class FCP(BaseTask): def __init__(self, circle, src, dest, treewalk=None, totalsize=0, hostcnt=0, prune=False, verify=False, resume=False, workq=None): BaseTask.__init__(self, circle) = circle self.treewalk = treewalk self.totalsize = totalsize self.prune = prune self.workq = workq self.resume = resume self.checkpoint_file = None self.checkpoint_db = None self.src = src self.dest = os.path.abspath(dest) self.rfd_cache = LRU(oflimit, callback = self.cb_close_fd) self.wfd_cache = LRU(oflimit, callback = self.cb_close_fd) self.cnt_filesize_prior = 0 self.cnt_filesize = 0 self.blocksize = 1024 * 1024 self.chunksize = 1024 * 1024 # debug self.d = {"rank": "rank %s" % circle.rank} self.wtime_started = MPI.Wtime() self.wtime_ended = None self.workcnt = 0 # this is the cnt for the enqued items self.reduce_items = 0 # this is the cnt for processed items if self.treewalk: log.debug("treewalk files = %s" % treewalk.flist, extra=self.d) # fini_check self.fini_cnt = Counter() # verify self.verify = verify self.use_store = False if self.verify: self.chunksums_mem = [] self.chunksums_buf = [] # checkpointing self.checkpoint_interval = sys.maxsize self.checkpoint_last = MPI.Wtime() if == 0: print("Start copying process ...") def cb_close_fd(self, k, v): try: os.close(v) except: pass def set_fixed_chunksize(self, sz): self.chunksize = sz def set_adaptive_chunksize(self, totalsz): self.chunksize = utils.calc_chunksize(totalsz) if == 0: print("Adaptive chunksize: %s" % bytes_fmt(self.chunksize)) def cleanup(self): self.rfd_cache.clear() self.wfd_cache.clear() # remove checkpoint file if self.checkpoint_file and os.path.exists(self.checkpoint_file): os.remove(self.checkpoint_file) if self.checkpoint_db and os.path.exists(self.checkpoint_db): os.remove(self.checkpoint_db) # remove provided checkpoint file if G.resume and G.chk_file and os.path.exists(G.chk_file): os.remove(G.chk_file) if G.resume and G.chk_file_db and os.path.exists(G.chk_file_db): os.remove(G.chk_file_db) # remove chunksums file if self.verify: if hasattr(self, "chunksums_db"): self.chunksums_db.cleanup() # we need to do this because if last job didn't finish cleanly # the fwalk files can be found as leftovers # and if fcp cleanup has a chance, it should clean up that """ fwalk = "%s/fwalk.%s" % (G.tempdir, if os.path.exists(fwalk): os.remove(fwalk) """ def new_fchunk(self, fitem): fchunk = FileChunk() # default cmd = copy fchunk.src = fitem.path fchunk.dest = destpath(fitem, self.dest) return fchunk def enq_file(self, fi): """ Process a single file, represented by "fi" - FileItem It involves chunking this file and equeue all chunks. """ chunks = fi.st_size // self.chunksize remaining = fi.st_size % self.chunksize workcnt = 0 if fi.st_size == 0: # empty file fchunk = self.new_fchunk(fi) fchunk.offset = 0 fchunk.length = 0 self.enq(fchunk) workcnt += 1 else: for i in range(chunks): fchunk = self.new_fchunk(fi) fchunk.offset = i * self.chunksize fchunk.length = self.chunksize self.enq(fchunk) workcnt += chunks if remaining > 0: # send remainder fchunk = self.new_fchunk(fi) fchunk.offset = chunks * self.chunksize fchunk.length = remaining self.enq(fchunk) workcnt += 1 # save work cnt self.workcnt += workcnt log.debug("enq_file(): %s, size = %s, workcnt = %s" % (fi.path, fi.st_size, workcnt), extra=self.d) def handle_fitem(self, fi): if os.path.islink(fi.path): dest = destpath(fi, self.dest) linkto = os.readlink(fi.path) try: os.symlink(linkto, dest) except Exception as e: log.debug("%s, skipping sym link %s" % (e, fi.path), extra=self.d) elif stat.S_ISREG(fi.st_mode): self.enq_file(fi) # where chunking takes place def create(self): """ Each task has one create(), which is invoked by circle ONCE. For FCP, each task will