def get_transformer_dim(transformer_name='affine'): """ Returns the size of parametrization for a given transformer """ lookup = { 'affine': 6, 'affinediffeo': 6, 'homografy': 9, 'CPAB': load_basis()['d'], 'CPAB_train': load_basis()['d'], 'TPS': 32 } assert (transformer_name in lookup), 'Transformer not found, choose between: ' \ + ', '.join([k for k in lookup.keys()]) return lookup[transformer_name]
def _calc_grad(op, grad): #grad: n_theta x 2 x nP """ Tensorflow wrapper function for calculating the gradient of the CPAB transformations. The function extracts information for the current tesselation basis, and then call the dynamic library functions compiled from the cpp code which do the actual computations Arguments: op: tensorflow operation class. The class holds information about the input and output of the original operation we are trying to differentiate grad: 4D-`Tensor` [dim, n_theta, 2, nb_points]. Incoming gradient that is propegated onwards by this layer. It can be viewed as the gradient vector in each point, for all thetas and for all parameters of each theta. Output: gradient: list of 2 elements. Each element corresponds to the gradient w.r.t the input to the original function _calc_trans(points, theta). Since we are only interested in the gradient w.r.t. theta, the first element is None. The second is a `Matrix` [dim, n_theta] i.e. the gradient of each element in all theta vectors. """ with tf.name_scope('calc_grad'): # Grap input points = op.inputs[0] # 2 x nP theta = op.inputs[1] # n_theta x d n_theta = tf.shape(theta)[0] # Load file with basis file = load_basis() # Tessalation information nC = tf.cast(file['nC'], tf.int32) ncx = tf.cast(file['ncx'], tf.int32) ncy = tf.cast(file['ncy'], tf.int32) inc_x = tf.cast(file['inc_x'], tf.float32) inc_y = tf.cast(file['inc_y'], tf.float32) # Steps sizes nStepSolver = tf.cast(50, dtype=tf.int32) # Get cpab basis B = tf.cast(file['B'], tf.float32) Bs = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(B), (-1, nC, 2, 3)) B = tf_repeat_matrix(B, n_theta) # Calculate the row-flatted affine transformations Avees Avees = tf.matmul(B, tf.expand_dims(theta, 2)) # Reshape into (ntheta, number of cells, 2, 3) tensor As = tf.reshape(Avees, shape=(n_theta, nC, 2, 3)) # n_theta x nC x 2 x 3 # Call cuda code with tf.name_scope('calcT_batch_grad_operator'): gradient = grad_op(points, As, Bs, nStepSolver, ncx, ncy, inc_x, inc_y) # gradient: d x n_theta x 2 x n # Reduce into: d x 1 vector gradient = tf.reduce_sum(grad * gradient, axis=[2, 3]) gradient = tf.transpose(gradient) return [None, gradient]
def _calc_trans(points, theta): """ Tensorflow wrapper function for calculating the CPAB transformations. The function extracts information for the current tesselation basis, and then call the dynamic library functions compiled from the cpp code which do the actual computations Arguments: points: `Matrix` [2, nb_points]. Grid of 2D points to transform theta: `Matrix` [n_theta, dim]. Batch of parametrization vectors. Each row specifies a specific transformation Output: newpoints: 3D-`Tensor` [n_theta, 2, nb_points]. Tensor of transformed points. The slice newpoints[i] corresponds to the input points transformed using the parametrization vector theta[i]. o """ with tf.name_scope('calc_trans'): # Make sure that both inputs are in float32 format points = tf.cast(points, tf.float32) # format [2, nb_points] theta = tf.cast(theta, tf.float32) # format [n_theta, dim] n_theta = tf.shape(theta)[0] # Load file with basis file = load_basis() # Tessalation information nC = tf.cast(file['nC'], tf.int32) ncx = tf.cast(file['ncx'], tf.int32) ncy = tf.cast(file['ncy'], tf.int32) inc_x = tf.cast(file['inc_x'], tf.float32) inc_y = tf.cast(file['inc_y'], tf.float32) # Steps sizes # NOTE: If this number is changed, then the allocation of the cell index # need to be changed in the file as well nStepSolver = tf.cast(50, dtype=tf.int32) dT = 1.0 / tf.cast(nStepSolver, tf.float32) # Get cpab basis B = tf.cast(file['B'], tf.float32) # Repeat basis for batch multiplication B = tf_repeat_matrix(B, n_theta) # Calculate the row-flatted affine transformations Avees Avees = tf.matmul(B, tf.expand_dims(theta, 2)) # Reshape into (number of cells, 2, 3) tensor As = tf.reshape(Avees, shape=(n_theta * nC, 2, 3)) # format [n_theta * nC, 2, 3] # Multiply by the step size and do matrix exponential on each matrix Trels = tf_expm3x3_analytic(dT * As) Trels = tf.reshape(Trels, shape=(n_theta, nC, 2, 3)) # Call the dynamic library with tf.name_scope('calc_trans_op'): newpoints = transformer_op(points, Trels, nStepSolver, ncx, ncy, inc_x, inc_y) return newpoints
