other
			          listener will receive  (default is True)
          	fullMessage: if True, the message's metadata will be passed in as well and
          	             the actual message will be in the 'body' field (default False)
			condition: boolean function to be invoked before starting to listen, will cause the
			           thread to sleep if the condition is false

        messages = []
        callTime = time.time()
        # print( ">>> callTime: " + str(callTime) )
        selector = {
            "selector": {
                "$and": [{
                    "selector": {
                        "$regex": selector
                }, {
                    "consumed": False
            # "sort": [{"creationTimestamp":"desc"}]
            # We should let the server sort the results but that
            # requires an index to be created and I don't care about
            # that right now -- amchavan, 13-Jul-2018
            # TODO: revisit this if needed

        # See if we can even start listening: if we have a conditional expression
        # and it evaluates to False we need to wait a bit
        while (condition and (condition() == False)):

        while True:
            retcode, messages = self.dbcon.find(self.queueName, selector)
            # print( ">>> selector:", selector, "found:", len(messages))
            if retcode == 200:
                if len(messages) != 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Msg read failed: DB error: %s: %s" %
                                   (retcode, messages))

        # print( ">>> found: ", messages )
        # print( ">>> found: ", len( messages ))
        messages.sort(key=lambda x: x['creationTimestamp'])  # Oldest first
        ret = messages[0]
        if consume:
            ret['consumed'] = True
  , ret["_id"], ret)

        # print( ">>> found: ", ret )
        if fullMessage:
            return ret
        return ret['body']

    def listen(self,
			Listen on the queueName for messages matching the selector and process them.
			callback: function to process the message with
			selector: defines what messages to listen to
			consume:  UNUSED: if True, the message will be marked as consumed and no other
			          listener will receive  (default is True)
          	fullMessage: UNUSED: if True, the message's metadata will be passed in as well and
          	             the actual message will be in the 'body' field (default False)
			condition: boolean function to be invoked before starting to listen, will cause the
			           thread to sleep if the condition is false

        if selector == None:
            selector = self.listenTo
        if selector == None:
            raise RuntimeError("No selectors to listen to")

        while True:
            # print( ">>> waiting for message on queue '%s' matching selector '%s' ..." % (self.queueName, selector))
            message = self.getNext(selector,
            # print( ">>> got", message )

    def joinGroup(self, groupName, listener=None):
			Join a group as a listener. Messages sent to the group will be
			passed on to this instance as well. 

			Group names must end with '.*'

			Arg listener defaults to the value of the listenTo
			constructor arg.
        if groupName == None:
            raise RuntimeError("No group name to join")
        if not groupName.endswith(".*"):
            raise RuntimeError("Group names must end with .*")

        if listener == None:
            listener = self.listenTo
        if listener == None:
            raise RuntimeError("No listener to join as")

        # We want to join the group groupName as listener
        # First let's see if that group exists, otherwise we'll create it
        retcode, group = self.dbcon.findOne(self.queueName, groupName)
        if retcode == 404:
            print(">>> not found: group=%s" % groupName)
            group = {}
            # group['groupName'] = groupName
            group['members'] = [listener]
  , groupName, group)
            print(">>> created: group=%s" % groupName)

