Exemple #1
def test_verify_dataset_exit_codes(dataset, exit_status_expected, monkeypatch):
    # get the exit status from the script
    def sys_exit(status):
        return status

    monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "exit", sys_exit)

    h5path = retrieve_data(dataset)
    exit_status = cli.verify_dataset(h5path)
    assert exit_status == exit_status_expected
Exemple #2
def test_verify_dataset_exit_code_alert(monkeypatch):
    # get the exit status from the script
    def sys_exit(status):
        return status

    monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "exit", sys_exit)

    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")
    # provoke a warning
    with h5py.File(h5path, "r+") as h5:
        h5.attrs["experiment:unknown"] = ""
    with mock.patch("sys.argv", ["", str(h5path)]):
        exit_status = cli.verify_dataset(h5path)

    assert exit_status == 1  # unknown key leads to alert
Exemple #3
def test_verify_dataset_exit_code_violation_1(monkeypatch):
    # get the exit status from the script
    def sys_exit(status):
        return status

    monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "exit", sys_exit)

    h5path = retrieve_data("fmt-hdf5_fl_2018.zip")

    # Since 0.35.0 we really check the configuration key types.
    # Just make sure that they are properly set:
    with h5py.File(h5path, "a") as h5:
        for key in ["fluorescence:sample rate",
                    "imaging:roi position x",
                    "imaging:roi position y"]:
            h5.attrs[key] = int(h5.attrs[key])

    # provoke a warning
    with h5py.File(h5path, "r+") as h5:
        h5.attrs["setup:flow rate"] = 0
    exit_status = cli.verify_dataset(h5path)
    assert exit_status == 3  # zero flow rate and warnings about mismatch