Exemple #1
def ideal_dwell_time_pdf_components(QAA, phiA):
    Calculate time constants and areas for an ideal (no missed events)
    exponential open time probability density function.
    For shut time pdf A by F in function call.

    t : float
        Time (sec).
    QAA : array_like, shape (kA, kA)
        Submatrix of Q.
    phiA : array_like, shape (1, kA)
        Initial vector for openings

    taus : ndarray, shape(k, 1)
        Time constants.
    areas : ndarray, shape(k, 1)
        Component relative areas.

    kA = QAA.shape[0]
    w = np.zeros(kA)
    eigs, A = qml.eigs_sorted(-QAA)
    uA = np.ones((kA, 1))
    #TODO: remove 'for'
    for i in range(kA):
        w[i] = np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(phiA, A[i]), (-QAA)), uA)

    return eigs, w
Exemple #2
def weighted_taus(mec, cmax, width, eff='c'):
    Calculate weighted on and off time constants for a square concentration 
    mec : dcpyps.Mechanism
        The mechanism to be analysed.
    cmax : float
        Pulse concentration.
    width : float
        Pulse width.

    tau_on_weighted, tau_off_weighted : floats
        Weighted time constants.
    mec.set_eff(eff, 0)
    eigs0, A0 = qml.eigs_sorted(mec.Q)
    P0 = qml.pinf(mec.Q)
    mec.set_eff(eff, cmax)
    eigsInf, Ainf = qml.eigs_sorted(mec.Q)
    w_on = coefficient_calc(mec.k, Ainf, P0)
    Pt = P_t(width, eigsInf, w_on)
    w_off = coefficient_calc(mec.k, A0, Pt)

    ampl_on = np.sum(w_on[:, :mec.kA], axis=1)
    max_ampl_on = np.max(np.abs(ampl_on))
    rel_ampl_on = ampl_on / max_ampl_on
    tau_on_weighted = np.sum(-rel_ampl_on[:-1] * (-1 / eigsInf[:-1]))
    tau_on = -1 / eigsInf[:-1]

    ampl_off = np.sum(w_off[:, :mec.kA], axis=1)
    max_ampl_off = np.max(np.abs(ampl_off))
    rel_ampl_off = ampl_off / max_ampl_off
    tau_off_weighted = np.sum(rel_ampl_off[: -1] * (-1 / eigs0[:-1]))
    tau_off = -1 / eigs0[:-1]

    return tau_on_weighted, tau_on, tau_off_weighted, tau_off
Exemple #3
def calc_jump (mec, reclen, step, cfunc, cargs):
    Calculate response to a concentration pulse directly from Q matrix.

    mec : dcpyps.Mechanism
        The mechanism to be analysed.
    reclen : float
        Trace length.
    step : float
        Sampling time interval.
    cfunc : function
        Concentration profile.
    cargs : tuple
        Arguments for cfunc(t, cargs).

    t : ndarray
        Time samples.
    c : ndarray
        Concentration profile.
    P : ndarray
        All state occupancies.
    Popen : ndarray
        Open probability.

    t = np.arange(0, reclen, step)
    c =  cfunc(t, cargs)
    mec.set_eff('c', cargs[1])
    pi = qml.pinf(mec.Q)
    Pt = np.array([pi.copy()])

    for i in range(1, t.shape[0]):
        mec.set_eff('c', c[i])
        eigenvals, A = qml.eigs_sorted(mec.Q)
        w = coefficient_calc(mec.k, A, pi)
        pi = P_t(step, eigenvals, w)
        Pt = np.append(Pt, [pi.copy()], axis=0)

    P = Pt.transpose()
    Popen = np.sum(P[: mec.kA], axis=0)
    return t, c, Popen, P
Exemple #4
def exact_GAMAxx(mec, tres, open):
    Calculate gama coeficients for the exact open time pdf (Eq. 3.22, HJC90).

    tres : float
    mec : dcpyps.Mechanism
        The mechanism to be analysed.
    open : bool
        True for open time pdf and False for shut time pdf.

    eigen : ndarray, shape (k,)
        Eigenvalues of -Q matrix.
    gama00, gama10, gama11 : ndarrays
        Constants for the exact open/shut time pdf.

    expQFF = qml.expQt(mec.QII, tres)
    expQAA = qml.expQt(mec.QAA, tres)
    GAF, GFA = qml.iGs(mec.Q, mec.kA, mec.kI)
    eGAF = qml.eGs(GAF, GFA, mec.kA, mec.kI, expQFF)
    eGFA = qml.eGs(GFA, GAF, mec.kI, mec.kA, expQAA)
    eigs, A = qml.eigs_sorted(-mec.Q)

    if open:
        phi = qml.phiHJC(eGAF, eGFA, mec.kA)
        eigen, Z00, Z10, Z11 = qml.Zxx(mec.Q, eigs, A, mec.kA,
            mec.QII, mec.QAI, mec.QIA, expQFF, open)
        u = np.ones((mec.kI,1))
        phi = qml.phiHJC(eGFA, eGAF, mec.kI)
        eigen, Z00, Z10, Z11 = qml.Zxx(mec.Q, eigs, A, mec.kA,
            mec.QAA, mec.QIA, mec.QAI, expQAA, open)
        u = np.ones((mec.kA, 1))

    gama00 = (np.dot(np.dot(phi, Z00), u)).T[0]
    gama10 = (np.dot(np.dot(phi, Z10), u)).T[0]
    gama11 = (np.dot(np.dot(phi, Z11), u)).T[0]

    return eigen, gama00, gama10, gama11
Exemple #5
def printout(mec, cmax, width, eff='c'):