        # Found a group with that name: if needed, add ourselves to it
        print(">>> found: group=%s" % group)
        members = group['members']
        if not listener in members:
  , groupName, group)
            print(">>> added ourselves as members: group=%s" % group)
            print(">>> already in members list: listener=%s" % listener)
class QA2():
    def __init__(self):
        self.weblogsBaseUrl = "http://localhost:8000"
        self.baseUrl = "http://localhost:5984" # CouchDB
        self.dbconn  = DbConnection(self.baseUrl)
        self.dbName  = "pipeline-reports"
        self.xtss   = ExecutorClient('localhost', 'msgq', 'xtss') = ""     = MqConnection('localhost', 'msgq',  select)
    def start(self):
        # Launch the listener in the background
        print(' [*] Waiting for messages matching %s' % (
        dbdrwutils.bgRun(, (self.callback,))
        # This is the program's text-based UI
        # Loop forever:
        #   Show Pipeline runs awaiting review
        #    Ask for an OUS UID
        #   Lookup the most recent PL execution for that
        #    Print it out
        #   Ask for Fail, Pass, or SemiPass
        #    Set the OUS state accordingly
        while True:
            print("OUSs ready to be reviewed")
            ouss = self.findReadyForReview()
            if (ouss == None or len(ouss) == 0):
                for ous in ouss:
            ousUID = input('Please enter an OUS UID: ')
            plReport = self.findMostRecentPlReport(ousUID)
            if plReport == None:
                print("No Pipeline executions for OUS", ousUID)
            # We are reviewing this OUS, set its state accordingly
            dbdrwutils.setState(self.xtss, ousUID, "Reviewing")
            timestamp = plReport['timestamp']
            report = dbdrwutils.b64decode(plReport['encodedReport'])
            productsDir = plReport['productsDir']
            source = plReport['source']
            print("Pipeline report for UID %s, processed %s" % (ousUID,timestamp))
            print("Weblog available at: %s/weblogs/%s" % (self.weblogsBaseUrl, dbdrwutils.makeWeblogName(ousUID, timestamp)))
            while True:
                reply = input("Enter [F]ail, [P]ass, [S]emipass, [C]ancel: ")
                reply = reply[0:1].upper()
                if ((reply=='F') or (reply=='P') or (reply=='S') or (reply=='C')):
            if reply == 'C':
            # Set the OUS state according to the QA2 flag
            self.processQA2flag(ousUID, reply)

            if reply == 'F':
            # Tell the Product Ingestor that it should ingest those Pipeline products
            selector = "ingest.JAO"
            message = '{"ousUID" : "%s", "timestamp" : "%s", "productsDir" : "%s"}' % \
                (ousUID, timestamp, productsDir)
            message = {}
            message["ousUID"]      = ousUID
            message["timestamp"]   = timestamp
            message["productsDir"] = productsDir
  , selector)
            # Wait some, mainly for effect
            waitTime = random.randint(3,8)
            # Now we can set the state of the OUS to DeliveryInProgress
            dbdrwutils.setState(self.xtss, ousUID, "DeliveryInProgress")

    def savePlReport(self, ousUID, timestamp, encodedReport, productsDir, source):
            Saves a pipeline run report to 'Oracle'
        plReport = {}
        plReport['ousUID'] = ousUID
        plReport['timestamp'] = timestamp
        plReport['encodedReport'] = encodedReport
        plReport['productsDir'] = productsDir
        plReport['source'] = source
        plReportID = timestamp + "." + ousUID

        retcode,msg =, plReportID, plReport)
        if retcode != 201:
            raise RuntimeError("Error saving Pipeline report: %d, %s" % (retcode,msg))

    def findMostRecentPlReport(self, ousUID):
        selector = { "selector": { "ousUID": ousUID }}
        retcode,reports = self.dbconn.find(self.dbName, selector)
        if len(reports) == 0:
            return None
        if retcode != 200:
            return None
        # Find the most recent report and return it
        reports.sort(key=lambda x: x['timestamp'], reverse=True)
        return reports[0]

    def findReadyForReview(self):
        selector = {
           "selector": {
              "state": "ReadyForReview"
        retcode,ouss = self.dbconn.find("status-entities", selector)
        if len(ouss) == 0:
            return None
        if retcode != 200:
            return None
        ouss.sort(key=lambda x: x['entityId'])
        return ouss