handle_fitem() -> enq_file() to process each file gathered during the treewalk stage. """ if not G.use_store and self.workq: # restart self.setq(self.workq) return if self.resume: return # construct and enable all copy operations # we batch operation hard-coded"create() starts, flist length = %s" % len(self.treewalk.flist), extra=self.d) # flist in memory if len(self.treewalk.flist) > 0: for fi in self.treewalk.flist: self.handle_fitem(fi) # flist in buf if len(self.treewalk.flist_buf) > 0: for fi in self.treewalk.flist_buf: self.handle_fitem(fi) # flist in database if self.treewalk.use_store: while self.treewalk.flist_db.qsize > 0: fitems, _ = self.treewalk.flist_db.mget(G.DB_BUFSIZE) for fi in fitems: self.handle_fitem(fi) self.treewalk.flist_db.mdel(G.DB_BUFSIZE) # both memory and databse checkpoint if self.checkpoint_file: self.do_no_interrupt_checkpoint() self.checkpoint_last = MPI.Wtime() # gather total_chunks G.total_chunks =, op=MPI.SUM) #G.total_chunks = #print("Total chunks: ",G.total_chunks) def do_open2(self, k, d, flag): """ d is fd cache (either read or write) open path 'k' with 'flags' """ if d.has_key(k): return d.get(k) fd = -1 try: fd =, flag) except OSError as e: if e.errno == 28: # no space left log.error("Critical error: %s, exit!" % e, extra=self.d) # should abort else: log.error("OSError({0}):{1}, skipping {2}".format(e.errno, e.strerror, k), extra=self.d) else: if fd > 0: d.set(k, fd) finally: return fd @staticmethod def do_mkdir(work): dest = work.dest if not os.path.exists(dest): os.makedirs(dest) def do_copy(self, work): src = work.src dest = work.dest basedir = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.exists(basedir): os.makedirs(basedir) rfd = self.do_open2(src, self.rfd_cache, os.O_RDONLY) if rfd < 0: return False wfd = self.do_open2(dest, self.wfd_cache, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT) if wfd < 0: if args.force: try: os.unlink(dest) except OSError as e: log.error("Failed to unlink %s, %s " % (dest, e), extra=self.d) return False else: wfd = self.do_open2(dest, self.wfd_cache, os.O_WRONLY) else: log.error("Failed to create output file %s" % dest, extra=self.d) return False # do the actual copy self.write_bytes(rfd, wfd, work) # update tally self.cnt_filesize += work.length if G.verbosity > 2: log.debug("Transferred %s bytes from:\n\t [%s] to [%s]" % (self.cnt_filesize, src, dest), extra=self.d) return True def do_no_interrupt_checkpoint(self): a = Thread(target=self.do_checkpoint) a.start() a.join() if G.verbosity > 0: print("Checkpoint: %s" % self.checkpoint_file) def do_checkpoint(self): tmp_file = self.checkpoint_file + ".part" with open(tmp_file, "wb") as f: cobj = Checkpoint(self.src, self.dest, self.get_workq(), self.totalsize) pickle.dump(cobj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) # POSIX requires rename to be atomic os.rename(tmp_file, self.checkpoint_file) # copy workq_db database file if hasattr(, "workq_db") and len( > 0: self.checkpoint_db = self.checkpoint_file + ".db" if not G.resume: shutil.copy2(, self.checkpoint_db) else: # in resume mode, make a copy of current workq db file, which is provided checkpoint db file self.workdir = os.getcwd() existingCheckpoint = os.path.join(self.workdir,".pcp_workq.%s.