def tf_pure_CPAB_transformer(points, theta): """ CPAB transformer in pure tensorflow. Transform the input points by repeatly appling the matrix-exponentials parametrized by theta. This function should automatic be able to calculate the gradient of the output w.r.t. theta. Arguments: points: `Matrix` [2, n_points]. 2D input points to transform theta: `Matrix` [n_theta, dim]. Parametrization to use. Output: trans_points: 3D-`Tensor` [n_theta, 2, n_points]. The transformed points for each parametrization in theta. """ with tf.name_scope('CPAB_transformer'): # Make sure that both inputs are in float32 format points = tf.cast(points, tf.float32) # format [2, nb_points] theta = tf.cast(theta, tf.float32) # format [n_theta, dim] n_theta = tf.shape(theta)[0] n_points = tf.shape(points)[1] # Repeat point matrix, one for each theta newpoints = tf_repeat_matrix(points, n_theta) # [n_theta, 2, nb_points] # Reshape into a [nb_points*n_theta, 2] matrix newpoints = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(newpoints, perm=[0, 2, 1]), (-1, 2)) # Add a row of ones, creating a [nb_points*n_theta, 3] matrix newpoints = tf.concat( [newpoints, tf.ones((n_theta * n_points, 1))], axis=1) # Expand dims for matrix multiplication later -> [nb_points*n_theta, 3, 1] tensor newpoints = tf.expand_dims(newpoints, 2) # Load file with basis file = load_basis() # Tessalation information nC = tf.cast(file['nC'], tf.int32) ncx = tf.cast(file['ncx'], tf.int32) ncy = tf.cast(file['ncy'], tf.int32) inc_x = tf.cast(file['inc_x'], tf.float32) inc_y = tf.cast(file['inc_y'], tf.float32) # Steps sizes nStepSolver = 50 # Change this for more precision dT = 1.0 / tf.cast(nStepSolver, tf.float32) # Get cpab basis B = tf.cast(file['B'], tf.float32) # Repeat basis for batch multiplication B = tf_repeat_matrix(B, n_theta) # Calculate the row-flatted affine transformations Avees Avees = tf.matmul(B, tf.expand_dims(theta, 2)) # Reshape into (number of cells, 2, 3) tensor As = tf.reshape(Avees, shape=(n_theta * nC, 2, 3)) # format [n_theta * nC, 2, 3] # Multiply by the step size and do matrix exponential on each matrix Trels = tf_expm3x3_analytic(dT * As) Trels = tf.concat([ Trels, tf.cast( tf.reshape(tf.tile([0, 0, 1], [n_theta * nC]), (n_theta * nC, 1, 3)), tf.float32) ], axis=1) # Batch index to add to correct for the batch effect batch_idx = (4 * ncx * ncy) * tf.reshape( tf.transpose( tf.ones((n_points, n_theta), dtype=tf.int32) * tf.cast(tf.range(n_theta), tf.int32)), (-1, )) # Body function for while loop (executes the computation) def body(i, points): # Find cell index of each point idx = tf_findcellidx(points, ncx, ncy, inc_x, inc_y) # Correct for batch corrected_idx = tf.cast(idx, tf.int32) + batch_idx # Gether relevant matrices Tidx = tf.gather(Trels, corrected_idx) # Transform points newpoints = tf.matmul(Tidx, points) # Shape information is lost, but tf.while_loop requires shape # invariance so we need to manually set it (easy in this case) newpoints.set_shape((None, 3, 1)) return i + 1, newpoints # Condition function for while loop (indicates when to stop) def cond(i, points): # Return iteration bound return tf.less(i, nStepSolver) # Run loop trans_points = tf.while_loop(cond, body, [tf.constant(0), newpoints], parallel_iterations=10, back_prop=True)[1] # Reshape to batch format trans_points = tf.transpose(tf.reshape( tf.transpose(trans_points[:, :2, 0]), (2, n_theta, n_points)), perm=[1, 0, 2]) return trans_points