    #TODO: on/off binding
    #TODO: move some of calculations from here to separate functions
    str = ('\n*******************************************\n' +

    gamma = 30 # Conductance in pS
    Vm = -80e-3 # Transmembrane potential in V.

    mec.set_eff(eff, 0)
    P0 = qml.pinf(mec.Q)
    eigs0, A0 = qml.eigs_sorted(mec.Q)
    str += ('\nEquilibrium occupancies before t=0, at concentration = 0.0:\n')
    for i in range(mec.k):
        str += ('p00({0:d}) = {1:.5g}\n'.format(i+1, P0[i]))

    mec.set_eff(eff, cmax)
    Pinf = qml.pinf(mec.Q)
    eigsInf, Ainf = qml.eigs_sorted(mec.Q)
    w_on = coefficient_calc(mec.k, Ainf, P0)
    str += ('\nEquilibrium occupancies at maximum concentration = {0:.5g} mM:\n'
        .format(cmax * 1000))
    for i in range(mec.k):
        str += ('pinf({0:d}) = '.format(i+1) + '{0:.5g}\n'.format(Pinf[i]))

    Pt = P_t(width, eigsInf, w_on)
    str += ('\nOccupancies at the end of {0:.5g} ms pulse:\n'.
        format(width * 1000))
    for i in range(mec.k):
        str += ('pt({0:d}) = '.format(i+1) + '{0:.5g}\n'.format(Pt[i]))

    tau_on_weighted, tau_on, tau_off_weighted, tau_off = weighted_taus(mec, cmax, width, eff='c')

    str += ('\nON-RELAXATION for ideal step:\n' +
        'Time course for current\n' +
        '\nComp\tEigen\t\tTau (ms)\n')
    for i in range(mec.k-1):
        str += ('{0:d}\t'.format(i+1) +
            '{0:.5g}\t\t'.format(eigsInf[i]) +
            '{0:.5g}\t\n'.format(-1000 / eigsInf[i])) # convert to ms

    ampl_on = np.sum(w_on[:, :mec.kA], axis=1)
    cur_on = ampl_on * gamma * Vm
    max_ampl_on = np.max(np.abs(ampl_on))
    rel_ampl_on = ampl_on / max_ampl_on
    area_on = -cur_on[:-1] / eigsInf[:-1]
    str += ('\nAmpl.(t=0,pA)\tRel.ampl.\t\tArea(pC)\n')
    for i in range(mec.k-1):
        str += ('{0:.5g}\t\t'.format(cur_on[i]) +
            '{0:.5g}\t\t'.format(rel_ampl_on[i]) +
            '{0:.5g}\t\n'.format(area_on[i] * 1000))

    str += ('\nWeighted On Tau (ms) = {0:.5g}\n'.format(tau_on_weighted * 1000))
    str += ('\nTotal current at t=0 (pA) = {0:.5g}\n'.
    str += ('Total current at equilibrium (pA) = {0:.5g}\n'.
    str += ('Total area (pC) = {0:.5g}\n'.
    #TODO: Current at the end of pulse
    ct = cur_on[:-1] * np.exp(width * eigsInf[:-1])
    str += ('Current at the end of {0:.5g}'.format(width
        * 1000) + ' ms pulse = {0:.5g}\n'.format(np.sum(ct) + cur_on[-1]))

    # Calculate off- relaxation.
    str += ('\nOFF-RELAXATION for ideal step:\n' +
        'Time course for current\n' +
        '\nComp\tEigen\t\tTau (ms)\n')
    for i in range(mec.k-1):
        str += ('{0:d}\t'.format(i+1) +
            '{0:.5g}\t\t'.format(eigs0[i]) +
            '{0:.5g}\t\n'.format(-1000 / eigs0[i]))

    w_off = coefficient_calc(mec.k, A0, Pt)
    ampl_off = np.sum(w_off[:, :mec.kA], axis=1)
    cur_off = ampl_off * gamma * Vm
    max_ampl_off = np.max(np.abs(ampl_off))
    rel_ampl_off = ampl_off / max_ampl_off
    area_off = np.zeros((mec.k-1))
    str += ('\nAmpl.(t=0,pA)\tRel.ampl.\t\tArea(pC)\n')
    for i in range(mec.k-1):
        area_off[i] = -1000 * cur_off[i] / eigs0[i]
        str += ('{0:.5g}\t\t'.format(cur_off[i]) +
            '{0:.5g}\t\t'.format(rel_ampl_off[i]) +
    str += ('\nWeighted Off Tau (ms) = {0:.5g}\n'.format(tau_off_weighted * 1000))
    str += ('\nTotal current at t=0 (pA) = {0:.5g}\n'.
    str += ('Total current at equilibrium (pA) = {0:.5g}\n'.
    str += ('Total area (pC) = {0:.5g}\n'.format(np.sum(area_off)))
    return str