%s.db" % (G.rid, shutil.copy2(existingCheckpoint,self.checkpoint_db) def process(self): """ The only work is "copy" TODO: clean up other actions such as mkdir/fini_check """ if not G.use_store: curtime = MPI.Wtime() if curtime - self.checkpoint_last > self.checkpoint_interval: self.do_no_interrupt_checkpoint()"Checkpointing done ...", extra=self.d) self.checkpoint_last = curtime work = self.deq() self.reduce_items += 1 if isinstance(work, FileChunk): self.do_copy(work) else: log.warn("Unknown work object: %s" % work, extra=self.d) err_and_exit("Not a correct workq format") def reduce_init(self, buf): buf['cnt_filesize'] = self.cnt_filesize if sys.platform == 'darwin': buf['mem_snapshot'] = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss else: buf['mem_snapshot'] = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss * 1024 def reduce(self, buf1, buf2): buf1['cnt_filesize'] += buf2['cnt_filesize'] buf1['mem_snapshot'] += buf2['mem_snapshot'] return buf1 def reduce_report(self, buf): out = "" if self.totalsize != 0: out += "%.2f %% finished, " % (100 * float(buf['cnt_filesize']) // self.totalsize) out += "%s copied" % bytes_fmt(buf['cnt_filesize']) if != 0: rate = float(buf['cnt_filesize'] - self.cnt_filesize_prior) // self.cnt_filesize_prior = buf['cnt_filesize'] out += ", estimated transfer rate: %s/s" % bytes_fmt(rate) out += ", memory usage: %s" % bytes_fmt(buf['mem_snapshot']) print(out) def reduce_finish(self, buf): # self.reduce_report(buf) pass def epilogue(self): global taskloads self.wtime_ended = MPI.Wtime() taskloads = if == 0: if self.totalsize == 0: print("\nZero filesize detected, done.\n") return tlapse = self.wtime_ended - self.wtime_started rate = float(self.totalsize) / tlapse print("\nFCP Epilogue:\n") print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Ending at:", utils.current_time())) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Completed in:", utils.conv_time(tlapse))) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Transfer Rate:", "%s/s" % bytes_fmt(rate))) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Use store chunksums:", "%s" % self.use_store)) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Use store workq:", "%s" % print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("FCP Loads:", "%s" % taskloads)) def read_then_write(self, rfd, wfd, work, num_of_bytes, m): """ core entry point for copy action: first read then write. @param num_of_bytes: the exact amount of bytes we will copy @return: False if unsuccessful. """ buf = None try: buf = readn(rfd, num_of_bytes) except IOError: self.logger.error("Failed to read %s", work.src, extra=self.d) return False try: writen(wfd, buf) except IOError: self.logger.error("Failed to write %s", work.dest, extra=self.d) return False if m: m.update(buf) return True def write_bytes(self, rfd, wfd, work): os.lseek(rfd, work.offset, os.SEEK_SET) os.lseek(wfd, work.offset, os.SEEK_SET) m = None if self.verify: m = hashlib.sha1() remaining = work.length while remaining != 0: if remaining >= self.blocksize: self.read_then_write(rfd, wfd, work, self.blocksize, m) remaining -= self.blocksize else: self.read_then_write(rfd, wfd, work, remaining, m) remaining = 0 if self.verify: # use src path here ck = ChunkSum(work.dest, offset=work.offset, length=work.length, digest=m.hexdigest()) if len(self.chunksums_mem) < G.memitem_threshold: self.chunksums_mem.append(ck) else: self.chunksums_buf.append(ck) if len(self.chunksums_buf) == G.DB_BUFSIZE: if self.use_store == False: self.workdir = os.getcwd() self.chunksums_dbname = "%s/chunksums.%s" % (G.tempdir, self.chunksums_db = DbStore(dbname=self.chunksums_dbname) self.use_store = True self.chunksums_db.mput(self.chunksums_buf) del self.chunksums_buf[:]
