) @click.option( "--help", "is_help", is_flag=True, help="Used for dynamic loading of modules" ) @click.option("--run-driver", "run_driver", help="Running in remote mode") @click.option("--task-name", "alternative_task_name", help="Name of this task") @click.option( "--scheduled-job-name", "-sjn", help="Associate this run with this scheduled job (will be created if needed)", ) @click.option( "--scheduled-date", "-sd", help="For use when setting scheduled-job-name", type=TZAwareDateTime(), ) @click.option("--interactive", is_flag=True, help="Run submission in blocking mode") @click.option( "--submit-driver", "submit_driver", flag_value=1, help="Run driver at remote engine" ) @click.option( "--local-driver", "submit_driver", flag_value=0, help="Run driver locally" ) @click.option( "--submit-tasks", "submit_tasks", flag_value=1, help="Submit tasks from driver to remote engine", ) @click.option(
@schedule.command() @click.option("--name", "-n", help="Name of the scheduled job (must be unique)") @click.option("--cmd", "-c", help="Shell command to run") @click.option( "--schedule-interval", "-si", help="Any valid cron expression or one of the presets: " "@once, @hourly, @daily, @weekly, @monthly or @yearly. " + "See documentation for precise definitions of the presets", ) @click.option("--start-date", "-s", type=TZAwareDateTime(formats=datetime_formats)) @click.option("--end-date", "-ed", type=TZAwareDateTime(formats=datetime_formats)) @click.option( "--catchup", "-cu", type=bool, help= "Run scheduled past tasks that have not been run. For example: a pipeline is scheduled to run every day" + "but the scheduler didn't run for a week. This will cause a catchup run to be scheduled for every day missed. " + "Default is determined by the catchup_by_default config flag.", ) @click.option( "--depends-on-past",