    def processQA2flag(self, ousUID, flag):
        "Flag should be one of 'F' (fail), 'P' (pass) or 'S' (semi-pass)"
        newState = "ReadyForProcessing" if (flag == "F") else "Verified"
        print(">>> Setting the state of", ousUID, "to", newState)
        # Set the OUS state according to the input flag
        dbdrwutils.setState(self.xtss, ousUID, newState)
        if flag == "F":
            dbdrwutils.setSubstate(self.xtss, ousUID, "")    # Clear Pipeline recipe

    def callback(self, message):
        Message is a JSON object:
            ousUID is the UID of the OUS
             source is the executive where the Pipeline was running 
             report is the report's XML text, BASE64-encoded
             timestamp is the Pipeline run's timestamp
            productsDir is the name of the products directory for that Pipeline run
        For instance
                "ousUID" : "uid://X1/X1/Xaf", 
                "source" : "EU", 
                  "report" : "Cjw/eG1sIHZlcnNpb2..."
                 "timestamp" : "2018-07-19T08:50:10.228", 
                "productsDir": "2015.1.00657.S_2018_07_19T08_50_10.228"
        # print(">>> message:", message)
        ousUID        = message["ousUID"]
        source        = message["source"]
        encodedReport = message["report"]
        timestamp     = message["timestamp"]
        productsDir   = message["productsDir"]
        # report = dbdrwutils.b64decode(encodedReport)
        # print(">>> report:", report)
        # Save the report to Oracle
        self.savePlReport(ousUID, timestamp, encodedReport, productsDir, source)
        print(">>> AQUA/QA2: saved PL report: ousUID=%s, timestamp=%s" % (ousUID,timestamp))
Exemple #7
##      ./ 2015.1.00657.S uid://X1/X1/Xb2

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
    description='Starter component, creates status entities')
parser.add_argument(dest="progID", help="ID of the project containing the OUS")
                    help="ID of the OUS that should be processed")
args = parser.parse_args()
ousUID = args.ousUID
progID = args.progID

dbName = "status-entities"
baseUrl = "http://localhost:5984"  # CouchDB
dbcon = DbConnection(baseUrl)

# If we have one already, delete it
retcode, ous = dbcon.findOne(dbName, ousUID)
if retcode == 200:
    dbcon.delete(dbName, ousUID, ous["_rev"])

# Prepare a new record and write it
ous = {}
ous['entityId'] = ousUID
ous['progID'] = progID
ous['state'] = "ReadyForProcessing"
ous['substate'] = None
ous['flags'] = {}
ous['timestamp'] = dbdrwutils.nowISO()
r, t =, ousUID, ous)
print(">>> retcode:", r)
Exemple #8
class BatchHelper():
    recipes = [
        # Most manual recipes commented out because we don't want
        # too many of them in this mockup

    def __init__(self):
        self.baseUrl = "http://localhost:5984" # CouchDB
        self.dbconn  = DbConnection(self.baseUrl)

    def start(self):

    def findReadyForProcessingNoSubstate(self):
        Returns a ReadyForProcessing OUSs with no substate, if any are 
        found; None otherwise
        selector = {
            "selector": {
                "state": "ReadyForProcessing",
                "substate": {"$or": [{ "$eq": None }, { "$eq": "" }]}
        retcode,ouss = self.dbconn.find("status-entities", selector)
        if len(ouss) == 0:
            return None
        if retcode != 200:
            return None
        ouss.sort(key=lambda x: x['entityId'])
        return ouss[0]

    def computeRecipe(self, ous):
        "Just pick a recipe at random"
        return random.choice(

    def setRecipes(self):
            Runs on a background thread.
            Loop forever:
                Look for ReadyForProcessing OUSs with no Pipeline Recipe
                If you find one:
                    Compute the Pipeline recipe for that OUS
                    Set it
                Sleep some time
        while True:
            ous = self.findReadyForProcessingNoSubstate()
            if ous != None:
                ous["substate"] = self.computeRecipe(ous)
      "status-entities", ous["_id"], ous)
                print(">>> OUS:", ous["_id"], "recipe:", ous["substate"])