class FWalk(BaseTask): def __init__(self, circle, src, dest=None, preserve=False, force=False): BaseTask.__init__(self, circle) self.d = {"rank": "rank %s" % circle.rank} = circle self.src = src self.dest = dest self.force = force self.interval = 10 # progress report # For now, I am setting the option # TODO: should user allowed to meddle this? self.sizeonly = False self.checksum = False # to be fixed self.optlist = [] # files self.opt_dir_list = [] # dirs self.sym_links = 0 self.follow_sym_links = False self.workdir = os.getcwd() self.tempdir = os.path.join(self.workdir, ".pcircle") if not os.path.exists(self.tempdir): os.mkdir(self.tempdir) if G.use_store: self.dbname = "%s/fwalk.%s" % (self.tempdir, circle.rank) self.flist = DbStore(self.dbname) self.flist_buf = [] else: self.flist = [] self.src_flist = self.flist # hold unlinkable dest directories # we have to do the --fix-opt at the end self.dest_dirs = [] self.cnt_dirs = 0 self.cnt_files = 0 self.cnt_filesize = 0 self.last_cnt = 0 self.skipped = 0 self.last_reduce_time = MPI.Wtime() # reduce self.reduce_items = 0 self.time_started = MPI.Wtime() self.time_ended = None def create(self): if == 0: for ele in self.src: print("\nAnalyzing workload ...") def copy_xattr(self, src, dest): attrs = xattr.listxattr(src) for k in attrs: try: val = xattr.getxattr(src, k) xattr.setxattr(dest, k, val) except IOError as e: log.warn(e, extra=self.d) def flushdb(self): if len(self.flist_buf) != 0: self.flist.mput(self.flist_buf) def process_dir(self, fitem, st): """ i_dir should be absolute path st is the stat object associated with the directory """ i_dir = fitem.path if self.dest: # we create destination directory # but first we check if we need to change mode for it to work o_dir = destpath(fitem, self.dest) mode = st.st_mode if not (st.st_mode & stat.S_IWUSR): mode = st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR self.opt_dir_list.append((o_dir, st)) try: os.mkdir(o_dir, mode) except OSError as e: log.debug("mkdir(): %s" % e, extra=self.d) if G.preserve: self.copy_xattr(i_dir, o_dir) last_report = MPI.Wtime() count = 0 try: entries = scandir(i_dir) except OSError as e: log.warn(e, extra=self.d) self.skipped += 1 else: for entry in entries: elefi = FileItem(entry.path) if fitem.dirname: elefi.dirname = fitem.dirname count += 1 if (MPI.Wtime() - last_report) > self.interval: print("Rank %s : Scanning [%s] at %s" % (, i_dir, count)) last_report = MPI.Wtime()"Finish scan of [%s], count=%s" % (i_dir, count), extra=self.d) def do_metadata_preserve(self, src_file, dest_file, st): """ create file node, copy attribute if needed.""" if sys.platform == "darwin": # Mac OS mknod() not permitted return try: mode = st.st_mode if not (st.st_mode & stat.S_IWUSR): # owner can't write, we will change mode first # then put it in optlist to fix mode = st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR self.optlist.append((dest_file,st)) os.mknod(dest_file, mode) # -r-r-r special except OSError as e: log.warn("mknod(): for %s, %s" % (dest_file, e), extra=self.d) return if G.preserve: self.copy_xattr(src_file, dest_file) def check_dest_exists(self, src_file, dest_file): """ return True if dest exists and checksum verified correct return False if (1) no overwrite (2) destination doesn't exist """ if not self.force: return False if not os.path.exists(dest_file): return False # well, destination exists, now we have to check if self.sizeonly: if os.path.getsize(src_file) == os.path.getsize(dest_file): log.warn("Check sizeonly Okay: src: %s, dest=%s" % (src_file, dest_file), extra=self.d) return True elif self.checksum: raise NotImplementedError("Checksum comparison") try: os.unlink(dest_file) except OSError as e: log.warn("Can't unlink %s" % dest_file, extra=self.d) else:"Retransfer: %s" % src_file, extra=self.d) return False def append_fitem(self, fitem): if G.use_store: self.flist_buf.append(fitem) if len(self.flist_buf) == G.DB_BUFSIZE: self.flist.mput(self.flist_buf) del self.flist_buf[:] else: self.flist.append(fitem) def process(self): """ process a work unit, spath, dpath refers to source and destination respectively """ fitem = spath = fitem.path if spath: try: st = os.lstat(spath) except OSError as e: