def _attach(task, no_stdin=False): """ Attach the stdin/stdout/stderr of the CLI to the STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR of a running task. :param task: task ID pattern to match :type task: str :param no_stdin: True if we should *not* attach stdin, False if we should :type no_stdin: bool :rtype int """ task_io = mesos.TaskIO(task) return task_io.attach(no_stdin)
def _exec(task, cmd, args=None, interactive=False, tty=False): """ Launch a process inside a container with the given <task_id> :param task: task ID pattern to match :type task: str :param cmd: The command to launch inside the task's container :type args: cmd :param args: Additional arguments for the command :type args: list :param interactive: attach stdin :type interactive: bool :param tty: attach a tty :type tty: bool :returns: process return code :rtype int """ task_io = mesos.TaskIO(task) return task_io.exec(cmd, args, interactive, tty)