log.warn(e, extra=self.d) self.skipped += 1 return False fitem.st_mode, fitem.st_size, fitem.st_uid, fitem.st_gid = st.st_mode, st.st_size, st.st_uid, st.st_gid self.reduce_items += 1 if os.path.islink(spath): self.append_fitem(fitem) self.sym_links += 1 # if not self.follow_sym_links: # NOT TO FOLLOW SYM LINKS SHOULD BE THE DEFAULT return if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): if not self.dest: # fwalk without destination, simply add to process list self.append_fitem(fitem) else: # self.dest specified, need to check if it is there dpath = destpath(fitem, self.dest) flag = self.check_dest_exists(spath, dpath) if flag: return else: # if src and dest not the same # including the case dest is not there # then we do the following self.append_fitem(fitem) self.do_metadata_preserve(spath, dpath, st) self.cnt_files += 1 self.cnt_filesize += fitem.st_size elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): self.cnt_dirs += 1 self.process_dir(fitem, st) # END OF if spath def tally(self, t): """ t is a tuple element of flist """ if stat.S_ISDIR(t[1]): self.cnt_dirs += 1 elif stat.S_ISREG(t[1]): self.cnt_files += 1 self.cnt_filesize += t[2] def summarize(self): map(self.tally, self.flist) def reduce_init(self, buf): buf['cnt_files'] = self.cnt_files buf['cnt_dirs'] = self.cnt_dirs buf['cnt_filesize'] = self.cnt_filesize buf['reduce_items'] = self.reduce_items def reduce(self, buf1, buf2): buf1['cnt_dirs'] += buf2['cnt_dirs'] buf1['cnt_files'] += buf2['cnt_files'] buf1['cnt_filesize'] += buf2['cnt_filesize'] buf1['reduce_items'] += buf2['reduce_items'] return buf1 def reduce_report(self, buf): # progress report # rate = (buf['cnt_files'] - self.last_cnt)/(MPI.Wtime() - self.last_reduce_time) # print("Processed objects: %s, estimated processing rate: %d/s" % (buf['cnt_files'], rate)) # self.last_cnt = buf['cnt_files'] rate = (buf['reduce_items'] - self.last_cnt) / (MPI.Wtime() - self.last_reduce_time) print("Processed objects: %s, estimated processing rate: %d/s" % (buf['reduce_items'], rate)) self.last_cnt = buf['reduce_items'] self.last_reduce_time = MPI.Wtime() def reduce_finish(self, buf): # get result of reduction pass def total_tally(self): global taskloads total_dirs =, op=MPI.SUM) total_files =, op=MPI.SUM) total_filesize =, op=MPI.SUM) total_symlinks =, op=MPI.SUM) total_skipped =, op=MPI.SUM) taskloads = return total_dirs, total_files, total_filesize, total_symlinks, total_skipped def epilogue(self): total_dirs, total_files, total_filesize, total_symlinks, total_skipped = self.total_tally() self.time_ended = MPI.Wtime() if == 0: print("\nFWALK Epilogue:\n") print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Directory count:", total_dirs)) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Sym Links count:", total_symlinks)) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("File count:", total_files)) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Skipped count:", total_skipped)) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Total file size:", bytes_fmt(total_filesize))) if total_files != 0: print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Avg file size:", bytes_fmt(total_filesize/float(total_files)))) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Tree talk time:", utils.conv_time(self.time_ended - self.time_started))) print("\tFWALK Loads: %s" % taskloads) print("") return total_filesize def cleanup(self): if G.use_store: self.flist.cleanup()
class FWalk(BaseTask): def __init__(self, circle, src, dest=None, preserve=False, force=False): BaseTask.__init__(self, circle) self.d = {"rank": "rank %s" % circle.rank} = circle self.src = src self.dest = dest self.force = force self.use_store = False self.interval = 10 # progress report # For now, I am setting the option # TODO: should user allowed to meddle this? self.sizeonly = False self.checksum = False # to be fixed self.optlist = [] # files self.opt_dir_list = [] # dirs self.sym_links = 0 self.follow_sym_links = False self.flist = [] self.flist_buf = [] # hold unlinkable dest directories # we have to do the --fix-opt at the end self.dest_dirs = [] self.cnt_dirs = 0 self.cnt_files = 0 self.cnt_filesize = 0 self.last_cnt = 0 self.skipped = 0 self.last_reduce_time = MPI.Wtime() # reduce self.reduce_items = 0 self.time_started = MPI.Wtime() self.time_ended = None def create(self): if == 0: for ele in self.src: print("\nAnalyzing workload ...") def copy_xattr(self, src, dest): attrs = xattr.listxattr(src) for k in attrs: try: val = xattr.getxattr(src, k) xattr.setxattr(dest, k, val) except IOError as e: log.warn(e, extra=self.d) def flushdb(self): if len(self.flist_buf) != 0: self.flist_db.mput(self.flist_buf) def process_dir(self, fitem, st): """ i_dir should be absolute path st is the stat object associated with the directory """ i_dir = fitem.path if self.dest: # we create destination directory # but first we check if we need to change mode for it to work o_dir = destpath(fitem, self.dest) mode = st.st_mode if not (st.st_mode & stat.S_IWUSR): mode = st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR self.opt_dir_list.append((o_dir, st)) try: os.mkdir(o_dir, mode) except OSError as e: log.debug("mkdir(): %s" % e, extra=self.d) if G.preserve: self.copy_xattr(i_dir, o_dir) last_report = MPI.Wtime() count = 0 try: entries = scandir(i_dir) except OSError as e: log.warn(e, extra=self.d) self.skipped += 1 else: for entry in entries: elefi = FileItem(entry.path) if fitem.dirname: elefi.dirname = fitem.dirname count += 1 if (MPI.Wtime() - last_report) > self.interval: print("Rank %s : Scanning [%s] at %s" % (, i_dir, count)) last_report = MPI.Wtime()"Finish scan of [%s], count=%s" % (i_dir, count), extra=self.d) def do_metadata_preserve(self, src_file, dest_file, st): """ create file node, copy attribute if needed.""" if sys.platform == "darwin": # Mac OS mknod() not permitted return try: mode = st.st_mode if not (st.st_mode & stat.S_IWUSR): # owner can't write, we will change mode first # then put it in optlist to fix mode = st.st_mode | stat.S_IWUSR self.optlist.append((dest_file, st)) os.mknod(dest_file, mode) # -r-r-r special except OSError as e: log.warn("mknod(): for %s, %s" % (dest_file, e), extra=self.d) return if G.preserve: self.copy_xattr(src_file, dest_file) def check_dest_exists(self, src_file, dest_file): """ return True if dest exists and checksum verified correct return False if (1) no overwrite (2) destination doesn't exist """ if not self.force: return False if not os.path.exists(dest_file): return False # well, destination exists, now we have to check if self.sizeonly: if os.path.getsize(src_file) == os.path.getsize(dest_file): log.warn("Check sizeonly Okay: src: %s, dest=%s" % (src_file, dest_file), extra=self.d) return True elif self.checksum: raise NotImplementedError("Checksum comparison") try: os.unlink(dest_file) except OSError as e: log.warn("Can't unlink %s" % dest_file, extra=self.d) else:"Retransfer: %s" % src_file, extra=self.d) return False def append_fitem(self, fitem): """ if G.use_store: self.flist_buf.append(fitem) if len(self.flist_buf) == G.DB_BUFSIZE: self.flist.mput(self.flist_buf) del self.flist_buf[:] else: self.flist.append(fitem) """ if len(self.flist) < G.memitem_threshold: self.flist.append(fitem) else: self.flist_buf.append(fitem) if len(self.flist_buf) == G.DB_BUFSIZE: if self.use_store == False: self.dbname = "%s/fwalk.%s" % (G.tempdir, self.flist_db = DbStore(self.dbname) self.use_store = True self.flist_db.mput(self.flist_buf) del self.flist_buf[:] def process(self): """ process a work unit, spath, dpath refers to source and destination respectively """ fitem = spath = fitem.path if spath: try: st = os.lstat(spath) except OSError as e: log.warn(e, extra=self.d) self.skipped += 1 return False fitem.st_mode, fitem.st_size, fitem.st_uid, fitem.st_gid = st.st_mode, st.st_size, st.st_uid, st.st_gid self.reduce_items += 1 if os.path.islink(spath): self.append_fitem(fitem) self.sym_links += 1 # if not self.follow_sym_links: # NOT TO FOLLOW SYM LINKS SHOULD BE THE DEFAULT return if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): if not self.dest: # fwalk without destination, simply add to process list self.append_fitem(fitem) else: # self.dest specified, need to check if it is there dpath = destpath(fitem, self.dest) flag = self.check_dest_exists(spath, dpath) if flag: return else: # if src and dest not the same # including the case dest is not there # then we do the following self.append_fitem(fitem) self.do_metadata_preserve(spath, dpath, st) self.cnt_files += 1 self.cnt_filesize += fitem.st_size elif stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): self.cnt_dirs += 1 self.process_dir(fitem, st) # END OF if spath def tally(self, t): """ t is a tuple element of flist """ if stat.S_ISDIR(t[1]): self.cnt_dirs += 1 elif stat.S_ISREG(t[1]): self.cnt_files += 1 self.cnt_filesize += t[2] def summarize(self): map(self.tally, self.flist) def reduce_init(self, buf): buf['cnt_files'] = self.cnt_files buf['cnt_dirs'] = self.cnt_dirs buf['cnt_filesize'] = self.cnt_filesize buf['reduce_items'] = self.reduce_items def reduce(self, buf1, buf2): buf1['cnt_dirs'] += buf2['cnt_dirs'] buf1['cnt_files'] += buf2['cnt_files'] buf1['cnt_filesize'] += buf2['cnt_filesize'] buf1['reduce_items'] += buf2['reduce_items'] return buf1 def reduce_report(self, buf): # progress report # rate = (buf['cnt_files'] - self.last_cnt)/(MPI.Wtime() - self.last_reduce_time) # print("Processed objects: %s, estimated processing rate: %d/s" % (buf['cnt_files'], rate)) # self.last_cnt = buf['cnt_files'] rate = (buf['reduce_items'] - self.last_cnt) / (MPI.Wtime() - self.last_reduce_time) print("Processed objects: %s, estimated processing rate: %d/s" % (buf['reduce_items'], rate)) self.last_cnt = buf['reduce_items'] self.last_reduce_time = MPI.Wtime() def reduce_finish(self, buf): # get result of reduction pass def total_tally(self): global taskloads T.total_dirs =, op=MPI.SUM) T.total_files =, op=MPI.SUM) T.total_filesize =, op=MPI.SUM) T.total_symlinks =, op=MPI.SUM) T.total_skipped =, op=MPI.SUM) taskloads = def epilogue(self): self.total_tally() self.time_ended = MPI.Wtime() if == 0: print("\nFWALK Epilogue:\n") print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Directory count:", T.total_dirs)) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Sym Links count:", T.total_symlinks)) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("File count:", T.total_files)) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Skipped count:", T.total_skipped)) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Total file size:", bytes_fmt(T.total_filesize))) if T.total_files != 0: print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format( "Avg file size:", bytes_fmt(T.total_filesize / float(T.total_files)))) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format( "Tree talk time:", utils.conv_time(self.time_ended - self.time_started))) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Use store flist:", "%s" % self.use_store)) print("\t{:<20}{:<20}".format("Use store workq:", "%s" % print("\tFWALK Loads: %s" % taskloads) print("") def cleanup(self): if hasattr(self, "flist_db"): self.flist_db.cleanup()